Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 66 Don't Follow The Plot! We Are Not Used To You!

Chapter 66: Do not follow the plot! We are not used to you!

under the locust tree,

A gentle man with eyes, with a kind of gentle feeling,

A guy in casual clothes who deliberately made a scruffy crew cut,

There is another one, Chen Ming happens to know,

In order to arrest those robbers, Jiang Tao, the captain of the special service team who appeared on the border!

When the three of them saw Chen Ming walking, they all looked at him appreciatively.

The captain of Yuncheng's special service team was the first to say hello,

"We meet again, Team Chen."

Then there was the gentlemanly man wearing glasses, after a slight smile~ he introduced himself,

"Zhao Wenbin, Yuancheng-CIC first-level consultant."

Chen Ming was stunned,

"What is CIC?"

Wang Jianfeng behind him explained with a wry smile - one sentence,

"Security protection and search and rescue bring back consultant experts!"

Chen Ming just nodded,

"Oh, he's just playing with his brain, isn't he?"

Since it's just playing with your brain, then we won't play with you.

It is estimated that it is also the same role as a think tank and a military adviser in the team.

the last one,

In his thirties, he is obviously very sharp but deliberately made himself into a sloppy guy with a flat head,

Very succinctly said,

"Sun Wu, captain of the provincial special team."

A special service team leader in Cloud City,

A provincial special team leader,

A security consultant from Beijing,

good guy,

There are those who play with brains, those who play with weapons, and those who play with muscles,

This lineup is no longer so powerful!

don't think about it,

The few people present are estimated to be a few days older than him in terms of professional titles!

Chen Ming also grinned, and introduced himself cheerfully,

"Chen Ming!"

"Yuncheng South Gate Police Station, policeman!"

Upon hearing this,

Liu Jianguo behind him curled his lips quietly,

"This name, why does it sound like no one is domineering..."

And among the three,

Sun Wu, the captain of the provincial special team, suddenly took an oppressive step forward, just half a meter away from Chen Ming.

Hanhan stretched out a hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I heard that Team Chen singled out 7 gangsters, four of whom died and three were injured."

Chen Ming looked down at Sun Wu's outstretched palm,

slightly raised his eyebrows,

this rhythm..

Do you want to shake hands with yourself and secretly compare your grip strength?

Why is it similar to the plots I love to write in novels!

As long as there are high-ranking officials,

It is necessary to compete secretly with the protagonist.

He can already guess the next plot!

in plain sight,

The protagonist is clearly capable of crushing, but he has to reserve a special hand, and humbly made a draw!

This saves face for the leaders,

It can also faintly reflect the beauty of its own wisdom and strength.

Gained a wave of goodwill, plus a hidden cup!

but hey!

Let's not follow the plot today!

You want to compete with us, don't you?

We are not used to you!

With a hint of wickedness,

Chen Ming also stretched out his hands to hold Sun Wu together,


The moment we shake hands,

The feeling of strength is coming!

Sun Tzu's hands were gripping tightly like iron tongs,

Chen Ming grinned,

"Hey, let's go!"

The veins on the arms and backs of the hands suddenly popped up,

a shot,

I have already used 8 times of physical fitness, plus various hand buff bonuses,

Straight away with all my strength!

opposite Sun Tzu,

Unexpectedly, Chen Ming didn't follow the plot at all.

The power in hand was instantly suppressed, not to mention,

There was even severe pain!


What's going on?

Shouldn't we be back and forth with each other?

What do you mean by completely suppressing me?

Anyway, I'm from the province, the official is one level older than you,

Don't save face at all?


Sun Wu gritted his teeth and gasped,

unwilling to admit defeat,

His forehead is covered with blue veins and sweat,

Support hard!

Seeing that Sun Wu was still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Chen Ming is not happy anymore,

Yo ha!

Still stubbornly resisting?

If you say you are not used to it, you will not be used to it!

So he started working hard again in a cheap way!

Sun Tzu's palm turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye,

It was caused by pinched skin and blocked blood,

Even the joints began to twist.

"Okay!!! It's done!!"

Until Sun Tzu, whose palm was in severe pain,

With a loud shout, he immediately withdrew his hand,

A few finger prints were already clearly visible on the palm.

The bone was almost pinched and broken!

Chen Ming blinked and asked intentionally,

"How do you feel?"

"I gave eight points, Captain Sun Wu, how about you? How much?"

Sun Tzu has a cold face,

I didn't expect to admit defeat and get slapped in the face,

Rather simply, he said directly,

"I tried my best, but you are stronger."


Conquer one!

Chen Ming nodded happily,

"Yeah! After shaking hands, we are still brothers."

"Don't hold it next time."

They are straight-forward soldiers and soldiers,

Don't worry about these little things,

Chen Ming thinks so,

So is Sun Tzu.

A wonderful secret contest is over,

The veteran Liu Jianguo still stood up and smoothed things over.

"Our bastard has muscles in his brain, so don't take it to heart."

"This overseas mission is very dangerous, everyone should be careful and cooperate with the car."

"The few present are all elites. If necessary, please take care of our bastard. After all, he is not as experienced as everyone."

Having said this,

Everyone has no temper.

First scolded Chen Ming and apologized,

Then he pointed out that the danger of the mission requires cooperation to resolve any remaining grievances,

The last sentence is as incisive as an antelope's horns,

Faintly expressing a request to ask the bosses to take care of Chen Ming more.

A few words, spoken lightly, but with a clear purpose,

Some are light and some are heavy, some are stepped on and some are held,

Let Chen Ming can't help sighing,

With this set of rhetoric,

If the head of my family hadn't gone to the front line at the beginning, he would have been a high-ranking official now!

Seeing that the time is almost up,

In the end, it was Wang Jianfeng who stood up and put an end to it.

"Our task is to send everyone here, and we don't have the authority to participate in the next thing.

"It's dangerous to go here, everyone take care!"

Wang Jianfeng raised his hand and saluted solemnly,

Chen Ming and the other three also returned a gift each.

This gift is regarded as a farewell,

Also full of respect!

when leaving,

Liu Jianguo took three steps and one turn,

Finally, he spoke a few words silently,

Chen Ming grinned,

made a chest hammering action,

Sonorous and powerful!

In this quiet border village,

until night falls,

in the night,

A person approached quietly and asked in a hoarse voice,

"Across the bridge?"

Among the four, Chen Ming was the first to go forward to connect,

According to the code word left by Wang Jianfeng before,

"Four wild goats built a bridge to cross the road, and went west to earn hair.

talking room,

Dong Ming took a few glances at the person in front of him,

It was found that the man's left arm sleeve was empty and fluttering in the wind,

Earlier this person asked "Crossing the bridge", which means crossing the border illegally,

And the black words he answered,

It probably means that four people are going to northern Myanmar to make a lot of money.

and no other words,

The one-armed man just looked up, then turned around and walked away,

"Let's go."

Chen Ming waved to the three people under the tree,

Immediately following behind the one-armed man,

He had never seen this one-armed man in Yuncheng before,

But what is certain is that,

It should be the guy who is responsible for sending people across the border to northern Myanmar.

Just don't know that,

Is this guy a shadow of the police?

Now it seems,

In fact, the police in Yuncheng have been secretly monitoring the movement on the border!

Even this kind of "leader" can be mobilized!

no words all the way,

The one-armed man led the four of them up the mountain from a small road behind the village,

Walking only by the faint moonlight,

The further you go up the mountain, the rougher the road becomes,

Even during the period, he continued to climb over boulders one after another.

Chen Ming doesn't care,

climbing with enthusiasm,

Sun Wu of the provincial special team and the captain of the Yuncheng special service team can also keep up physically,

To his slight surprise,

It's that Chen Wenbin from CIC, he looks gentle,

The stamina under his feet is also very strong.

As if sensing the surprise in his eyes,

Zhao Wenbin smiled and explained in a low voice.

"Although I am not as strong as Team Chen and your physical fitness."

"But at least physically, it's okay. After all, security consultants sometimes need to go deep into the battlefield!"

Chen Ming nodded and did not speak,

It seems that those who can participate in this operation are not easy!

I couldn't help being a little curious about the missing diplomat.

Who is that Luo Zixin?

Walked up for about an hour,

Afterwards, the one-armed man led a few people into a dense forest, turning around and turning around,

Even Chen Ming was already a little bit lost.

Sun Wu, who was walking at the end, said in a low voice,

"No wonder there has been an endless stream of people smuggling across the border for so many years!"

"This frontier in Yuncheng Mountain is really hard to find."

"I'm afraid only an old dog who knows the way can lead people out.

As he said, Sun Wu still looked at the one-armed man leading the way,

It is clear,

To test his reaction.

But the one-armed man acted as if he didn't hear him,

Just walked in silence.

After another three hours of walking, the few people walking straight were sweating profusely.

The one-armed man finally stopped, and said hoarsely,


Chen Ming took a few steps forward,

I saw a cliff in front of me, and I couldn't see anything clearly under the cliff.

So he asked with some doubts,

"Isn't this still crossing the border?"

The one-armed man explained,

"The boundary marker is just below the cliff."

"I can only send you here, and the people over there will come to pick you up in a while."


The one-armed man randomly picked a leaf from the tree, rolled it into a roll and put it in his mouth.

...asking for flowers...



Clear as the song of a bird,

After ten minutes,

on the other side of the cliff,

Suddenly there was a rustling sound,

I saw two people walking out from the edge of a boulder in front of me.

First, he looked at them vigilantly, and after seeing the one-armed man,

The two sides nodded secretly,

Then the two people showed warm smiles on their faces,

"Are you tired from walking? Persevere."

"You will be able to cross the boundary marker of the Dragon Kingdom in a while. When you get to northern Myanmar, I will arrange for you to stay in a hotel and have a good rest!"

Arranging a hotel break?

I believe you ghost!

Chen Ming deliberately pretended to be cautious and asked,

"Brother, it is said that northern Myanmar can make a lot of money, is it true?"

Upon hearing this,

The smiles on the faces of the two became more gentle,

"Yes, yes! Northern Myanmar is developing rapidly, and there are opportunities everywhere!"

"No matter what you do, you can make a lot of money. Seventy to eighty thousand a month is a common thing!"

Chen Ming stared in "surprise",

"Mother! Can you earn so much?"

The two laughed,

"That's right, the benefits are good too!"

"A lot of people have no chance to come! Well, let's go!"

The two didn't delay any longer, and led Chen Ming and the others around the boulder on the cliff,

Follow a winding path to the bottom of the cliff.

before leaving,

One of the men went to secretly touch the man with the broken arm,

stuffed something into the hand of the broken-armed man,

Chen Ming saw it with his own eyes and saw it all at once,

stuffed with money,

A thick stack is estimated to be four to five thousand,

It happened that there were four of them, each with a head of one thousand!

When you get down to the cliff,

The two people walking in front stopped and asked seriously,

"Do you have a cell phone or something with you?"

"If you have any, hurry up and keep them for me."

"There are radio surveillance near the border, and if we find a mobile phone signal, we will be exposed."

"And domestic phone cards don't work either. I'll help you get one from northern Myanmar later on."

After some persuasion,

Chen Ming and the others also obediently handed over their mobile phones.

Then when we are about to reach the boundary marker,

The two men, on the grounds that they needed to book a place in advance,

Chen Ming is leaving with their ID cards.

When Chen Ming handed over his fake ID card,

Looking at the other party's increasingly cold eyes, I almost couldn't hold back a slap,

The routine is definitely the same,

After abduction, before crossing the border,

They will take away your mobile phone and ID card for various reasons,

Chen Ming is sure,

The two guys in front of me have sold so many heads with such a routine!

After all the mobile phones and ID cards are taken away,

Two guys started to lead them to the boundary marker,

The moment we cross the border,


One of the guys spat at the boundary marker,

Seems to be used to doing this every time.

And it was accompanied by a soft whisper.

"It's this line that is riding on the horse, blocking so many ways for me to make money!"

crossed the border,

There are still several hours to go.


As we cross the border and go further in,

The attitude of those two people became more and more cold and fierce,

until daybreak,

The four of Chen Ming finally came to the side of a muddy road,

An old van is waiting there,

One of them opened the car door casually, squinted at Chen Ming and the others and said,


After getting into the car, Chen Ming smiled and asked,

"Brother, where are we going now? To the hotel?"

The two turned their heads and stared fiercely,

"Stop asking nonsense!"

"You will know when you arrive, and you will earn a lot of money if you keep it!"

Chen Ming still has a smile on his face,

The dilapidated van twisted and twisted,

Until we came to a fully enclosed park with a huge area,

in the park,

There are all kinds of factory buildings and brightly lit office buildings.

At the only entrance and exit of the park,

Surprisingly, seven or eight strong Burmese men with guns were guarding.

The two men who led the way got out of the car earlier,

Talked to another person who was waiting at the door,

Then he ran over and opened the car door, sneered at Chen Ming and the others and said,

"Your paradise has arrived, enjoy it.

Chen Ming pretended to be surprised and asked in doubt,

"Didn't you tell us to take us to the hotel to rest?"

The other party snorted disdainfully,

"When you're buried you'll have plenty of time to rest! Get off!"

Chen Ming is too lazy to care about,

Slowly got out of the car.

And that van, after a few people got off,

With a bang of the accelerator, he left.

didn't go far,

Suddenly there was a panicked voice,

"Fuck! Why did the brakes on the pedal horse fail?"

"not good!"

next moment,

The van, like a wild horse out of control, hit the railing directly,

After several 360-degree flips, it exploded into a ball of fire.

Looking at the flames, the corners of Chen Ming's mouth curled up.

And Zhao Wenbin beside him suddenly looked up at him in surprise,

"When did you move your hands and feet?"

Chen Ming grinned,

"It's time for him to scold us."

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