Outrageous! What's Going On With You Gangster, You Gangster?

Chapter 67 Let You Call To Scam, You Call The Police?

Chapter 67: Let you call to scam, you call the police?

After the van rolled over several times, it exploded into a ball of flames.

The guards at the gate of the park didn't have any intention of stepping forward to save people.

Holding the gun, he walked slowly over, looked at it with a smile, and then walked back.

"Hey! It's unlucky to crash into a car early in the morning!"

"The people who hit like this are probably useless, let's go back and smoke."

And the person who answered at the gate of the park,

I just casually glanced at the burning van over there,

Then he looked at the four of Chen Ming and said calmly.

"I am the person in charge of this park, come on, follow me in!"

The four of Chen Ming looked at each other,

They pretended to be nervous and followed behind the man.

This electronic park occupies a very large area,

There are forty or fifty office buildings alone, not to mention other factories and dormitory buildings.

When walking in the park,

From time to time, Chen Ming could also see teams of security guards with guns patrolling everywhere.

It is also confirmed that there are actually two waves of people in this park.

The first wave is those guys who fled or immigrated from the country and specialize in Internet phone fraud.

The other wave is these northern Myanmar security guards with guns.

These security guards should belong to the local armed forces organization.

The fraudulent group cooperates with it and pays a huge "protection fee" every month.

The local armed force organization is responsible for guarding the park to prevent people from escaping.

"In this case, will Luo Zixin be in the hands of the scam group, or in the hands of these armed forces?"

Chen Ming suddenly thought of a key question!

Because this problem will lead to two completely different situations!

If they're looking for someone,

The collection of evidence was held back by the fraudulent group, but it was actually a little better,

As long as people are still alive, they can be taken away quietly after they are found!

But if it falls into the hands of local armed forces,

Then the situation is much more complicated!

People's "397" has guns and cannons, an armed force organization? To put it bluntly, it is more like a group of gangsters!

It's going to be as difficult as climbing the sky to get someone out of this group of people!

Chen Ming shook his head lightly,

The only information we know now,

It was the diplomatic staff of the embassy who came to the park in front of him to collect evidence and then disappeared.

Nothing else.

Just when Chen Ming felt that "the head is itchy, it seems to grow a brain",

He suddenly saw the door of an office building on the left,

Suddenly a thin, bruised man rushed out,

Barefoot, running crazily.


"Run and kill you!"

behind him,

Two or three fierce young men chased after them,

Soon, he kicked the fleeing man over from behind.

Going up is a burst of punching and kicking.

Until the escaped man was covered in blood and lay dying on the ground,

Only then did someone say,

"Okay, don't beat him to death, it's worthless.

"This guy has been running twice, let's go back and sell what he can sell."

"Then find a place to bury it."

After speaking,

One of them grabbed the fleeing man's foot,

Just dragging it on the ground and walking into the office building.

It seems to have noticed Chen Ming's eyes,

Those three young and fierce guys came over with grim smiles and stared,

finger pointing here,

"Grass! What are you looking at?"

"In the future, if you dare to run, you will end up like this!!"

Chen Ming withdrew his gaze and didn't look any further,

Afraid to watch it any longer, I wanted to rush over and smack people,

These three young men are from the Dragon Kingdom,

That dying man also belonged to the Dragon Kingdom.

She shed the blood of the Dragon Kingdom, spoke the words of the Dragon Kingdom, but dealt the most ruthless hand to her compatriots.

That kind of people,

in his eyes,

One of the most sinful people in the world.

It's not too much to kill.

Zhao Wenbin, Sun Wu, and Jiang Tao who were behind him all silently looked away,

He lowered his head, his eyes flickering.

Chen Ming grinned, and asked softly to the person in charge in front,

"Brother, what happened to that man just now?"

"Are we going to work here from now on?"

The person in charge didn't turn his head back, he hummed softly and said in a cold voice,

"That's the end of disobedience."

"Train for three days first, and then you can go to work.

When the person in charge took the four of them to a small and dark dormitory,

I threw a stack of thick printing paper over,

Then he locked the dormitory door and left.

Chen Ming picked up the stack of papers and took a look,

It read: "Three hundred words to kill pigs on the phone!"

There are also tips on what kind of routines to use for different people.

Detailed, eloquent tens of thousands of words!

"This thing is more detailed than what was taught in my math books when I was in school."

Chen Ming laughed to himself,

Then threw the "Book of Fraud" to Zhao Wenbin,

Zhao Wenbin looked at it very carefully,

After a while, he raised his head and commented with emotion,

"There are reasons and evidence, there is looseness and relaxation, and there is a link."

"The rhetoric and routines here can grasp the fear and desire in human nature to death.

"The guy who can sum up these things is definitely an expert in playing psychology."

"No wonder so many people in China are deceived every year!"

Those who play with their brains, see that they are also playing with their brains,

Always subconsciously excited.

Sun Wu, who was sitting on the side, said in a dull voice,

"Since you have the IQ to do these things, it's better to use it on the right way."

"Does it have to be used to break the law and commit crimes?"

Jiang Tao, who also belongs to the special department, pointed out the key point spiritually,

"Because they want money, endless money!"


in a way,

It is one of the original sins that breed desire and breed crime!

For a while, the four of them were silent.

In the end, it was Zhao Wenbin who spoke slowly,

"Sooner or later, these criminals will be brought to justice. Isn't that what we are trying to do?"

"It is still important to complete the task first!"

"I just observed that this park is essentially divided into two forces."

"One is the private force of the fraud group, and the other is the security force of the local armed organization."

"The most important thing now is to determine the rescue target and which side is in the hands of it!"

As a security consultant, Zhao Wenbin fully embodies the role of a military adviser,

Soon he analyzed the same idea as Chen Ming just now.

"I think it's still important to be safe and try to collect information first."

"After determining which force the rescue target is in, we will proceed with the rescue operation."

"Before I came, the higher-ups gave me a contact person, and I will try to make a breakthrough from him in the past two days."

Su Wu and Jiang Tao were lost in thought,

There is no information at the moment, it seems that this is the only way?

But Chen Ming shook his head,

It has been three days since that Luo Zixin disappeared,

Wait any longer, the day lily is cold!

"These people basically don't have much humanity. The longer they wait, the more likely the rescue target will die."

"What's more, if the target is the identity of the diplomatic staff of the embassy, ​​they will find out.

"Do you think they will choose to release people? Or will they choose to silence them?"

As soon as the words came out,

The faces of the three of them became heavy.

let go?

Totally impossible!

Then there is only silence.

"But... it will be very risky to act without basic intelligence!"

"This is not the principle of safe rescue!"

Chen Wenbin still insisted on thinking,

Chen Ming didn't mind, and directly proposed the plan that he had thought of long ago.

"You're right, so I think it's okay."

"Prepare with both hands, your side will proceed according to the plan, and check the situation first."

"As for me, I will try it in my own way."

"Of course, I guarantee that it will not affect the safety of the mission!"

The three of them all looked at him and asked doubtfully,

"Your own way?"

"What way?"

"Can't we execute it together?"

Chen Ming smiled shyly,

"I'm afraid I can't..."

This way of smacking your mouth,

Looks like it can't be shared?

From the moment you enter the park,

He's already thought about it,

This time, there is no such thing as a safe rescue at all.

able to stop the outlaws,

The most direct and effective ones are the biceps and triceps!

think twice,

Before there is no other way,

The three finally agreed to Chen Ming's proposal.

three days later,

The door of the dormitory finally opened,

The four of Chen Ming were taken to different places.

This small group of newcomers usually "goes to work" separately.

Chen Ming was taken to a huge office hall,

There were nearly a hundred people sitting in it,

There are two phones in front of each person, and the atmosphere is in full swing.

When seeing him as a newcomer coming,

The other employees just looked up, then looked down,

Their eyes were already numb.

Leading Chen Ming is a young man with tattooed arms,

With a cigarette in his mouth, he asked coldly,

"Can you memorize the words? Just follow that."

Then he threw a piece of paper full of telephone numbers in front of him,

"The phone numbers above, call one by one."

"You must make an order within three days, or you will be killed!"


Under the fierce gaze of a young man,

Chen Ming is sitting in his "station" obediently,

Pick up the phone and dial the first number on the paper.

beep beep!

After several rings in succession, the phone was quickly picked up.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Upon hearing the response, Chen Ming smiled and spoke directly,


"My side belongs to the northern Myanmar fraud group!"

"There is a fraudulent business, do you need to know about it?"

"Just send 50,000 yuan to the designated account, and we will tell you that you have been cheated!"

"And there is also an extra gift of 'the money is overseas, you can't get it back, a super-value package!'"

On the other end of the phone, there was silence for a while,


"Where's the neuropathy?"

"You're cheating and you still tell me?"

Then he hung up the phone with a snap.

Chen Ming looked at the young man with a somewhat lost face,

"Oh, how sad."

"The first call failed!"

The young man with the flower arm seems to be still immersed in Chen Ming's operation just now and has not recovered...

Do you know about a fraudulent business?

Transfer 50,000 yuan and we will tell you that you have been cheated?

"The money is outside the country, you can't get it back" package spree?

Is that what it says in the Book of Fraud?


"Are you making trouble on purpose?"

The young man with a flower arm looked at Chen Ming with a ferocious face,

He took out a stick from somewhere in his hand, and tapped his palm lightly.

Very menacing opening.

"Fight again!"

"If you still make trouble, hehe!"

"Break your leg, believe it or not?"

Chen Ming Yile,

pick up the phone again,


This is what you asked us to fight,

Dial another string of numbers,

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Hello? Is this the Yuncheng South Gate Police Station?"

"My side belongs to the northern Myanmar fraud group!"

"The address is in an electronic technology park in Kangya Village, northern Myanmar! There are hundreds of people!"

"Well! I'm not reporting the crime, I'm just telling you."

"By the way, have you had breakfast? I didn't, he doesn't care about breakfast!"


The young man with a flower arm who listened more and more wrong,

Hurry up and manually turn off Chen Ming's phone.

"Nest grass!"

"I told you to make a call, you go to the police station?"

"Ask people if they have had breakfast?"

"Even if you call the police, can they find this place?"

The young and angry mind is dizzy,

It's really the first time I have come across such a style!

"Okay, you're a real fish!"

"I won't beat you to death today!"


Desperate little young man,

The swinging stick in his hand was directly drawn towards Chen Ming's face,

If this is true,

It is estimated that the bones of the face will be cracked!

But the next moment,

With a wave of Chen Ming's hand, he grabbed the stick in the young man's hand and snatched it over.


The young man with a flower arm looked at the throwing stick that was transferred to Chen Ming's hand without knowing what was going on,

His face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Wori, how dare you fight back!"

As he spoke, he slapped him hard,

Chen Ming was not happy when he saw it,

He has always been the only one who draws people,

When is it his turn to be drawn?

Are you kidding? It's not!


A burst of thunder,

Chen Ming's slap comes first,

Directly turned the little boy with the flower arm in a circle on the spot,

This is still the reason to hold back,

Otherwise, it is estimated that the young man would lie down directly.

"you you......"

The young man covered his face,

It feels like my face has been ripped off,

"You wait!"

"Come here! There are bastards here who want to rebel!"

With a roar,

Five or six thugs rushed in from outside.

at the same time,

In Longguo Yuncheng,

Liu Jianguo is dealing with a street fight in the institute,

Suddenly a policeman hurried over,

"Director! Someone called the police just now!"

"It's said to be from the scam group in northern Myanmar!"

Liu Jianguo's old face was taken aback,

Call from northern Myanmar?

Why did they call the Nanmen Police Station?

Before he could speak,

The police officer spoke again, hesitatingly saying,

"I don't know if I heard 3.8 wrong, I always feel..."

"It sounds a bit like Team Chen's voice..."

Liu Jianguo stood up abruptly,

Call from northern Myanmar?

Fraud group?

sounds like

This must be the boy!

Is there news coming back?

Liu Jianguo hurriedly asked with a serious face,

"What did the guy say on the phone?"

The policeman couldn't help but smile,

"He asked us on the phone if we had breakfast..."

Liu Jianguo's eyelids twitched,

here in the park,

Because of the thunderous sound of Chen Ming's slap,

Let everyone in the hall look over,

so brave!

Dare to slap someone on the first day of work!

The young man shouted angrily at the five or six newly arrived thugs,


"Hit to death!"

"This guy is a prick!"


Five or six thugs rushed over,

It's not like they haven't encountered such resistance before,

It would be honest to beat a few times.

but this time,

But found that things are not as simple as imagined,

Looking at the five or six people who came up,

Chen Ming rubbed his hands excitedly,

one foot at a time,

The hands are open left and right,

The slaps are exhilarating,

It's been a long time since I slapped anyone,

Itchy hands!

a few face-to-face rooms,

Five or six thugs all lay down immediately!

There are seven or eight rear molars on the ground, and it is hard to tell who belongs to whom.

After drawing,

Chen Ming didn't do anything anymore,

Just standing there, looking at the young man with a smile,

"Come again, is there anyone else?"

The young man looked at Chen Ming, then at the thug lying dead on the ground,

screaming in my heart,


Really met a tough character!

The scene froze!.

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