Outside of Time

Chapter 1025: A True Craftsman of Sound

Chapter 1028 He is truly a skilled voice master

He can shock three people with just one word, which shows how powerful Erniu's speech is.

After all, others can only practice their mouths for one lifetime, while Erniu has practiced for many lifetimes, and his tongue has already reached perfection.

If there is a system for practicing mouths, Erniu is infinitely close to the pinnacle of this system.

Even Xu Qing, who is now dominated by divinity, glanced at Erniu beside him.

Erniu was proud, holding his head high and looking proud.

He suddenly found a new challenge in Xu Qing.

"It is not difficult to make the normal little Aqing worship me. It is too simple. What I have to do is to make the little Aqing dominated by divinity have a rational respect for me. This is the real skill!"

Erniu coughed and was about to continue speaking.

At this moment, outside the pagoda, on the broken glacier land, the play of Yue Dong and the other two reached its first climax.

As Yue Dong raised his hand and pointed, Lan Yao, who had regained consciousness, became emotional again.

The seven emotions and six desires continued to erupt in Lan Yao, becoming strands of silk that pulled out of her body and spread toward Lv Lingzi.

Lan Yao was shocked, her expression showed pain, and she wanted to struggle, but soon even the thought of struggling was drowned by her emotions.

Yue Dong beside her ignored Lan Yao's pain and looked at Lv Lingzi.

"Lv Lang, I have already messed up Lan Yao's seven emotions and six desires, which has the potential to be a hotbed. Now her emotions have erupted again, and all the conditions are in place."

"I hope that after you succeed, you will remember our agreement. I want Feng Lintao's inheritance to imprint my fairy art into authority, and you... will rise straight to the top and achieve the status of a master from now on!"

Lv Lingzi looked at Yue Dong with tenderness, smiled and nodded, and spoke softly with a sincere expression.

"We will never forget each other. We will walk together on the road to the future."

Yue Dong was silent for a moment after hearing this, then took a deep breath, his expression firm, pinched his fingers again, and suddenly the last trace of consciousness in Lan Yao's eyes disappeared.

Only emptiness and confusion remained.

Can be melted!

Lu Lingzi took a deep breath, and a trace of expectation rose in his eyes. He walked towards Lan Yao, and when he raised his right hand, it touched the seven emotions and six desires threads that spread from Lan Yao's body.

The moment of contact, these threads quickly merged into Lu Lingzi's fingers, merged with his flesh and blood, and connected with his soul.

The next moment, Lan Yao's trembling became more intense, her breath gradually weakened, and the thread of fate formed by the seven emotions and six desires continued to flow into Lu Lingzi's body.

Along with it, there was Lan Yao's flesh and blood.

She lost weight rapidly!

Moreover, the power of her cultivation also flowed towards Lu Lingzi along the seven emotions and six desires threads.

The most important thing is that Lan Yao's pure blood from the Great Emperor also began to transfer.

The emptiness in Lan Yao's eyes became deeper and deeper, and her confusion became more and more intense. I don't know if it was the sadness in the dark that gathered in the corners of her eyes, gradually crystallized, and turned into tears, crossing her thin cheeks.

These tears were seen by Lv Lingzi, who sighed and paused in this fusion.

Yue Dong, who was standing by, saw this scene and suddenly spoke.

"Can't bear it?"

Lv Lingzi shook his head.

"I'm not reluctant, I'm just thinking, when will the drama between you two turn around."

"Even the tears appeared, it looks so real."

"Is it the moment when I merge it all?"

"Yue Dong."

"Although the backlash method you hide in Lan Yao's seven emotions and six desires is clever,... I still noticed it."

Lv Lingzi smiled and looked at Yue Dong.

In the sky, in the pagoda, Xu Qing stared at this scene expressionlessly, focusing on observing Lv Lingzi.

Erniu beside him was obviously focusing on the plot. When he heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted.

"It's going to be a reversal!!"

"I told you, these three are playing very exciting."

"Yuedong, your plan has been seen through, counterattack quickly, otherwise the opportunity will be lost, and it will be infinitely difficult to succeed again."

As soon as his words came out, Yuedong frowned, ignored Erniu, and looked at Lu Lingzi.

"Lu Lingzi, what do you mean by that!"

Lu Lingzi smiled, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Didn't you hear what the Taoist friend in the pagoda said?"

"Although you still want to continue acting, I have no interest anymore. What I mean is that I don't want this fusion."

After saying that, Lu Lingzi suddenly raised his right hand and grabbed Lan Yao, and the power of the Nine Realms of the Soul burst out, forming a fatal blow, causing the wind from all directions to whistle and rush straight to Lan Yao.

He wanted to crush Lan Yao, who had lost consciousness at the moment.

Yue Dong's expression changed instantly. She felt Lv Lingzi's killing intent. It was a real killing intent, not a test, so she immediately made a gesture with both hands.

Suddenly, the seven emotions and six desires threads emanating from Lan Yao's body shone brightly, each turning into a curse and branding Lv Lingzi.

Moreover, in Lv Lingzi's body, the seven emotions and six desires that he had integrated into him also turned into a curse at this moment and exploded in his body.

At the same time, Lan Yao, who was originally empty and confused, suddenly showed intelligence in her eyes. Her body shook and she actually recovered all her actions. Her expression was even colder, and she slapped her forehead with her right hand.

With a bang, the seven emotions and six desires that she had released burst out more intensely, and she took the initiative to send the thread of fate to Lv Lingzi.

She did not lose consciousness from beginning to end!

This was originally a hunt for her, but now she turned from prey to hunter.

And the cooperation with Yue Dong was very tacit. Obviously, the two had practiced many times. At this moment, as soon as they made a move, the curse transformed by the seven emotions and six desires suddenly surged.

There was also a sound that echoed in all directions.

"Lü Lingzi, today's situation is set up for you! Do you think that I, Lan Yao, don't know your thoughts? Let me tell you, little Lü, I know all your things!"

"Miss Yue Dong has already told us everything. Our goal has always been that you... are my prey!"

The person who spoke was not Lan Yao.

It was Erniu in the Sky Pagoda. He imitated Lan Yao's voice and passed on the message.

At this moment, neither Lan Yao nor Yue Dong were in the mood to care about Erniu's words. Their attacks were sharp, and the curse suddenly broke out from Lü Lingzi at this moment.

Lü Lingzi's body shook, his breath was disordered, and he seemed weak, but his expression did not change from beginning to end. At this moment, he even smiled and was about to speak.

The voice came again.

"Bitch Yue Dong, bitch Lan Yao, do you two bitches really think you have a sure win? As a disciple of the Great Emperor, I, Da Lu Zi, have never believed in you. Since I dare to come down today, I am sure that I will make you lose everything!"

It was still Er Niu who spoke first.

He was like a dubbing, helping the three people tell the story.

Hearing this, Lu Lingzi smiled even more, and even at this moment, while suppressing the curse in his body, he looked up at the pagoda.

"This Taoist friend really said what Lu was thinking."

While speaking, Lu Lingzi's eyes flashed, and he raised his feet, but he did not walk towards Yue Dong and Lan Yao, but stepped into the air, raised his right hand and punched a blank space.

The nine great worlds on his body roared together, adding terrifying power, making this punch seem to be able to break everything.

At the moment when his fist fell, the empty space suddenly rippled and twisted, and six figures flashed out from inside, confronting Lu Lingzi directly.

The sound of rumbling rose up.

Blood flowed from the corners of Lu Lingzi's mouth, and his body retreated rapidly.

And the six people also spurted blood and retreated, revealing their middle-aged appearance.

From the appearance, they vaguely resembled Lan Yao. At this moment, they all looked at Lu Lingzi with murderous intent.

"The six elders of the Lan family from the Nine Realms of the Soul have secretly come to Wanggu."

"It seems that this hunt is not Lan Yao hunting me, but your Lan family is hunting me."

"So, the ancestor of the Lan family, now that he has arrived, why hasn't he shown up yet."

Lu Lingzi looked up at the empty space.

At this moment, the place was twisted again, and the figure of an old man in gorgeous clothes appeared from inside. The moment he took a step forward, the sky and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds surged. The power of the master fell from the sky.

The moment he came, Lan Yao and Yue Dong immediately greeted him, and the other six elders did the same.

The old man had no expression on his face. After nodding slightly at Lan Yao and Yue Dong, he looked at Lu Lingzi and spoke lightly.

"Although you don't have the blood of the emperor, you have a magic eye that is rare in ten thousand years. This is why the ancestor emperor accepted you as a disciple, and it is also the reason why my clan accepted you as a son-in-law."

"As for hunting... you are after my blood, and my clan is after your magic eye, which is fair."

This scene fell into Xu Qing's eyes in the pagoda. He flashed a contemplative look in his eyes. Erniu beside him witnessed all this and blinked.

"Oh my god, this has gotten a bit serious."

"I wonder what back-up plan this little Luzi has prepared."

Outside the pagoda, Lu Lingzi looked at the ancestors of the Lan family who had descended and nodded with a smile.

"It is indeed fair."

"So since I married into your Lan family and became your disciple, I have never believed in you and my master."

Seeing this, Lu Lingzi was still calm. Lan Yao, Yue Dong, and the ancestor of the Lan family, the only master in his family, also felt a little depressed.

"Lu Lingzi, I know you are extraordinary, so before I descended, I have already tied up all your back-up plans in the holy land with the help of the current war."

"At this moment, you have no way out."

As the ancestor of the Lan family spoke, his aura turned into a force of suppression, covering all directions. The power of domination changed the wind and clouds, as if he had gathered all the aura in himself and became the master of this place.

He walked towards Lu Lingzi, and every step he took made the earth and sky roar, as if the world was shaking.

But Lu Lingzi, facing all this, still looked calm and still had a smile on his face.

He spoke softly.

"My backup?"

He said, looking up at the Holy Heaven Pagoda standing in the sky!

He looked at Erniu.

Erniu was stunned.

Although Erniu's dubbing career was difficult and full of challenges, his achievements were enough to make people proud.

Whenever dubbing began, the audience was overwhelmed and the sound of praise was endless. At this time, the voice actor Erniu's heart was full of joy and pride.

His skills of conveying emotions with voice and expressing ideas with rhyme have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have become a treasure in the hearts of the audience.


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