Outside of Time

Chapter 1026: The fish are fat, everyone takes what they need

Chapter 1029 The fish is fat, everyone takes what they need

The land of glaciers was quiet for a moment.

Lu Lingzi's gaze immediately attracted the gaze of the Lan family's ancestors and six elders.

They were afraid of this great emperor's disciple.

In fact, this person is also a peerless genius in the entire Demon Feather Holy Land.

His scheming is even deeper and elusive.

Especially the magic eye between his eyebrows, which contains mysteries. Not only can he seize power when he is in the spirit, but he can also use this magic eye to perform all kinds of terrible techniques.

Although his overall cultivation is not the highest among the great emperor's disciples of the Lan family, his qualifications and methods are extremely amazing.

There are also many forces behind him, and he has been valued by some powerful people in Demon Feather.

So if you want to move him, you need to be extra cautious.

At least in the Holy Land, it is extremely difficult.

Only by taking advantage of the war period, when the focus of the tribe is on fighting with the human race and they have no time to pay attention to other things, and leading this person out of the holy land, and then suppressing him personally with the master cultivation of the Lan family, can we be safe.

But now... although all the opponent's back-up plans have been blocked, in this seemingly foolproof situation, the opponent has remained calm from beginning to end, smiling as usual, looking at the pagoda in the sky.

This scene immediately made everyone in the Lan family feel uneasy, and a bad premonition emerged.

As for Lan Yao, as Lu Lingzi's Taoist partner, she knew more about Lu Lingzi, so her face changed instantly and her breathing became slightly hurried.

The bad premonition that emerged in everyone's heart has become infinitely true for her, combined with her understanding of Lu Lingzi.

Yue Dong, who was beside him, was also like this, and her mind was rising with uneasiness. After looking at Lan Yao quickly, the two women did not hesitate and immediately retreated, trying to distance themselves and look for an opportunity to leave the battlefield.

At the same time, under the attention of all, Erniu was surprised in the Shengtian Pagoda suspended in the air.

"Why are you looking at me?"

"What do you mean, I am his backup?"

"Or, wait for me to continue dubbing him?"

In the pagoda, Erniu was about to say something, but Xu Qing beside him, the contemplative look in his eyes had dissipated at this moment, and took a step forward, walked out of the pagoda directly, and stood outside the pagoda!

Xu Qing's sudden appearance made everyone here, who were already highly vigilant, immediately solemn, and their eyes moved away from the pagoda in an instant and focused on Xu Qing.

Erniu also felt dazed in his heart, thinking of Xu Qing's previous look, so he had a guess.

"Could it be..."

As for Lan Yao, she was more and more suspicious at this moment, Yue Dong's expression changed again, and the Lan family's ancestor and the six elders felt even more uneasy in their hearts, and their brows were furrowed.

Only Lu Lingzi smiled as usual, looked at Xu Qing, and smiled and spoke.

"Are you my backup?"

Xu Qing shook his head.

"Oh? Then why did you come out?"

Lv Lingzi's eyes flashed with strangeness, and he looked at Xu Qing carefully.

Xu Qing had no expression on his face, and looked at Lv Lingzi through the bubble wall in front of him, and spoke lightly.

"I am not your backup, but when I fought with you before, I found some interesting fluctuations in your body."

"There is a trace of divine fire fluctuation in your body, which is very hidden. If it weren't for my current divinity, I would be more sensitive to the divine fire fluctuation than before, and my body is special, I'm afraid it would be difficult to see it."

"So to be precise, it was the instinct of my body that sensed this trace of fluctuation."

"And this fluctuation, I am very familiar with it, so I have been thinking about its source just now, and finally I found the answer."

"This divine fire comes from the Lixia Human Emperor."

Xu Qing's eyes were calm, but his words were like thunder, rumbling and exploding in all directions.

Erniu's eyes widened, but he quickly recovered. He laughed a few times and walked quickly to Xu Qing's side. He put on a confident look as if he had guessed it long ago and knew the whole situation well, and spoke proudly.

"Xiao Aqing is right. This is what I want to say."

Lan Yao and Yue Dong retreated without hesitation.

The expressions of the Lan family ancestor and the six elders changed drastically.

Xu Qing's voice, without any emotion, continued to echo at this moment.

"I think, since you have the divine fire of Lixia Emperor, it is very likely that it was given to you by the Empress herself."

"Combined with the task given by the Empress this time, it is just to capture Lan Yao alive... According to the Empress's status, such a small matter is unlikely to be taken seriously by her, so it is more likely that Feng Lintao is the bait, Lan Yao is the bait, and you are also the bait in this fishing game."

"What we are fishing for is the entire Lan family."

"In addition, the human race and the Demon Feather Holy Land fought many times before because of the leakage of the strategic intelligence of the Demon Feather. Although the Empress put it on Feng Lintao's head, but..."

"Given Feng Lintao's identity, a lot of information is not within his control, so there must be someone else who is cooperating with the Empress."

Xu Qing rarely spoke like this, and at this moment all the words swept through like a cold wind, converging into one sentence.

"So your back-up is not me, but the Empress."

These words caused such a huge upheaval that it roared like a huge wave in the outside world.

The ancestor of the Lan family immediately spread his mind and sensed all directions. At the same time, his body shook. He did not choose to attack Lu Lingzi, but went straight to the sky, raised his hand to tear a gap and leave.

The six elders also burst out their cultivation, and were extremely alert, and took off together.

In their judgment, what Xu Qing said was very true, so leaving here and returning to the holy land at this moment was the best choice.

Once entangled, the empress really came, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although the magic eye is important, it is not as important as their own safety.

Especially the collusion between Lu Lingzi and the human race. Once it is confirmed, they don’t need to do it. With this merit, the Lan family will naturally have a way to obtain his magic eye.

Xu Qing didn’t pay attention to their actions, and Lu Lingzi didn’t even look at them. He looked at Xu Qing with a touch of admiration in his eyes.

"As expected of you, you are the number one prodigy of the human race. No wonder the empress asked you to help me."

"The empress promised not to tell anyone about me. I thought she broke her promise and told you about me."

Xu Qing shook his head.

"The empress never said anything, and there is another reason why I walked out, that is, there are enough fish here. Even if I made a wrong judgment, it doesn't matter."

As he said, Xu Qing raised his hand and took the jade slip made of light given by the empress.

In Erniu's expectation, in Lu Lingzi's smile, in the rapid escape of the Lan family, at the moment when the ancestor of the Lan family tore a gap...

Xu Qing crushed the light slip!

The crisp sound echoed on the glacier.

The world was instantly dark!

It seemed that a god blew out the lights of Wanggu, briefly removed the concept of light from Wanggu, and made all the daytime dark in this moment.

Only the broken jade slip, with its scattered white light, became the source of light at this moment and in this place.

Like the explosion of the sun at dawn.

It shone like a sea of ​​light, roaring throughout the sky.

Then, in the sky, in the light source, a god with closed eyes came!

This god wore an emperor's robe and a crown, surrounded by the luck of the human race, and accompanied by a storm of divine breath. His appearance affected time and space.

The entire space and time seemed to become a foil.

The transmission crack torn by the ancestor of the Lan family solidified, and his body trembled in mid-air, unable to take a step.

The six elders beside him were all trembling in their souls.

Lan Yao and Yue Dong in the distance were directly turned into sculptures, dominated by endless fear.

All living things moved because of Him.

The figure of unparalleled grace was the empress.

He took a step and came to the front of Xu Qing and opened his closed eyes.

Endless light shone from his eyes, becoming the dawn that tore through everything in the darkness.

Wherever this light passed, the world went from pitch black to bright in an instant.

"You did a great job."

The first person the empress looked at was Xu Qing.

As the words came out, the humanity that had dissipated from Xu Qing returned.

Xu Qing took a deep breath and bowed his head.

Erniu blinked and hurried to bow.

The empress retracted her gaze and looked at Lu Lingzi.

"Greetings, empress. Fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission and have brought all the ancestors and core elders of the Lan family here."

Lu Lingzi looked solemn, bowed, and bowed solemnly.

The empress nodded.

As Xu Qing said, his goal could not be just Lan Yao alone. He wanted the core strongmen of Lan Yao's entire family. Only by refining the blood of all these people can he shake the emperor who was suspected to have fallen.

He had already cooperated with this disciple of the emperor.

The reason why the human race won many battles before was because of some intelligence.

Seeing that everything was completed, the empress spoke lightly.

"I will give you what you need."

As she spoke, the empress raised her hand, and a wisp of divine fire rose from her palm and flew towards Lu Lingzi.

Lu Lingzi breathed quickly for the first time, and his eyes were hot. He did everything and betrayed the Holy Land for... the divine fire!

Outsiders thought that he valued his master's inheritance, but in fact, after descending to Wanggu and knowing the affairs of the empress, his desire was no longer the inheritance of the emperor.

What he wanted was the flame of becoming a god!

He wanted to become a god!

For him, his future was everything, so he was unwilling to participate in this war now.

Whether it was Wanggu or the Holy Land, he didn't want to fight meaninglessly and become cannon fodder in the end.

He only considered himself and planned to leave the Holy Land and become a god himself.

After becoming a god, the world is wide open and he can go anywhere.

After all, this is the universe of gods. He believes that it is the right way to break away from the monk system and become a god!

Originally, he was just eager for this, but he was not sure.

But the empress found him here and gave him hope!

As the only successful cultivator who became a god, the hope given by the empress is extremely important to him.

Therefore, all these things happened since the battle.

Lu Lingzi took a deep breath, took the divine fire and bowed to the empress again, then his body shook, and he went away in an instant, heading straight to the horizon.

Almost at the moment he left, a sea of ​​light rose in this glacier land.

In the light, the empress walked towards the ancestor of the Lan family.

The ancestor of the Lan family was horrified. At this moment, the teleportation crack was right in front of him, but he could not move at all and could only watch the empress approach.

The huge pressure and terrifying aura made the ancestor of the Lan family tremble. No matter how he struggled, the insurmountable gap in cultivation between them made everything useless.

The next moment, the empress raised her hand and pressed lightly.

The ancestor of the Lan family showed despair in his eyes, his body was spread by the light, became a part of the light, and was taken away by the empress.

Then, the empress looked at the six elders of the Lan family calmly.

The six souls were suddenly dimmed, melted by the empress's eyes, dissipated, and wiped out the traces of their existence.

Finally, it was Lan Yao.

They were all taken away by the empress.

Before leaving, the empress's voice echoed clearly around Xu Qing and Erniu.

"Yue Dong, this girl, has immortal arts, and Feng Lintao's soul hides the inheritance."

"The two of them are the reward for completing your mission this time."

"Now that Wanggu is in war and the situation is complicated, you two should not get too involved. It is better to find a peaceful place to retreat and comprehend the immortal arts and inheritance."

The voice gradually faded, the world recovered, and the empress had left.

Xu Qing's eyes fell on Yue Dong, who was unconscious in the distance, thinking about something. Erniu beside him looked at the horizon with a suspicious face, and suddenly spoke in a low voice.

"Xiao Aqing, why do I feel that the empress is a little bit wrong? Why did she say so much, as if she wanted to send us away..."

"Will she not be like the old man back then, eating alone behind our backs?"


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