Outside of Time

Chapter 1049: A Heart of Gratitude

All living things are both a whole and an individual!

No matter whether you are a layman or a monk, this is true!

Just like a mortal, the soul is in the body, and the veins of one's own flesh and blood contain a set of cycles, which function to resist harmful things from the outside world!

Reduce the possibility of getting sick and reduce the risk of damaging your life!

Monks, even more so, have spiritual power blessing their bodies, making all the circulation and movement of their bodies proceed according to certain rules!

And according to different cultivation levels and life levels, this set of operations will become more and more perfect!

After reaching a certain level, it will be difficult for outsiders to find flaws, and eventually form your own protection to resist external forces!

If you want to kill this kind of monks, you must defeat the weak with the strong and collapse them. Otherwise, if you want to turn defeat into victory if you are of the same level of cultivation or even weaker than the opponent, you must have a special method!

Immortal magic was created based on this principle back then!

Its fundamental method is based on the words weird and special. It focuses on using special methods and weird ways to bypass the opponent's own protection, and then explode into killing!

And human nature is complex and unreal!

Therefore, it often becomes the breakthrough chosen by some magic arts.


Just like the six thieves born in vain, the seven emotions and six desires contained within them are all thoughts!

Use intention as a guide, reverse the cycle, penetrate the defense, and create flaws inside that can be killed!

As for the Five Dog House Immortal, its essence is the thought of temperament!

The word "she" can express the place of residence, just like the body where the soul resides!

Therefore, it is called the magic method.

In addition, this word also means to let go!

But it’s hard to let go!

That’s why I came up with that sentence!

The thought of not giving up the things outside the body and everything else becomes a flaw in bypassing one's own external protection!

Through this flaw, unfold the magic!

As for the memory of Junior Sister Yuedong, it’s because of the special nature of immortality!

In this way, it can be hidden so that no one can detect it immediately. The principle is to use oneself to deceive oneself!

As long as you can't notice it at the first time, it gives you a chance to save your thoughts!

It was like being in a closed room and a door opened out of thin air!

This time is five breaths, and this is the true meaning of saving dogs and entering the house!

Generally speaking, the magic of immortality relies on its weirdness, unfolding through the thoughts of the five dogs, to be special beyond the traditional meaning, and in a way that is extremely difficult to block, to form the killing of magic!

And when you open the door, external evil will naturally invade!

Those white eyes are the greed in Wugoushexianli.

"Having insatiable desires is called greed. If a greedy dog ​​enters the house, it will be tied up!"

Greed can bind the mind and the self!

Then the door opened, and white eyes appeared. The moment he stared at Xu Qing, Xu Qing's mind suddenly went crazy, and he felt like he was in a trance!

A strange seal appeared from the inside out, following the gaze of the white eyes, sealing everything about Xu Qing!

These four breaths are the time for the seal to be formed. If it cannot be broken in the four breaths, then...

Ignorance of rules is called stupidity. If a stupid dog enters the house, it will fall into life and death!

A white vortex appeared silently in Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness and below the white eyes, spinning continuously, forming the power of separation!

What is separated is the fusion of body and soul!

After three breaths, a large white mouth appeared under the white whirlpool. This mouth opened, revealing endless evil!

This is...

"If you don't know the true nature and argue, you will be called evil. If an evil dog enters the house, you will fall into hell!"

Big white mouth, swallow it hard!

What is swallowed is the soul.

And finally, around the eyes, whirlpool and big mouth, the fifth thought of Wugou Shexianli appeared!

That's a white face!

Against its background, in Xu Qing's sea of ​​consciousness, the Five Dog House Immortal Technique was completely complete, and what was formed was a complete face!

The white hair is fluttering, the expression seems to be smiling but not smiling, like crying but not crying, strange

Extremely strange!

Integrated into Xu Qing's body!

"If you don't get Wusheng, you will reject Santu and call it a cliff. If a cliff dog enters the house, it will lose its human body forever."

The world in front of Xu Qing's eyes turned pitch black!

As for the outside world, at the bottom of Nashexian Lake, on the huge white rune where countless corpses are located, there is one more body at the moment!

It’s Xu Qing!

His hair turned white, and his skin became even more so. His eyes were open, emitting white light, and seemed to be one with all the corpses around him!

Expressions, too!

But in the next moment, a sudden change occurred!

Outside Xu Qing's body, a large number of silk threads of seven emotions and six desires suddenly appeared in the void. These threads emitted the fluctuations of the six thieves' magic. Xu Qing had laid them out in advance. At this moment, they were attracted to Xu Qing, and they approached and touched them in an instant. In an instant, part of the silk thread broke through Xu Qing's body, penetrated into his body, and went straight to the white face!

The other part was wrapped around the body, and Xu Qing was quickly wrapped into a human-shaped cocoon!

This cocoon contains a seal!

Seal the white face inside Xu Qing's body, making it impossible to go out!

And this is Xu Qing’s plan!

He wanted to experience for himself the magic of the Five Dog House Immortal. Although this technique was strange and astonishing, Xu Qing felt somewhat confident!

The source of this assurance comes from the six thieves’ false birth!

After all, the Five Dog House Immortal and the Six Thieves were born in an unexpected way, which is the magic of one body!

Just like that, time passes!

There is silence under Shexian Lake!

For a moment, it seemed that even the water in the lake had stopped flowing. Until an hour later, among the many corpses, the cocoon Xu Qing had turned into suddenly heard a clicking sound!

The sound was slight at first, but soon became more and more intensive, and eventually cracks appeared on the cocoon!

After more and more, the cocoon suddenly fell apart!

Xu Qing inside is exposed!

His hair is no longer white and has returned to its original color. The same is true for his eyes, but the feeling of heart palpitations remains in them!

"This is the Five Dog House Immortal!


Xu Qing murmured!

"This technique is more bizarre than the Six Thieves' Unexpected Rebirth. No, it's because Yuedong's own strength is not strong enough, so the Six Thieves she launched against me can be broken!"

"And the source of the magic here is this mark!"

Xu Qing lowered his head and stared at the huge white mark under his feet!

He could feel that this mark was extremely ancient and contained years, and he judged in his heart that it most likely came from the era of the Ancient Emperor Xuanyou!

It is even very possible that this mark is the seal of Wugushexian, the foundation of immortality!

"If I hadn't mastered the Six Thieves' Unexpected Rebirth first, turned them into power marks, and completely integrated them with myself, I'm afraid it would have been difficult for me to wake up from this magic so quickly this time!"

Xu Qing raised his head and looked at the corpses around him!

At this moment, he understood that these were the dead who came here to realize their failure!

"This magic!"

Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and landed on his right hand!

At this moment, those torn cocoons were turning into silk again and were gathering from all directions. Soon, a faint mark slowly appeared in the palm of Xu Qing's hand!

The appearance of this mark is exactly the same as the white mark under Shexian Lake, but it has been shrunk countless times!

If you look carefully, you can also see that the totem of this mark is actually an abstract mask!

This is because Xu Qing relied on the Six Thieves to create immortal magic, and after pulling away the white skin formed in his body, he used the same source of immortal magic to force it to stay!

Staring at this moment, Xu Qing's spiritual thoughts merged into it, as if he had gone through the Five Dog House Immortal he had experienced before, and finally determined the essence of this immortal technique!

"The Savior Dog is a method of continuing a memory, hiding it in the memory of the person being cast. Because of its specialness and concealment, it is difficult to see the clues, and if it is cast within five breaths, the person still cannot erase it. , then you will be greedy!"

"The role of the Greedy Dog is to seal it, preventing the caster from the possibility of escaping. This seal requires four breaths to form. If it is not erased during the formation time, the seal will be completed and the Greedy Dog will be released!"

"The power of the crazy dog ​​is a whirlpool. Its purpose is to separate the soul and body of the person being cast, so that when a flaw appears in itself, the flaw will be torn apart even more. If it cannot be destroyed within three breaths, the evil dog will come."

"The evil dog swallows the soul and will not be destroyed within two breaths, then the cliff dog will arrive!"

"The cliff dog is fused and can only be killed with one breath. If it is difficult to shake with one breath, then... the magic of the Five Dog House Immortal is successful!"

"If this magical technique is successful, it can explode with astonishing damage. To a certain extent, it will kill itself with itself."

"So not only can the weak defeat the strong, but the damage this technique does to the soul is even greater!"

"It's just that I still don't understand something."

Xu Qing groaned!

"To give up immortality, to give up immortality, what does this mean?"

"Let go of the immortals? Give up the immortals? Or become immortals yourself?"

Xu Qing vaguely felt that the word "ii" was another and very important meaning of this magic!

Because he has not learned this magical technique, he cannot fully understand it at this moment!

Xu Qing is a little regretful!

But he also understands that this technique is vast and cannot be learned in a short time. Now, he has only mastered the basics!

This was only possible because of the six thieves’ magic!

“So it’s both a foundation and a qualification!


"Only with this qualification can it be possible to master it!"

Xu Qing put away the regret in his heart, looked up, swayed, and headed straight for the lake!

And as he left, the imprint of Shexian in the bottom of the lake faintly dissipated, as if it was no longer complete.

At the same time, in the Immortal Palace of the outside world, there is a secret room in the depths of it that is sealed layer by layer!

In the secret room, there is a black stone with an ancient mark on it, which is exactly the same as the mark at the bottom of the lake!

This is the real Shexian Seal!

But now, even it has become a little dimmer, as if part of it has been separated!

Because the Great Immortal Master Xi Moyu has not returned from his travels, no one knows about this scene!

At this moment, on Shexian Lake, the immortal masters of Xi Moyu are still

While meditating, it was less than two hours before Xu Qing sank to the bottom of the lake!

So when Xu Qing's figure broke through the lake and appeared,

, not many immortal masters noticed this scene!

Everyone who saw it was stunned for a moment, but then they reacted and guessed that the other party had not really understood it, and probably retreated because they felt comfortable, so they all had contempt for it!

Xu Qing didn't pay attention to this. He looked at the white Immortal Art Palace and remembered what his master once taught. You should be grateful when doing things. So after thinking about it, he clasped his fists and bowed to the Immortal Art Palace!

In this way, my heart is at peace, and I don’t owe anything. I will see you in the future.

, you can kill with confidence!

Then he turned around and galloped away!

When the young man in the Immortal Arts Hall saw this scene, he couldn't help but sneered!

"When you come, you are arrogant, and when you leave, you bow. I have seen many people who are so arrogant in front and respectful in the back."

"There are always people who think they are geniuses and can do anything, but after experiencing the torture of the magic of my palace, they are just chickens and rickets!"

This Xuechenzi is even more cowardly. Judging from the time, this person was obviously scared away!

"No need to worry!"

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