Outside of Time

Chapter 1050: The Demonic Child of the West

When Xu Qing left Shexian Lake, fluctuations were spreading in the war teleportation matrix on the edge of Xi Moyu!

There are several teleportation arrays here, distributed among each other, each leading to different areas of the Wanggu Continent. It is the gateway to the Magic Feather Holy Land during the war!

Therefore, on weekdays, this place is heavily guarded by various forces in the West Moyu!

And right now, outside the Seventeenth Teleportation Formation, there are hundreds of monks from the Seventeenth Lord Mountain, waiting respectfully!

The leader is a boy wearing Taoist robes!

They said nothing, all staring at the seventeenth formation emitting waves in front of them!

The array gradually roared, the teleportation aura was strong, and finally a bright light appeared. After covering the entire range of the array, a tall figure gradually formed in the light. Even if it was just an outline, the blood evil coming from these people The energy disperses first, making all those waiting here

, everyone’s heart trembled!

Vaguely, I seem to be able to smell blood!

Until a moment later, the light on the formation gradually dissipated, and the figure inside became clearer. Finally, when the light completely disappeared, what was revealed in front of everyone was a figure.

A young man wearing black armor!

There were two shocking scars on his face, which looked like a cross, with flesh and blood turned out. It was extremely terrifying!

With such scars, it should obviously be ugly, but the scars on this young man's face created a unique feeling, adding a deep sense of solemnity to him!

Xiangmura, with his swaying red hair, seems to be the source of blood here!

As for the armor, there are a lot of traces of war left on it, which shows that this man has experienced countless battles!

The moment he appeared, outside the formation, everyone from the Seventeen Lord Mountains, led by the boy, immediately knelt down to him!

"I have met His Highness."

This person is the Seventeenth Lord of the Mountain. Although the third disciple of the Lord is ranked third, this does not represent his strength, let alone his potential. In fact, not only does he have an astonishing reputation in the Seventeenth Lord of the Mountain, even in the entire West Demon The same is true for Yu, even Dong Moyu Nei has a illustrious name.

Western Demon.

The reason for this is because his qualifications were once praised by Emperor Moyu!

When he was in the Guixu realm, he could fight against the lower world Yun Shen. After he broke through and stepped into Yun Shen, he gained authority. He was the second Yun God to gain authority in the past thousand years in Xi Moyu!

And its authority is both special and terrifying!

The Lord kills!

Now, with the cultivation of the Seven Realms of Yun Shen, he is superior to the Nine Realms of Yun Shen, and can even show a power close to domination when he explodes with all his strength!

On the battlefield of the human race, with his strength and killing power, he made outstanding military exploits. He was even ranked second to the Lord, along with the other three geniuses, on the kill list of the human race!

And he originally stayed on the battlefield until he received a secret message from his fellow sect!

So, he chose to return!

At this moment, as the smell of blood spreads, as the sense of murder spreads, Xi Huizi looks pitiful, steps out of the formation, and stands in front of the kneeling people!

"Where is he now!"

Xi Mazi spoke calmly!

"His arrival... made most of those who knelt down understand in their hearts. As fellow mountaineers, they knew very well that this man had an almost paranoid hobby for killing!

Cruelty is his nature!

It just so happens that he is the most talented person in the entire Demon Feather Holy Land. He is recognized by the Demon Feather Emperor, and even has the master as his teacher. Such a person can not only cover the sky with one hand, but it is almost the same!

So the head is lower!

Even the boy in charge, who was a follower of the emperor, did not dare to be negligent in the slightest and respectfully informed him of what he knew!

That Xuechenzi once went to Shexian Lake and left two hours later, heading eastward, and now he stopped at Tiandong Mountain!

Xi Mozi nodded, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he walked out in one step, appeared in the sky, locked in a direction, waved his hand, and a large number of black clouds covered thousands of miles, rolled up like his figure, and headed straight into the distance!

Wherever he passed, the sky and the earth roared, and he in the black clouds looked like a demon!

The reason for his return this time is... for Xuechenzi!

After learning that Xuechenzi challenged him inside his mountain gate, but no one could do anything to him, Ximozi planned to remove his head.

Put it down where the other person once sat cross-legged!

As for the killing of fellow tribesmen and the dispute between the East and the West, it doesn't matter to Xi Mozi!

At the same time, when the Western Devil was galloping through the sky and headed straight for Tiandong Mountain, Xu Qing indeed chose this place to stop on Tiandong Mountain!

His work in Ximoyu has been completed!

The Empress has successfully met Emperor Magic Feather, so she doesn’t need to continue the challenge here!

As for the Immortal Arts Hall team, Xu Qing also gained a lot!

In this way, what he needs to do now is to wait for the meeting between the Empress and Emperor Moyu to end, and then leave West Moyu with the Empress!

"After returning to East Moyu, the opening of the retreat place for Emperor Mingyan is coming soon!"

Xu Qing thought to himself, along the way with the Empress, he was also thinking about the Empress's purpose!

The most obvious thing is about Emperor Mingyu!

But obviously, it must contain many details and secrets. Xu Qing lacks key information and cannot analyze too much at the moment!

But he remembered one thing, that is, in the retreat of Emperor Mingyan, there was an opportunity to improve his cultivation on a large scale!

And Yue Dong’s previous plan!

"In addition, I don't know what senior brother's gains are now. I think he should also have a lot of benefits from being in Dong Moyu's Immortal Magic Palace!"

Xu Qing's mind was filled with thoughts, and then he put everything away and stopped thinking about this place. Instead, he focused on what he needed to study!

First up, the wishing mask!

Xu Qing had studied this mask many times in his spare time during this period, but he restrained himself every time and never made a wish. However, through research, he roughly judged something in his heart!

"The wish for this thing should be a kind of divine right."

And his high status is terrifying!

So you can use it as a killer copper, if you don’t make a wish unless absolutely necessary!

"As for the white dust, more has been formed during this period, but the amount is not enough."

Xu Qing felt it and explored his divine power of destiny!

"The expansion of this divine power does not necessarily have to be used in a single way. In fact, there are many ways. Whether it is rolling it up with my own soul or blessing magical powers, you can try it.


As for its ability to portray destiny, there is backlash! "

"The carved destiny replaces the original trajectory, so I have to bear the obstacles encountered during this period!"

Xu Qing raised his right hand, and the carving knife transformed by the Divine Power of Destiny appeared in his palm. After staring for a while, he put it away, then closed his eyes and felt his back!

There, there is a totem tattoo all over the back!

The extinguished red candle, sensing this totem, made Xu Qing look a little gloomy!

The imprinting behavior of this object in the secret realm of Jieyuan is not under his control, and he is not even very clear about the specific reasons for it to be like this!

Perhaps, it's the candle itself. After all, it has its own consciousness!

Or maybe it’s caused by the special characteristics of my body!

But no matter what, Xu Qing doesn't like this totem. In his opinion, this totem represents a hidden danger!

Although it has been extinguished, during this period of time, Xu Qing faintly felt that there was a breath of revival in the red candle, which was forming. Thinking of the terrifying power contained in the flame of the red candle, a faint light flashed in Xu Qing's eyes!

"It is absolutely impossible to revive you in an uncontrollable state and rekindle the candle!"

Xu Qing snorted coldly in his heart, his eyes wiping away the sparkle of authority, and the whole time

On the back, the candle wick is covered, and the piano unfolds!

As the divine power was wiped out again and again, the breath of recovery gradually became weaker, but it did not disappear completely, so Xu Qing called Xiaoying!

"Swallow it."

Xu Qing ordered!

Xiaoying was reluctant but didn't dare to refuse, so he rushed over and swallowed it with big mouthfuls!

The special nature of Xiaoying makes this behavior have a good effect, and the aura of recovery is obviously weaker!

Just like that, time passes and dusk arrives!

As the afterglow of the setting sun falls on the horizon, after multiple outbursts of power erasure, and repeated cooperation with Xiaoying, the resuscitative aura finally becomes almost undetectable!

Although it is still there, it is now controllable!

After Xu Qing sensed it, he left a seal on it, and then he was about to study the magic of the Five Dog House Immortal while waiting for the empress!

But at this moment, a feeling of palpitations suddenly rose in Xu Qing's heart!

His eyes froze, and his body blurred and fell backwards!

At the same time, the sky roared like thunder, and the afterglow shattered!

Everywhere in all directions, there is an instant distortion!

A jet-black world-destroying gun broke through the sky, penetrated the void, and went straight from the sky to Xu Qing!

The height of the gun is comparable to the sky and the earth, and the tip of the gun is as terrifying as a mountain peak!

Swirling with the power of destruction, carrying the power of overturning the sea, and with a state of devastation, he was in front of Xu Qing in an instant!

At the critical moment, Xu Qing's speed exploded and he quickly avoided it!

This gun passed in front of him. Xu Qing's heart was shaken when he sensed it at such a close range. He felt a strong threat. This blow was infinitely close to the master!

While he was avoiding it, the gun roared and hit Tiandong Mountain directly!

With one shot, Tiandong collapsed.

The front of the mountain is torn apart!

The black spear penetrated directly, piercing the ground like a slant!

The huge spear tip penetrated deep into the ground, and Chang Chang's gun body buzzed and shook!

The land of thousands of miles instantly shattered and sunk, and a large amount of black flames erupted from where the spear tip pierced and rose along the cracks in the ground!

Turn these ten thousand miles into a sea of ​​fire!

In the sea of ​​fire, countless souls appeared, all wailing!

Those souls were all human monks. They were obviously killed by this gun on the battlefield. Their souls could not enter reincarnation and were bound within, becoming part of the power of the gun!

And on the handle of the gun tilted toward the sky, there stood a demon-like figure!

The red hair is swaying, the black armor is ferocious, and behind him is the shadow of a demon. This shadow is so majestic that it occupies half of the sky. Xu Qing is in charge!

"Are you Xuechenzi?"

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