Outside of Time

Chapter 1129 Time is a passer-by from ancient times to the present

Chapter 1132 Time is a passer-by through the ages

The small world where Licheng Ancestral Hall is located, inside the closed house.

The furnishings are simple, a table, a chair, and a wooden bed.

In addition to this, there is a picture hanging on the wall.

"He was like a devout pilgrim, always looking for a temple that might not exist."

Outside, the flames are still there.

The painting scroll in the cauldron slowly shone with a faint light in the refining of the sea of ​​fire.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a voice echoing inside the scroll.

"What did I forget?"

"Is it a pity?"

"Still that sentence?"

"Perhaps, I should ask someone to pass a message to me."

The sound gradually dispersed and was burned by the sea of ​​fire.

The fire is getting bigger and stronger.

The earthen pot that shrouded it burned very red, and the medicinal liquid inside gradually became viscous in the high temperature.

Blisters appeared from time to time, and after bursting, the smell of medicine spread in this simple house.

The house is not big, surrounded by cabinets containing various medicinal materials.

In the middle, there are two people, an old man and a young man.

The old man was wearing a navy blue gown, with a head full of white hair, and a face with numbness formed by the passage of time. He was sitting in a rocking chair, looking at the sunset outside, wondering what he was thinking.

The young man looked at the old man, and after waiting, Shao Qing couldn't help but speak.

"Master, what happens next?"

"What then?" the old man asked.

"Story, what you just said, you forgot something, is it a regret, or is it that sentence? What is that sentence? Who can you tell it to? I can pass it on!"

When the old man heard this, his eyes fell on the medicine jar.

"This medicine is almost ready. Take it out, divide it into portions, and deliver them one by one."

When the young man heard this, he quickly took out the medicine spoon, took out the thick medicine from the earthen jar one by one, put it in a medicine box, and ran out with it.

As soon as he left the medicine shop, he paused, looked back at his master, and couldn't help but speak.

"Master, wait until I finish delivering the medicine. Can you tell me that sentence? I will definitely pass it on. I am very curious. If you tell me, then I will also tell you a secret."

The old man nodded.

The young man looked forward to it, carrying the medicine box, and ran away.

Seeing the young man's figure disappear from his eyes, the old man's eyes became a little blurry.

"What is that sentence...I can't remember."

The old man murmured.

One night passed.

The boy who left did not come back.

Some people say that they saw an immortal and took him away.

Some people say that it was the night that swallowed it up.

And in the rest of his life, he never saw the old man.

It was as if everything was just an illusion in his trance.

Until ten years later, when he was about to pass away, he occasionally thought of the young apprentice back then, but he was not very impressed.

Because he has been recalling that sentence all his life.

That sentence seems to be in my memory, but I can't find it anywhere.

Finally, on the day of his death, when his memory turned into ashes and dissipated in the world, he remembered those words.

"Heaven and earth are the guest houses of all living things..."

"What's the next sentence?"

The old man had no answer.

Time has taken away his life and his spirit, leaving only a corpse left in this world, buried in the soil.

As time went by, the corpse and the soil were completely mixed together, indistinguishable from each other.

But the outside world is changing, the world has changed, and the once small town has turned into ruins and a wasteland.

I don’t know how much time has passed...

Until one day, a hoe was lifted and fell on the soil of this wasteland.

Here, fields were cultivated, crops were planted, and villages were established.

The people who farmed the land were doing nothing, and they changed from young people to middle-aged people, and finally became old people.

Before his death, he suddenly told his family members that he had been a high official, a businessman, a bandit, and a doctor, and he was buried here.

Therefore, he will be buried here in this life to give his future self some time to slow down the dissipation of his spirit.

The words he said before his death were full of conjecture. Some people heard them in their hearts, but most people would not take them seriously.

But no matter what, his body was finally buried in the soil.

He is so ordinary, like a drop of water in the ocean, he is gradually forgotten after a few years.

As spring passes and autumn comes, the village becomes the county town.

One winter many years later, at dusk, a middle-aged monk came here in the sky, riding on the wind.

He is a casual cultivator with no sect or sect. By chance, he entered a secret place and obtained a inheritance.

This inheritance is a remnant soul.

If you want to obtain the inheritance, you need to fulfill the last wish of the remnant soul.

So, under the guidance of the residual soul, he came here.

In front of that piece of soil, the remaining soul walked out of his body and turned into a young man, staring at this land and this county.

Things are different and people are different.

The small town back then has become bigger, and the former drug store has become a school.

Staring at these, the young man vaguely seemed to see his first master in that medicine shop that night years ago, and his master's story.

This happened so long ago that he thought he couldn't remember it.

After being taken away and entering the world of cultivation, he also had his own blossoming, his own life, joys and sorrows, love and hate.

He also reached a certain peak, but eventually fell and turned into a remnant soul. In these years, he found that the most eternal memory in his memory was still the scene of that year.

He wanted to know what the master didn't say.


The secret he didn't have time to tell back then was the few words that the master said. In fact, before he became an apprentice in the medicine shop, he had appeared in his dream.

He didn't know the reason, but now... he wanted to pursue it.

And he felt more and more that the words that the master didn't say were very important.

"My spirit has dissipated a lot, and now the remnant soul can't hold on for long... But I have a strong feeling that if I can't find the answer before I dissipate, then... there will be no future."

While muttering, his eyes fell on the school.

In the school, there was a teacher and seven students.

At this moment, the sky was dark red, and in the dusk, the students said goodbye one by one.

The teacher also tidied his clothes and was about to leave, but a student who had left came back and stood at the door.

The teacher paused and looked over.

The student bowed his head.

"Teacher, I have a question. Because time is running out, I can't find the answer. I met you here when I disappeared, so I asked you. Please help me solve my doubts."

The teacher was silent and spoke slowly after a while.

"You say."

"Teacher, do you know what reincarnation is?" The boy looked up, his eyes dark.

The teacher frowned.

"You are extraordinary, and I am ordinary, but you ask me what reincarnation is?"

The boy shook his head, his dark eyes were a little scattered at this moment, and he was at a loss.

"The reincarnation I understand and know is reincarnation after reincarnation, and one life ends before another, but I feel more and more that reincarnation is not like this. Is it possible... many people I meet are me in reincarnation?"

"All this makes me confused. Please help me solve my doubts. Just... just say anything."

The boy murmured.

The master closed his eyes and said nothing.

Time passed, and half an hour later, when dusk was about to be replaced by night, and the darkness in the boy's eyes had dissipated for the most part, the master opened his eyes.

"I don't know what reincarnation is, but if these two words are used as a proposition, I think... it should be an experience of crossing a boat in the abyss sea, a process of finding light in the darkness."

"This process cannot be without a price, so the price of reincarnation again and again should be a kind of self-destruction."

"As for the situation you said, you think that many people you meet are yourself in reincarnation. In my opinion, this may be self-salvation in self-destruction."

"Give up the repeated destruction and choose to bloom all at once to find light."

"Until the end, if you still can't find the light, your soul will turn to ashes."

The boy's body shook and he was stunned there. After a long time, he was enlightened, and everything in the past appeared in his mind. Vaguely, it seemed that he heard the murmur of his first master before his death in the years.

So he bowed his head and spoke softly.

"Thank you, I understand. My purpose is to connect time and pass on a sentence to you, sir."

"Heaven and earth are the guest houses of all living things..."

"What is the next sentence? Please...understand it yourself, sir. This is our last chance. Fortunately...you still have enough for the rest of your life."

As the boy said this, the black in his eyes completely disappeared.

The residual soul dissipated.

The boy also woke up, a little confused. After seeing the master, he was nervous and hurried to pay his respects, and then quickly ran away.

Only the master stood there, his eyes blank, as if some reincarnation scenes that originally belonged to him were gradually revived from the seal.

The prime minister of the Daning Dynasty felt that he had forgotten something before he died.

Xu Shanren, who was engaged in business, was full of regrets before his death. The regret was not the twists and turns in his life, but the regret that he did not remember to forget.

So this regret became a severe pain and remained in the mind of the bandit Xu Shan, until finally, Xu Shan, who had a lifetime of brain pain, thought of a sentence at the moment of death.

But unfortunately, he had no time to think about it.

It can only be left to the doctor.

The doctor has been searching for it all his life, but unfortunately, due to the interference of some force, he can only remember it at the moment of death.

Fortunately, he is prepared.

So the boy became the line connecting time and reincarnation.

And the farmers who cultivated fertile land are also willing to become nutrients to buy time for their future selves.

Finally, the boy came.

Before the boy died, he also understood and completed his mission, and spread that sentence.

To the gentleman.

This year, the gentleman is thirty-seven years old.

The rest of his life is enough.

Time flies, and thirty years have passed in a flash.

The gentleman is old and stays in this county town, and is about to die.

And the students have already gone their separate ways.

At the end of his life, no one returned.

The gentleman didn't mind. He lay on the bed, looking at the dusk outside the window, and scenes seemed to be displayed in his eyes on the dusk sky.

"Officials, businessmen, rough men, doctors, commoners, monks... different reincarnations, different experiences, different lives."

"Sure enough... the world is the guest house of all living things, and time is the passerby from ancient times to the present."

"I am still in time, still a passerby, but no longer with my eyes closed."

The gentleman was calm, and a purple light burst out from his chest, spreading all over his body, covering the world.

The dispersed spirit blooms again.

Sir, close your eyes.

Xu Qing, wake up.

And the reincarnation continues.

But... it is no longer a lonely boat drifting in the abyss, it has a helmsman, a ferryman.

Towards the orderly direction, using time as a paddle, paddle through time and move forward.

Towards, the source of the scroll.

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