Outside of Time

Chapter 1130: The Birth of Baji Daoxiang

Chapter 1133 The birth of the Baji Dao

In the void, the body is a boat, and the soul rides on the boat, traveling against the current.

This road is long.

And recalling the past, officials, businessmen, reckless men, doctors, commoners, young people...

It seems ordinary, but it is experience, reincarnation, and life.

That's because you are inside it, so you can't see through the fog.

Now I wake up and look back.

It is clearly the Five Elements.

As prime minister, Xu Jinhong, although a civil official, has used thunderous means to prop up the dynasty throughout his life. He has millions of soldiers and a strong army. His life represents gold.

Wealth is gold, power is gold, war is gold, and fate is also gold.

Xu Hong, who dreamed of becoming a wealthy businessman, was philanthropic and charitable throughout his life. He also had a fortune, but he also had a lot of money. However, he had an ill-fated fate and eventually dried up. His life represented water.

Wealth is water, which governs flow. There are two extremes of drought and flood. There is also a saying that the best is like water, so its destiny is also water.

The reckless man Xu Shan, this mountain is not soil, it means forest, life is like duckweed, young people are like rotten wood, adults are like grass bandits, wandering in the mountains and forests, and have the life of rotten wood.

He is less intelligent and more angry, and the outside world can easily affect his emotions. Therefore, he would rather die standing than live in humiliation and kneeling.

Xu Yu, the doctor, hangs a pot to help the world, has a benevolent heart as a doctor, and is willing to be the furnace of heaven and earth, refining a herb, his body is like fire, and his life is like fire.

It is the fire in Suzaku's heart, the scorching flower that keeps his fate.

However, in this life, the wind and fire come out, and the mind is destroyed. In death, the mind returns, and the wind and fire return.

Xu Kun, a commoner, lived an ordinary life, honest and taciturn. He was rustic and rustic in the summer heat, and his back was scorched by the scorching sky. He was exhausted and did not know the heat, but he regretted that the summer was long.

The head is in the sky, the feet are in the earth, and in the future, the earth is accumulated in the pattern of fate.

As for the remnant souls of the young man and the monk, they are the same person.

Taking responsibility for rumors is like taking a long-term approach.

It started from the fire of a doctor, passed through the land of common people, and then met the true self.

Across time.

This is the destiny.

"The only thing missing is space..."

Xu Qing murmured.

"The reason why it is like this is because this path is not yet complete."

Samsara is in front, and the source is behind it, so I look at it while walking.

No more sinking.

Like a passerby, I see all kinds of life.

The road you look at has no form, so there are men and women, old and young, temples, rivers and lakes.

Scenes unfold before your eyes.

I don’t know how long it’s been, I don’t remember the time.

As I walked along this road, looking at it, Xu Qing's footsteps finally stopped.

What you look at and focus on is yourself in reincarnation, transformed into... an actor.

An actor performs many roles in his life.

The day before yesterday, the gongs and drums were flying around the beams, and the colorful sleeves were waved on the stage.

Today, the flags are displayed in all directions, and the loyalty and traitors are black, white and red.

The same face, different smearing, whether male or female, has become a life in a period of time.

There is comfort in playing life, but there is no regret in playing death.

It is true that life is like a play, and so many human affairs in ancient and modern times are all sung and recited in the play.

I don’t know what kind of true heart is underneath the face painted with oil paint.

I don’t know if after a long time, I won’t be able to distinguish between reality and fiction.

Only at the moment when the song ends and everyone leaves, after all the paint is wiped away, those who walk out, with melancholy thoughts, sigh about the joys and sorrows of past and future lives, and the floating life is like a dream, like the passing years, quietly go away without leaving any trace. …

Finally, let out a sigh.

"There are many characters of joy and sorrow in the world, but this person is in despair..."

"Can't tell..."

It is the joyous songs that often make one look drunk, and the time is blurred in one's eyes.

The memories are all ripples, and when I wake up from the dream, it turns out to be a plum blossom dream that has lasted for thousands of years.

So this play, from prologue to act.

This life is from birth to death.

This dream, from sinking to waking up.

Xu Qing, wake up.

In the void, whisper softly.

"This is not a drama, this is life in time..."

"And people have life and death, and drama also has an ending. The difference between life and death is like the difference between dreaming and waking. It changes one after another and cannot be investigated."

"Then, after crossing reincarnation and walking out of life, after waking up from the dream, what is waiting for me at the end of this scroll?"

The answer is already there.

Because he has reached the end of the scroll of reincarnation along the way, and finally saw the origin of the scroll.

It is also the foundation that carries the reincarnation of the scroll.

It is originally a painting.

What Li Mengtu opened was just a line, but at this moment, Xu Qing saw the entire painting.

That's a crystal.

Falling into chaos, appearing in the endless void, blooming with extremely bright light, and then shattered into ten irregular parts.


Then, thick soil appeared.

This is exactly the picture formed by thick soil, and it is also the scene depicted on the meteorite that Xu Qing saw through the eyes of the Immortal Ancestor when he realized the Baji Dao.

Creation of heaven and earth.

And, it’s clearer!

"I didn't expect that this scroll would actually depict this scene."

Xu Qing murmured.

"That's a purple crystal."

It was exactly the same as the one he had.

So, Xu Qing remained silent.

At this moment, he could feel the way of leaving.

He has passed through the reincarnation of the scroll and reached the end.

Now you only need to take one step forward to leave this scroll.

But his gaze swept over the broken ten crystals.

After a long time, a strong light appeared in his eyes.

"Being sealed in this scroll is a matter of life and death, as well as fate!"

"The way of my immortal body originated from the broken ten crystals. Now I can see it again, and it is clearer than before. I can... prove my way again!"

Thinking of this, Xu Qing did not hesitate, and sat cross-legged. His mind and even his soul suddenly spread out, like a meteor, heading straight for the ten broken crystals.

The next moment, reincarnation started again.

But this time, it was no longer a human.

I am a meteorite that fell from the sky.

I landed on a star called Destiny.

I don't know where I came from.

As the years passed there, I gradually developed a sense of wisdom, and vaguely remembered some past events.

But it was not specific, very vague.

I only remember a desert.

So most of the time, I was looking at this star, witnessing the fate of all living things on the star, and also recalling where I came from and the story of that desert.

But unfortunately, I couldn't remember too much. No matter how hard I tried, I could only remember a piece of dust and a river.

Who are they?

I was a little confused.

And during the time I was thinking, on this Destiny star, I was often discovered by the people here.

Sometimes, they thought I was just ordinary, and sometimes, I was regarded as ominous.

Similarly, there was a period of time when I was considered a holy object by the people here, and they came to worship me.

Time flies, and the years change.

I don't care about these scenes.

I thought that the rest of my life would be the same.

Until one day, a monk from outside the Tianming Star came here and saw me.

He seemed ecstatic, carried me from the Tianming Star, left this star, and went to a continent called Tianhuo.

There seemed to be no end and it was extremely vast.

And I will always remember this continent, because there is a vast volcano there, this mountain...occupies 90% of the area of ​​the Tianhuo Continent.

I was taken there and thrown into the burning crater, and the endless magma and heat enveloped me, burned me, and refined me.

Until, I became a piece of iron.

The monk who brought me here, with the help of the power of this volcano, finally made me into a sharp sword.

Go to a place called Shilin and cut down the oldest tree there.

It seems to be revenge.

The monk was also seriously injured and took me away. He died several years later. During the long years, I met other sword bearers.

Without exception, they all died unexpectedly in the end.

The ominous statement fell on me again.

So the last sword bearer took me to a dark river filled with death, wiped my soul and threw me down.

I fell into the river, sank, and my soul was dissipating.

Buried in the mud at the bottom of the river for a long time.

But the breath on my body seemed to be the ultimate nourishment for this river, making it majestic and more turbulent.

Before I died, I heard someone say to me.

"This is, fire overcomes gold, and gold produces water."


My name was not Gu Yi Ding San Yue.

This name is because I saw a drop of rain falling in the future Gu Yi Ding year in time.

It was in a daze, and one day someone called it Gu Yi Ding San Yu, so it gained wisdom and became a lake. Countless years later, it became the North Sea.

I saw all this and thought it was good, so I used this name before it was born.

"When you are born, I will return it to you."

And my life has also been turbulent. I once swallowed a murderous iron sword.

The evil spirit of this sword nourished me greatly, and when I flowed, I covered the starry sky, extinguished a stunning and magnificent volcano, and submerged it.

However, fate is often like this, with cause and effect. One day, a group of powerful people came and they boarded a special ship and entered my life.

That ship was destined for me.

So I couldn't bear to destroy it. Seeing that its residual spirit was about to disperse, I nourished it and made it possible for it to revive.

However, I didn't expect that the purpose of this group of powerful people was to send it into the volcano that I extinguished, and to revive the volcano at the cost of burning it.

The eruption of the volcano could not bury me, but the volcanic ash that was ejected was my calamity, turning me into gas, becoming rain, nourishing all things.

I seemed to hear a voice vaguely.

"This is, earth overcomes water, and water gives birth to wood."


I was born in a desert.

A sudden heavy rain gave me vitality and intelligence, but it was also the emergence of intelligence that made me understand what loneliness is.

So I changed some causes and effects, separated myself at the cost of weakening myself, and made more of the same kind appear around me.

Slowly, the river disappeared, and the endless forest occupied everything.

And this place gradually got a name, called the First Forest.

My tribe became stronger and stronger. They contacted the outside world, felt the world, and practiced.

But I became weaker and weaker, choosing to sleep more often. When I woke up occasionally, I watched the years, witnessed the grievances and hatreds of the tribe, witnessed the rise and fall of the tribe, and witnessed one life race after another being destroyed by my tribe.

Until one day, a monk whose clan was once exterminated came with a special sword for revenge.

He killed my clan and stood in front of me.

I looked at the sword and realized that it was the calamity of my destiny.

So I chose to obey and fell under the sword.

During the ten thousand years of my soul disappearing, my corpse was used by someone and refined into a ship.

I refused.

But they said that only a boat made of me could sail in a river called Gu Yi Ding San Yue, and it could absorb the power of the river while sailing.

It gave me the possibility of recovery.

I believed it, but in the end, they used my remains to reignite a dead volcano.

At that time, I heard a sentence.

"This is, metal overcomes wood, and wood produces fire."


I was born in the starry sky, burning a black hole, becoming a body, and turning into a volcano.

People call me Heavenly Fire.

Flame is my life and my character, so I roar all year round and shock all directions.

One day, someone came to me and threw a meteorite.

I refined it into iron and made it into a sword.

I thought that the brilliance of my life would be eternal, just like the fire on my body.

But a black river filled with death and evil spirit came from the starry sky, covering me and extinguishing me.

This is my calamity, no matter how I roar or how I resist, it will be useless.

Until after endless years, a ship came, it ignited itself, awakened me, and the explosion that had been silent for countless years formed a sky full of dust.

That was my anger, covering everything.

Along with the anger, there seemed to be a sentence coming from nowhere.

"This is water overcoming fire, and fire giving birth to earth."


I am the dust from the volcanic eruption, and the land formed after sedimentation.

The moment I was born, I filled up a vast river.

That is what I am most proud of.

And there is an iron sword in the mud in the river.

I stared at the sword, not knowing that time has passed.

So my life is boring.

As time passed, I slowly fell asleep. I don't know how long it took, but when I woke up, I had become a desert.

The arrival of rain nourished the vegetation, and my life was sucked away bit by bit.

And that sword, in these endless years, was nurtured by me, it gradually settled, and finally became a meteorite.

Finally, when my life was sucked away and I was about to die, I used my last strength to send the meteorite to the starry sky.

It became a shooting star, and I don’t know where it will go.

But I am relieved.

Because it carries my reincarnation and my resurrection.

In my next life, I don’t want to be so boring.

I closed my eyes while mumbling.

But in my vague consciousness, there seems to be a sentence echoing.

“This is wood overcoming earth, and earth produces gold.”

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