Outside of Time

Chapter 1131 The true self emerges to create time and space!

Chapter 1134 The true self emerges, creating time and space!

"This is the Eight Extremes!"

In the void, Xu Qing opened his eyes, his physical body was on top, his soul rose from the broken crystal painting, and the moment he returned, enlightenment filled his heart.

He thought of the moment when he realized the Eight Extremes Dao, and he had seen a white-haired monk in time and space.

The other party's Eight Extremes Dao was different from his own, but the five elements were the same, and they formed a body of Dharma.

Today, first there are reincarnations that form the basis of the five elements, and then there are the basis of the five elements that become the form of rules.

In this way, the five extremes and five elements have been completed.

The moment this thought emerged in Xu Qing's mind, outside his body, in the waves of nothingness, five Dao body Dharmas suddenly walked out.

The first body was an old man wearing an official robe, holding an iron sword, with a dignified expression and magnificent momentum.

Wealth, power, and gold gathered on him, forming a golden life and a golden Dharma.

It was Prime Minister Xu Jinhong!

Then came the second incarnation, the merchant Xu Hong, wearing a clerk's robe, with a gentle expression, surrounded by a long black river, rolling in all directions, with a shocking momentum.

With the water life in his body, he became the Dharma image of water!

Then came the third incarnation, the bandit Xu Shan, full of the meaning of the rivers and lakes, grinning, his body was covered with mountains and forests, standing on a giant tree, one hand on his head, his eyes were fierce, and his expression was crazy.

The wood life was strong, the waves were empty, and he turned into the Dharma image of wood!

Finally, the fourth and fifth incarnations appeared one after another.

The fourth incarnation, the doctor Xu Yu, had a volcano in his palm, rising the fire of annihilation, erupting continuously, filling his whole body with flames, gathering with the fire life, and forming the Dharma image of fire.

The fifth incarnation, the commoner Xu Kun, his body was like a gathering of particles, composed of desert and dust, with a strong sense of heaviness, and the moment he appeared, the void trembled.

His earth life was like a foundation, and he became the Dharma image of precipitated earth.

At this moment, all five eight-polar Dao images appeared, each with overwhelming momentum, and the pressure they exuded was comparable to Xu Qing's original body.

Xu Qing looked back, and the five Dao images also stared at him.

Enlightenment rose in each other's hearts at the same time.

"The five elements are mutually generated and restrained, thus forming a reincarnation."

"And reincarnation can become the eighth pole..."

But after Xu Qing pondered, he still shook his head.

"Although reincarnation is mysterious, there is another way that includes reincarnation and transcends reincarnation. That is the eighth pole I decided at the beginning!"

Xu Qing's eyes showed decisiveness, giving up reincarnation as the way, and his eyes fell on... the sixth and seventh pieces of the ten broken crystals.

That is time and space!

His soul moved and went straight to the crystal fragments representing time and space.

Instantly merged.

It is...

Reincarnation is formed, all things are born, cause and effect are descended, and time turns.


I am looking for.

I don't know what I am looking for.

This seems to be my mission, because I am incomplete.

Maybe it exists, or maybe it doesn't.

Existence is because I am everywhere in this starry sky, this world, on all things, and among all living beings.

The eternal movement of all things, the continuity of change, and the order of change are all evidence of my existence, and are also the way I want all living beings to know.

So, I am like a river, flowing through all known and unknown things.

Flowing between multiple things and events.

Flowing in the past, present, and future of all living things, even the stars, even the universe, need me to push.

Whether it is night or day, whether it is reincarnation or cause and effect, whether it is rules or laws, they are all me.

If I am silent, everything is still.

If I stand up, the era changes.

But in the same way, I don't exist.

Because I can be felt, but not really seen, and even in many states, I originate from idealism.

I am considered to be a beginning, starting from an unknown moment, and there is no previous statement before this moment.

So I am considered to be non-existent and meaningless before this.

It is the emergence and existence of all things, with me, that makes me meaningful.

Some people think that I am not a certain rule that really exists in the universe. I am just a concept formed by the movement of all living things, a term used to describe speed.

Some people even think that I am an illusion of all living things.

So, there are always people trying to judge whether I really exist, trying to feel me, trying to explore me, trying to contact me.

And no matter what they think, whether I exist or not, I don’t care.

Because their ultimate goal, without exception, is to control.

Then, I have many names. Some people call me Shi, some people call me Geng, and some people call me Dian...

Too many.

They are all their names.

Not mine.

I don’t care.

And I am always looking for an existence that I don’t know what it is.

I thought that this boring and endless search would not have anything else that I really pay attention to.

Until I met a few people, a few very special people.

They are very powerful, so powerful that they can really see me, and so powerful that they have become friends with me.

Some of them will come to chat with me from time to time, holding a flower in their hands and asking me if it looks good.

Some would ride a boat in front of me and sigh softly.

Some would come to me and ask me what fate is.

Some would want me to write him an IOU.

But the one who accompanied me the most was a man who liked to wear black. In my long perception, he often sat in front of me and stared blankly.

Together with me, look at all living things and all infinity.

And at a certain point, the fluctuation of the raised hand affects everything, making everything go back to the past and start all over again.

Once, once...countless times.

I don't understand.

But he told me that he was resurrecting his wife.

I bless.

Then, they all disappeared.

Only I am still flowing.

No beginning or end.

Keep looking.

Until, I saw a butterfly.

Butterfly said, its name is Sangxiang.

In fact, the butterfly appeared before, but I didn't notice it. But this time, the butterfly flew in front of me.

Tell me that there is a being named Huanyu who has been looking for time.

That person and I met countless times, faced each other countless times, and missed each other countless times. In the end... the other person understood that it and I were originally one.

I exist, it exists, I cease, it ceases.

But we are water and ink that can never meet each other.

No one can find the other.

Only if you can see it and see my butterfly, can it be the reason why we meet each other.

So, the butterfly let me fall on it, because the world is also on it.

I choose to fall.

At that moment... I finally saw the world.

The universe also saw me.


Time passes, all living beings emerge, the mulberry phase comes, and the universe appears.

Time and space merge at this moment and are complete at this moment.

Thus, time and space were formed!

This is...

The world is established, time rises, the true self emerges, creating time and space.

Xu Qing regained consciousness.

The eighth pole in the body suddenly appeared!

It formed a deafening roar, shockingly swirling inside his body.

After a long time, Xu Qing opened his eyes.

The moment his eyes opened and closed, everything he looked at was distorted.

It's not clear.

But after closing my eyes and looking with my mind, everything is clear.

All things, in his thoughts, can see the past, present and future, even including the inner substance.

All transparent, all revealed, from birth to death, from beginning to end.

Each of the sentient beings in reincarnation has countless figures, which is the overlap formed by the convergence of time and space.

Everything becomes transparent, and nothing that blocks it can be covered.

You can see the inner substance, you can see the bones, you can see the soul, you can see reincarnation.

Even the items in the storage space are clearly visible.

Like omniscience.

It can even control the thoughts of sentient beings, allowing them to make choices that suit Xu Qing's needs.

You can also see the time and space formed by the opponent's countless choices.

Similar to fate.

This feeling is like being at a higher level, looking at a picture book that can be modified by oneself at any time.

The perception that comes with it is that everywhere can be reached with a single thought.

Regardless of the past or the future, all time and all spaces can be traveled through time and space in an instant.


The moment this perception appeared in Xu Qing's mind, he raised his head and his thoughts spread.

Everything is transparent.

He saw the fire outside the scroll, the furnace, the small world, the city outside the small world, and even the fifth star ring where the small world was.

Then, I saw all sentient beings and everything.

It seems that you can fiddle with everything.

At this moment, Xu Qing saw twelve figures in the red aurora waves in the sky.

They appeared in the aurora at the same time, looking at Xu Qing from a distance.

Above them, Xu Qing also saw eleven vast immortal palaces, each with its own figure shining brightly.

Further up... is a supreme being sitting cross-legged in meditation, shrouding the entire fifth star ring.

Then, there was a voice from the void.

"The constitution is the root of immortality and the foundation of killing gods. If you want to control the constitution, you must first abide by the constitution!"

The next moment, Xu Qing was shocked.

He felt an indescribable force of terror, coming from all directions, from nothingness, and from the entire ascending thirty-six star rings.

falls on oneself.

At this moment, Xu Qing truly understood why the immortal who was supposed to be omnipotent was no longer omnipotent in this planetary ring.

Because those who hold the constitution must first abide by the constitution!

Obviously, this kind of thing would not have happened to him so quickly.

The reason for this is because the eighth pole of myself... was born at the moment of birth, and Xian was also born!

Your own constitution!

The constitution of time and space.

Xu Qing understood clearly. The next moment, he withdrew his gaze, and the formation of the eighth pole in his body set off an overwhelming force. The eighth realm was formed in Xu Qing's body as he continued to roar.

The world of time and space!

At the same time, in the Western Region, the Taoist Immortal Sect.

On the fertile field of grass and trees, the two poisonous weeds in front of Poison Lord, the one that had withered suddenly, suddenly bloomed, resurrected from death in an instant, and even grew to its peak in an instant.

Then, he became independent and disappeared without a trace in front of Du Jun.

As for the plant next to it, it is withered at this moment.

There was a strange light in Du Jun's eyes, and his breathing became slightly faster.

"You are the cause and effect I'm waiting for!"

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