Outside of Time

Chapter 908 Desperate Erlang

Xu Qing's voice was hoarse, and the moment he heard the news, the captain's tone became obviously excited.

"Don't worry, junior brother, you, senior brother, and I are very sure this time, there will be absolutely no problem!"

Xu Qing's eyes were red and he was ready to do this, but when he heard the captain's words, he couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

The captain, on the other hand, was in a more excited mood and was still talking.

"Junior brother, ever since I guessed the purpose of the three gods, I have been planning for this for a long time and tried my best to get on this carriage!"

"Before encountering the activated ancient teleportation array, I actually didn't have much confidence. Although I prepared escape items and planned to practice them many times, the material was a bit inferior after all."

"Until I encounter the activated ancient teleportation array, God is really helping me!"

The captain laughed.

"Even the original conspiracy against Chi Mu is related to the present, because the flesh and blood of Chi Mu is a good thing. He was the first person to become a god in Wanggu, and he was the one who led the residual face to come. There is a great cause and effect between him and the residual face."

"This cause and effect, combined with the blessing of a feather, can theoretically form a specific teleportation!"

"But the power required for teleportation is too terrifying."

“So, this trip to the God’s Realm came about!”

"Using the power of divine realm promotion as motivation, you also know how difficult it is to obtain this kind of motivation, and how rare the opportunity is!"

"Especially now that the Divine Realm is rising into the sky, and the distance to the residual face has also been shortened... But this alone is not enough, we need to use the way of heaven to guide the direction!"

"Our son, this is where he comes in!"

"Finally, with Wu Zi's concealment, we can hide ourselves as much as possible, and with the power of this emperor's corpse, blessing us with the gods and emperor's will, we can make it possible for you and me to do this super big thing!"

"Junior brother, you and I are of the same mind, there will be no problem this time!"

The captain laughed wildly and spoke wildly.

"When does it start!" Xu Qing didn't want to hear it anymore. The more the captain said this, the more dangerous he felt.

But...it has reached this level, and Xu Qing is not willing to give it a try.

So he suppressed the hunger in his body again.

"It's almost here. The moment God's Realm is destroyed, it's the time of teleportation. We... huh? The opportunity has come!"

When the captain's words changed, Xu Qing also concentrated for a moment.

At the same time, the outside world looked at the remnant face of the god hanging there above the ancient sky, and its open eyes finally closed.

At the moment of closing, the divine realm where the three gods were located disintegrated silently, turning into fly ash from the edges and pouring into the sky.

As for the divine realm itself, at this time of disintegration, it was getting closer and closer to the remaining face.

Looking from a distance, the divine realm gradually dissipating in the sky becomes smaller and smaller.

The three gods who were sitting cross-legged and meditating inside suddenly opened their eyes, and their bodies instantly disappeared into the divine realm that was about to collapse. Also disappearing with them were Yan Xuanzi and others who were already unconscious in this drastic change.

When they appeared, the three gods were already outside the God's Domain and in mid-air.

The auras on their bodies exploded at this moment, and they finally crossed the entire Tribulation Fire Realm and entered the flawless realm.

From now on, there will be no more disasters, and there is hope for the sacred platform.

This is the level that most of the gods currently existing in the Wanggu Continent aspire to. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to achieve flawlessness. Looking at the entire Wanggu Continent, there are only a handful of gods who have achieved flawlessness before.

As strong as Chi Mu, it was only half a step back.

But now, the three gods are flawless, and the divine fire is burning in their bodies to the extreme. Each of them exudes a terrifying aura that surpasses the Red Mother, causing the color of the world to change and roaring in all directions.

It is conceivable that the pattern of Wanggu will also change with the impeccability of the three gods.

Their expressions also showed a rare and obvious look. At this moment, they raised their heads and watched the disintegration of the divine realm and the end of this sacrifice.

The curtain seems to be falling at this moment.

But at this moment, Sun God's expression suddenly changed. Next to him, Moon God's eyes shrank, and Star God raised his eyebrows.

Their eyes all fell on the divine realm in the sky that was flying towards the residual face.

Only the core area of ​​this divine domain is left, and other parts have collapsed, and even this core area is turning into ashes.

But on top of it, there was a power of teleportation that exploded into the sky.

The momentum of this teleportation was astonishing and magnificent. The aura exceeded the opening of ancient formations by more than a hundred times, making the sky dazzle instantly at this moment.

It is so bright that it can cover the sky and the earth just like darkness!

At this moment, not only the three gods saw this scene, but all the eyes and thoughts attracted by the three gods' previous actions also noticed this scene.

And under the gathering of countless gazes and spiritual thoughts, in the teleportation array that erupted with terrifying momentum, at this moment... a figure suddenly appeared.

It is the emperor's corpse where Xu Qing and Er Niu are!

The attention and shock naturally arose from all directions.

"What are they going to do!"

Even as calm as a sun god, everyone was shocked at this moment.

"I'm looking for death." A complicated meaning flashed through Moon God's eyes, but there seemed to be no surprise and he spoke calmly.

As for the Star God, he was also shocked, but his expression was more weird.

At the moment when the hearts of all parties were stirred, in the collapsed divine realm, in the teleportation light, the emperor's corpse where Xu Qing and the captain were, raised his right hand.

Hold high an extraordinary golden feather!

The light of teleportation emanates from this feather.

This feather has been sacrificed and refined many times by the captain, so it possesses such divine power. Its appearance caused the light of teleportation to rise up in this explosion, straight into the sky.


Emperor Corpse suddenly spoke, his voice like thunder.

The sky suddenly churns, and the baby's voice is heard, causing some subtle changes in the ancient sky, so that the teleportation light that rushes into the sky seems to be guided to the correct direction.

"Red Mother Karma!"

Emperor Zhi spoke again.

In the next moment, a large amount of Red Mother flesh and blood flew out and melted in the teleportation light, forming red threads that spread rapidly and fine-tuned the teleportation.

Locked with cause and effect.

The moment all of this was completed, the divine realm where the emperor's corpse was located, the final core place, completely collapsed.

The deafening sound spread throughout the world.

The sound became louder and louder, and at the end, at the moment when it seemed to be the only sound in the world, the divine realm... completely disappeared in the sky.

This sacrifice to the divine realm was completely completed at this moment.

This divine realm may have become a divine realm, and dissipating does not mean that it will no longer exist, but there is another possibility.

That is, this domain failed because it could not withstand the upgrade.

The result is no longer important, the important thing is... it has long been sacrificed to Zanmian.

This is also the end of what the three gods have been planning for tens of thousands of years.

In this way, get rid of cause and effect!

He borrowed the power of the residual face to upgrade, and then sacrificed it to the residual face, forming a closed loop.

The curtain of the three gods has finally come down.

But... the prelude to Xu Qing and the captain is now beginning!

The moment when the divine realm disintegrated and turned into ashes, with the help of the power of upgrading as a driving force, the teleportation... finally started, and the feathers instantly turned into dots of golden light.

The emperor's corpse inside had disappeared.

What Xu Qing heard in the emperor's corpse at this moment was the captain's wild laughter.

"Junior brother, let's go!"

Looking beyond the ancient continent, there is a vast starry sky.

If someone stands in the starry sky and looks back at the past, he can see that the past is huge and vast.

And outside this huge Wanggu Continent, there is a golden spine.

This spine is very long, surrounding the continent, like a golden centipede, covering the entire Wanggu Continent in a circle.

There are no arms, no body, no legs, only this golden spine, connected to half of the remaining face hanging down to the earth.

This remnant's hair is scattered, spreading over half of the continent's clouds.

Outside the wounds on the remaining face, a large amount of broken flesh, blood, sweat, and broken hair can be seen...

It's just that He is so big that when viewed from ancient times, it has surpassed the sun and the moon, and when viewed from the starry sky, its size is even more astonishing.

Compared with it, the monk is far inferior to even a hair on his head.

As for His hair, the same is naturally true. Each hair is as thick as heaven and earth, and the pressure it exudes cannot be described in words.

Those minced meats are even more terrifying.

The smallest drop of blood is like an ocean.

Floating outside the wound, spreading to an endless range, existing here like eternity with this remnant face.

The same is true for the entanglement of Wanggu.

Ever since He floated from the depths of the starry sky and entangled the ancient world, it seems that it has not changed for countless years. However, if we explore through the long river of time and compare the before and after, we can clearly find...

That golden spine will look closer and closer to Gu Le.

As for the scope of Wanggu Continent, although it is still huge at the moment, it is actually much smaller than before.

Wanggu is being devoured.

This is the remnant face of the gods that all sentient beings see when they look up.

There is a bright future.


And since His arrival, it seems that no living creature from ancient times has been able to come before Him.

It seems that for Him, life and everything are just the passage of time, without beginning or end.


A tiny point of light flickered in the void outside the wound on his face, next to a drop of blood.

If someone magnifies the light spot they see in the starry sky infinitely, then when it expands to a certain extent, they can see a figure wearing imperial robes.

The moment this figure appeared, it immediately became blurry.

It was so terrifying that it was indescribable. The terrifying power beyond the imagination of life was like a torrent hitting his body.

In the blink of an eye, the emperor's corpse began to collapse, but its expression also showed unprecedented madness at this moment.

It seems that there is nothing in the world that can compare to what is in front of him. That expression of madness to the extreme and greed to the extreme, naturally comes from the captain.

The light in the emperor's corpse's eyes was equally intense, giving the impression that it was like a starving ghost who had been starving for tens of thousands of years. In order to have a bite of food, he would risk everything and explode everything.

The light in his eyes came from Xu Qing.

Therefore, at this moment, it can be said that the two people are connected in mind and spirit. Both their thoughts and actions are perfectly intertwined.

Driven by them, they do not hesitate to collapse themselves, do not hesitate to destroy their souls, but also use extremely crazy thoughts to rush towards the drop of blood around them that is like a sea to them.

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