Outside of Time

Chapter 909 I still want it!

Looking at the clouds in the ancient sky further up, at its peak, there has been no trace of it since ancient times.

Ever since the ancient emperor Xuanyou left and the gods arrived, the top of Wanggu's sky has been covered by an invisible divine ban.

This forbidden world is mysterious and strange, invisible to the eyes and undetectable to the senses. It is like a huge lid that covers Wang Gu, making this world only accessible but not accessible.

Unless, like Li Zihua, you use a sacred platform to transcend yourself, this is not the case.

As for the entire Wanggu, after Xuanyou and the emperors of various clans left to form their own holy places, there are now very few shrines and almost no existence.

Even if there is a flawless spirit, it is only a sacred platform. Although there are no omniscient catastrophes on the road, the power required is still terrifying.

Therefore, unless a divine war is launched to devour each other, it will take years of accumulation to achieve a divine platform.

However, how can the divine war be started lightly, and the gods are different from the monks, so suffering has no place in them.

Therefore, for the local sentient beings in Wanggu, Wanggu is a prison just as the teachings of the Litu Religion express.

That divine forbidden door is the door of the prison.

It divides freedom and isolates freedom.

The sentient beings native to Wanggu can only wait silently from generation to generation until the day when Wanggu is completely devoured, in order to exterminate and free themselves from the sea of ​​suffering.

You cannot resist, you cannot escape.

This is Wang Gu's fate, determined by the residual face of the gods.

He swallows up the way of heaven and transcends all, just like Wang Gu’s providence, and determines Wang Gu’s destiny.

God's will is like this, how can we stop it.

But today, something unexpected happened.

Someone actually made the impossible possible, using an unimaginable and bold method, using the Divine Realm to upgrade, and using the Red Mother's Karma, to take advantage of the loopholes and go against the will of heaven, teleporting from inside the cage to outside the cage!

It's like a prison break!

So almost the moment Xu Qing and the captain's emperor's corpse appeared next to the broken face, many of the powerful men from all races in Wanggu Continent stared at this scene, their expressions changed drastically.

They all rushed out of their respective retreats into the air, their expressions of shock could not be concealed, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

One is a surprise to escape from prison, the other is a surprise to act rashly, and the third is a surprise to end!

Some monks even lost their voices.

"He actually went out!"


"What a waste! Such a unique opportunity has never been seen before. If we can get it, wouldn't we be able to break out of the prison!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity! It's hard to repeat!"

The three gods also had different expressions. The sun god had a gloomy face and his eyes were cold.

The face of the moon god is uncertain.

As for the Star God, he also looked thoughtful.

At this moment, the source of all the gazes of the gods, the emperor's corpse where the captain and Xu Qing were, had already pounced on the sea of ​​blood in front of them.

They didn't waste any time. In the blink of an eye, with madness and greed, excitement and hunger, they were completely submerged in the sea of ​​blood.

The moment you enter, the huge resistance and terrifying pressure can wipe out all existing will, and explode wildly and vastly.

The terror of this power not only comes from this sea of ​​blood, but also from the sacred remains on the side.

In fact, this place is so close to the residual face that no living being has ever arrived, and the aura of the residual face is naturally extremely terrifying.

Even if the three gods are here, they will not be able to hold on for long before they will collapse and both body and soul will be destroyed.

And Erniu's preparations, no matter how comprehensive they were, were still showing signs of collapse at this moment.

But in this limited time, Erniu and Xu Qing are also working hard.

They can feel the extreme danger in the outside world, but they obviously can't care about it now.

They descended in one breath and rushed into the sea of ​​blood. In the second breath, the captain transformed into a large mouth and devoured them madly and desperately.

But with just one bite, the captain collapsed.

It formed again in an instant, and the tangled and pale face opened its mouth again, as if it was no longer absorbing, but rather containing it in a special way.

He looked like he could swallow as much as he could without fear of being stuffed to death.

Xu Qing was also going crazy. He also swallowed a mouthful, his body roared, the ruins rolled violently, and his cultivation skyrocketed.

The most astonishing thing is that there are hundreds of traces of divine authority in the ruins!

You must know that his accumulation was only four, but now he swallowed a mouthful of blood, and it turned out to be hundreds!

The horror is visible!

It's just that these traces of divine power are all shallow, not actually formed, but just phantoms. To turn them into reality, one needs to comprehend them.

But it can also be called peerless!

Xu Qing was extremely shocked. Even though she was somewhat prepared for this, she was still extremely excited.

And his hunger also disappeared.

A strong sense of fullness followed!

It's a long story, but in fact it all happened in an instant. Xu Qing gritted his teeth. Although he was full, he had worked hard to get here. How could he be satisfied with just one sip.

So when the second breath ended and the third breath came, he opened his mouth suddenly and swallowed again desperately.

At the same time, fully stimulate your own purple crystal.

If there is any item in the body that may be capable of containing the blood of the broken face, it must be this item!

If the purple crystal doesn't work either, Xu Qing will regret it, but he has no other choice.

The next moment, Xu Qing's whole body shone with purple light, and the sea of ​​blood around him surged in.


Xu Qing was excited, excited, and went all out.

However, time is limited after all.

All these things may seem long, but they actually only happen in three breaths.

When the fourth breath came, Wu Zi, which served as a concealer, finally collapsed.

Although it is magical and has been sacrificed many times, it has reached its own limit.

But without the wordless concealment, only the protection of the emperor's corpse remained. Xu Qing and the captain were shocked at the same time, but they did not stop swallowing the sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​​​blood, under their crazy swallowing, has now shrunk by 30%.

But the collapse is still continuing, and the emperor's corpse is a mess of blood and flesh and is turning into ashes.

This corpse itself is not ordinary. Its cultivation level during life is unknown, but it is expected to be at least the level of a great emperor. In addition, it has the authority of the divine domain, so it has become the biggest protective shield for Xu Qing and the captain here.

But it itself has fallen after all, it is just a corpse, a tree without roots, so it is rapidly disintegrating under the aura of the remaining face.

The breath from the residual face can destroy the origin and kill all living things in the galaxy.

The Emperor's Corpse was also unstoppable, seeing it disintegrate on a large scale. Once Xu Qing and Er Niu lost the Emperor's Corpse, they might not be able to hold on for a single breath under the aura of this broken face.

The ultimate life and death crisis broke out in the sixth breath, and death came.

There is still 40% left in the sea of ​​blood.

"Is there any backup plan? We can't leave without us!" Xu Qing endured his greed and sent out his spiritual consciousness.

"Yes, I have one last move!" The captain did not use the feather to teleport away, but looked crazy and roared with his spiritual mind.

"Master, if you don't show up, you will have no apprentice!!"

Xu Qing's eyes suddenly lit up.

And the scene that happened in the sky at this moment shocked all the cultivators who saw it again!

The jailbreak was already appalling, but what made people even more breathless was the greed of Xu Qing and Er Niu.

The word madness is not enough to describe this greed.

It is no exaggeration to say that this incident can be recorded among the major historical events of Wanggu.

At this moment, no matter the gods or powerful clans, as well as the many powerful people and hidden existences in this continent, all their minds are in a state of confusion, their minds are buzzing, and a huge storm is rising in their hearts.

It can be described as earth-shattering and earth-shattering!

In fact, he is the god of Shanghuang who wraps his spine around the entire Wanggu Continent and hangs half of his face in the sky. He is extremely sacred both in the past and in the present.

When he was once glorious, his name spread throughout the thirty-six star rings and countless star fields in this universe. He, who was half a god, had almost reached the peak of the god level.

Worshiped by all realms, the fate of countless lives has fluctuated due to his thoughts.

Even if the breakthrough later failed and he collapsed under the unimaginable huge backlash, he still could not be offended in the slightest.

And it is even more so when a whale falls into all things and has a personality like Him.

His fall has shaped countless gods for countless years, and wherever he goes, there are even gods who were born from him to follow him.

Be honored as Father God.

This shows his supreme status.

Therefore, throughout the ages, even if there are people who are greedy for His flesh and blood, no one dares to take action.

Monks cannot obtain flesh and blood if they cannot pass the divine prohibition, and the gods are in awe of them and do not dare to do so.

Therefore, it was impossible to take a bite of Him before this.

Not to mention that the aura of the residual face can wipe out all things.

But today, under the witness of all parties, two people, with unparalleled madness, not only appeared next to the broken face, but also threw themselves into the sea of ​​blood drops.

It is inappropriate to describe Xu Qing as a snake swallowing an elephant. To be precise, they are ants trying to eat a giant dragon.

The most important thing is that they seem to be... successful, but they are also about to become extinct.

At this moment, the whole world is paying attention.

What is madness, what is recklessness, what is seeking death...

That's it.

So, all the thoughts and eyes stared at them, wanting to watch them die with their own eyes.

But just then...

A big golden hand suddenly appeared above the curtain, outside the divine forbidden area!

The power of this big hand was astonishing. The moment it appeared, it swept across all directions without any hesitation.

He actually grabbed a large piece of broken face flesh and blood, and even scooped up the sea of ​​​​blood where Xu Qing and Er Niu were.

Then, grab another piece of flesh and blood!

All the gods who stared at this scene were shocked!

The expressions of the three gods also changed drastically.

The remaining eyelashes moved slightly.

The next moment, the big hand trembled and collapsed.

Golden blood sprayed, but it was obvious that the big hand that appeared at this moment was the source of greed. Even during this collapse, it still rushed forward forcefully, turned into a huge mouth, and fiercely swallowed the target piece of flesh and blood, and then retreated.

But the price was also huge. The palm collapsed, the fingers were shattered, leaving only a ball of golden light that rolled around Xu Qing and Er Niu and left quickly.

But it was still too late, the golden light was still shattered, and when it was about to disperse, Xu Qing and Er Niu heard low roars in their hearts.

"Two bastards seeking death, hurry up and run away! I can't hold on anymore!!"

Almost at the moment when the voice came, only 10% of the blood was left in the dilapidated body of the emperor, and the second feather suddenly opened.

Under the protection of golden light, the power of teleportation exploded instantly, showing a dazzling light and shining brightly.

Within the light, Xu Qing felt excited, raised his head, controlled the remaining eyes of the emperor's corpse, and stared at the golden light.

The golden light dispersed.

Xu Qing felt relieved and was about to look away, but in the next moment, his eyes froze.

He saw hundreds of star points in the endless starry sky in the distance, like shooting stars, which seemed to be approaching!

The distance was very far, Xu Qing didn't know what it was, and was about to stare carefully, but time ran out.

The next moment, the emperor's corpse where he was teleported away!

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