
Zaraki Kenpachi raised his eyebrows and looked at the flute demon that suddenly enlarged with interest.

"You can speak"

Daliola, who had previously met, knew that he had been hacked to death and had not spoken.

Zaraki Kenpachi thought that these guys who were created by Jeff and were called demons couldn't speak at all.

Now that Reiatsu is so weak that he can barely feel it, he can talk, which makes him interested.

"Hahahaha, soul, I want soul!"

Lalabai raised his huge head and roared up to the sky.

"It's noisy!"

Zaraki Kenpachi frowned, then cut out a sharp sword.


The sword was too fast, and it randomly cut off one of Lalabai's arms.


A flash of horror flashed through the purple demon's eyes, and Lalabai looked at the tall man before him in disbelief.

It was just a moment.In a moment, one of its hands was cut off.It didn't see it at all, it just saw a golden light.

But still at this moment, it sensed it.

The weak and slow induction finally made it feel it, but for a moment, the man facing him was shocked by the terrifying aura of the Asura Demon God, and it was terrible. This is not a human aura at all, how could it be so terrible. Where did the guy come from? Even if it's a powerful Lord Jeff, it's nothing more than that.

It was stunned.Even if one arm was cut off, he still squatted on the spot and did not dare to move.

This adult has the power to crush him into dregs only by his aura.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

The previous arrogant appearance instantly died down.It bowed slightly and asked tremblingly.

"Jie Jie Jie, you were created by Jeff, right!"

Since the other party has shown humility, Zaraki Kenpachi doesn't mind talking to him.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

"Yes, it is"

Lalabane responded indifferently, the intelligence quotient was originally low, and it couldn't guess the other party's purpose.

"Where is he, can you find him? You should be able to sense him!"

Zaraki Kenpachi smiled grimly, with a bit of excitement on his face, and asked Lalabai who was in front of him.

As a creator, it should be a creator who has a certain connection! "Uh"

"I have no contact with Master Jeff and do not know where he is"

He was just a casually crafted idea, how did he know such important information as Master Jeff's whereabouts! However, as soon as the voice fell, the next moment a huge golden sword light appeared in front of its eyes.

Pupu! This is the last picture it has ever seen.

"Hey useless things!"

Accompanied by a disdainful whisper, the huge blade light slashed across Lalabai's body made of magic wood, neatly splitting it in half, and still going to the back without any reduction, and chopped to the hill behind. .

Zaraki Kenpachi took the sword casually, didn't bother to look at the Demon Nalabai, curled his lips, and said to Elisa, "Go away.

, Elisa!"

There was no gain from this trip.

It was just a reluctant activity, he was a little disappointed! "Ah!"

The tall man and heroic woman drifted away under the shining of the moonlight.

But in the same place, the wood demon that had been split in half slowly turned into a streamer, disappeared and boomed! Even with that, the hill behind was also completely cut off by half of the hill, and gradually fell off.

"Little Ma, is this the adult?"

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and when the figures of Zaraki Kenpachi and Elisa completely disappeared into the night, several figures came out from the shadows, staring blankly at the scene left by the crushing battle. ,.

Several people looked at the mountain top that was cut in half in the distance, and asked the little old man on one side.

That's right, these are the guild leaders who originally gathered in the small auditorium! Eligoll's wanting to attack them is nothing short of idiots. In this small auditorium, all the guild leaders of the Illuminati are gathered! Naturally, there is nothing to say.

Anyone picked up at random can easily crush Eligore! Naturally, when Eligore first came, they felt it! But then the arrival of Elisa and Zaraki Kenpachi was out of the question. What they expected! And Zaraki Kenpachi's strength also surprised them.

"Uh yes"

Makarov seemed to have a little sadness on his face, looking at the half-cut mountain top and the messy ground in front of him, and nodded gently.

He is not curious about Zaraki Kenpachi.After all, he is already familiar with Zaraki Kenpachi.

I am just a little worried, whether the damage compensation caused by this battle will fall on the head of Fairy Tail! After all, Elisa also participated in "Good, strong, who is he?"

"Is this the power of that lord? I, I didn't even see him drawing his sword! Did he use magic? This seems to be pure physical power!"

After getting a response, several guild leaders glanced at each other, each talking in a low voice.

Whether they know Zaraki Kenpachi or not, the figure who looks like a devil today has left a deep impression in their hearts.

"Why such a person, such a strong man? Why does Makarov know such a strong man!"

Among the crowd, a man with a top hat and a little coquettishly dressed suddenly widened his eyes, his face flashed with different emotions, like anger, like fear, like surprise, and so on. envy.

The fists clenched subconsciously, the silver teeth clenched, and he looked deeply at Makarov on one side.

: It's two days off because of its previous seven-three.

One college thing.

The other book has just ended, and this one is still there: wait and see.

I was stuck and no state at first, and now I am not in the mood for the code word, and I don't know whether to continue writing it down.

If I continue to write down, I and Eight Million Hundred will not know how to deal with the original plan to be broken.Although there are not many people who watch it, they are a little reluctant.

I really insulted my favorite Ichimaru Gin. Why is it so unlucky for me to write an article? It's website maintenance, it's also strengthening the standards, and it's the original author doing things.

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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