Overlord Begins: Death Wish

Chapter 356 Iron Dragon and Madara

The Lalabai incident was simply exposed in this way, without making any waves.

Unexpectedly, the council did not ask Makarov for the destruction of the site.

Everyone resumed their normal lives, Zaraki Kenpachi stayed in his small yard as always, and the girls didn't say much except for a complaint about Elisa.

After all, where Zaraki Kenpachi wants to go is determined by his own will, and Zaraki Kenpachi doesn’t care.

They, let them do what they like, and for the same reason, they don't want to put Zaraki Kenpachi on the shackles, at most they just regret not being with him.

At night, a high full moon hung in the sky, and occasionally a few clouds drifted past, blocking the bright moonlight of the dome.It seems that something unusual has happened today.

In the hut, Albedo once again managed to sneak into Luo Ming's house relying on the bracelet, and the two hugged and slept.

"Boom Boom"

There seemed to be a violent roar from a distance, and the earth shook.

Luo Ming, who closed his eyes and rested while holding Albedo's soft body, seemed to feel something, slowly opened his eyes, and subconsciously looked in one direction.

"What's wrong? Master Ming"

The little devil doesn't need to sleep! Albedo naturally can't sleep, she just wants to hold her Master Ming, feel his body temperature, feel his smell, that's all.

Naturally, she is very awake, and a little movement of Luo Ming will be noticed by her in an instant.

She squinted her eyes, and asked humbly.

"No, it's okay, but tomorrow, something interesting should happen!"

Luo Ming returned to his senses, smiled lightly, stroked the scattered hair of the woman in front of him, his eyes softened.

"Master Ming, I"

Albedo blushed, with a little watery eyes, fixedly looking at the handsome man in front of him.

Although they are all Luo Ming, originally her favorite is Luo Ming's Ulquiorra form, but somehow, gradually, she still feels that Luo Ming's original appearance is more suitable for her.(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Without the coldness of Ulquiorra, the treacherousness of Ichimaru Gin, and the dominance of Zaraki Kenpachi, although the temperament is still a bit lonely, it is completely different for them! Intimacy, gentleness, she likes it, and she is addicted to it.

"I think"

The woman's soft voice rang in the silent room.

Luo Ming's eyes darkened a bit

There is no need to say more about Yinggeyanwu on Luo Ming's side.On the other side, on the street, riding the night, a man in black smiled sullenly, and walked out of the guild station of Fairy Tail.

Facing the bright moonlight, he also came in his original appearance.

With long black hair, tall body, wearing a black vest, punk outfit, hanging eyes, ears, eyes, and nose bridge are all inlaid with iron nails, which looks a bit uncomfortable.

His name is Jagiruret Fox, who was raised by the iron dragon Medalicana, and he mastered the magic of iron dragon slaying.

Medalicana also left on July 7, 777. He was alone and joined the Magic Guild. He is now a member of the Dominator of the Magic Guild Spectre. Tonight, he was ordered by President Joseph. , Come to sabotage

, Angered Fairy Tail! And while advancing like this, he seemed to suddenly feel something, suddenly looked towards the other corner, and let out a loud noise.


He clenched his fists, his eyes solemn.

There is nothing wrong with the dragon's feeling! There is a person hidden here, a very powerful person! And at this moment, accompanied by a really weird humming tone, a figure slowly walked out of the corner.

A bright and bald bald head came into view.He was wearing a black gown, holding a long sword in his hand, and using one of his toes to support his entire body, performing a very strange dance.

Madarame Ikkaku:! I noticed the arrival of malicious people, and Madarame Ikkaku, who is about to be free these days, came out consciously.

"Who are you"

Gajru had read the strange dance of the bald man before him with black lines.

"Hey, stranger, shouldn't you report your name before asking someone else's name? This is basic etiquette!"

Madarame Ikkaku: I squeezed the scabbard in his hand tightly, his eyes seemed to be a little joking, and he smiled and looked at the guy in front of him who had a similar breath to Naz.

"Huh, my name is Jajrou!"

The long-lost, unruly iron dragon did not habitually call others "junk"

, But secretly guarded, carefully looking at the bald head in front of him, ready to fight at any time.

This strange guy is very strong! "Ahaha, I remember Gajiro! Please also remember, my name is Madarame Ikkaku:, Jie Jie Jie"

He smiled sadly: "It's the one who is about to kill you!"

It is Madarame Ikkaku's habit to report the name to the opponent who is about to kill.

In his opinion, people who have been determined to die on the battlefield will at least want to know who killed him! In recent days, he has become more and more idle, because no one fights with him! Naz has grown up, is getting stronger and stronger, and can already fight him.

Every time I fight with him, Madarame Ikkaku: I feel very happy.

However, when Naz grew up, he was no longer free from the free parenting benefits of guild minors. He needed to go to work to support himself, and he himself also wanted to find Igunilu's news, so he said that he has rarely come. NS.

Laxus recently fell in love with training his subordinates, and took his three little brothers to run out every day, and he was a bit rebellious, so he didn't come too much.

The same goes for all of you in Eleven.They are not all people who love fighting, and they also have to work and have their own lives. They rarely fight with Madarame Ikkaku.

Moreover, the battle of the magician is somewhat the same, there are so many moves back and forth, and it is not interesting to be familiar with the fight, and it is far from the kind of...hearty feeling of slashing.

Zaraki Kenpachi has always been there, but he is a subordinate, and he can't beat it, and now, it is rare to encounter a guy with good momentum, Madarame Ikkaku: Naturally, I can't wait to jump out.

He was extremely comfortable, and he deliberately performed his proud "tiptoe dance" in front of a strange opponent.


Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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