Overlord Begins: Death Wish

Chapter 357 Hōzukimaru

"Kill me hahaha"

Jajiru's eyes shrank suddenly, as if he had heard something funny, he looked at the bald man in front of him with a wild smile on his face.

"You take yourself too seriously!"

Although the guy on the opposite side looks very strong, Jajiru himself is not weak. He doesn't think the bald boy in front of him can kill him! "Iron Dragon Stick!"

The first act was strong. As soon as the voice fell, Gajru slammed his left arm. The arm that was still flesh and blood instantly turned into a black iron rod and slammed towards Madarame Ikkaku: The bright forehead twitched. past.


In the next instant, the iron objects intersected, and a huge sound pierced through.

Madarame Ikkaku, who has been fighting for many years: The reaction is not slow, and Zanpakutō was drawn out to block the past.The long sword collided with the iron rod, and a long spark was drawn.

"You can't beat me with the sword!"

At this time, Gajru had turned his whole body into steel, and looked at Madarame Ikkaku, who was holding a sword in one hand: He smiled disdainfully.

For enemies who use iron weapons, he has a huge advantage in mastering the magic of iron dragon slaying! The opponent can never break his defense, and he can even eat the opponent's weapon! "Ha"

Madarame Ikkaku: I also picked the tails of the eyes. The pink camouflage made him look a bit evil. He smiled wildly: "What are you talking about!"

Immediately after he took out the scabbard, facing the hilt, he shouted with a grin, "Extend it, Hōzukimaru!"

In an instant, Zanpakutō exudes a dazzling light.

Immediately afterwards, Jahjiru's shocked gaze was in sight.

The weapon of the bald boy on the opposite side suddenly changed its appearance, and instantly changed from a long sword to a long spear.

The wooden handle of the gun, the head of the gun glowing with cold light.

Madarame Ikkaku: Zanpakutō, Hōzukimaru, Shikai! At the same time, along with Zanpakutō’s Shikai, Madarame Ikkaku: Reiatsu was also liberated, and the domineering and powerful Reiatsu spread out instantly, although it was far behind Zaraki Kenpachi's desperate level, but it's not weak anymore.

"A Weapon That Can Change"

Jajiru frowned, and fixedly watched the opposite side becoming a little bald, the iron rod changed back to his arm, his fists were also subconsciously clenched, and his metallic body reflected in the moonlight. A different kind of light.

For him, there is no difference between a long sword and a long spear, and even a wooden handle is easier for him to deal with.

The important thing is not this, but the aura! The bald boy's aura changed in an instant, completely different from just now, a bit scary! "Haha, let's fight!"

Madarame Ikkaku: Holding Hōzukimaru in both hands, with a hearty smile, he stabs Jajru suddenly.

Hanmang arrives first, spear: out like a dragon.

"Swish, swish, swish!"(Read more @ mtlarchive.com)

Madarame Ikkaku: The gun skills are naturally great.

"Iron Dragon Sword!"

Naturally, Jajru was unwilling to show weakness, his hands turned into two great swords, and he slammed towards Madarame Ikkaku: slashed over.


Madarame Ikkaku: A cold snort.

His combat experience is so rich that one of them sideways hid, and the spear in his hand slammed Jajiru's chest fiercely.


The sharp tip of the gun collided with the body of stainless steel, making a crisp sound.

I was stabbed! Gajru's eyes shrank suddenly, he shouldn't be afraid of such an attack! But somehow, at this moment, he felt a dull pain in his chest.

Pain! At this time, he was as hard as steel, but he felt pain.

"What about the body beaten by Jie Jie and iron"

Madarame Ikkaku: With a grin, the hand holding the spear squeezed again.

With a point Arrancar, with the strongest attack, attack at one point, no matter how strong the defense is, it can be pierced! The voice just fell, "Puff!"

Jajru's face suddenly stiffened, and the spear went further.

Blood spattered.

Damn! "Iron Dragon Stick!"

Jajru shook his hand violently, and shook his long black iron arm to attack Madarame Ikkaku:'s head, and the other side slammed back, widening the distance.

This guy seems to be a bit difficult! Gajiro regrets his recklessness a bit.

"The roar of the Iron Dragon!"

While pulling the distance away, he resisted the pain in his chest and inhaled suddenly, and the silver magic circle appeared before him.

Immediately afterwards, the silver whirlwind wrapped the iron sheet and slammed towards Madarame Ikkaku: It blew past.

"Roaring is very similar to the skills of an imp!"

Madarame Ikkaku: His eyes were dazzling, the whole person did not evade, holding the spear in both hands and breathing, and rushed towards Gajru.

"Hahaha, good power!"

Crazy! Jajiru's eyes shrank suddenly, revealing a bit of disbelief.

This is a lunatic! He has never seen that guy who can attack him forcibly against the breath of Dragon Slayer Magic.

However, don't wait for him to think about it.

In the next instant, his entire face froze.

The magic that released the roar of the iron dragon also stood up in an instant.

The throat cold, I don't know when.

A bit of cold light has already been spotted on his neck.

He sank slightly, his eyes full of horror.

In front of him, the bald head held a spear with one hand, pointed straight at his neck, and a grinning smile appeared on his face.

Forcibly rushing up with his breath magic, the other party's clothes were a little damaged, and there was no trace of scars on his body.

How could it be a monster! Jajiru, who has been called a monster for many years, finally has fear, but this time he wants to call this guy in front of him a monster! He has never seen such a person! "Jiejiejie , I won! Remember, the one who killed you was Madarame Ikkaku:!"

Madarame Ikkaku: I didn't bother to explain more, he won this stop! I was very happy when I was in the mood! That's enough! Then, the spear was about to pierce and pierce the tough guy on the opposite side in the neck.

However, the next moment, "Whoo!"

A dark figure flashed past Madarame Ikkaku: "Who!"

Madarame Ikkaku: I screamed, but I couldn't get the slightest response.

At the same time, Gajru, who had been slaughtered in horror, disappeared before his eyes.


Madarame Ikkaku: I picked up the spear and looked into the distance.Under the full moon, a figure with a magic hat flashed past, and the other party disappeared without looking back.

Read more @ mtlarchive.com. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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