Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1122: Chaos Sanko

The entire avenue city is in abundance. There is no doubt that Chaos Valley has come, and the ninth son of Chaos has been defeated. It directly forces the Chaos Three of Chaos Valley!

The forbidden zone of life has been called the world, and the foundation is unfathomable. Although the Tiantian domain has been degraded because of the prehistoric big brother, it can be different from the chaotic valley. This system is mysterious and speculative, mastering the supreme resources, and has gone out of great power from generation to generation!

During this time, the gossip was faintly revealed, and it was difficult to explore the source, but the news was very scary. It is said that the chaotic nine sons are the **** descendants of the taboo!

This is horrible, then the ninth son of chaos should be the weakest one, and the first son of chaos should be the strongest!

The world does not know whether the first son of this chaos has come out of the mountain, but today the Chaos three sons in the Avenue City are already scary!

"Forbidden descendants, how strong is it?" Someone trembled: "Let the Su Shi people roll over and get guilty? Even let the people who are related to him not be born again. This is to kill the Su Shi people. pulse?"

"In the reincarnation of the universe in the past, Su Yan's four invincible combinations, all of which are the younger generation of Yingjie Yingjie, is very unacceptable, can't they fight with the chaos three sons?"

"No, it's hard to say now that Su Shi people also have invincible power, but the cosmic environment has to change, and the future burial grounds will also be opened. This shows that the era that belongs to them is coming. Is it true that the prosperous age will really go to the arrogance? Like the point of paper?"

Many people dare not imagine the future. If it is true, Su Yan’s invincible combination will be defeated, and even the world’s Tianjiao will be eclipsed.

"Can we not keep up with the progress of the times? Strong as Su Yan will also be bleak in the face of the prosperous world in the future? New era... Is this the world of these taboos?"

The Iron King sighed and looked at the chaotic three sons who were entrenched in the avenue city. They were all powerful, and they were all the heroes of the kingdom of the gods. Like the three chaotic gods that came from ancient times, the whole was filled with strong years of fluctuations, accompanied by A vast space-time pressure!

Undoubtedly, these three sons are extremely strong. The gods of the older generation are breathing hard in front of them. Just like facing the three kings who are above nine days, the earth-shattering power of the earth is enough to be shocking!

The three kings are emptied, and they are entrenched in the avenue city.

"Oh, arrogant!"

Among the official residences of the Avenue City, Luo Tiandu’s face was blue and green. If the old man in the bureaucratic suppresses him and makes him honest, Luo Tian is mostly unable to control it and fight with the three sons!

"Oh, the ninth son of Chaos has been defeated by Dayong, and the three sons are arrogant."

Luo Huaqing also fiercely opened. Before the Chaos Sanzi put it, he said that people related to Su Yan should not be born again. This is also including Luo Tiandu. When the reincarnation of the universe was in the past, Luo Tiandu shot to block the South Emperor. This is widely circulated.

A group of old gods in the bureaucracy smiled bitterly, and people had arrogant capital. They were all strong in the kingdom of the gods. But now the entire Dalu dynasty is now, only the South Emperor broke the king of the shackles, and Luo Tiandu has not yet cultivated this step. .

Looking at a great religion, it is already great to be able to walk out of a young **** for hundreds of years.

The Chaos Valley overlooks the world. After a long time, the Chaos nine sons sleep in the years and enjoy the infinite nourishment and nourishment. They are like born creatures, naturally powerful and outrageous!

"Who is outside the door?"

Luo Yuanzheng's nephew sank, and there was a particularly terrible blood fluctuation in the door, and the bureaucrats were quiet.

Luo Tiandu they frown, here is the official residence of the Dala Dynasty, and the guards are strict. Who dares to squat here without being invited?

"Sou people take the liberty to interrupt, the old prince has not seen for many years, you are still old and strong!"

The voice of faint laughter came in. Luo Yuanzheng first smashed, and suddenly laughed: "The guests are coming, the glory is shining, the little brothers are please, please!"

His large sleeves opened the door of the bureaucracy, and Su Yan stepped into the bureaucracy, attracting a lot of attention to them.

When I saw the person's appearance, the strong face of the bureaucrat was somewhat abnormal. I did not expect that the Su Shi people from the world would come, even a few days ago, and the East Devils, and defeated the ninth son of Chaos!

"He is Su Yan!"

Among the bureaucrats, at least six gods stood up, and the body was full of blood, powerful and shocking, bathing the dragon and the dragon, and the majesty was full of meteorology!

However, these six great kings, when faced with Su Yan coming in from the outside, seem to be a little weak between the vagueness, Su Yan can not talk about how strong the momentum, but the road is inscrutable, just like the universe,

"The little brothers are so good and deep, this is the time to step into the kingdom of God?" Luo Yuanzhen was shocked. Su Yan has only entered the gods for many years. Now his road is really unfathomable!

Once Su Yan realized in the secrets of the universe, although he was forced to interrupt, but his path was very deep, the king of God could not see through it, let alone the faint flow of horror in his body, exuding an amazing sense of oppression!

"Shenwang Road is still very long." Su Yan calmly said: "If there is no opportunity, it is extremely difficult to break through within ten years!"

A group of gods in the bureaucracy moved a little, and Luo Tiandu walked up and laughed: "Why, the soul of the Soviet brother is too close, I think it is a prehistoric system!"

Su Yan was a little surprised, and wanted to answer, then his eyes fell on a young woman wearing a blue dress in front. For many years, Luo Huaqing’s beauty was lost. Some of them were faded and more calm and honorable.

Seeing Luo Huaqing looking at himself with a resentful look, Su Yan smiled helplessly: "The little princess, for many years, you are really more beautiful and holy."

"Hey." Luo Huaqing lively and lively, suddenly smiled, she is still so strange, the skin is white and delicate, exudes youthful atmosphere, said: "Da Yong, I thought you became a master, have forgotten me."

Luo Tiandu looked strange and stunned Luo Huaqing. Since the last corpse of blood tyrannical, it has not seen Luo Huaqing so happy for a long time.

Immediately, Luo Tian looked at Su Yan with his gaze, for fear that the kid would seduce his sister.

"How can I forget the little princess when I saved my life?"

Su Yan smiled and said: "After a long time, the little princess is now a master of the gods."

"That is natural, I have cultivated a good, Su brother, now you are afraid to have something to do?" Luo Tiandu quickly interjected, which made Luo Huaqing a slap in the face, very angry, glanced at Luo Tiandu .

"The last round of the cosmic Luo brother helped me a hand, I have not had time to thank." Su Yan responded.

"Su brother is very polite, I did not expect it for many years, Su brother is now the young overlord of Megatron." Luo Tiandu felt very vague: "The king of the king is also close at hand, how did Su brother say that within ten years of breakthrough Have difficulties, have you got a prehistoric heritage?"

Su Yan is also quite interested. Is this family of the Dala Dynasty dynasty also mastering prehistoric heritage?

"Although the taboos occupy the right place and the right place, but some groups are also excavating a lot of prehistoric heritage in the chaos of ruins, but I don't know how big the gap is with them!" Luo Tian has some worries and directly acknowledges that prehistoric inheritance does have some control.

Su Yan is a little relieved, because he is not worried about the taboo, but the future devil fog haunt, that is the most terrible, who can be spared?

"Su Yan, you and the ninth son of Chaos, how to evaluate?" Luo Yuanzheng asked, this is what they are eager to understand.

Wen Yan, Su Yan was silent for a while, he said: "The ninth son of chaos, if it does not rely on the prehistoric environment, he and the East and West Buddha have some gaps, but now the environment has changed, it is difficult to say, but the chaos ninth Is the child the weakest? I really don't know much about Chaos Valley!"

"It is indeed the weakest, chaotic nine sons, the eldest son is the strongest, the nine sons are the weakest!" Luo Yuanzheng focused on the head: "It seems that Su Yan knows a lot about the cosmic environment, you said it is good, once this day When the advent is coming, the universe will be chaotic, and it will be related to all ethnic groups!"

"Su brother, you shouldn't care about the chaotic nine sons now." Luo Tian said fiercely: "Qiu Ming, I am afraid that I will break through the realm of power!"

"He has to break through the power, is the news reliable?"

Su Yan’s face is so heavy that if Qiu Ming stepped into power, it would be terrible.

"Reliable!" Luo Yuanzheng responded: "Qiu Ming has not been born in a year or two. My family has discovered intelligence. Qiu Ming was born last time. His breath is uncontrollable and he has to break through!"

"But Qiu Ming has lived, and he wants to break through and choose to be in the burial place, not here."

Su Yan took a deep breath and did not expect to get an important message. Once Qiu Ming stepped into the field of power in the burial place, it would be desperate for the world's arrogance. Where is the burial place? In the history of the strongest creation, when he is Qiu Ming, he will not harvest the treasures of the world.

"Of course, there is a certain buffer period. He can't just break through to the burial place. He will definitely be familiar with the environment. If he has been working for several years, he will choose to break through!" Luo Yuanzheng said.

Su Yan and they have been communicating to the night, the Dala Dynasty has a great understanding of the situation in the world. These old kings have no concealment and can tell him as much as possible.

In the end, Su Yan asked about the origin of the fairy material.

Luo Yuanzheng smiled and said: "Shendao material, everyone knows that it can continue Shouyuan, and even live forever, and can help the big energy to break through. These rumors are not false."

"The immortal material is a taboo of the life of the blood!" Luo Tian is open.

Su Yan was taken aback, some horror, the taboo of the life of the blood, is the fairy material.

"The blood of taboos contains an immortal substance that can prolong life, even wash the flesh with blood, and feel the unsuccessful fruit in it." Luo Yuanzheng said: "But it is not recommended to use it directly, because it will affect your path. !"

Of course, Luo Yuanzheng said that people like Su Yan, if the talent is weak, directly use the immortal material to improve the qualifications, can be used for taboo avenues, and there will be great achievements in the future.

"Su Yan, still not coming to sin!"

In the late night, the avenue city is full of glory, as if the ancient fairy resurrection, cold anger said: "You really thought it would give you ten days, my patience is limited!"

The hegemony of the Chaos Valley has caused many people to scream.

Too arrogant, in the middle of the night in the Avenue City, let people not practice?

"Is the old man who is sitting in the town hall asleep? I don't stand up and take care of it. Are they taking Avenue City as their own?"

Luo Yuanzheng's temper can't stand it, but he said that the old antiques in the temple, Su Yan's heart is filled with cold, he is thinking, will it be the old antiques of the Taoist temple to save the ninth son of chaos!

Su Yan felt that the possibility was huge. Nowadays, the old antiques of the temple are ignored. After all, there are certain hatreds. The Zhentian God of War is killed by Su Yan.

"Since I was a soft persimmon, I went to kill the ninth son of chaos!"

Su Yan sacrificed the sacred **** soldier and turned it into a black sword tire.

"Su brother can not mess!" Luo Tian hastened to stop.

"No problem!"

Su Yan cold channel: "This is the Avenue City, the place where the dragon veins gather, I let them can not eat and walk!"

Many old kings were shocked. They thought that Su Yan would crouch. Who knows that he wants to kill the ninth son of chaos.

Here is the Avenue City, it is forbidden to use force, but Su Yan is still ready to shoot!

The dark catastrophe is about to come, and even if the chaos three children can't cope, let's talk about the future.

Su Yan is extremely clear that in the long-term era against the devil's fog is the funeral domain.

Once the catastrophe comes, the first liquidation must be their family.

Su Yan took the darkness to kill the sword and walked straight out of the bureaucracy.

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