Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1123: The **** shot!

This night is not very calm, the chaos of the three sons of the chaos in the city, can be said to be unscrupulous!

This makes some of the great masters of the great religions somewhat mad. Avenue City is the first city in the universe. In this sacred city, the chaos three sons are smothered and smothered, and even let the Su Shi people get out and sin.

"It’s too arrogant. Here is Avenue City. How do people in the hall are dumb?”

"Yeah, I really hope that the Su Shi people will stand up and beat them up. What about the taboos? The ninth son of Chaos is not defeated by Su Yan. I guess the ninth son of Chaos is seriously injured. The three sons can't control it. Killing!"

"The monks should stand up and give them some lessons!"

Some people in the city are roaring in their hearts. There is really an imbalance in the taboos. I really want to see someone who can stand up and teach them lessons. Tell them with strength. This is not the world who is living forever. Whose resources are more than the world!

"Oh, Su Yan, the cartilage head, did not dare to shoot when he encountered hard. At that time, he and the ninth son of Chaos were confronted completely because he did not know the origin of Chaos Valley."

"Yes, although he defeated the ninth son of chaos, but the strongest force of the ninth son of chaos was interrupted by the punishment of the day, can not say that Su Yan surpassed the chaos, and the ninth son of chaos is still the weakest one!"

There are also some people who are ridiculous and ridiculous. There is no shortage of Su Yan’s enemies. I want to see Su Yan’s legend broken because of the chaotic nine.

I am afraid that no one will think that Su Yan has been carrying a dark sword tire and wandering in the big avenue city!

The first place where Su Yan went was the street where the city’s main government was located. The city’s main government was very strict, and many soldiers were patrolling, but these guards were nothing for Su Yan.

Just in the street near Su Yan, his heart was suffocating.

Obviously, Su Yan’s insights revealed that there was one after another in the void in front of the street. The strong shadows were crouching in the dark, and Su Yan was close to the strong people who had been crouched.

"It seems that the ninth son of chaos should be cultivated inside, or else the guard will not be so strict, at least five gods are hiding in the void."

Su Yan whispered in his heart, how can the ordinary city house make such a lineup, he is very clear that the injury of the ninth son of Chaos is very serious, even if he has the essence of the **** medicine, it is not a short time to stand up.

Su Yan wanders around the streets, but in reality, observe the dragon veins here!

Under the avenue city, there is a avenue dragon vein, the bottom of the ground is derived from the branches of many dragon veins, densely spread throughout the avenue city, so you can maintain the fascinating life of the avenue city!

As a master of Su Yanqimen Qimen, coupled with his mastery of the terrain chapter, it is easy for him to figure out the trend of the terrain here.

Even the resurrection of the Han family's old master can't do this step for him. After all, Su Yan is the master of the complete inheritance of the terrain chapter!

Su Yan was here for a long time, and he quietly left. At night, Su Yan went to the area where Chaos Sanzi is located!

“Ma Yiliang of Ma’s family came to visit.”

"He Jiahe came to visit the holy day."

"Hong Jia Hong An came to visit three great gods...."

The excitement of this street is beyond the expectations of Su Yan. Many young generations of Junjie personally visited the door, and even some of the strong pearls came out alone.

This makes the passing of the strong guys screaming, the Chaos Valley is the Chaos Valley, and now the Chaos Sanzi is here, attracting visitors from all walks of life, and the people who come to visit are not small.

For them, if you can rely on the chaotic valley of this vast tree, it can be regarded as flying up!

"You, my family, I have no time to entertain you, but my family said, wait for the annihilation of Su Yan, and will entertain the banquet for you..."

In the land where the three sons are entrenched, some servants with strong breaths come out and look arrogant. They are not too attached to these outside wizards. They are more desirable than the Holy Gods.

As for the pearls of some ethnic groups, these servants sneered at them, and these goods still want to be close to the chaos three sons? Some idiots say dreams!

"Haha, now Su Yan is estimated to be hiding somewhere, not dare to move." Ma Yiliang laughed loudly: "Chaos three sons of the cosmic universe, invincible in the world, he Su Yan also knows that caused a big disaster, categorically dare not show up !"

"Yes, most of the avenues he didn't dare to come. If there is a need for service in Chaos Valley, I am willing to listen."

Here gathers the strong people of all ethnic groups and talks about the chaos of Gudu Zhuang, as if it is a pilgrimage here, the attitude is self-evident, and you want to rely on the big ship of Chaos Valley, even if you can follow the chaos three sons in the future burial place. It is definitely not a small opportunity.

"What is the horror of my Lord's means, a small Su Yan, where can he hide?" A servant said coldly: "He Su Yan has offended the Chaos Valley, and he will not wait, wait. My own means of persecution forced him to appear!"

"But I also said on the Lord, if Su Yan is coming to plead guilty, the Lord may be able to open the net and spare them!"

This information is exuded, so that they are scared by the Holy God of War, Chaos Valley has been looking for Su Yan for a year, and it is estimated that they want to get something from Su Yan. Now that Chaos Sanzi said so, it shows that Su Yan is very kind to them. important!

"What are you looking for?"

All of this fell in the eyes of Su Yan, he frowned, is it what Chaos Valley wants to get from himself?


Suddenly, among the powerful bureaucrats, there are horrific energy fluctuations in the vagueness, like the three great furnaces that are in the sky, releasing the magnificent and magnificent Wangwang fluctuations!

For a time, the sky was gloomy, and the stars and the stars outside the field trembled. This is the scent of the three gods, and the power of the universe!

There is a disappointment of the old gods. If they are facing the boundless sea, they are as small as a stream. How many gaps exist in this? These **** kings are really shocked, so terrible, what level of chaos three sons is powerful?

"He is afraid that there is a treasure body, it is extremely difficult to calculate the specific position!"

In the bureaucrats, the ancestors of the Han family were gloomy. Although he was a **** body, the means were still there, but he could not be deduced to the position of Su Yan!

"Su Yan must find it. He is the key point of this mission. The nine brothers are really not enough. Now I am shocked by this little rabbit. It is difficult to force Su Yan to appear!"

There is an anger in the eyes of Chaos Sanzi. Someone said: "I see, I went back to the valley to take a treasure, a little rabbit, and now I can't escape our palms!"

"I am willing to accompany the young master to return together, with my energy of the gods, you can save a lot of time." Han family ancestors quickly spoke.


The other two nodded: "If you don't want to be late, you should leave now and go back early."

"call out!"

In this way, the bureaucrats are filled with a strong time and space fluctuations. The Han family's ancestors wrapped up the eight sons with the energy of the soul and crossed the time and space to save time as much as possible.

"The atmosphere of the Han family ancestors, he left the avenue city!"

Su Yan caught this scene, and there was a happy color in his heart. He said: "It’s really helping me, and it will make you look good soon!"

Su Yan is groping around. The terrain here is similar to that of the city government. He fumbled for a while and left.

Immediately, Su Yan found a large shop to purchase a batch of precious materials, and spent a full 50,000 pounds of chaotic treasure!

Along the way, he did not dare to delay the time, found a place to provide cultivation in the vicinity, rented a training room, took out the treasures, and prepared to create a big killing.

Time goes by day after day.

The Dala Dynasty official residence, Luo Yuanzheng, they are a little anxious, the outside wind is very tight, Luo Huaqing are worried, hope that Su Yan first leaves the Avenue City, after all, who has been alone with a life restricted area since the ancient enemy.

It is said that the Chaos Valley Eight sons left, ready to return to the Chaos Valley to take a treasure to calculate the trace of Su Yan.

"Su Yan, time has passed five days, you have to measure the consequences, you come now, there is hope of living, but if we find you, the consequences you should be clear!"

"Do not want to go into the chaotic tower, as for the burial place, hehe!"

Throughout the avenue city, there are rumors everywhere, and the chaos of the three sons is more and more powerful. The number of people who come to visit every day is unclear. Many people praise the chaos of the three sons, and Su Yan is forced to put a fart.

"Su Yan is mostly over, Chaos Valley is really moving, and looking at the battle, this is not forced out of Su Yan, they vow not to stop!"

Some people are gloating, and they are stared at by a restricted area of ​​life.

Nowadays, more and more strong people gather in the city, and the chaotic tower vibrates all day. This shows that the opening time is fast, never more than half a month, and it is likely to be completely opened within a few days!

When the time has passed three more days, this day, the city is extremely unsettled, and the horrible murderous blooms, it is almost necessary to sweep the entire avenue city!


The source area, such as the fairy magic, conveys a scream of anger: "It has been eight days, Su Yan, you are provoking the majesty of my chaotic valley!"

"I will stand up immediately, I will need an explanation, if not, you will be completely destroyed!"

This is how powerful the bottom, who does not know that there is a taboo brother behind Su Yan, but Chaos Valley is not afraid of all this, exudes cold cold killing, sweeping the whole city, do not find Su Yan simply do not give up!

"Ha ha ha, look, now Su Yan can't even put a fart!"

Ma Yiliang laughed loudly, and many of the geniuses of the various tribes gathered in the chaos of the three sons of Chaos were sneer, and the pheasant could be compared with the phoenix. The Chaos Valley was the Canglong, overlooking Su Yanru overlooking an ant!


Only Ma Yiliang just finished saying this, a golden hand brake came over and there was a pressure of overwhelming pressure!


Ma Yiliang was shocked. He wanted to stop, but let the breath released by Ma Yiliang be strong. This golden hand that descended from the sky was blazing to the extreme, crushing the body of God built by Ma Yiliang, and he flew in the palm of his hand. Go out!


Ma Yiliang screamed, snorting in the nose and mouth, terrible.

The people nearby are in a daze, but this is Ma Yiliang, who couldn’t climb up with a slap!


Immediately, a figure descended from the sky, his foot stepped on Ma Yiliang, and he screamed. The whole body was torn apart, and the pupil was desperate because he saw a figure familiar with his fear!

"Things that tend to be inflammatory, it’s time to kill!"

Su Yan's cold opening makes the audience sensational, and the whole street continues to be turbulent!

"Who is a murderer again, have you eaten a daring courage? Dare to scatter wildly in the chaos of the three sons!"

Under the chaos of the three sons, a group of servants were furious and shocked, and they wanted to take Su Yan!

"A group of slaves, roll!"

Su Yan screamed, a fist banged forward, gasping the stars, explosive power, and the void was bombarded, and the four slaves of the scorpion smashed and burst into blood!


The whole street was scared, and directly in the avenue city, Wu Yiliang, a fist to crush the four servants under the chaos of the three sons, this is even more tough than the three sons!

"Chaos three sons count as a fart, roll out and lead to death!"

Su Yan’s footsteps and Ma Yiliang’s collapse, such as a martial arts god, angry bullfighting, the whole street is shaking, the front door of the official residence is blasted, and some people have seen Su Yan smashed a dozen outside the domain. The stars smashed down and collapsed the entire bureaucracy.

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