Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1124: Killing the ninth son of chaos

"Su Yan, he ate the immortals, still really feel that he is invincible!"

The street continued to be sensational, and the onlookers were trembled. What kind of enthusiasm he had in the end, dare to shoot here, dare to say that the chaos three sons are a fart, and even he dares to use force directly in the avenue city!

You are the first city avenue city of the universe. It is forbidden to use force. This is the rule passed down from ancient times. But the Su Shi people directly broke the rules and smashed the four servants of Chaos Sanzi, and even trampled on Ma Yiliang!

Although Su Yan’s move made many people applaud and couldn’t get used to Ma Yiliang, they became more and more swearing and said that Su Yan had a lot of bad things.

Su Yan's courage is too big. The chaos three sons let him come and plead guilty. As a result, Su Yan is good. He broke his hand here, smashed the four servants who left them, and even directly smashed their bureaucrats!

These hegemonic gestures have really alarmed the arrogance of the various places gathered here. Many of the strongest people who came to please the chaos of the three sons, such as avoiding snakes and snakes, have retreated and are not afraid to be near the streets where Chaozi Sanzi is located.

Although the chaos three sons are powerful and peerless, they are derived from the Chaos Valley.

However, the world can hardly forget, the former change of the Avenue City, the prehistoric big brother furious shot, will seal the Tianyu almost to erase, he also has taboo support behind his back, fearless revenge of Chao Valley!

"He just did it. This guy is really daring, who has been doing this since ancient times!"

Far away from the official residence of the Dala Dynasty, Luo Yuanzheng was dumbfounded, too overbearing, directly killing the past, exploding the bureaucrats of the chaotic three sons, they were shocked, Su Yan in the end what means, dare to ride in chaos Three sons on the head.


The whole street was in silence, and in the blink of an eye, the two kings fluctuated, and the entire bureaucratic ruins exploded. The whole piece of the sky was trembled, and the road was like a squat at their feet!

The two horrible kings of the gods, bathing in chaotic beams, rose up!

"Family, Su Yan, I think you are tired of life, and your family's great power can't keep you!"

The two strong men are furious and screaming in the pupils. Su Yan’s move is a naked insult to their chaotic valley, not to put the chaos nine sons on the heart!

"Su Yan is not a **** king. What cards are there to challenge the two kings of Chaos Valley? Even Qiu Ming must measure the quantity!"

The storms in the city gathered, Su Yan's move shocked people, countless people were stunned, the war began, and no one thought that Su Yan was strong, and he broke his hand.

"You count as a fart, Chaos Valley is awesome? When the world meets you, you have to pay homage?"

Su Yan Daxie, wearing long hair dancing, killing in the pupil, said: "This is the Avenue City, not the Chaos Valley, since the people in the Daodian did not dare to stand up to clean up these fish, Laozi today shot, burst What you call myth!"

As soon as this statement came out, the storm in the entire avenue city rolled, and the strong persuasion trembled. The consequences of Su Yan’s sentence were too serious, and the reputation of Daodian was damaged.

Many law enforcement officials in the Avenue City are ashamed and difficult. Since ancient times, the city was the first city of the universe, but the bad rules are the Chaos Valley, but they did not go to block, because the city government has already ordered!

Now Su Yan’s remarks made them all angry, but they couldn’t say a word. Although Su Yan also broke the rules, they had any excuses to suppress Su Yan.

"You are a daring bug!"

"I am a chaotic valley. Since ancient times, I have overlooked the world and taught the world. I will dare to hit the door with your miscellaneous fish and give me life!"

Chaos two sons suddenly furious, self-emergence of the horror of the king of the field, covering the sky, so that the entire street is tremble, a large number of buildings have collapsed, the city has collapsed into a large black crack!

The war broke out like this, and no one thought that it would be so sudden, even this battle started directly in Avenue City!

Chaos two sons rushed, the power collapsed the sun and the moon, the whole street will really collapse, the energy fluctuations of the sky anger, straight into Su Yan, can be said overwhelming, omnipotent!

All of this, the moment that will soon touch Su Yan........

His figure disappeared in the blur, and once again manifested, if the whole street is integrated, in the disillusioned time and space, a seven-pin peak source pen is instantly released, releasing the texture of the sky!

From this moment on, the whole street, if it is cut off!

All the large space nodes in the street are burning in the array, which spurs the terrain.

And Su Yan's avenue source pen, inscribed in the void, swaying dozens of Taiwan, is also like the source of the vast dragon pulse, let the entire street, tens of thousands of gold dragons!


The dragon is swaying and shaking the sky!

Thousands of dragons run through the sky, arrogant, exudes infinite power, magnificent, majestic to the extreme!

"The secret of the Qimen one pulse, Su Yan has moved the power of the Avenue City Dragon Wave!"

The strong in the field was shocked. Even the old teachers were chilling. The Su Shi people practiced in this field for Qimen. They can lead the road to the dragon. Here, the Avenue City gathers infinite power.

Once it was hooked, Wan Long started to shake the sky!

"Su Yan, just relying on this intensity of killing, I also want to live with us? Your dead end is here!"

"Give me the suppression!"

The chaotic two sons are more and more shocking, and the chaotic energy that swayed out in the whole place.

The two strong men themselves radiate a rich light of the years, like the fairy gods born in the two chaos, the energy of the gods that are emitted, must pierce the universe!

Their strengths are too strong, suppressing the power of Wanlong to vacate, a pair of cold scorpions staring at Su Yan, as if watching a dead person, coldly said: "Since ancient times, no one dared to humiliate my chaotic valley, you are the first One, also destined to die!"

The two strong players in the killing, such as the flat, their own chaotic fluctuations, can collapse Wanlong!

"Blow the atmosphere, wait until you come out and say it!"

Su Yan’s words just fell, the domain field he built suddenly changed, Wan Long started to shake the starry sky, and Wan Long was turned into a stage, which led to the power of nine days of the Galaxy, which led to the momentum of the killing. A big rush!

This is the universe of the world and the formation of the domain of the world!

There is a blazing ray of light, piercing the sky!

The gods trembled, the peaks and squads opened, and the heavens and the earth were intertwined, forming a huge domain door. In the nourishment of the heavens and the earth, one horrible **** was born, descending from the sky, and dying to kill the world!

"A good horror killing, I think the king of God will be trapped and killed!"

"Su Shi people are too crazy, with the infinite power of the Avenue City to make the foundation, to evolve and kill, to create a secret trick, to suppress the chaos."

The strong people in the city exclaimed, and even as time went by, the killing and slashing of the big killings was even stronger, and the stars and rivers were full of enthusiasm!

The two merged, the birthplace of the heavens and the earth was born, and the gods of heaven and earth evolved. For example, the lower bounds of the gods and gods, shocked the world, and turned to the shackles, so that the entire land of murder was completely violent!

"Su Yan, how can you do this!"

The strongmen of the Taoist Temple could not stand any longer. Su Yan was so unscrupulous that he led the source of the Dragon City of the Avenue City, and intended to teach the chaos two sons, but his practice would be depleted in the city's dragon veins.

And once this kind of killing was born, it was a great life, the world has changed color, and the entire Avenue City is full of amazing light.

Strong as chaotic two, have been suppressed for a short time!

This is why Su Yan spent 50,000 pounds of chaotic treasure forging to kill, in conjunction with the Qimen method to spur the world and the evolution of the shield, they want to break easily simply impossible!

"Su Yan's practice of Qimen is really at its peak!"

Luo Yuanzheng was amazed at them. He saw a **** in the evolution of the Aegis, and promoted the power of the vast river, the power of the mouth, and the inexhaustible energy!

Here is Avenue City, which is equal to a pure land.

Nowadays, the peerless squad is opened, and the chaotic two sons can't break the game in a short time. They face the vast world of heaven and earth!

"But it's a little hard to trap two chaos!"

"Reassure, since the big brother shot, it will definitely not be an anticlimactic, absolutely give them an unforgettable lesson!"

Strongly open, full of confidence.

In the avenue city, the killing of the light, the chaos two sons also highlight the shocking power, smashing the galaxy, inciting the entire smash!

If the power of non-scrapping is constant, this pattern will not be able to trap them.

"When we break through, Su Yan, I want you to die without a place to die!"

Chaos two sons were completely angered, no one dared to be so brazen against them, although the killing is strong, but it is difficult to threaten their lives!


Two powerful shackles, slamming in the land of the killing.

However, it is just the moment when the killing is burning to the extreme........

A ghostly shadow of the city's main street, which is far away from here, rushes into the city's main government.

Soon he followed the familiar atmosphere and opened a downhill palace, which was to see a man who was recovering from injury.


The man was alert, when the pupil opened, his face suddenly changed!

He broke out to the extreme in an instant, such as the gods of the chaos, the sound of arrogance, the whole underground palace blasted!

He was warning the police and let the three brothers come to help themselves immediately!

"Don't call, send you on the road!"

Su Yan is as cold as a god, a world of pressure, the collapsed underground palace is directly annihilated!

Su Yan is cold and ruthless, full of fighting power, and dealing with a ninth son of chaos, there is no suspense!

“Amazing energy fluctuations originate from the government!”

The people on this street were upset and found that the city government had changed greatly.

But when they noticed that it was already late, the underground giant palace collapsed directly, and the horror fluctuations went straight to Cangyu!

"Look at you!"

The strong people near this street were exclaimed. When they saw the city's capital, the energy fluctuations swept across the eight wastes, and even directly razed the entire city's capital!

The world of smoke and smoke, flying sand and stone, there is a silver blood bloom in the vague!

Where the scene is too horrible, the energy has directly exploded!

Silver blood stained Cangyu, this scene is too sudden, let the group hair hair!

In the city's main house, the murderous day, completely because a figure suddenly unblocked, traversed into the underground palace, let the blast of the underground palace, screams emerge!

"No, we are fooled!"

The chaos two sons who are being trapped by the murder are exclaimed, and they are also watching. The city’s capital is floating in the sky, and the energy ripples are fierce!

One of the iron and blood figures broke his hand, and he punched the chest of the ninth son of Chaos and kicked him in the void.

"Chaotic Valley, but that's it!"

Su Yan issued a cold voice, and the figure disappeared.

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