Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1128: Trial

The grand domain door is vast and spectacular. People standing under the trial field are really very small!

Su Yan took great pressure and sprinted into the domain door. He was the first one to come in. It was a huge road, colorful, full of years and waves, exuding the sense of history!

The road is huge and bronzed enough to accommodate millions of creatures.

When Su Yan stood on the road, he felt that he was exceptionally small, like an ant!

Even at the moment of coming in, the Taoist station rushed out a special kind of energy, running through the body of Su Yan. At this moment, he felt sealed, and the source of the avenue was retired. Only a fleshy shell glowed, swaying the source of blood.

Even his realm is as weak as it is. Su Yan’s heart is shocked. His realm has fallen from the heavenly heavens to the heavenly gods!

Su Yan has a kind of weakness. After all, there is so much power invisible. How can it not be weak? He has to sigh, the magic of the Chaos Tower, the endless life rushing in, even at the same time seal the strength of the stakeholders!

"What is this trial, what is it?"

Su Yan stood on a huge road and patrolled the Quartet. He felt a kind of pressure, which was caused by the pressure on the battle platform, and he was suffocating, like a big stone pressed against his heart.

Su Yan did not know the conditions, this is the most difficult, many people are coming in, even if they have been here for a year, they do not know what the conditions are, and they are rushed out!

"I am afraid that it is a trial condition and is hidden in space."

Su Yan whispered in his heart, patrolling the huge and magnificent stone platform, thinking of some clues out of it, but nothing.

It seems that this really needs to be slowly explored and realized. Perhaps it is realized that the hidden Tao in this space can break through the trial space and enter the next trial space.

According to Xiahou's explanation of Su Yan, as long as he performs well in the assessment, it is possible to open the legendary regional temple!

The regional temple, perhaps the ultimate test of the Chaos Tower, is also the most difficult. There have been many Tianjiao smashed into the regional temples in the past, but there are only two people living out.

One is a mysterious strongman who is known to the world, and the years of origin are difficult to trace.

There is also an old leader who is unknown to the world. He has evolved in the local temple!

The regional temple, this is the area where Su Yan wants to sway, no matter how dangerous he is, he wants to try it!

The old leader once said that the regional hall is like a trial ground for tailor-made!

Then perhaps for their pulse, the danger of the regional temple is not particularly important. After all, the physical evolution can be made. In the past, the old leader told Xiahou to transfer Su Yan to the local temple. The old leader never said more about the local temple. .

The main reason is that the old leader missed some of the old guys and wanted to let Su Yan go alone, maybe the harvest is even more amazing than his!


At this time, the three figures were forced to come, and the atmosphere was terrible. For example, the fairy demon coming from the chaos, tyrannical to the peak, the tyrants, and the bad eyes staring at Su Yan, to start with him!

At this time, the three figures trembled, the original king of the powerful to the peak of the fluctuations, suddenly broken, the realm quickly fell, and soon suppressed, the gods a heaven!

Their breath is declining, but it is also extremely powerful, such as the three chaotic gods, even on this magnificent road, it is particularly eye-catching!

The three strong look is cold, and a pair of scorpions are full of coldness!

They are not surprised by this, because they have swayed the Chaos Tower, and they have achieved success in the past. Over time, they have lost interest in the Chaos Tower. Now they are coming in, just to target one person!

"Su Yan, meet again!"

When they saw the figure standing in front and had a smile on their face, it was a kind of ridiculous smile, watching Su Yan, like a cat and a mouse.

"The last time I lost in Avenue City is not enough. I want to come again?"

Su Yan is very calm. He came here for trials, looking for sin, looking for bitterness, in order to change himself and make himself stronger!

Therefore, his heart is lax, and he is very relaxed. In the future, he will be arrogant in the region. If even the chaos three sons can't live, what else do you go to the regional temple?

"Oh, Su Yan, your confidence is very good, it seems that in these years you have cultivated the world, accumulated a strong enough heart!"

The strength of the top three is similar, and there are some looks in appearance. One of them smiles: "You are very extraordinary. It is a pity to die in the Chaos Tower."

"I killed the ninth son of Chaos. Do you want to avenge him now?" The blood in Su Yan's body is not calm.

"Su Yan, we sincerely want to make a deal with you!"

Their words are very calm, as if they did not hear Su Yan, another faint saying: "We need something, hand it over, can resolve the grudges of you and Chaos Valley, and also give you a big creation! ”

"Of course I heard that you and Qiu Ming have hatred. We can make a secret of Chaos Valley and destroy Qiu Ming. These are not big problems. You can talk about it!"

Their expressions are more and more solemn, even if they are obliterating Qiu Ming, they are brave enough to risk the war with Feng Tian!

"I said, you don't have an outstanding arrogant woman in Chaos Valley." Su Yan glanced at them a few times and shook his head. "I am a soft person who doesn't eat hard, if you send an outstanding one." The goddess king talks to me about life, I may loosen it!"

"I see you tired!"

The chaos three sons couldn’t control it, and they made a loud whistle, shaking the time and space, as if this huge road was shaking!

The three strong as the demon, this roar is like a thunder, rolling roar, earth shaking!


A group of geeks who just rushed in shuddered, and they were almost burst by the body of the chaotic three sons. They were afraid of their hearts. Some people flew out directly, and a group of people rushed to the depths, avoiding the chaos of the three sons. Angry flames.

"Look, the domain door is flying out!"

The people watching the outside world were moving, and a strong man in the Daodian had a big sleeve and a few geniuses who had been thrown out. These geniuses almost cried. They just climbed in and they were thrown out.

The Daoqiang strong questioned what happened. They explained this. When they first came in, they heard that there were strong people who were yelling at them and took them out.

A group of strong people can't laugh and cry, this is too bad luck, but the heart is also stunned, it seems that the war has broken out!

"The Su Shi people are mostly finished. I don't think it will take a few hours. He will be shot from inside or become a body!"

Some people have said that some old strongmen in the vicinity will sigh, Su Yan and Chaos Valley grievances are difficult to resolve, chaos three sons will not spare Su Yan, just met and will definitely hit the shot, the three sons combined with Su Yan to resist them three?

In the trial space, the three strong anger can not rest, Su Yan in one after another, challenge their bottom line!

"I am giving you a chance!"

Chaos Sanzi moved the murderous, the pupil was filled with cold, and angered: "In the trial ground, any weapon, secret technique, magical power, will lose the power that it deserves. Just rely on you, do you think you can compete with us? ?"

"There is only one way in front of you, working with us. As for the second road, it is here!"

"You Su Yan, as long as we promise our conditions and come up with one thing, we can protect you from innocence, and even give you a big fortune. Is it difficult to weigh the pros and cons?"

The top three angered, they came with the task, they must complete, can focus on Su Yan, as long as he is loose, everything is not a problem!

"Although I don't know what you want to get from me!"

"I might have been interested before, but now I have no interest at all!"

Su Yan waved at them and laughed loudly: "I told you that I understand that even if you want a group of cow dung from my group, I will not sell it!"


Chaos three sons anger to the extreme, heart and lungs are shaking, have seen oil and salt do not enter, but never seen so not on the road!

In their capacity, even if they go to the ancestral temple, they will go to the ancestral hall. As long as they do not ask too much, their group will agree.

Su Yan, I don’t even ask what I want!

"Mad, the monk is a monk!"

Many of the monks who rushed into this trial space had to vote for Su Yan's clothes. They didn't sell them to them. This is too domineering. This bone is really hard!

"I want to break your bones and let you know what is the younger generation!"

The seventh son of Chaos swooped in an instant, and the powerful flesh was released, enriching the blazing temperature, such as a **** volcano, raging and burning, raising his fist and hitting Su Yan.

"The seven brothers killed him!"

Chaos eighth son whispered: "Give a little lesson to this mud leg, let him know what is the hegemonic group!"


The boxing of the seventh son of Chaos is like a volcano of the gods. It is blazing and rolling, and the empty air is blown up. It seems to have burned down the earth!

Many young gods who are watching from afar are discolored, only to feel that the flesh is to be steamed. This punch is too fierce!

They will be the seventh son of chaos, and the hegemons they have encountered in the past, those who are like slag, in the face of the means of the seventh son of chaos, bleak!

"Xiaojiu was slaughtered by me. I came to teach and teach Xiaoqi to have a few pounds and two weights!"

Su Yan’s nephew was cold, and the fists were bombarded, and the power of the shock came out!

"Su Yan, you give me life!"

The seventh son of Chaos was furious, and the fistshot bombardment struck together with the fist that Su Yan hit!

For a time, this area is shaking!

The energy of the two horrors is the collision of pure flesh, so that this void is in abrupt collapse, and the power of both is endless!


If the chaos is the seventh child, if the body is ignited, the body will ignite, and the road marks will appear. It is like a hundred thousand volcanoes, which radiate the temperature of burning the sea and boil the sea, and must extinguish the source of life in Su Yan. !

"Haha, Su Yan, you enjoy it, my seven brothers have a long time, one after another, with all kinds of rare chaotic fire materials, tempering the flesh, exhausting the endless heaven and earth treasure, relying on your specific grid, dare to me. The Seven Brothers are purely flesh-and-blood, it’s really not too long!"

Chaos eighth child laughs, light a rare chaotic fire material is already a rare encounter, but the seventh son of chaos, in the long years, with no amount of chaotic fire to nourish the body, temper the body, he fully conquered the nine skyfire !

Nowadays, once the seventh son of Chaos breaks out, the sky is burned out of a big hole, and there is enough power to burn the world!

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