Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1129: Burning fire!

The scene of the fire devour the sky, above the magnificent road, burning a fire, brilliant to the extreme!

The seventh son of chaos, the power of the gods is endless, and the warfare has long been turned into a rare **** fire body. Once the fire is released, the blood of the same generation of monks will begin to dry up!


The group of heroes was shocked and quickly retreated. They dared not approach the battlefield where they were fighting. They were far from the battlefield and were still released by the fierce fire in the seventh son of Chaos. The grilled mouth was dry.

What an amazing flame this is, they are all gods, they can come here, but there are no weak people. At this moment, these monks are shocked. The Wizards of this Chaos Valley are too strong. Astonishing energy!


The seventh son of Chaos is full of energy, and the three-color flame that has been leaking out of his body erupts from his fist. They all outline a huge three-color stove, which will cover Su Yan in it, and will suppress it!

"Su Yan, give you a chance, surrender to me, etc., you can save your life, do you think you can hold me three? Don't be self-sufficient, just because I am enough to suppress you!"

Chaos seventh child cold opening, it is really not want to get rid of Su Yan, Su Yan has great use for them, can not easily collapse!

"You are kneeling down now and calling me three grandfathers, I might consider considering working with you!"

Su Yan's eyes are blazing, the body of Shenmian surging and vigorously, the three-color stove of the impact bursts into cracks in the trembling, and the whole stove is about to disintegrate under his blood!

"Seven brothers, don't talk to him, kill directly!"

Among the chaotic three sons, the chaotic four sons with the strongest combat power, cold-opened: "When you search for his memory of the gods, we can still get the answers we want!"

"You want to die and I will fulfill you!"

The pupil of the seventh son of Chaos burns two groups of fires. The three-color stove that was about to be broken is poured in the two flames erupted by his pupils.

This furnace was turned into a five-color stove, built with the energy of the seventh son of chaos, containing his way and law, the five-color stove was born, the internal temperature was blazing to the extreme, and the gods could burn the gods!

"Just rely on your temperature, I still want to burn me? Give me a hot bath is almost the same!"

Su Yan pedaled the road, the body transpiration of blood, the courage of peerless, let the temperature of the furnace in the blazing, can not threaten Su Yan half-point, sneer: "The seventh son of chaos, how to practice nine sons is not as good? I see Your rankings are reversed!"


The seventh son of Chaos made a scream of anger, and he was completely violent, showing the strongest fighting power!

"Nine big fires, gathered together!"

The monks in the distance trembled, and the nine-horse terror flames transpired out. Every kind of fire was a means of shocking the world, but the nine-day skyfire gathered in the seventh son of Chaos, and now it is overturned!


The heavens and the earth were burnt and distorted. A nine-color oven burned, and the fire blew the sky, enough to burn all the things in the universe and smelt the stars!

At this moment, Su Yan's figure was drowned by the fire, it seems that he was extinguished in the nine-color oven, was burned into a group of ash!

"Well, the Seven Brothers are the Seven Brothers. They have bathed nine kinds of rare chaotic fire materials for a long time, and finally perfected the invincible gods. Once the Nine Heavens Fire is released, whoever fights with the same generation!"

The eighth son of Chaos laughed. This is the super-famous means of the seven sons. The nine-color oven burns, releasing nine-color flames, burning the void, and the space collapses. This piece has completely turned into a **** hole!

The world can't explore the traces of Su Yan, because the stove is too flaming, dazzling, everything can't be seen clearly!

"Metamorphosis, nine rare chaotic fire materials, the invincible **** of the gods!"

The onlookers are shuddering, and any one can cast a young overlord, but the seventh son of chaos, with nine rare chaotic fire materials, forged an invincible battle, it is hard to imagine how strong!

In their gaze, Su Yan has been suppressed, and a powerful living body is like being swallowed up!

"It’s a weird way to absorb nine kinds of fire essence!"

Su Yan whispers, as strong as his body, has a sting, and the blood of the majestic also has a decline!

I have to say that his means are amazing, threatening the body of Su Yan, but Su Yan is afraid, his flesh and body gradually changed, like a huge copper furnace!

"The fire is refining the body, the nine rare and rare fire materials, it is hard to find the world!"

Su Yan pondered in his heart, his fleshy copper stove was swallowing, between the breath and the breath, secretly running the second heavy counter-measure of the body!

From this moment on, his body was full of exuberant flames, and the nine flames burned into the body of Su Yan.

At this moment, Su Yan has a severe pain in heartbreaking!

But he has no fear, endures the pain, and the body is self-sealing!

Su Yan turned into a fire-powered **** furnace, a powerful human body functioning moment, and all kinds of rare chaotic fires were trained to shed the essence of fire, buried in the flesh, so that Su Yan's body vaguely got a nourishment!

He was shocked and moved, and he was the hero of Chaos Valley. He was rich!

Nine heavy fire materials, each one is very good!

If it is obtained by Su Yan, you can make up the decline of the flesh!

Su Yan recalled that decades ago, his body once swallowed the source of the Supreme Body and nourished his own body. Nowadays, these nine chaotic fire materials also play a vital role!

This makes Su Yan look forward to it. He hopes that through the seventh son of Chaos, he will fill in some of his own physical deficiencies, so that the performance of the local hall will increase, and the chances of getting it will be even bigger!


Su Yan’s pupils slammed open and gave a low-pitched voice. The body swayed out the horrible blurry light of the field, like the resurrection of the king of sleep, exuding the vague king of the field, and hard-pressed time and space!

"this is!"

The seventh son of Chaos was shocked. There seemed to be a sleeping supreme in front of him, to awaken the breath!

"Is he a prehistoric supreme body!"

The seventh son of Chaos exclaimed in his heart: "He turned out to be such a physique. He must get rid of him. He can't let him go near the roots of Xuanhuang, otherwise he will rise in the future!"

The seventh son of chaos, activate the battle body in an instant, the nine-day fire burns, to tear the entire domain!

However, he found that the field of Su Yan was very abnormal, and it was reinforced by a layer of layers to reinforce the seal and seal the area. Even if it is a nine-day fire, it is extremely difficult to open the field in a short time!

Even he found that Su Yan was consuming the chaotic fire energy that leaked out of his body!

"What is he doing?"

The seventh son of Chaos was shocked. Can he find death? Dare to devour the nine-pointed fire? These nine fires are all killers, and any one can burn the gods, but Su Yan actually refuses to come and swallow it!

"He is strong, and the seven brothers started a confrontation!"

The fourth son of Chaos sees the clues, coldly said: "But the source of the nine major fire materials is the original material of the Seventh Brothers. Now the Seventh Brothers are the nine-day fire, calcined Su Yan, afraid that Su Yan can not live for too long, distributed The field will collapse, but I will look down on him. I have never stepped into the king of God, but I have seen most of the fields!"

"Oh, how about it, now Su Yan is ignited by fire, and the nine big fires are calcined. He will not be burned for a long time and will be burned into ash!" Chaos eighth son sneered: "I still have a big say for us three? It's ridiculous. !"

The seventh son of Chaos also felt that Su Yan was dying, dare to let go of the flesh and let the nine heavenly fires calcine him!

"Give me a burn!"

The bottom of the seventh son of Chaos flashes, and the fire of the body continues to overturn!

Su Yan's human body burned with fire, as strong as his body, and began to burnt black, the five internal organs were burning, the body was rolling, and the raging endless!

"The seventh son of Chaos is too strong, and the Su Shi people are suppressed!"

"In this way, most of the Su Shi people can't live, they will be burned alive, why the Su Shi people do not withdraw."

"Don't you see? The two strong players have a field field confrontation, which is equivalent to the contest between the bottoms. It is difficult to separate in a short time. If Su Yan can't hold the flame of the seventh son of chaos, he will lose."

"The defeat is sooner or later, and now Su Yan has no room to fight!"

Many spectators who do not know the truth have a lot of arguments, and a group of monks have smiled bitterly. We are struggling to adhere to the pressure of the Taoist platform, but you are good, a person who has nothing to do, this is the gap!

Burning fire!

Can Su Yan but the treasure is solemn, such as an ancient true Buddha, bathing in the fire!

In the process, he suffered from severe pain and suffering, and constantly absorbed the energy of the nine natural fires, stimulating his physical fitness to rise quietly. Although the process was slow, Su Yan was extremely enjoyable.

If it can last for a long time, when his body adapts to the power of the nine skyfires, then this flame will not pose any threat to him.

Time flies away, and the day passes in a blink of an eye!

What makes you strong is that Su Yan is still alive, but his body is black and burnt!

Instead, the seventh son of chaos is rolling, and the power of the gods is strong, and the flame essence of the body is constantly surging, calcining Su Yan.

"Seven brothers don't burn him to death!"

The eighth son of Chaos frowned. He reminded: "We must preserve his god. We still need to explore his memory of the gods. Su Yan is a key figure. He can't die now!"

It is said that the seventh son of Chaos almost spurted out an old blood. His superficial martial arts is really embarrassing, because the power in the body is running out!

Allow him to calcine Su Yan for a full day.

Su Yan is endless, unfathomable, no matter how many flames he will come!

He seems to be dry and dry, but he still does not die. Even the seventh son of Chaos does not know what state Su Yan is in now. This is the most terrible place. Even if Su Yan is really reaching the limit, he can only rely on his current calm. This person's endurance is really terrible!

When the next day...

The pressure in the trial space suddenly rose a lot!

The gods were trembled, dizzy, and pressed down to the ground.

Some unstoppable monks are sent directly to the trial space...

"What? Su Shi people are burned to death by the seventh son of Chaos!"

Some monks who were rushed out of the trial space brought back the news and made the outside world messy. Is this over? The other two have not yet shot, Su Yan has been dead end?

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