Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1138: The secret of the group!

"This is too rough........"

"He is the descendant of Chaos Valley, the seventh son of Chaos. How can it be weak and vulnerable?"

The monks who looked around were dumbfounded, and now the resounding screams in the trial space, the seven sons are really mad by the Su Shi people being tortured, and the strong doubts about life, is this a descendant of the restricted area of ​​life?

The seventh son of Chaos, who combined with the nine rare and celestial fires, was ruined by Su Yan.

In the end, the seventh son of Chaos was still open, and he got the answer he wanted. Su Yan’s nephew was filled with bitter cold.

"Snow Mountain Dragonfly, what is it? Why do they want it!"

Su Yan whispered, he did not expect the goal of the Chaos Valley, is the snow mountain dragonfly, suddenly, Su Yan thought of many past events.

It can be said that the fate of Su Yan is also because of the snowy mountain dragonfly, a turning point in the sky, thinking that he climbed the snow mountain that year, because of the crystal pendant!

The water charm pendant, engraved with the snow mountain picture, a crystal pendant related to his identity, can also be called a fairy jade.

The pattern on Xianyu will change autonomously because of the appearance of the Nine Great Hills. When Suyan is close to the Nine Mountains, Xianyu will present its own picture. It is also the key to open Xianshan!

At that time, Su Yan climbed the snow-capped mountains and saw a **** scorpio. It was opened by a dragon. From then on, the earth's environment evolved into a god-devil civilization.

These things are now remembered, and they are still fresh in memory.

When Su Yan slept in a snowy mountain dragonfly, Yin Yisi was a witness. She guarded Su Yan for many years and slowly grew old from a vigorous woman. Finally, she relied on her own strength to save Su Yan. .

Su Yan, who once slept in a snowy mountain dragonfly, once he climbed out again, things were wrong, the world changed, and his fate also opened an amazing turn!

Snow Mountain Dragonfly, whether it is for Su Yan, or the funeral family, is of great significance. Even the ancestral temple has spent a long time, looking for the traces of the snow-capped dragons in the vast universe.

Nowadays, Chaos Valley has also passed the Su Yan and noticed the Snow Mountain Dragonfly. So what is it?

The dusty memories have emerged. Su Yan’s mood is complicated, his chest is also violently ups and downs, what kind of secrets are hidden in the funeral domain, and what is the origin of the Snow Mountain Dragonfly, why the ancestral hall is so long to find it!

“Is it a snowy mountain dragonfly, is it related to heaven?”

Su Yan Meng's a spirit, perhaps it is true, in fact, the ancestral star is very mysterious, its awakening process is too fast, what is the origin of the ancestral star? Why is it called the second ancestral home of the funeral family?

"Perhaps, the ancestral star and the heavenly court are also closely related."

Su Yan thought, the mood is complicated, some things he can't figure out, there have been some particularly important things, and Su Yan speculated that the Snow Mountain Dragonfly is a taboo eager to get, otherwise it will not let the ancestral hall search for it in the long years. Traces.

"I really do not know!"

The seventh son of Chaos is fierce, and he is being tortured by Su Yan. He does not know what the Snow Mountain Dragonfly is, but they got the task and wanted to get the Snow Mountain Dragonfly through Su Yan!

This is the will of the chaotic valley, which is the taboo behind them!

"You must have something to look at me!"

Su Yan’s nephew was so cold and cold: “When the Han family’s ancestors went to your Chaos Valley, the Chaos Valley Lord was calculating me, what happened inside, tell me!”

Su Yan smashed the seventh son of Chaos and wanted to know what happened at the time. At the same time, Su Yan was also horrified. It was definitely a taboo to calculate himself. He calculated that he and Xueshan Longyan had a deep involvement!

Otherwise, Chaos Valley will not find itself three times and five times, want to trade with itself, and even promise a major reward.

"I really don't know!" The seventh son of Chaos gnawed his teeth: "But I know it, this is a taboo, how can you do it, Su Yan, we can talk about it, this is not bad for you!"

"Ning stubborn!"

Su Yan’s pupils shot fierce light, and a pair of scorpions were turned into golden colors, all piercing the eyes of the seventh son of Chaos!


The seventh son of Chaos screams, and he perceives an amazing wave of souls and escaping through his knowledge of the sea. This makes the seven sons desperate, and Su Yan is searching for his memory!

"Stop your hand, stop working!"

The seven sons roared, he is one of the masters of Chaos Valley. There are many secrets in memory. Once Su Yan is watching, the consequences are extremely serious, and even the location of the Chaos Valley will be revealed.

In fact, the seventh son of Chaos wants more. He knows the depths of the sea and has a terrible seal.

When Su Yan’s Yuanshen energy just touched, this seal was directly activated, an indescribable momentum roared, and the anti-shock Su Yan’s god!

"not good!"

Su Yan was shocked. He was too anxious. He wanted to understand some hidden feelings. The result is now self-defeating!


Su Yan's Yuanshen was resurrected in an instant, turned into a big Buddha, sitting in the future, swearing in the future, to break the connection with the seventh son of Chaos.

However, although the future is strong, the soul of Su Yan has not yet evolved into the realm of the gods. In the face of the seven sons who understand the taboos of the sea, the soul of Su Yan is sitting in the future.


Su Yan lightning-like offerings to take the drums and resisting them.

You can take a photo of the **** drum and it will be broken. This sacred mysterious treasure is destroyed. Su Yan’s whole body is also trembled and flies out. His eyebrows are cracked, and the inner god’s sitting is flickering. There is a tendency to collapse in the future!

"Su Yan, you are too careless, the taboo son knows the sea, you can easily watch!"

At this time, the light voice came, and there was a purple woman coming in the distance. She was very beautiful, her legs were light, and her waist was slender. His white body was filled with purple flowers, like a holy fairy.

Su Yan smiled and had no time to respond. His **** was suppressed, and even had an extremely enchanting energy. In penetrating his knowledge of the sea, he would directly smash his god.

"You, you are too careless!"

Seeing Su Yan’s embarrassment, Zixia Fairy laughed and leaned forward, and at the same time tweeted: “There is no means to deal with it now. Are you not a blood of taboo? This should be the blood of the taboo valley’s taboo. Hit it out and you can solve the problem!"

Su Yan's heart and mind, instantly took out a drop of the immortal material from the seal. The breath of this material and the seal of the seven sons in the sea are extremely similar. When Su Yan took charge of this drop of fairy material, the attack on the soul of Su Yan slowly collapsed.

Su Yanyan sighed and didn't expect it to be easily solved. If the threat is too tricky, he can't crack it.

The means of taboos can be understood by ordinary people. Even the means of great power can never be easily broken by Su Yan.

Su Yan’s face was pale, and the soul suffered a lot of wear and tear. Coupled with the shopping in these days, Su Yan’s whole person was declining. He looked at the vicissitudes of life and looked at Zixia Fairy. He took a deep breath and smiled: "What is this wind blowing the little fairy!

Su Yan's little fairy, really makes Zixia fairy happy, a pair of sparkling eyes look at Su Yan, the mouth corners a beautiful arc, said: "Su Yan, you are beyond my expectations everywhere, you can go to this step Not simple!"

"Fairy, don't look at my jokes." Su Yan's face is wolf, and his spirit is also languid. He said: "If the two sons are coming in, I really haven't recruited them. You can really do it. It's so blatantly damaging. rule!"

"Yes." Zixia Fairy slightly frowned, said: "The Daodian strong has come, will give you a statement, I came to go out for the sake of seven sons, I did not expect the seven sons have been killed by you!"

"Dead, not necessarily."

Su Yan’s eyes glanced at the seventh son of chaos. The gods of the seven sons seemed to be destroyed. The whole person had a kind of dead air, and the seven sons would die like this?

Zixia Fairy walked to Su Yan's front. When she spoke, she found that Su Yan stood up and went to the seventh son of Chaos. He wanted to kill him completely because he felt that the seven sons had not died.

"Su Yan, come over, I want to talk to you!"

Zixia Fairy sat cross-legged, and the delicate little hand held the cigarette, and looked at Su Yan to stop his move.

Su Yan frowned, came to her near, sitting cross-legged, a pair of ears to listen to.

"Four sons, seven sons, eight sons, or nine sons who have been killed by you." Zixia fairy smiled: "In fact, not the top young strong, Chaos Valley has nine sons, the strongest is a child. !"

"But a son, who was valued by the Chaos Valley Master, has not passed away for a long time!"

Zixia Fairy solemnly said: "The universe is incomplete, the road is incomplete, and it is impossible to breed a complete and powerful person. It is not difficult to cultivate the power with the contents of the chaotic valley. This world has many rare treasures, but it is really rare. It is cultivated. Taboo!"

"Contraindications, is it not impossible to be born?" Su Yan was surprised. He knew that the identity of Zixia Fairy was not simple. This is probably an incarnation of her.

"I can't be born, but the future can be!" Zixia Fairy is extremely sure: "Chaotic Valley Lord, will be a child, as a taboo for the future to train, the rest of the eight sons, in his eyes is nothing, he did not care when he died. A person who has lived for a long time, you let him care about emotions, this is really difficult!"

"What you mean is that one is very strong, I can't beat him." Su Yan asked.

"Yes, you really can't beat him."

Zixia Fairy is extremely rude to attack him: "Su Yan, you are very strong, but how to change the environment, even in the burial place, you may not be able to kill them a few, I can see that your road is still not perfect, You haven't pulled out your own path!"

"Is it really so big?" Su Yan did not question Zixia Fairy. He knew that his road was not perfect. The most important thing was that Su Yan still didn't know how to break through the king of God. He said that the reason is still his road repair. It’s short, but it’s only a few decades.

"This is the importance of the environment!"

Zixia Fairy smiled and said: "You have already complained with Chaos Valley. I am afraid that it will not be resolved. The future is not degenerate. It is to stand up completely. There is only one way to go before you!"

"You are talking about the Chaos Tower." Su Yan suddenly smiled.

"I know."

Zixia Fairy mysterious smile: "The old leader of your family has once swayed through the regional temple and even survived. I know this secret."


Su Yan is black and really wants to say, is your real body an old monster?

"Why do you live in the hall?" Su Yan asked in a deep breath.

"You have the right to be, the Daodian is the most contributor to this riddled universe." Zixia Fairy helplessly said: "Daodian can not have much ambition, if it has long been turned into a restricted area of ​​life, Su I am very optimistic about you now, I hope you go to the local temple, maybe you can get something!"

"The local temple is very dangerous, the old leader said that nine lives!" Su Yan's face is not willing.

Zixia fairy has a look of disdain: "This fairy tells you a way, you still don't want to go, you know your group, what kind of origins there are, what kind of grudges are involved!"

Su Yan moved, her Zixia fairy fruit is really a matter of course, it is obvious that she understands the grievances of the long-time era of the funeral family.

"I also hope that the fairy will give me some guidance."

Su Yan was quiet and listened to his ears. He felt that the next Zixia fairy had to say something, it was very heavy.

"When darkness covers the sun, it may be the end of your group!"

The jade hand of Zixia Fairy is slightly gripped, and the beauty looks at the serious appearance of Su Yan. Her voice is gentle: "Now let this fairy come to tell you what happened in the past, saving you the future." Lost your life!"

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