Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1139: The origin of the funeral family!

In a long time, the world was in turmoil, and the gods were depraved and miserable.

Too many groups, strong people, and unclear deaths can be said. In less than a year, the entire universe is bleeding, all beings are catastrophic, and the bodies are in the sky.

An era full of blood and darkness, the universe is crying, tragic to the extreme, any group of people can hardly protect themselves, the original prosperous cultivation world, the avenues of the dynasty are successively degraded, it is difficult to counter the dark disaster!

This is the dark day!

In the same way, it is also the experience of the land of Xianxing. If all beings are robbed, no one can survive, and the whole universe will be darkened!

On the final day, a once brilliant and brilliant Taoism came out, united the powerful forces, integrated the power of the world, countered the dark forces that eroded the universe, and lived to save the fast-disabled universe.

What is darkening?

Zixia Fairy does not know!

Because this question is too deep, too difficult to understand, darken the entire universe? This topic is thrown out, enough to scare the mighty strong, who dares to answer, who dares to believe that this disaster has happened in the universe.

Even the universe is hard to resist, it must be enslaved, it is darkened, who can resist the darkness?

There are also natural disasters and some disasters!

The era of the past was a world of taboos, and they were able to devour billions of souls and kill a star.

The chaotic land was born, because the world was slain and collapsed, and it was a chaotic state. It also buried countless rumors.

These rituals used to be prosperous to the extreme. Many of them have made their own incomplete universes. They drifted in chaos, and there were signs of looseness in the long years, so they benefited generations!

Chaos ruins, this is the origin of the chaotic ruins treasure!

Too **** and dark, this is the ruin of the chaos that has collapsed into the sky, and the world has been chaotic.

In those days, this group of people who joined forces to counter the darkness made a more terrible decision to seal the broken universe that had already been played!

Because if you do not implement this step again, the universe will be completely ruined, any living beings will cease to exist, and the universe will declare death, and there will be no peace period that will last for millions of years!

"The funeral family!"

Su Yan scalp numb, this is the origin of the funeral family!

"Yes, they sealed the broken universe, making it difficult for the taboos to come out and solving the man-made disaster!"

Zixia Fairy nodded and said: "This day is coming, the universe is greatly damaged, the taboos are all badly wounded, the death of death, the wound of injury, no one is forbidden!"

"Over time, people from outside will call your family a funeral family!"

Zixia Fairy is quite sympathetic: "Your group of people has indeed saved the life of the entire universe, let the universe still, and still work, but some people will not spare you, if there is a day, the seal will be scattered, It is the day of the catastrophe of your group!"

"You know, these taboos have been sealed for millions of years. They have been suffering from the long years of loneliness and suffering from the long-term human trauma!"

The eyes of Zixia Fairy rushed out of a cold, saying: "These injuries are hard to heal in today's cosmic environment!"

"They have taken too much. If this day is really coming, you will know what you think, what will happen to your family!"

Zixia Fairy looked at Su Yan, she became more and more sympathetic, and said: "Although, when your family was to let the universe escape the catastrophe, you can finally offend some ancient Taoism, these taboos will always hate you!"

Su Yan only feels cold behind, and now the seal of the universe has appeared loose, and the future will return to the universe.

On that day, taboos are born, the first one will find them liquidated!

And this horrible and **** era requires Su Yan to face them, because they are the people of this group and the strongest of the younger generation!

"My family has great achievements in the universe. Why, if the universe is destroyed, it will not be good for them!"

Su Yan is resentful and feels worthless for them. After a long time, the blood of the funeral family is too much!

They are facing the mad revenge of the great groups of the ancestral temples, endless killings, and never even stopped!

But their group is to make this decision in order to make the universe still exist. Why do they have to start with the family of the funeral, which makes Su Yan feel uneasy.

"Su Yan, some things, some things, I don't understand. The environment in that year was too complicated, and there were many aspects involved. Even the old leaders of your group did not know more than me."

Zixia Fairy said: "It is like the Tiantang benevolent group that formed the new group of people in the same year. I think this is the point!"

Su Yan’s breathing is heavy. He once speculated that the hundreds of thousands of troops in the heavens went out of their homeland, fearing that the enemies behind them would be remembered. Was it copied?

"What is darkness?" Su Yan asked, he did not understand heaven, nor dared to guess.

"I don't know, you let a taboo stand out, he probably doesn't know." Zixia Fairy shook her head. She said: "I once guessed that while darkening, some people stared at the heavenly family, that is, your burial domain. Maybe you want to get something, this may be the source of man-made disaster!"

Su Yan’s fierce spirit is for the Snow Mountain Dragonfly?

"But it's a pity that the universe was sealed by them. It is forbidden to go out of the mountain. Your family is equal to opening a time to break and breaking for millions of years!"

Zixia fairy sighed: "It is forbidden to have a long life, waiting for the universe to recover. They will complete the tasks of millions of years ago. Once the universe returns, the taboos can be walked between heaven and earth without restrictions. Then this day will be you. The day of the Holocaust!"

Su Yan's back is cold, and there is a big chaos in the future!

But the chaos is just a wave in the dark!

There is a more terrible catastrophe waiting for the funeral family, this is the most terrible and serious problem!

"Now, are you willing to go to the local temple?" Zixia fairy stretched out, the curve was revealed, the **** chest stood tall, and looked very lazy: "With your talent, there are some hopes from living inside. But even if it is hopeful, I think you should pursue it!"

Su Yan was silent for a while and said: "You have been to the local temple in your hall, and lived out!"

"Not bad!"

Zixia Fairy stood up. She was very slender and slim, and she stretched out a jade finger. She was quite bold in spotting Su Yan’s forehead. She smiled lightly: "Perhaps the world does not know, which one is from the region." The people who came out of the temple broke through the taboos!"

Su Yan was shocked, and all of them had a goose bump. The strong man who came out of it stepped into taboos?

In this seal universe, taboos can't go out of the mountain, but some people in the regional hall of the Chaos Tower, rushing to the sky and crossing the taboo ranks, this is really scary!

"Su Yan, listen to me, rush, take your path, and fight for a glimmer of hope for your group!" Zixia Fairy stood up and smiled brightly, saying: "It’s better to stand like a man instead of dying." Dead!"

I saw Zixia Fairy inspiring her own appearance, but after hearing the words in the back, Su Yan was black and his face would not be nice.

"I will seriously consider it."

Upon hearing Su Yan’s response, Zixia fairy turned around and slid the collar of the seventh son of Chaos, pulling a dead body, and walked away with a heroic attitude!

The people around me are amazed, this little fairy is more savage than the Su Shi!

"Su Yan, I will help you with some benefits!"

The voice of Zixia Fairy smirked from afar: "Wait for me here, I hope that you can seriously consider it. I am not alarmist. The arrival of this day will not go beyond a hundred years. You feel that with your cultivation progress, Can you step into the power of the past few decades? Even if you can rush to this area, do you think you can help in the future?"

"You are the strongest of the younger generation of your group, you should shoulder these missions!"

A slightly heavy voice echoed in Su Yan's ear.

He looked at the back of the Zixia fairy, and there is an illusion that this guy should not be the one who came out of the temple.

Thinking of this, Su Yan’s spirited spirit trembled, how could it be, she could not be taboo........

However, today Su Yan got a lot of things to know, at least to figure out the origins of their group, although it is difficult to trace back to the heavenly era.

The future is very variable, but only if it is strong, it can be changed invariably!

"For the sake of the group, for the sake of home!"

Su Yan's body is full of blood, such as a **** boy, not afraid of life and death, just to protect his group!

He took a deep breath, calmed down and began to heal.

He must hurry to return to the peak state, and explore the ways and methods that exist in this trial space, and find the way to open the regional temple as soon as possible.

"It's finally quiet!"

The entire trial space was quiet, and many people were relieved. The **** battles of days and nights made them re-recognize Su Shi!

"It is a very good thing to be able to practice alongside the Su Shi people."

Someone suddenly said, let the people here laugh.

Outside the trial space.......

Zhu Qianjing waits, I want to know what happened inside.

As for the chaotic two sons, the atmosphere is not dare to breathe, the three giants of the temple are standing in front of them, and they oppress them.

In the end, in the trial space, the moment when a fairy temperament purple woman came out, attracted the attention of the audience, but when Zhu Qiang saw that she was pulling a dead body, one by one was stunned. .

"Old Seven!" The four sons were furious, although he was a blind man, but the spirit of the soul is still there, and the seven sons are already dead!

"Seven brothers!" Eight sons also lost control, the seventh brother died, was killed by Su Shi people!

The people in the audience lost control, and the nine sons and seven sons were killed by Su Yan!

The consequences of this incident are so alarming that the heroes are shuddering, how can these ridiculous things happen.

This is the Chaos Valley, overlooking the giants of the Wanjiao, and the two taboos, killed by the Su Shi people!

"Baby, I killed you this monk!"

Chaos two sons roared like thunder, saw Zixia fairy holding a body, directly thrown to the ground, which made them angry to the extreme!

But this discourse has just been said, the two chaotic sons spurted blood, and almost all were unloaded.

This time Kong Xian did not shoot, the vice president of Jin Yu, a slap in the face of their two chaotic sons, the body of the gods collapsed, the two sons whispered, want to say something, but still dare!

"Pollution of my ears."

Zixia Fairy said coldly: "I originally wanted three drops of fairy material. Now I have changed my mind. Take out five drops of fairy material and take away seven!"


The two chaotic sons almost spurted blood and extorted them on their heads. Are you not crazy?

There are also five drops of immortal material, each drop of immortal material, the loss of taboos is not small!

"I have limited time, give you time to think about it, or else I will hand it to Su Yan in the seven sons!" Zixia fairy was so sullen, apparently worried.

Kong Xian looked at the body of the seven sons. He touched the big bald head and said: "Although the death of the seven sons is mainly due to the damage of the gods, Chaos Valley should have some of his **** lights, and he hopes to continue his life!"

"Su Yan is not very embarrassing, how can he be merciful?" Shangli's face is not good.

The two chaotic sons must spurt blood, isn't that an old woman? Are you ashamed? Still want to lose the Chaos Valley?

"Su Yan will be doing business." Vice-President Jin Yu shook his head and said: "The last time I extorted a god, I taught a lot of pen, and now I am extorting the Chaos Valley. Can you come out with a fairy substance to buy him?"

The two chaotic sons are stunned, and the seven sons are still saved, not so bad!

They determined that losing to Su Yan was lost to the flesh, not the power of the heyday, and the hope of a turnaround.

"time up!"

Zixia Fairy is a serious, and next to the seven sons, walk toward the trial space!

Some strong people are screaming. If the seven sons are handed over to Su Yan, the fate of the seven sons will be extremely miserable.

"Wait a minute!"

The four sons stood up fiercely and whispered: "The fairy material can be paid, but five drops are impossible. We can only take two drops. If there are more, let Su Yan go to the Chaos Valley and ask for it!"

Surrounded by sensation, two drops of fairy material, said to take it out, the handwriting is really scary.

The Zixia fairy was slightly silent for a while, and they threw the seven sons to them.

The two chaotic sons breathed a sigh of relief, thinking of leaving the chaotic tower area directly with the body of the seven sons.

However, when I saw the dangerous eyes of the three giants of Daodian, the two sons hardened their scalp and handed over two drops of fairy material. This is their life-saving thing. Only two drops will be taken out.

Vice President Jin Yu gave two drops of fairy material to Zixia Fairy.

At the same time, he said to the people nearby: "You, this battle, the seat repaired the rules, the temple will severely punish the loan, the two drops of immortal material, is my temple also a little force? Even if it is compensation for Su Yan In short, my Taoist temple will not do bad things, and the test of the Chaos Tower has already been opened. The Daodian Mountain Gate is wide open and the disciples are widely recruited!"

The whole scene was full of cheers, and this thing was really beautiful, and did not bow to the Chaos Valley.

The two chaotic sons also left gray and did not dare to speak.

Some people sighed: "Su Shi people, a peerless overlord, invincible, who can fight for the front!"

The audience was stunned, and the three sons were defeated.

This war is a big win, and it has also brought the name of Su Yanwei to a higher level, and spread the people of the world.

Su Yan at this moment is really in the chaos of the earth, like the sky!

Some people even made a surprising speculation that the Taoist temple had a mysterious giant who was interested in sheltering Su Yan, and this incident also caused an uproar!

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