Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1141: The mystery of the field

Many onlookers are in a daze in the trial space.

Because Su Yan suddenly fainted, he was sleeping?

A group of people are stupid, swearing, what? Just after Su Yan closed for a month, the body finally released a rich light of the years.

The gods thought that Su Yan was enlightening, but now he is entering a deep sleep, which is too sudden, right?

However, even if Su Yan was asleep, Zhu Qiang did not dare to approach, but only observed in the distance.

After ten days and ten nights, Su Yan opened his throat, some confused, some headaches, tired of appearance, and slept for so long. Although the loss of the soul was restored, it was still difficult to get up.

"What's wrong with me?"

Su Yan frowned, he was silent, like a sculpture, after a long silence, he slowly returned to God, then he was thinking, seems to be looking back on this life, remembering all his experiences, just now he felt that he was forgotten In the past, I forgot who I am.

"What happened just now?"

Su Yan took a deep breath, and his heart was full of sorrow. What is it, what is the impact on himself? Almost didn't return to the will!

Immediately, he cheered up, and his sharp eyes patrolled the square, seeing some monks nearby looking at himself with weird eyes.

Su Yan walked over and asked directly what happened just now, even how long the time has passed.

These monks also stuttered. I didn't expect Su Yan to ask them suddenly. They organized the language and tried to calm themselves down and tell the whole story.

"I have been silent for a month and slept for ten days?"

Su Yan took a cold breath, kept calm, and returned to the original place. He sat cross-legged and looked awkward. It was just a month before, even he slept for ten days and ten nights!

He is unbelievable, just a moment of memories, how can it be so long?

Su Yan checked his physical condition and found that his body became stronger, including his physical body.

"My strength has improved a lot!"

Su Yan's body is glorious, the treasure is solemn, and the flesh is flowing with powerful energy.

But compared to before, his body dissipated from the years and became a normal person.

In the depths of Su Yan's flesh, there is a shocking **** that can be released from his body. The resulting strength has been amazingly increased. He knows that it is because of the roots of the nine natural fires, and the stimulating human treasures are open!

All of this is attributed to the body-building technique, which was the body-building technique that the prehistoric brother passed to himself, so that Su Yan’s physique is now restored to this extent.

"Just, I saw some weird things!"

“Is it because my physical recovery has awakened some long-term memories? Are there some special reasons that have affected me?”

Su Yan muttered to himself, and he was amazed. What did he experience? It is hard to forget the figure, the supremacy, such as a heavenly emperor, too terrible and incredible.

He thinks that person, once guardian himself.

This makes Su Yan stunned. If his recollection is really his own memory, then what time period did this period occur?

"It's weird!"

Su Yan’s heart is difficult, but the scorpion is like a torch. Shen Sheng said: “The local temple must go. My physique may be in the regional temple, to the perfect level, to the strongest state!”

He tried to restore calm and think hard. He had been wasting a month and could not continue!

In this way, in the silence, Su Yan began to slowly silence in the Tao and the law presented by the Tao.

In the **** battle with the chaos three sons, Su Yan has already seen a part of it, and now it is perfected, and in the realization of enlightenment, he is sure to get all the inheritance in the Taoist Taiwan in a short time!

Time has passed slowly.

Now that the Chaos Tower has been opened, it has already passed two months. In two months, there are too many monks eliminated, and the number is unclear.

There are estimated veterans in the Taoist temple. There should be no less than one million souls in the temple, and they are being submerged in the tens of thousands of trial spaces.

The inheritance of the Chaos Tower is complex and changeable. It is extremely difficult to comprehend in a short time, and the inheritance in it is almost irrelevant to the current cultivation environment!

Therefore, the current chaotic tower has become a place of hope for all ethnic groups, because the inheritance of this is related to prehistoric times. Once the environment of the universe changes, even the burial grounds are opened, then the inheritance will be It is vital!

It can also be said that after a long period of time, this world, all beings will benefit from the chaotic tower. Although Tianjiao has been given important inheritance in the past, it is difficult to exert its strongest state due to the suppression of the cosmic environment.

But this world is different. There are many Tianjiao in the chaotic towers in the past. They open several inheritance spaces in succession and get some important prehistoric inheritance. Even in the incomplete universe, road repair can go very far!

"In these days, the burial place has a faint change?"

Some news came, causing a lot of waves, some old strongmen went to explore the burial place, although it is still in a sealed state, the strong can find out, the seal of the burial place has begun to loosen some.

But the process is slow, but even if it is slow, some old teachers say that the burial ground will open several years, and if it is slow, it will not exceed ten years!

"Isn't that the latest ten years, the prosperity will be open!"

"There is a gossip message. Once the burial place is opened, the patriots of all ethnic groups are like paper. This is true or false!"

"When the nine sons and Su Yan battled, the nine sons unveiled the strongest state. The result was suppressed by the universe. They have not seen the strength of this field. Some are a pity. It is difficult to determine how strong they are!"

"Although the chaos of the three sons, fiasco to Su Yan, but lost to the physical field of rumors, if their state is unsealed, it may be very strong!"

"Otherwise, the burial place is the first secret of the universe. There are a large number of prehistoric ancestors, and inheritance. Even if it is true, as some people have said, on that day, Tianjiao’s life is like a paper, and there will inevitably be a group of people who will rise rapidly! ”

"That is nature. Do you really think that the future Su Shi people will weaken those people?"

Some people screamed, the chaotic tower opened, Su Shi people **** chaos two sons, hard life to play it out of the trial space, and even after the seven sons smashed in, the result was collapsed by Su Yan's god!

Although it is said that the seven sons will not fall, but the Chaos Valley is really a big loss!

"It is too early to talk about these things. Once the burial place is opened, Qiu Ming will climb to the field of power in a short time. It is the end of Tianjiao!"

Some people sigh, this topic is a bit heavy, if this group of people really stepped into the power, the rest of the Tianjiao still hope in the early days? If you can really dominate the burial ground, it is equal to the top of the list, not from the Henggu Hengqiang!

Since the last time, the darkness of the sun, the cosmic turmoil, the **** catastrophe was born, the major groups are not concerned, they are really concerned about the future changes.

If the darkness swept again on a certain day, what would the universe look like?

No one can answer them, and the peaks are silent. This is really a source of flustering. I don’t know when it will break out. Once it is shaken again, can it stop the dark catastrophe?

"Oh, this day has changed. I don't know what the future will look like. I am a bit sentimental. Is this old?"

"It’s a bit old. The future will be the world of their young people. He will be a great man of Qiu Ming. Other people are not far away. At that time, we have to retreat behind the scenes, even my family’s children. The gods are very close."

Some old teachers have sighed, but they are very hopeful that the younger generation can rise quickly, and the universe will come out with a group of strong people. In the future, they may be able to figure out what the darkness is.

Time is flying fast, and it is another month!

From the opening of the Chaos Tower to the present, after three elimination periods, it can still be held now, and the combat strength is not weak.

The trial space where Su Yan was located also suddenly surged in pressure and spread to every soul.


This grand road, resurrected between the vague, like a sleeping giant, slowly awakened, and finally released a terrible oppression on this day, and the entire Taoist space!

A large number of souls could not help but be beaten out and lost the qualification to continue trials.

Many people who are stable have been struggling to support, while some people have fallen into silence because they have been attracted by the inheritance of the Taoist platform. They may have the opportunity to contact the second pass heritage space trial.

Every other month, the roads and laws that are distributed by the Taoist platform are thicker. This is completely from shallow to deep, and the road and the law elaborated by the Taoist platform step by step!

Su Yan figure shines, suddenly, he has changed, it looks a bit magnificent!

He is like a giant mountain, sitting here, the whole flow out, the vast energy field, itself burning like a cosmic oven.

Some monks are not willing to be close to Su Yan, and they are infinitely innumerable. Because of his own field, the pressure is extremely heavy!

“This seems to be a field?”

Su Yan’s eyes bloomed, and he saw an important step. This platform is like explaining the construction process of a field!

And this field is related to the flesh!

Su Yan’s gaze suddenly looked at the Taoist platform. He found that the platform became more majestic, and it suddenly became infinitely vast, seemingly covering the entire time and space!

At first, Su Yan appeared to be even smaller.

But his body glows and all the energy begins to resonate!


In the world of the road, a loud bang was blown up.

Su Yan fiercely rises to the ground, the spirit of the spirit runs through the Han Han, such as the Taikoo giant, the footsteps, the body to make up the amount of light, accompanied by a variety of vague supreme Tianwei!

"The field, this is the door to the field!"

Su Yan whispered, he saw the original face of the Taoist platform, very small, like a grinding disc.

But it is so strong that it can carry millions of creatures!

This is like the experience of Su Yan before. He is like a seed, turned into a big tree, but back to the truth, he is still a seed, but concentrated with the power of terror, this is the future power to the king of God!


The monks in the trial space are full of horror, because the trial space shows a magnificent door, such as a bronze giant, full of supreme power, overlooking the universe of beings!

The powers of the outside world have also changed dramatically, because they have seen a new trial door appearing, splendid and shocking, and the king of the gods are suffocating!

Some people were shocked: "How is it possible, this is only three months, this is who realized the first level and opened the second trial space!"

Some old teachers are amazed, because the time is too fast, and this is only three months later, some people have opened up the second trial space against the sky. How high is this understanding?

"Who is it? Is it a celestial body?"

Many people were shocked and said: "The celestial body of Tianzhu, a fusion of a heavenly stone, he can be called the carrier of the avenue of heaven, and the heavenly stone is the enlightenment of the Tao, the sacredness of the celestial body is bound to be extraordinary, is he open The second trial space?"

"Most likely!"

Some of the great masters of the great education nod. After all, it is Tiandao Stone, which belongs to Wudao Xianzhen in the series of Wuzhizhibao. Since his heavenly body has been trained by the energy of Wudaoshi, it naturally has sufficient strong understanding!

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