Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1142: Regional Hall!

"There has been someone who opened the second trial space, and this is only three months. This person must be savvy!"

A group of veterans of the Daoist Temple had a pleasant surprise. Someone stood up and laughed loudly. "I don't know which ethnic group is this hero? I don't want to go to the second trial space now, because the second test space exists in a very profound way. It takes years, even ten years, to get to know, and the failure rate is extremely high!"

"But I have different temples, and I have collected many valuable experiences of Tianjiao, the masters of chaotic towers in the past. If I go under the door of the Taoist temple, I can get this kind of inheritance as much as possible. Even the inheritance space will last for ten years, so don't rush into it!"

The various conditions promised by the Daoqiang strong, so that the great teachers and strong people face green, Nima Lian people have not seen, the Tao Dian has stood up, inducing the Tianjiao to join the Taoist Temple!

No one knows, the Taoist temples in the past have recruited disciples, and the progress of the Chaos Tower is regarded as the standard.

The more excellent the performance in the Chaos Tower, the more resources the Taoist Temple will give, and even some people will have the opportunity to worship under the three vice presidents of the Taoist Temple.

Although before this, the temple will recruit some wizards, but they all know that the most important thing for the temple is the progress of the chaotic tower, which will tilt the resources of this kind of wizards!

There are also some great teachers who have opened their mouths and promised some favorable conditions. It seems that they must be robbed with the Daodian.

However, they waited for a long time, and did not see anyone standing up to smash this trial space, so that they are all wrong, what is the situation?

"Su Yan, your trial space is open, are you not ready to go?"

In the trial space, some people could not stand the opening, they are very clear that Su Yan opened the second trial space, which is very envious.

However, Su Yan has been silent and has not moved.

Zhu Qiang is wrong, does he not want to go, he does not know what this trial space means?

"Yes, Su Yan, you should not underestimate the trial space, one pass and then one pass, straight through the field of power, equal to the chaotic tower will train you into a power!" Some people stunned, amazed, Su Yan may have hope Get in touch with the ultimate test.

"This is not what I want!"

Su Yan seriously thought about it and faintly caught it. The second method of the chaotic tower's second trial space, to be sure, is the upgraded version of his trial space and law!

But this is not what Su Yan wants. Although he realizes that the second trial space is of great value, if you pass the inheritance and specialize in the physical field, there will be great gains, but it is really not what Su Yan wants!


A group of people are dumbfounded, and some people want to say that you are too arrogant.

The road to power is not what you want. What is the road you want?

In the chaotic tower, there are tens of thousands of roads that can lead to the ranks of the powerful, but this is very difficult. Every road is extremely difficult to smash the ultimate level. The generations of the chaotic tower can enter the powerful realm with the inheritance of the chaotic tower. Very few!

"My way, should it float?"

Su Yan's pupil was blazing, his breath changed. At this moment, he broke free from the oppression of the trial space, causing him to be returned to the realm of the original shape, lightning-like to the peak state!

Even the source of Su Yan’s suppressed avenue was released!

For a time, Su Yan was very bright and self-contained, with chaos as the root, everything as the source, turned into a heaven and earth giant!


Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, the human body released a vast amount of light, creating a vague world of the world, as if the Supreme Wanjie was born, the monks in the oppressed trial space must pay homage!

This is the most powerful force of Su Yan. The source of all energy comes from the flesh. With the initial operation, the whole trial space will collapse!

In their jaw-dropping eyes, the trial space he opened opened disappeared.

Instead, it is a **** trial space that spreads endless savage atmosphere. If the palace of the region is opened, the atmosphere is savage and cruel, and it seems that the source of evil is imprisoned.

And it is not like a trial space, like a **** temple located between heaven and earth!

The hall, the glory of the gods, reveals the mysterious blood color symbol, and also has a disastrous release, thus replacing the previous trial space.

The road ahead is not what Su Yan wants, so now, what he really wants!

"What is this trial space, why the breath is so fierce, let me be guilty!"

The strong outsiders exclaimed and saw the moment of the mysterious **** temple, the goose bumps all got up.

"District hall!"

However, there are strong people who are low-lying: "This is a regional temple. According to the records of ancient books, the chaotic tower is the strongest test ground. It is the legendary regional temple, but now how can the regional temple appear, who touched the most so early? Strong trial!"

The name of the regional temple is unknown. After a long period of time, except for one of the temples that lived from the local temple, the rest died inside. It was called the regional temple of the Chaos Tower over time!

It has been buried in the supreme body, buried under the rumor of the peak of the Taoist system, and even rumors even the taboo son died inside!

Of course, the world also knows that talents against the sky can attract local temples.

But its appearance also represents death!

Nowadays, the chaotic tower has only been opened for less than three months, and the regional temple has surfaced. This has to make them tremble. Who is it? Now attract the regional hall!

"I didn't expect the regional hall to come out? Who is this so bad? Isn't that guy?"

Vice-President Jin Yu was stunned. Before the Taoist veteran called back, he told him that someone had opened the second trial space.

Gui is the vice president of the Daodian Temple, and Vice President Jin Yu is naturally attached to it. He personally rushed in and asked the Tianjiao to join the Taoist Temple.

However, Vice President Jin Yu did not think that the second trial space was scattered. Instead, the regional temple was re-emerged. It represented death and blood, a **** temple, blurred, but full of power. The heart of the **** beam.

"It really came out!"

Su Yan’s pair of scorpions looked at the regional hall, as if he had a suffocation, a kind of retreat.

But soon Su Yan calmed down, this is the hope of his physical evolution!

As long as you can walk out of the local temple, you can restore your physical condition.

There is also a big opportunity here. He thinks that Zixia Fairy said that whoever lived from here, even stepped into taboos, is mostly not inducing him, and is probably true.

Even the old leader said that he missed the big opportunity, and also relied on the previous ones to quickly climb to the ultimate state of power.

It is conceivable that there is a great place in the local temple!

"Su Yan is going to the regional hall!"

These monks were covered in sweat and looked up. Su Yan stepped one step after another and stepped out of the trial space. He even walked toward the regional hall.

"The monk is a monk, he didn't hesitate too much, and he passed away!"

"Don't he know what the regional hall is? In the past dynasties, only one person survived, then the second lucky one, is he determined to be himself?"

"I don't think Su Yan doesn't know the origin of the regional temple. Unfortunately, I want to tell him that it is already late. He has passed!"

They all sucked in the cold, and the scared face was pale and bloodless.

If Su Yan fails, it will be a big shock!

Especially the people outside are shuddering. I saw a very familiar person walking towards the regional hall. Isn't this Su Yan?

"He spent three months, opened the regional hall, and even wanted to go to the regional hall!"

Some old teachers are sucking cold air, which is too crazy, and the local temples dare to go!

"Su Yan is going to go to the local temple? Is he crazy?"

Here is a complete fryer, and some of the big guys are hairy, like seeing Su Yan fall into the death of the Jedi!

Vice-President Jin Yu burst into a beard and blinked. In the blink of an eye, "Su Yan, this is a regional temple. You can't be arrogant. You will return quickly, otherwise there will be a big disaster!"

Su Yan did not hear it, one step at a time, broke into the regional hall!

In the process, he was subjected to the super-strong oppression of the regional temple, but Su Yan was not afraid, and his breath became more and more brave. He eventually turned into a horrible **** of war and walked toward the regional temple step by step!

"Su Yan!"

Vice-President Jin Yu was shocked. The voice whispered: "I am the deputy dean of the Daodian. You don't want to die and return quickly. Otherwise, if you break into the regional hall, there is no hope of turning back. The endless years have passed. Who can live out from there?"

"Thank you for your good intentions, the younger generation has decided!"

Su Yantou did not return to the ground, walking towards the regional temple, he is very close to the gate!

Vice-president Jin Yu gnawed his teeth, Su Yan had already known, but he still had to go to the regional hall!


Vice-president Jin Yu smiled and smiled. With the potential of Su Yan, the super-enlightenment that is now displayed is enough to represent his future achievements. Even if he offended the Chaos Valley, Vice President Jin Yu wanted to introduce Su Yan into the hall.

But now, this generation of Tianjiao, even broke into the death of the Jedi, how can not let Vice President Jin Yu regret.

"Insane, it's really crazy. Isn't this a grave?"

Some of the gods and kings are chilling, and the power of the distant squad is amazed. Su Yan is really crazy enough. The local temples dare to go to the place, waiting for him to be desperate, fearing that it means that this regional hall means what?

In the ages, the legendary taboos have been swayed, and the rumors of the great powers have also passed.

But who can live?

No one at all, now Su Yan has gone in and made them dumbfounded.

"Ha ha ha!"

Some people laughed, almost squatting down: "Su Yan, Su Yan, you are really crazy, you are not dead, it is really difficult to understand, the regional temples are dare, you think you are taboo? ”

"Even if the taboo son does not dare to go to the regional temple, he dares to go? This is not brave, this is ignorance!"

There are also ancestors who sneer at the ancestors: "Su Yan, we are waiting for your death outside, no, it should be a hundred years, or a millennium, or the day of the next cosmic era. Some people look back at the ancient history of an era. , said that a fast-powered invincible strong, even the big energy field has not touched, it has been arrogant to die in the regional hall!"

"Su Yan, you are destined to be named for the age of the ages!"

There were a lot of arguments in the audience. There were a lot of strong people here. Everyone has a big man who is here, and waits for the outstanding performance of the disciples.

But now they see the crazy behavior of Su Shi.

He really broke into the regional hall, and the figure disappeared quickly at the gate of the regional hall.

Many people have complex minds, and a master hegemony is so degraded. It is too worthless.

"You are on the road, Huangquan Road, I will burn more paper for you!"

Many of Su Yan’s enemies are ridiculed here, as if they are watching a dead person, and feel that they have removed a heart disease, fearing that the future will gradually disappear from the name of Su Yan.

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