Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1145: Immortal material!


Su Yan made a scream, and the whole arm was opened. He screamed!

This white tiger is low-lying, it is like a supreme return, the three souls of the spiritual will oppression are somewhat weak, this is a true supreme creature, invincible time and space, no matter what era, it belongs to the king of the supreme!

The arrival of the White Tiger made the three great creatures faintly fearful. When a true strongman was king, they were afraid of the white tiger, but they saw the essence of life in Su Yan’s body and screamed out of control!

Even if the white tigers crush them, the three great creatures will not easily give up Su Yan!

For a time, a more tragic pattern was born. They regarded Su Yan as a prey to kill and kill. The moment when the four creatures came, this time Su Yan really realized the death!

Let his means in the sky, it is extremely difficult to resist the joint efforts of the four great creatures to kill, a face of Su Yan flesh and blood, to drink hate in the joint killing of the four most supreme creatures!

In the desperate situation, Su Yan's broken body steamed a horrible silver beam, lingering with an immortal breath, such as a silver real dragon lying in the Su Yan's remnant, steaming a glimpse of Xianhui!


The four great creatures shuddered, and the material awakened by Su Yan was shocked.

For a time they escaped, fearing the awakening of the immortal material in Su Yan, the four creatures withdrew, the world restored tranquility, and still full of dead and tragic!

The bones of the earth are not clear how many are there. It is hard to imagine what happened here.

And the dead zone is magnificent and the weather is glorious and ancient, enriching the wild weather and fluctuating death.

The test area of ​​the death of the regional temple is only the marginal zone. Su Yan is here, and the remains are transpiration of silver fairy radiance. This is the direct use of the fairy material, which contains immortal essence and runs through Su Yan. Residue!

It is equal to the gentle dream in the desperate situation!

In a short time, the suffocating atmosphere of Su Yan skyrocketed, and the body was healing at a rapid speed. It was like eating a tonic. The effect of this fairy substance is too scary, and the energy is even more amazing than the magical medicine!

This shocked Su Yan, this is the immortal material, there is an immortal energy.

He just felt that he had died. He couldn’t think of the immortal material. He could quickly cure Su Yan’s wounds in a short time, and even the immortal substances contained in it, and he was immersed in the body of Su Yan. !


Su Yan's body was full of blood and blood, and for a short ten breaths, he recovered.

Even under the nourishment of the immortal material, Su Yan's breath is strengthening, he feels shocked, how strong the taboos are, the immortal material is just their blood, but it contains immortal immortality!

Su Yan's meat shell is burning like an immortal furnace. Just when he enjoys this material baptism, there is a horrible energy substance in the fairy material!

This kind of energy makes Su Yan tremble and surrender. He seems to have seen a supreme figure in the immortal material, as if a true fairy stands between the heavens and the earth, looking down at him and letting him surrender!

"A projection of taboos!"

Su Yan is eclipsed, this is a projection of the little will evolution of the taboo, but it is only this, but also contains the supreme energy of the Tao, the influence of Su Yan to surrender, to follow him!

"Contraindications, sooner or later, I am also taboo!"

Su Yan's Yuanshen flaming, trying to shake the taboo of the will, he understands why the immortal material can not be easily used, because this kind of material contains a taboo atmosphere, which has a great impact on people's practice!

You can want to shake the taboos and the pressure is difficult, Su Yan suffers hard, and at the same time spurs the immortal spirit to enhance the strength!

After a day and a day, he found that the will of the taboos was extremely difficult to eradicate. In the end, Su Yan operated the initial scriptures, defending his heart with the scriptures, and minimizing the influence of the taboos on him!

After all, it’s just some will, Su Yan has been suffering for nine days and nine nights, and the will of the taboos is a bit fuzzy!


Su Yan’s spirits broke out and forcibly broke the taboo’s will. However, this collapsed will has a more amazing and immortal material. This is extremely powerful, and this is truly immortal!

When Su Yan bathed this immortal material, he felt that he would like to gather in the sky, and the whole world would sway the vastness of the gods. The foundations soared, and even he felt that he was younger, as if he had intercepted the infinite life!

"This is a taboo, are they really immortal!"

Su Yan was shocked, a **** taboo, almost transformed Su Yan, so that his strength soared, Shouyuan skyrocketing, the growth of the bottom, this is simply the golden age of the golden age, Su Yan naturally become more powerful!

There are still three drops of immortal material on Su Yan, but this thing is hard to come by, and it will be gone when it is used up.

Su Yan carefully realized his own situation, although the material of the immortality made Su Yan's fighting power soar, but he found that this is not all of his own, which makes Su Yan feel awkward, this thing is not suitable for eating!

"But in this world, now these three drops of immortal material are my life-saving!"

Su Yan smiled and said: "This is from the tempering in the region. Soon I can adapt to the current body. Then, adapt to the world!"

Su Yan stood in the heyday of the times, even in the face of the wolf pattern before, it is not necessarily cut off an arm.

Now with the immortal material, his broken arm grows out. Su Yan’s eyes are full of powerful warfare. To survive, you must kill a **** road and call the king to dominate, in order to understand the hidden reality of the regional temple!

"time to go!"

Su Yan got up and quietly left the area.

He is like the only hidden body with his own will in the **** world. He started a search!

Su Yan is ready to find the four great creatures, kill them one by one, maybe they can get something, he must be familiar with the world as soon as possible, in order to chase his own creation!

Soon, Su Yan discovered the habitat of the gods, the vast world of blood, and the vastness.

Su Yan is on the fringe, for the time being, I don’t know how big the world is, but the bones of the land, the broken land, the gods live in a fierce hole, and even a huge body inside the hole is saved. Be perfect!

Su Yan observed around and found that there is only the **** of this god!

"let's start!"

In the twinkling of an eye, he attacked, if a horrible comet rose up, it was slammed into the fierce hole!

The fierce hole blew directly, the smoke was rolling, and the bones were flying nearby!


The gods roared, and a pair of cruel pupils stared at Su Yan, as greedy.

"Want to eat me, marry you!"

Su Yan's metamorphosis power came in lightning, and the huge arm of the gods was broken. He was released with a barbaric force, almost falling out of the nest, and the area he was playing was overturned!


Su Yan’s aunt must solve the battle quickly. Once the movement continues for too long, it will definitely attract the three souls of the past, and even the other creatures will continue to kill!

Su Yan’s fists are raging, and roaring!


Su Yan punched and punched, and the gods shuddered, and the footsteps receded, and the huge body continued to crack.

It’s a single fight against Su Yan!

Moreover, Su Yan’s combat power increased by a few times. Just a few breaths broke out and the gods were all skeptical about life. It was angry and fled, and was overwhelmed and had to run.

Su Yan did not give it a chance to escape, once again swooped up, sacrificed the life of the gods, directly smashed the gods half body.

"Go to death!"

Su Yan slammed his head with a fist, and the fist was unstoppable, and the slamming of the sacred face of the scorpion collapsed, and his soul collapsed!

In the end, this **** gave a sorrow, it was directly killed by Su Yan!

However, the result made Su Yan worry, the **** that he was killed, the huge body was broken, and he turned into a group of blood-colored energy substances, like a sigh of life!

"this is!"

Su Yan’s face was inconspicuous, and then he looked at a large body in the collapsed hole and looked at the **** airflow that he wanted to drill into the body.

Su Yan thought a little, he understood, they are not real creatures!

But before they die, there is a residual life!

"A stream of air that remained before death formed a true spirit."

Su Yan was a little shocked. How strong they were before they were born, and they had the power of life. They even had the fighting power of the peak god.

Is this a power?

In any case, Su Yan is extremely excited, swallowing this blame in one breath, making his body blazing, the body is deep and vaguely to unblock the stronger physical strength!

"Hahaha, God helps me too, hahaha!"

Su Yan laughed in the sky, no wonder the old leader said that this is the trial land of the 10,000-year-old body, it is because of this kind of thing!

His physique really needs this kind of gas to nourish. Of course, a **** is not enough, but if you kill enough creatures, you can definitely let Su Yan have the essence of evolutionary physique!

He can not only take the opportunity to temper himself, but also can accumulate his own strong roots by killing the soul!

At this time, in all directions, the wind was raging, and the roar was roaring.

In the distant world, lightning has rushed to the three great creatures.

"It’s them again. I don’t know the boundaries of this land. How many lives are there like them."

Su Yan’s nephew was cold, he did not choose to have a hard time with them. The white tiger was very strong and it took a long time to fight.

Su Yan is prepared to take a break from the front and say that the world is too dangerous for him. He does not know how many such creatures are there.

If the battle is attracting more creatures, Su Yan is likely to be killed.

His immortal material is limited. If he does not understand the situation, he will not rush to confront them. It is most important to first explore the situation in this area.

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