Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1146: Bloody year!

Su Yan first withdrew and left the area.

However, the three great creatures are still chasing after them. Su Yan wants to smother them to swallow their life, and they also want to kill Su Yan and seize the vitality of his body.

In the process of chasing the three major creatures, Su Yan crossed a vast territory, but when he forced into the next section, his face eventually changed!

In the **** area ahead, the stars of the sky are shaking, the sound of the low beasts is blasting, and the horror is horrified!

Because of the arrival of Su Yan, he awakened several horrible creatures in this area. They opened their greedy pupils and stared at Su Yan, who was extremely eager for the vitality of his body!

"There are three strong people who are not inferior to them!"

Su Yan took a sigh of relief, the outside world is extinct, but how many have died here? It's really hard to speculate, and they were very strong during their lifetime!

If you rush down, Su Yan will die if they are squeezed in the middle.

Su Yan quickly retreats, he is somewhat surprised that the three major creatures in this field have not been chased, and there are taboo colors in the scorpion, and they dare not easily enter the area where Su Yan is located!

"Maybe here is their territory, not outsiders!"

Su Yan’s heart is filled with a glimmer of joy. In this case, he can let go of his hands and feet, and there is no need to worry about other dangerous factors. This territory should belong to the White Tigers!

"If that's the case, then come on!"

Su Yan sacrificed the life of the gods, turned into a square painting, he held with one arm, powerful, full of long hair dance!

Su Yan has emerged a powerful force, and actively meets the three major creatures, to lay down this territory, and now stand in the dead Jedi!

The war broke out like this. The edge of this dead Jedi was shaken, and the bones piled up on the ground were rolled up, and the **** battles were opened!

For Su Yan, here is the trial land, but also the land of creation!

As long as you kill the fate of these dead creatures, you will be able to harvest the material that is good for him, and you can grow up in battle!

"Then kill it!"

Su Yan and the three great creatures launched a fierce fight, and he had already killed a god. Su Yan’s pressure was reduced. It was not particularly difficult for Su Yan to confront these three creatures.

But it really has to pay some price, but the price is a bit insignificant compared to the life of their body!

The death of the Jedi seems to be the battlefield that has been lost. It is the current regional temple, a place of death trials. I don’t know how many creatures have died, and the number of bones in the land is countless.

Grand death, Jedi, edge, energy fluctuations, flying sand, stone, crying!

"Initial boxing!"

Su Yan waved the strongest force. This is the ultimate boxing method. The strongest supernatural power in history, with the power of Su Yan’s human body shock, penetrated the body of the Peng bird, broke out a blood hole, and finally painted with Fang Tian. The head of the Peng bird was cut off.


Su Yan laughed and swayed the entire battlefield. Although the initial punch was a great loss to him, he smashed the Tianpeng bird and robbed it of its life. After swallowing, Su Yan’s momentum soared and the body was deep. Strong supreme Tianwei.

This white tiger with superb strength is somewhat fearful. There are only four creatures in this territory, but now he has been killed by three.

Even this human race monk, the more the war and the more brave, this makes the white tiger extremely jealous, but seeing his body full of vitality, the white tiger is fierce and low, swooping up and Su Yan launched a big collision!

I have to say that this white tiger is very strong. Su Yan had a big fight for one day and one night, and eventually he was bruised and bruised, but the white tiger was also killed!

It turns into a life-threatening spirit, and its value is even stronger than the life of the three great creatures. After Su Yan swallowed, the body soared and blazed, like the immortal burning of the furnace, which led to a strong and prosperous territory. The source of life!

I haven't waited until Su Yan is happy, his face has changed, and the creatures in the nearby fields are eager to move. At least a dozen or so creatures open their greedy pupils and stare at Su Yan!

"not good!"

Su Yan has some big heads, really wants to be low-key, and can't leak too much of his life. For these dead creatures, Su Yan's strong vitality is the energy body they are eager to devour.

Now the trouble has come, and there are a number of creatures who can't help but kill, and they are very hungry for Su Yan's body.

Su Yan seems to anticipate the danger he will face in the future. He really has to go all the way, and he won’t know how long.

He does not kill, these creatures use it as a plate meal, and a death trial begins like this, day after day, month after month....

Time, suddenly, Su Yan has spent a full three months here!

The broken bones of the bones and the wild, a slightly embarrassing shadow, **** body, **** and sly, can not tell his specific look.

"It’s too bad, just have a glass of wine!"

Su Yan’s **** suffocation is too strong, like climbing out of the area, only his pupils, cold, but full of excitement and madness!


In the body, there are countless savage savage, three months in a row, and he died in the Taikoo. There are no more than one hundred and eighty.

Su Yan did not know how many lives were killed. His spirit was numb and numb, turning into a killing machine.

Now he flees, because in the face of dozens of creatures hunting, the same Su Yan's momentum is also very scary, once the eruption of the supreme Tianwei Haodu, the human body is stored in the endless supreme viciousness, overturned the moment, earth-moving!

He traversed more than a dozen territories and came to the most marginal zone. He saw that he was still chasing his seven or eight creatures. Su Yan was cold and forced to go up and fight with them.

In this dead Jedi, the battle is really endless...

Su Yan has forgotten the time, and gradually, he struggled for a whole year in the death of the Jedi!


A horrible scream blew open, smashing the bones rolled up in the sky, and suddenly, like a terrible demon king, the blood is soaring, the corner of the universe that is affected is bright!

The sky is full of stars, and the turmoil is turbulent, because a figure has also erupted!


One and then a powerful creature exploded, and Su Yan lived to death!

They turn into pure raw gas, nourishing the body of Su Yan's riddled bones. The man killed in this area is **** and hegemonic. He wants to live, kill a path and seek his own creation. !

Su Yan’s pupils are sharp and sharp, and they turn a blind eye to their own ascension. Just like a king who has entered the Tao, the body is full of horrible energy, and it is overwhelming!


The beasts are low and the chaos is chaotic.

Su Yan's speed is too fast, sometimes like lightning, sometimes like a star, sometimes like a Peng, sometimes like a white tiger.......

His flesh is blazing to the extreme, like the supreme wrath, a year of hard work, Su Yan was baptized, such as the most powerful fighting machine, rushed into the herd, smashing a powerful creature!


Su Yan Daxie, sacrificed a **** red scorpion, the life of the gods broke out, full of blood and anger, full of the arrogance of the soldiers of the Overlord!

The void was opened, and one and then a powerful creature died, turning into the purest life, nourishing Su Yan's remnant, allowing him to recover!

Su Yan grew up in adversity and roared in the Jedi!

His spiritual will is too horrible, it is completely a **** in the region, cross the battlefield, to kill and kill!

Throughout the whole year, Su Yan’s change was too great. He swept through hundreds of fields. The number of savage savage savage counts was unclear. In the battle, he grew up and realized some fighting techniques, relying on the advantages of the flesh and rampaging. .

Su Yanguan Wan beasts, stealing their anger, catching their battle origins and comprehending their combat skills.

Watching the beasts of the beasts, bathing the beasts of the beasts, evolution belongs to his killing technique, exploring the most primitive fighting stance!

He explored a way to make his body fierce, as if gathering the power of the wild!


The vast territory, echoing the beasted scorpion, split the sky of this **** sky!

The chaos on the edge of the area was trembled by one person. After one year of **** battle, Su Yan hit the vast territory and became the king of beasts. He himself swayed the fierceness of the sky and wanted to fight against the sky!


At the end of the moment, the power of Su Yan, his murderousness, his exuberant source of life, led to a great crisis of terror!

Deep in the world, suddenly the horrible supreme Tianwei, the pressure of the long river, seems to be invincible in all major time and space!

The imposing iron and blood, but looks like a sly Su Yan.

When he saw the picture deep in the earth, he snarled: "Nima!"

He escaped and escaped without returning!

Because of the depths of the **** land, I am awakened by a horrible creature that sweeps through all ages!

He saw Kun Peng, he saw a huge beast, saw the Suzaku bathing in the fire, saw the true magic of chaos....

It is a horrible figure, powerful to the extreme, enough to be the protagonist of all major eras.

There are even many humanoid creatures, and they are the supreme body of the invincible world.

Even Su Yan saw a dragon, the thick body running through 100,000 miles, the head of the **** bone pierced the sky, the horrible claws tore the star of the sky, making a scream of the dragon, shaking the earth!

Enough desperate picture, hundreds of horrible creatures broke through the territory, rolled up the corpse of the sky, rushed to Su Yan!

A face-to-face, Su Yan has endured the peerless oppression, the soul will be annihilated!

"I am afraid of you!"

Su Yan made a big noise, and his spirits went straight to the Han. His soul was in the process of recovery, and he opened a shackle. He wanted to be king here and hegemony!

His **** is burning in the extreme, almost running through the realm of the king of God!

"But don't you **** together!"

Su Yan swears, he still escapes, but he is not too fast, but facing the invincible power of the entire prosperous world, the hunting of hundreds of strong creatures, Su Yan feels that the body has collapsed. To die!

At the end of the moment, he used the second drop of fairy material!

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