Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1148: The Battle of the Jedi!

The earth subsided and the sky was broken.

Here the smoke is rolling, the bones are dancing, and the blood is smashing!

Countless creatures are destroyed, everything comes from a figure, releasing thousands of killings, and combining the gods and gods into one, hitting a hit!


Su Yan gasped and gasped, full of messy hair shawl, this blow completely exhausted Su Yan, five years, a full five years!

These five years are really life-like deaths, suffered too many predicaments, and suffered too many dangers of life and death. He came over and came over, struggling in the region, and finally came up with a supernatural power!

"Thousands of killing!"

Su Yan whispered, for five years, watching the beasts, comprehending the essence of battle, and feeling their most primitive fighting stance!

These once-dead creatures practiced the heavens, and they lived behind each other and turned into a living state.

This life-threatening spirit still retains their fierceness. Their battle origins, Su Yan is equal to the rampant in the original world. It took five years to fight, and the battle is no less than tens of thousands of battles between life and death!

The strongest he took a road, killed from the region, evolved thousands of killings, and hit a shocking and screaming ghost, destroying the audience!

"But it's just a beginning!"

Su Yan’s eyes are burning like a torch. His path has already begun. He has already had the scale, but Su Yan feels that his own path has just begun. He still needs a stronger battle. That is...

Su Yan’s nephew looked deep into the depths. After five years of **** battles, Su Yan finally figured out that in the broken **** land, the deepest place is the gathering place of the strongest culprits. There are real dragons and fairy phoenixes. There are beasts, there are 鲲鹏.......

Deep is the most sinister place, and now Su Yan stands in the peak of the gods, and finally has strong enough qualifications to break into the depths and start a battle with the most powerful creatures in history!


At this time, his life weapon shines, and the **** axe turns into a big tripod. The spit between the heavens and the earth, the raw gas floating between the heavens and the earth, rolling up, runs through his life.

Su Yan does not need these substances, he must get the true spirit of the real dragon, in order to further evolve the physical energy.

Nowadays, he nourishes his life with these fierce qi, even for five years with the destruction of his life, this artifact has long been transformed, full of a peerless tyrant, a peerless temperament, can be called the king of the tyrants!

It has its own soul, such as the flesh and blood, and now absorbs these life-threatening qi, which leads to the enhancement of the life-threatening device once again, revealing a fierce breath, deterring the world!

"I should go, five years!"

Su Yan walked calmly, the blood-stained body scattered and killed thousands of killings, ignited his body's blood and resonance, the power of the avenue surged, every step out, time and space disillusioned, as if stepping out of a field of time and space!

He is really strong, fighting blood, for five years, killing a **** road!

Su Yan stepped into the depths step by step, and the life of the life was turned into a big tripod. Suspended above the top of Su Yan’s head, and there was a thousand visions in the Ding. If the murderous murder appeared in the middle, the fierceness was rolling, and Su Yan’s momentum was always there. One.

As he drove deeper, he came to a place where a group of legendary creatures lived!

Su Yan has already felt that a pair of indifferent pupils have stared at themselves. There is no doubt that Su Yan has broken into their territory and made a group of kings in this territory angry.

The **** battle is once again open!

Not exceeding Su Yan’s expectation, this is an endless battle. Only by sweeping through the blood and breaking through the entire death, he can kill!

"Who dares to pick me up!"

Su Yan incited the audience, just like the return of a generation of hegemony, the peerless momentum swept the entire core of the land, the pressure of hundreds of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are shaking!


A face-to-face rushing into the face, a face-to-face and Su Yan collided together, the space derived from a big crack!

The breath of Qi Peng and Su Yan's fists hit, the impact of pure flesh force, the tyrants of the world, and the huge waves, sweeping all over the world!

"The most powerful creature in history, take your life!"

Su Yan rushed to the past, and Qiang Peng was killed together. When he raised his hand and lifted his foot, there was overwhelming energy sinking. Wan Dao’s killing and gathering were raging. The body of this Peng Peng was shaking and he was going to be Su Yan. Directly to the bombardment!

"Come on!"

Su Yan screams, the power is rolling, the blood-stained hair is dancing, and the power is rushing.

He needs pressure to perfect his own supreme school. It is not enough to rely on a single Peng Peng. In the depths of this death Jedi, there is immediately a powerful and powerful soul.


Su Yan Yang Tian shouted, unstoppable, rushing forward!

Along the way, a terrible battle broke out. Su Yan’s screaming, waving his fist once again slammed into a huge dragon, and the supreme power was released. This is a peerless hegemony, and the world is bleak!

Su Yan’s other palm slammed out and waved a square of paintings to the huge beast!

"A good battle today!"

Su Yan haha ​​laughed, he was timid, and his mouth spurted out a group of thousands of killings, blending the essence of Su Yan's body, and shouting into a huge wave, and flocked to a distant Suzaku!

Kun Peng, Cang Long, Tian Beast, Suzaku!

The whole four major anti-natural spirits, and Su Yan launched a fierce Su Yan, in the battle of Su Yan more and more war, he is equal to let go of everything, let go of life and death, to fight out a road!

Su Yan’s eyes flashed decisively, swallowing the last drop of fairy material!

With the timidity of his death and his timidity, he swallowed the last drop of the fairy material and completely broke the way of life. He gave up everything and opened up his own invincible way.

It is enough to scare the rhythm of the strong, the death of the Jedi, Su Yan suffered the hunting of the four most supreme creatures.

He actually used a drop of the immortal material to be promoted. The original Su Yan had two drops, but he used a drop before.

Now he will use the final drop, giving up the final life card, not dead, or born!

At the same time, Su Yan is also borrowing this immortal material, as the source of the battle, he will maintain the peak strength for a short time, meet the four supreme creatures, and fight out an invincible road!

For five years, Su Yan does not want to continue, he wants to end it all!

This is because Su Yan feels that his own path has come, and he must carry out a cruel trial of death and death!

"This drop of fairy material?"

Su Yan is somewhat amazed that this is not the fairy material of the chaotic valley, but belongs to another person, because the energy form is completely different, the purple immortal material, the existence of the gas surpasses the chaotic valley master's fairy material. !

Even this immortal material does not have any taboo will, it is the essence of immortal matter, and it has a fatal temptation to power.

Su Yan is amazed, is this Zixia Fairy for himself? Not from Chaos Valley!

“Does the temple also have a taboo? Is this the immortal substance of the taboo?”

Su Yan did not think about time at all. The situation he faced was extremely dangerous. The four supreme creatures, even if they were the sacred sacred to death, could also have the supreme majesty and the peerless fighting power.

Now a Terran monk provokes them, and the four most supreme creatures are already furious, and they join forces to kill Su Yan!


The battle of violent, Su Yan alone against the four most supreme creatures, the moment of killing together, ignited the madness of this world!

In this world of loud noises, Su Yan is self-contained, and the whole body lingers on thousands of killings, flocking to the eight wasteland, and the body is steaming with immortal material, maintaining the peak of the battle.

After all, the four great supreme creatures joined forces to attack, Su Yan will inevitably decline in a short time, he must use the immortal material to maintain the strongest state!


Su Yan screamed, a fist hit the real dragon, another fist to the Peng!

In the peerless crushing, the two most supreme creatures of the light have already caused Su Yan to tremble in the flesh. He is willing to succumb to the death and the will of the future, such as the heavenly master, the spirit of the gods runs through the universe!

Su Yan's human body, such as the four poles of the universe, stretches its limbs here, which is equivalent to opening up the sky!

At this moment, he was too brave, and he had to turn over two of the most supreme creatures. He was moving forward, stepping on the ground, and the spirits broke out, just like stepping on the avenues, stepping on the extremes of the sky. !


Su Yan’s foot stepped on the ground, stepping out of a field of time and space, shrouded Suzaku, one-armed and waving Fang Tianhuai to the huge beast!


Zhenlong and Kunpeng were furious, and their momentum was too fierce to swoop.

The imprisoned Suzaku bathed thousands of gods and burned down the fields built by Su Yan.

Su Yan, who had just been killed by the beast of the beast, suffered a thunder crush. He was about to be beaten up by the beaten, and the body collapsed into cracks, and the pores were sprayed into pieces of blood!

Death shrouded him, Su Yanwan, if the demon from **** is in the air, a pair of pupils are sharper than the knife!

Immortal substances burn in the body, cure Su Yan's wounds!

He promoted his strongest heritage in the desperate situation, and evolved thousands of killings. The human body is full of avenues, which is like a supreme **** chanting here!

His body is swaying with thousands of killings, and his palms push the whole space and kill the four most supreme creatures!

Battle of desperation!

Su Yan has forgotten the time, swaying blood and burning power here.

In the process, he suffered numerous unresolved blows and faced multiple death threats. In the end, he came over again and again. The momentum was still so fierce, and he continued to burn the ultimate fighting power and launched the shopping with the four most supreme creatures.

The fairy substance that burned in his body has begun to weaken and is about to run out.

But all this, Su Yan does not care, his spiritual will has been quiet in the desperate hegemony, he wants to make a living, the important thing is to kill a road to perfect, to perfect their strongest track!

The **** battle of the peak, the weather is terrible.

Su Yan’s spiritual will always rises to its peak, and there is even a kind of piercing of the heavens and the earth, running through the universe and staring on the road, and there is a kind of dynamism that is born with great power!

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