Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1149: Creative law

Can be allowed to fight in the strength of Su Yan, now he faces the four most supreme creatures, each one is enough to be invincible to the supreme creatures of all ages!

If Su Yan is bathed with immortal material, and the source is constantly repairing the broken battle body and replenishing the power of loss, then he has been torn and beaten to be disabled!

Of course, the four most supreme creatures also lack their own mystery, and the threat to Su Yan is reduced in a big way.

Of course, they also have the same, the most primitive fighting stance, and everything can't be underestimated. Once there is a gap in the confrontation, it will surely fall into the trap of being overwhelmed.

"Like the universe!"

Su Yan coughs blood, he forgets his own situation and forgets that he is in the most dangerous battlefield.

Su Yan’s spiritual will is silent in the battle, everything is to chase his invincible road, and even he wants to live!

His fist slammed his grip and suddenly there was a kind of enlightenment.

The initial opening remarks echoed in his eyes, and all of the ancient scriptures emerged from his scorpion, revealing the volatility of the universe and evoking the resonance of the universe.

This is a kind of energy that spreads in Su Yan's body. His body seems to be turned into an ancient book, and there are bursts of chanting in the body, such as opening up the sky!

At this moment, Su Yan caught a force, a force that passed through the heavens and the earth, originated from itself, or originated from the universe.

This kind of power is magnificent and spectacular, and it begins to flash in the body of Su Yan. If the verses of the verses are combined, it will be blazing and brilliant!


Suddenly, Su Yan’s breath soared.

The utmost exalted liberty released in his body, gathered in his inner path, merged into a furnace, turned into an energy seed, as if gestating a new supreme, making Su Yan human body is actually a terrible day !

In a short time, the four most supreme creatures were swept out by Su Yanzhen, because the energy suddenly born in his body was too abnormal, compressing all the material to gather in the flesh and oscillating the unbeatable fluctuations!


This also led to the anger of the four most supreme creatures, bursting out the most fierce energy, to tear the human monk and tear him into blood!

"The universe is like the universe, this universe is in my body!"

Su Yan whispered, his big hand slammed the world, the endless energy gathered in his palm, if the palm of the world, the intrinsic side of the world, like a condensed universe!

At this moment, Su Yan took the helm of the universe. This is a kind of singularity of the stranger. It is also the embodiment of the avenue of the ruling. It is terrible and strong, and the huge body of the dragon is flying out!

"This is!"

Su Yan’s double doors are blazing and screaming: “The ability of the field, or the means of creating time and space, is also the mystery of power!”

Su Yanwu has penetrated the process of domain construction, and even has a powerful power to imitate the power of time and space!

This is also thanks to Su Yan's natural mastery of Qimen. He has risen to the limit in the field of seven products. If there is no lack of follow-up scriptures, Su Yan will go further.

God builds a complete field, and even has a dimension of time and space. Whoever dares to believe it!

Now Su Yan, you can grasp the corner of the universe and suppress the strong enemy!

However, it is not what Su Yan wants. Of course, even if he masters the field, it is impossible to suppress the four most supreme creatures.

Now these four supreme creatures are really mad by Su Yan, the four strong figures are blazing, collapsed and smashed, joined hands to kill, the crushed world of Su Yan’s world has collapsed, and everything is in ruin!


The beast of the beast waved a huge arm, like a mountain, and it was so majestic. The energy contained in it was really savage, and it could collapse in the mountains, and a finger could crush the gods!

However, Su Yan’s state has soared and his body is magnificent, and he has grown hundreds of times.

He realized the field, and his body is like the supreme esoteric of the universe, which makes his body skyrocket. This is the great magical power of the heavens and the earth. Su Yan turns into a giant, and he is full of shocking power!


He waved a huge mountain-like fist and hit the fist of the beast. The two bombarded, the sky was cracked, the sand was flying, the energy fluctuations roared, and the vast expanse of the land!

Su Yan directly swooped up, his body is too big, his head is vast, his feet are running down the ground, his strength is peerless, he lifts his big feet and step on the Suzaku, extremely rude!

"Ha ha ha, this is the ability of the field, it is really a small thing!"

Su Yan laughed, the river and mountains changed color, the sun and the moon sang, and the void collapsed!

This method is too fierce, and the great supernatural power that evolved from the universe, makes the Suyan law heavenly land become a real heaven and earth giant!

Undoubtedly, Su Yan’s Tianshen Road has been further improved, and the footsteps of the world are infinite, and the figure is boundless!


The huge wings of Suzaku unfolded, burning thousands of fires, blazing, and rushing, and the golden feet that Su Yan stepped down hit together, making this time and space disillusioned!


In this world, the real dragon swooped in and walked through the body of 100,000 miles. It was a trick of the dragon. This is the strength of the real dragon. It is the ultimate force of the same generation. It suddenly collapsed into the sky and crashed into the sky. Su Yan!


Su Yan is a big man, he is like a universe, can swallow the sun and the moon!

He lifted his big hand and leaned forward, splitting the space with his bare hands, and instantly grasped the tail of the real dragon!

At this moment, Su Yan was directly violent, rising in adversity, releasing the most powerful source of strength!


Su Yan made a roar, enough to make the sound of the explosion of the spirits, the cosmic energy contained in it, so that the vast world is ups and downs, turbulent!


Su Yan’s huge palm slammed the tail of the real dragon and danced the dragon that stretched through 100,000 miles. It was like dancing a huge mountain range and sweeping the square!

Su Yan is too brave, freehand Bolong, peerless!

The huge real dragon was shaken by him, and he was smashed into all directions, and he was very shocked.

Su Yan completely used the real dragon as a stick, and finally the real dragon with his arms rotating and arrogant, descending from the sky!


Su Yan’s hands are holding the real dragon and directly smashing into the huge beast!

The shocking picture is as strong as the beast of the beast, and the dizziness of the real dragon that is invincible, the footsteps receding, and the blood is pouring out!

Su Yan is a peerless man, grasping the real dragon with his bare hands, inciting the body of the real dragon, and smashing into all directions!

In a short time, he actually violently suppressed the three supreme creatures, and filled with a stronger spirit, looming between the super-supreme, standing in the king of the universe!

In the process, Su Yan's hands are constantly bleeding!

Because the power of the real dragon is too savage, even if Su Yan's hands grasped its dragon tail, in the fierce fight, the power of the real dragon shattered the tiger's mouth, and the entire palm was torn by the real dragon!


Suddenly, the real dragon of anger is arrogant, the terrible energy flows in the flesh, and the body of the 100,000-mile-long body is reduced, only the size of the adult arm, but the power contained in it is soaring!

Su Yan’s hands were shattered, and the body’s blood blew.

But he didn't have any time to think about it, because the shrinking dragons rushed, swallowed the big fields, and the fierce light rolled!


Su Yan made a loud noise in the desperate situation. He himself was surging with a terrible will. This is a kind of spirit that he needs strength. It is also a spiritual will to crush the world and counter the whole world!


He slammed his fists forward and bombarded with the real dragon!

This area was completely violent, Su Yan was bombarded by the power of the real dragon, and the same dragon was also smashed out by Su Yan, and collapsed a piece of broken land, fierce!


At this moment, Qi Peng came and killed. Its mana is boundless, and its wings are like clouds in the sky. It is too horrible, full of horror and boundless momentum!


The huge beasts also rotate their arms, such as the two great pillars of the sky, from the sky, to crush the Su Yan!

Suzaku bathed thousands of gods, opened his mouth and sprayed a flame, rolled down, want to calcine Su Yan!

In the peerless crisis, Su Yan suffered the most brutal killing.

This real dragon that has been beaten has once again traversed the void, and the power of the dragon has evolved, such as the true dragon secret of the world, surging Suyan!

The oppression of the four supreme gods prompted the immortal material in Su Yan to be exhausted!

Among the Jedi, an unyielding figure is in the big shackles, **** and mad, and thousands of killings emerge, with the field resonance!

"I am the universe, the universe, the heavens and the earth, I am the only **** in the world!"

Su Yan's **** body is blazing, the light of the moment, all his visions return, gathered in the flesh.

In a short time, all his energy returns to the origin, turned into chaos, and evolves everything!


Su Yan's body shines, and the flesh is like the sun and the moon, the vast land of the universe, and if it is a field of time and space, it will sway out and be a great power!

Su Yan at this moment seems to climb the king's realm!


He screamed in the sky, the blood-stained hair danced, and the momentum was soaring.


His figure is empty, and he has broken through the sky, such as the only true God in the world, and the world is supreme!


Su Yan made a big noise, killing the light in the pupil, and waving a punch in an instant, like a blast of an eternal true god, playing a brand new Su Yan!

In the process, he is infinitely grand, really like the carrier of the universe, swallowing the sun, the moon and the moon, and mad to the extreme!


On the face of the rushing Peng Peng flew out, Peng body blood, suffered a fatal blow, fell between the mountains and rivers, the huge meat shells are densely cracked.

The Suzaku, who burned the fire of the sky, was shaken and ignited, and the fire of the Suzaku was extinguished!

This huge beast is now planted on the ground, unable to hold back the horrible shock, the peerless punch, the chest is broken, and a big hole is made.

Although it is said that among the four most supreme creatures, the real dragon with the strongest fighting power has resisted, but the body of the real dragon has been riddled with holes, and a large number of dragon scales have fallen off and suffered heavy losses!

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