Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1151: Root of Xuanhuang

"what did you say?"

The face of the iron **** was amazed. After the original customs clearance, it was in a good mood and felt that the world was exceptionally exciting.

But now, this day and the earth in front of it, vaguely a little gray, lost the voice: "Su Yan went to the regional hall? Zhang died!"

Vice-President Jin Yu’s key point, then he was surprised and surprised. The momentum of this big **** was a little scary. It’s silvery, and it’s amazingly fierce, letting this universe roar!

The iron **** is leaking out of the air, and there is a huge illusion of true phoenix behind the looming, overlooking the universe, powerful!

"A terrible creature is the hermit of our Taoist temple? Why is it angry?"

Many powerful people in the temple were shocked. The iron **** at this moment was extremely powerful. It seemed to be the supreme creature that awakened from the sky and time. Looking down at the cosmic sky, there was an ancient age pressure, which made some old antiques in the temple tremble.

But they have never seen an iron cock, and they don't know who it is.

"District hall!"

The iron **** has blown up all the feathers. It is too clear about the local temple. Who can live out of it?

The regional temple is the most cruel test in the universe, but Su Yan went to the regional temple, and even the time has passed for five years. Now it is still unknown.

"This guy is crazy!"

The iron **** is low, but there is a sadness in his heart and his mood is low.

"With the potential of Su Yan, you may be able to survive!"

Vice-President Jin Yu’s tone was low and he said: “Although I hope to be embarrassed, he always has some hope to live from it!”

"Who killed the tensor!"

The iron rooster burned silver flames and recalled some old people. They were both life and death brothers. They angered for a moment: "Is it a chaotic valley?"

"It's not just the Chaos Valley. Su Yan's old enemies can be quite a lot. Since the burial grounds have been opened, those people have been bad, and they have been targeted everywhere!"

Vice-President Jin Yu smiled bitterly: "Even my disciple, Yin Yisi, a family of the burial domain, the ancient Taiyin sacred body, but Qiu Ming is already a king. It is very close to the power, my apprentice They were all hurt by him!"

Having said that, Vice President Jin Yu’s face is gloomy, Yin Yisi’s injury should be very heavy. After all, she blocked Qiu Ming. Although Yin Yisi had a strong fighting power, her realm was low, and she was completely defeated by Qiu Ming. She was seriously injured.

"Budget, immediately prepare me a space-time tunnel, I want to go to the burial place, isn't it the ultimate king? Kill them!"

Iron **** raging in the body, the good mood after the original clearance was destroyed, a group of old people facing life and death, which makes the iron **** extremely angry, ready to pull them out one day.

Wen Yan, Vice-President Jin Yu shook his head. He said: "At the beginning of the burial place, there are terrible rules and pressures. Entering the burial place in your state? You can't live!"

"Now the only way to change the situation is that Su Yan is living out of the regional temple." Vice President Jin Yu said: "But the environment of the burial place does not know whether Su Yan can adapt."

"Live out?"

The iron **** is like a deflated ball, and the tone is sullen: "Even if he can live out, five years is impossible, at least for ten years, but after ten years, can those people still survive?"

The regional temple is like a nightmare world, a death Jedi that cannot be broken!

Su Yan was in the blood for five years, and the killing of the sky was broken. In the end, he was invincible, and even the anti-natural spirits such as the real dragon were killed by him. What else can stop Su Yan’s footsteps?

Now he broke into the space-time tunnel, although he did not know what to face next, but the test Su Yan really did not care.

He has already stepped out of his invincible path, creating a style of extinction, which is equivalent to taboo secret surgery!

No matter how difficult the test, Su Yan has the confidence to be strong!

This space-time tunnel has little space at first, but the more it goes inside, the more space it has.

Su Yan's **** and full-bodied, ragged clothes, scattered hair, is a soldier who climbed out of the region, looks cold, ready to recover from the peak force, to deal with all variables.

He has done it himself, and he can change everything without change. Any evil spirit can be crushed!

Su Yan’s sensation was sharp, and from the time he stepped into the tunnel, he did not catch any danger.

At that time, he died several times. Now even in the face of a more brutal crisis, Su Yan also has an invincible heart, strong and powerful!

"It seems that there is no danger here, it should be the ultimate creation!"

"The land of the regional temple, I don't know what it will be?"

Su Yan's quiet and cold heart, with a little temperature, when he crossed the end of the tunnel, came to a colorful world, Su Yan finally relaxed.

"Five years, finally got the harvest, hahahaha!"

Su Yan's heart is stirring, this is what he is eager to get. The space where he is now is full of endless life tide, the origin of the universe, the roots of billions of sacred yellows are spewing!

The shocking picture is hard to describe.

No matter in the universe, any treasures can not be compared with the creation here, because it enriches the root of the black and yellow, the original energy of the universe, and this is how the heavens are created, and the power will be a crazy fairyland!

The origin of the universe is equal to the life of the universe!

Although Su Yan does not understand why the origin of the universe, there will be a large number of chaotic towers, but this creation is Su Yan eager to get and possess, he issued a low-lying, quiet battle recovery, burning!


Su Yan’s life weapon has been revived, shaking spontaneously, wanting to bathe the universe!

The root of Xuanhuang is not only effective for Su Yan, but also has any effect on any substance. If his life is nourished by the origin of the universe, it will definitely become stronger.

"let's start!"

Su Yan broke into the middle, first to bear the terrible oppression of the root of Xuanhuang, a face of his body has the danger of breaking, because these roots of Xuanhuang are too heavy, even if it is more than a dozen, it is more than hundreds of millions!

This is really amazing, Su Yan's body can barely survive in the most marginal zone, this moment he directly released the battle body, close contact with the charm of the root of the black and yellow!

For a moment, Su Yan realized that it is difficult to elaborate the avenue of the universe, as if it is in contact with the entire universe!

This makes Su Yan tremble. First of all, he can directly determine that the root of Xuan Huang here, the origin of the universe, exists in prehistoric times!

"This is a prehistoric, complete source of avenue, not a broken one!"

Su Yan’s pupil is like a torch. This is too important. This is the most complete universe. Once you bathe the roots of Xuanhuang, you will get the strongest cultivation in prehistoric times.

Su Yan’s warfare has been uncontrollable and radiant. He wants to bathe the roots of Xuanhuang, grow up, and perfect all the deficiencies and defects!

"I don't know how Zhangliang and Baocai are?"

Su Yan suddenly whispered: "Five years, are you still okay? Did Yuan Yuan return from the barren hills? Is there still a burial place open, Zhu Yue, are you now entering the realm of the king of God?"

Five years was very long for Su Yan. He recalled many old people. He suddenly had a strong urge to leave here, go out and have a look and want to reunite with his friends!

The burial place, somewhere in the valley.

A wonderful man figure fell, the dress was stained with blood, she looked tired, a beautiful sorrow on the beautiful cheeks, a pair of original brilliant stars also dim, whispered: "Smelly boy hid in the regional hall, do not know early come out!"


There are some maids in the valley, the appearance is good, the strength is very extraordinary, and I am busy to help the bamboo moon.

A maid couldn't help but whisper: "Miss, you are a distinguished person, and you have been hailed as a peerless king. Even if you and Su Yan have deep feelings, Su Yan is now...."

Some words do not want to say too much, Zhu Yue and Su Yan have deep feelings, but Su Yan has fallen more and more in the regional hall. After five years have passed, can he continue to create miracles?

"Shut up!"

The face of Zhuyue was cold, and she did not believe that Su Yan would be silent. She always believed that that person would return from hell.

"Miss, you have been helping Su Yan's brothers many times, and they have done their best!"

These maids pleaded: "The chaos of the three sons will let the people associated with Su Yan die without a place of burial. Once you have been identified by them, you can’t do it, and Qiu Ming’s place to sit is faintly breathable. It’s coming, he’s breaking through!”

Yanyue Binghan of Zhuyue, Qiu Ming once Qiu Ming crosses into the field of power, when they can vigorously survive?

Even if Qiu Ming does not shoot, Chaos Sanzi will not stop here.

At that time, their faces in the Chaos Tower were too big. When the burial grounds were opened, they wanted to let anyone who is related to Su Yan die without a burial place!

"When he had not encountered any dangers, what kind of enemies have not been encountered, as strong as the three sons have been beaten out, I don't think the regional hall can trap him, he will definitely come out!"

Zhu Yu’s hand is clenched, and her pale cheeks are pouring out expectations. She wants to let Su Yan come out quickly, and wants to see him turn the tide and rewrite the current burial place.

Zhu Yue knows that this expectation is very high.

But she thinks Su Yan can still make a miracle.

After all, there were too many impossibles, but in the face of Su Yan it became possible!


These maids want to say something, but in the end they don't know what to say.

They think that Zhuyue is too high for Su Yan. What is the regional hall? Who can live out!

Even if he is really alive, he can stop it, the three sons with superb strength? Although Su Yan once did an earth-shattering event, the three sons did not balance Su Yan.

But now it’s really different. Since the burial grounds have been opened, their fighting power has grown stronger and they have cultivated to a desperate level!

Zhu Yue, a generation of Tianjiao who came from Tianzhu Mountain and stepped into the king's realm, she was already terrible enough to let the power of Tianzhu be amazed.

However, the three sons are all amazing, and they are floating in the years and millions of years. Now they belong to their glory, they are really powerful!

"I have a kind of anxiety, I want to go out as soon as possible!"

In the creation of the regional temple, Su Yan released his mind and body, and contacted the roots of Xuanhuang. He has reached the most critical juncture, trying to calm his heart and pondering his problems. He must find a way to leave the local temple as soon as possible.

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