Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1152: Body growth

After a glimpse of the roots of the mysterious yellow, the source of the universe is filled with fluctuations, each one is extremely valuable, and the opportunity to ask for help!

The roots of this piece of Xuanhuang are equally heavy, and they can all crush the gods. It is extremely difficult to bear the body of the gods.

Su Yan is under great danger and guides the roots of Xuanhuang into the body!

At this moment, Su Yan's body is blazing to the extreme, just like the furnace of the universe is burning!

He felt like he had swallowed a real dragon, and the whole body was full of tearing pain!

Who can swallow the original energy of the universe since ancient times? This is very difficult, and the power is extremely difficult to achieve. The root of Xuanhuang has the grandeur and grandeur of the universe. Once it is swallowed up, it will bear the threat of death!

Unlike Su Yan, his constitution is very special, and he has the metamorphosis ability of phagocytic energy.


A strip of red-like roots resembling a real dragon, drilled deep into his body, and under the stimulation of the roots of Xuanhuang, Su Yan’s body is blazing!


Su Yan made a big noise, because his body trembled, there is a tendency to burst, the pores are bleeding, it looks very miserable.

Even a hard bone can't carry the weight of the root of the black, that is, a root begins to shatter!

The process is very painful, the flesh must be ruined, and it must be scattered by the avenues of the universe. Once it can't hold back, it will be destroyed by the power of the universe, and it will disappear.

First of all, the root of Xuan Huang, there is a vast and innocent life essence, enough to support the body of Su Yan.

Still a point is the root of Xuan Huang, filled with the strongest source of the universe, you can grind everything, fear that power is no exception!

The strongest cosmic avenue?

This is the order of rules that can only be mastered by the great powers. Now Su Yan leads the roots of Xuan Huang to be equal to the energy of guiding the great powers. When you think about it, you know how painful it is to crush the soul of Su Yan!

"I need it!"

"You are just something, I can't refine you!"

Su Yan issued a fierce yelling, five years of **** battles, and nothing has been experienced. Now that he has touched the unimaginable creation of the world, he is already at his fingertips. He can give up because of this danger!

His flesh roared like a million stars, and if it was not Su Yan's body, it would have collapsed.

Some of the creations are so amazing that even if they are not available, they can be enjoyed. Now Su Yan is facing the big crisis of this physical explosion. He really feels that it will not work. The inch of flesh and blood will tear, and one bone will collapse!

"I am the universe!"

Su Yan looked up and savage, the fierce to the extreme!

At the same time, he was working on Tiangong. At the same time, Su Yan’s body was rapidly enlarged and turned into a giant. This is the state of the heavens and the earth, prompting the rapid expansion of Su Yan’s body, such as the size and power of the mountains.

From this moment, Su Yan's human body swells out of the horrible airflow. As the universe once exerts, Su Yan's limbs are like the four poles of the universe, blood is like a galaxy, bones are like mountains, and the five internal organs are like oceans, and there is a chaotic motherhood!

Su Yanlian's cosmic fists have come to light. Naturally, the body of the flesh body in the beginning of the initial opening is very deep.

Nowadays, his body, such as the universe and space, is difficult to explore, and temporarily suppresses the metamorphosis threat of the root of Xuanhuang. At the same time, with the power of the initial warfare, refining the vast energy of the root of Xuanhuang!

Time passes by.

The huge Su Yan transpiration life fire, all energy belongs to his flesh in the shell, when his momentum soared to the extreme, looming moments blasted, there is a vague king of the undulations flowing!

Su Yan's body is attributed to the strongest foundation, to open up the sky, the real king!

The king of the king, Su Yan has a whole concept, but also has a breakthrough!

Now, all the ingredients he cultivated belong to the flesh, and at the same time oscillate, enough to tear the door of the king.

However, now that he has encountered the root of Xuanhuang, Su Yan will not easily break through. Now his momentum has soared to the extreme, such as the furnace of the King of God is burning, and he is trained to be the root of the mysterious yellow in his body!

The process was too slow, and Su Yan was somewhat sad. He was afraid that it would be difficult to withstand it for a long time.

"Do you want to break through the king of God to resist the suppression of Xuanhuang?" Su Yan frowned, but once he did, he would lose the opportunity to evolve to the strongest king.

"Fry try to try, if it doesn't work...."

Su Yan took up the spirit and worked hard to refine the roots of Xuan Huang.

Immediately, his face changed slightly, because Su Yan’s chest was sitting in the middle of the plate!

His chest glows, and the reincarnation fluctuates. The interior is like a golden villain sitting in it, expounding the reincarnation of the road. At this moment, the villain is resurrected, opening a pair of pupils and slamming it!

"this is!"

Su Yan was surprised, and the life of the gods was self-evolving. The root of Xuan Huang is the source of the universe, enough to let the gods evolve.

If it really swallowed the roots of the mysterious yellow, the whole golden little man was splendid, filled with a horrible Tianwei, a supreme reincarnation fluctuation, as if it was a reincarnation universe, in his Chest running!

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan laughed, and once the evolution of the sacred power was inevitable, the power would skyrocket. Before his life, the evolution of his life was not strong enough. Although he swallowed the origin of the six reincarnations, the reincarnation was not willing to eat. It is helpful to the prehistoric big brother.

Now, under the nourishment of the origin of the universe, the reincarnation of the magical powers has risen a lot, and it is filled with more profound energy of the reincarnation. This is extremely difficult for Su Yan to master, because the Tao and its laws are terrible.

Even if a big man comes, it is extremely difficult to understand. Now the reincarnation of the power can rise, and when the energy of this mystery permeates, covering the moment in the body of Su Yan, there is a kind of enrichment between his breath. A terrible reincarnation!


At this time, the roots of the mysterious yellow roots in his body, one after another, broken into pieces, turned into the most essential source of mysterious yellow, scattered in the body of Su Yan.

Such as the growth of everything, such as spring bamboo after the rain!

In short, Su Yan is like a returning life. This is a very special feeling. It seems that Su Yan has been dead for a long time. His body has dried up for a long time. Now, under the nourishment of the universe, Su Yan’s body is finally resurrected. !


The sound of thundering in nine days blew up, and Su Yan’s body slammed into the sky, as if the carrier of the universe was resurrected from sleep, and in the process, this area was steamed into a **** hole!

The extremely terrible manifestation, the countless roots of Xuanhuang, gathered in the shell of Su Yan, ripening his battle body, let his body burst into the infinite amount of light, swaying the supreme Supreme Tianwei!


Su Yan made a long shout, the world roared, time and space undulating, rumbling.

His resurrection of the warfare, surging with the power of terror, is more turbulent than Wang Yang, stirring between the heavens and the earth, the vastness of the landslides and the sea of ​​gods.

Horror, strong!

He is like the mother of the universe, the strongest force, the blazing power, the raising of the hand between the hands, the roar of the heavens and the earth, the corner of the universe is crushed down, running through the body of Su Yan, making his body perfect as the universe !

Su Yan's body released a terrible cosmic wave, he is completely different, really like the carrier of the universe!

"This is the universe like the universe!"

Su Yan’s heart is stirring, and when his war is resurrected, it seems to be integrated with the universe.

He has an illusion that he is like the universe, or that the universe is his, this is an extremely different embodiment, and his power is terrible, and he is called a peerless king!

Su Yan has not yet entered the realm of the king of gods, but now he has perfected everything, and nourishes the warfare with the roots of Xuanhuang, which finally makes Su Yan’s cultivation of Tianshen Road a majestic, let his flesh be like the universe!


He shines in the pores, sprays the light, and releases the power of the universe!

"The body is like the universe, everything is reviving!"

Su Yan whispered, the human body is changing, and there is a vast expanse of life. For a time, his body is vast and vast, and the body accommodates the universe. The explosive power is hard to imagine how powerful it is!

However, when the scent of Su Yan rises to a certain process, between the vagueness, the power of the king is to grow in his body!

There is no doubt that Su Yan has to break through!

However, he forcibly suppresses the breakthrough of the warfare. If he breaks through here, there will be no thunder of the gods. This realm is too important. Su Yan wants to go to the burial place to break through and accept the heavenly baptism of the whole world!

And now Su Yan has more important things to do.

He bathes the roots of the black and yellow, bathes the origin of the universe, and Su Yan realizes the grandeur of the universe. This is an unreachable energy.

Now in the midst of silence, I deeply understand the charm of the universe.

He is aware of the origin, which is equal to watching the whole universe!

This is the greatest creation. This is an opportunity that the mighty might not imagine. Maybe the taboo is qualified to touch this magical field.

Su Yan alone can't do it, but the origin of the universe is different.

His god, the **** of the gods, was immersed in the vast source of the universe, such as a leafy boat, sliding in the vast ocean, feeling the mystery of the universe, and feeling his magic and greatness.

If there is some gain, once he rushes to the realm of the king of God, it is really impossible!

Even Su Yan can take the opportunity to look at the ambitions of the field of power, and for his future breakthroughs in the ability to honor the way of practice.

"The child of taboos, the mark of the ancestors, the hidden young king!"

"They have been floating in all ages. They are not trying to see the changes of the universe, the transformation of the cosmic environment, the power of the monks and the life of the monks, and it is impossible to perfect this magnificent project."

"This source of the universe is now a cheating device for me. I can finish their million years of accumulation in a short period of time. Moreover, what I have seen is the complete universe. Can you call him also? Xuanhuang universe!"

Su Yan's eyes are closed, sitting between the heavens and the earth, his treasure is solemn, the Tao is born, and turned into a part of the universe's origin, in this vast land of origin, the universe!

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