Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1156: Raging blood

Su Yan's chest is violently ups and downs, five years of life and death, even if the heavens and the earth collapse in front of him, the brow will not wrinkle.

When he went to the regional hall, he was in a hurry. He did not solve the three sons beforehand. But the treasures of Baocai should not be lifted by the pressure of the three sons. How can the three sons of chaos let the treasures not fight back? Room for you!

After all, Baocai is in charge of the Wan Yaoqi, and there is an extremely terrible inheritance in the blood. It is suspected to be related to the demon domain supreme. It can even kill the northern demon, which is enough to explain the potential of Baocai. If Baocai enters the king of God, it is inevitable. It will be extremely scary!

Before they went to the Chaos Tower, Bao Cai’s practice also quickly entered the peak of the gods, and the Chaos Tower opened for four or five years, and Bao Cai was no longer close to the King of God.

Even Yuan Yuan, returned to the wild mountain!

At that time, even the prehistoric big brother went to the place, even the prehistoric big brother also broke into the temple. The last time in the cosmic secret 羿 Yuan ended the penance, went to the wild mountain, is directed at the temple.

The opportunity of Yuan Yuan is also very amazing, and it will not be too weak to step into the king of God.

Moreover, the vigorous, tensor, is not the general strong, but also created the life of the soldiers, coupled with the many killers that Su Yan gave them in the past, there must be means to resist the king.

But what did Su Yan hear now? Most of them will die.

Can it be said that someone has fallen?

Su Yan’s body is full of murderousness, and his long hair is full of fluttering dances, but he still resists. There are many people in this huge city. Su Yan does not want to leak now.

Everyone feels that they are trapped like a local temple. Now that he has come out, he can’t act rashly now, lest the enemy be prepared!

"Chaos three means to hegemony, occupying the prehistoric dojo chaotic dojo, waiting for Qiu Ming to step into the realm of power, fearing that the three sons will also break through to the field of power, and will in the future look down the world!"

Someone laughed: "Now in the burial place, Qiu Ming, chaos three sons, celestial body, these three forces are the most prosperous, while Chaos Sanzi and Qiu Ming used Su Yan as a nail in the eye. Now, he is falling. The local temple, his group of friends can have a good end to blame!"

"Unfortunately, Su Shiren, fell into the regional hall, more than five years, and there is no news yet." Some people lamented a lot, recalling the days before Su Yanzhen.

Su Yan's look is cold, chaotic dojo? Will it be the dojo he used to enter in the past?

Since the chaos three sons have occupied the chaotic dojo, the prestige has spread far and wide, and has recruited many young strongmen. Together with the chaos valley itself, it is powerful. There are many people under their command. Now it can be said in the burial place.

After all, the temptation of a peerless dojo is too great. The former self-proclaimed genius is now lowering the head of pride and following the three sons.

"Ha ha ha!"

Someone laughed and said: "Su Yan is a fart. Now, even if he comes out of the regional hall, most of them will be desperate. The age of the burial place is very different from the outside world. What can Su Yan change? What is it? A slap in the face of God can shoot Su Yan!"

"Don't say Qiu Ming, the three sons are enough to put Su Yan in the dead, the times have changed, once their invincible combination shocked the reincarnation of the universe, but unfortunately, the demon of the northern demon smashed into the Jedi, infinitely He was killed by Qiu Ming, and at that time, if the Taiyin sacred body of the Taoist Temple blocked Qiu Ming, the guy named Luo Dali was mostly dead, but the Taiyin Eucharist of Dao Dian was also hit hard!"

Hearing the resounding words of the group of kings, Su Yan had a terrible anger in his heart and it was difficult to vent.

Zhang is dead?

Su Yan’s eyes are red, his heart is like a knife, and the infinite body of Zhangjiacun falls in the hands of Qiu Ming? Even Yin Yisi was hit hard by Qiu Ming, Bao Cai fell into life and death .....

This makes Su Yan's heart rolling cold and killing!

"Yes, there is only one strong man named Yu Yuan, who is amazing. He can fight with any of the three sons, but it is difficult for him to smash it!"

Su Yan heard the news of Yu Yuan. He is not surprised that Yu Yuan is now absolutely powerful and should step into the realm of the king of God. He is afraid that he has got a big opportunity in the wild mountain.

What is the origin of Chaos three sons?

They are the sons of taboos. The rise of Yuan Yuan has alarmed the world, but it is regrettable that Su Yan’s enemies were too many, and now they are all on their heads. Yuan Yuan’s hardship has been bloody. Struggling in the area!

"Yeah, the three sons are too sloppy, and the face of the Dala Dynasty is not given. I don't know if the South Emperor will intervene in it!"

Someone stood up and sneered: "If the South Emperor dared to intervene, he would be killed by the three sons in the chaotic dojo. Now who dares to stand up to help Su Yan's group of friends? Although there is a mysterious woman who has three times and five times to stop, but the three sons Saying that he has already had an insight into his identity, he will kill the people who are under Su Yan and go to the woman to settle the bill!"

Su Yan’s fist slammed and he thought of a person, Zhu Yue!

His friends are few. If he has the ability to stop the three sons, it should be Zhuyue. After all, she got the guidance of the prehistoric big brother, and even harvested a big opportunity in Tianzhu Mountain. Bamboo Moon should also step into the realm of the gods. .

Su Suyan is somewhat confused, and this has something to do with the Southern Emperor.

In the end, Su Yan got a message that made his heart raging.

"The wind and water turns, when the Soviet Union dominated the world, the younger generation of the suppression was bleak, and the young hegemons who died in his hands were too many. Now the three sons are cracking their hands, and they have captured Luo Huaqing of the Dala Dynasty and forced Su The old part of Yan’s shot!”

"I don't think Su Yan's subordinates will go over. It is also a death. But Luo Huaqing is the little princess of the Dala Dynasty. Do you say that the overlord of the South Emperor will pass?"

"It's hard to say that the South Emperor and Luo Tiandu are in this battle. But in any case, Su Yan's pulse has been completely defeated. Saving and not saving, the significance is not great, once Qiu Mingchong is able to Realm, when you go to Yuan, you can't escape!"

Many eyes are now paying attention to the chaotic dojo. Since the three sons came to the burial place, they have been chasing a group of friends of Su Yan.

Now that the three sons have captured Luo Huaqing, they also represent their attitudes. They do not kill these people. They are not fluent and have no mood to retreat.

"What three sons, what Qiu Ming!"

A drunken monk muttered: "They want to kill Su Yan's men. I don't want to find some comfort in my heart. When the Su Shi people smashed the world, the Fengtian domain was badly damaged. Qiu Ming was also beaten. The dare to go out, and the chaotic three sons of Chaos Valley. When the Chaos Tower was in the first battle, the three sons joined forces to defeat the scene. Even if he was degraded in the regional hall, it does not mean that they have not failed!"

"Shut up, you drink too much!"

"Let's say a few words, don't know how to die if you die!"

"What is nonsense, I think you are tired!"

The people around him changed color, and a group of people stood up and screamed. Some people even turned around and didn't want to get burned.

Who would dare to mention the previous things?

The times have changed. It is no longer the era of Su Yanzhen. Qiu Ming used to have a stain, but who can balance them now, who can hold their edge!

"Gap stuff, pull me out and marry him!"

The king of the group of kings, directly rushed out a group of strong, poor looks, full of cold.

They flocked to the strong drinker who was going to kill him directly outside the palace!


A loud bang suddenly exploded, and the creatures in the entire city were alarmed. They all had scalp tingling. Who would dare to use force here? I don’t know if Qiu Mingchong’s grand occasion is about to begin? Who dares to destroy the next event!

Even if he sits in the bureaucracy, Qiu Ming, who is accumulating the power of the slogan, has opened a pair of indifferent pupils and looks at the destination.

But waiting for Qiu Ming to return to the retreat from the retreat is already late.

The entire group of kings temples collapsed, and there was a big energy explosion in the void, and many blood and broken bones were sprayed!

A group of Qiu Ming's men directly collapsed and burst into a **** light.

The drunken strong man was trembled, but there was a horrible figure in the vagueness, which made him surprised and happy. Is that person a Susie? Did he return to life from the regional temple!

"When the king returns, do you want to blow up the prosperous world?"

His wine woke up, and it was chilling in an instant, but he didn't dare to stay for a moment, away from the giant city.

As for what happened in the group of kings, I was shocked by the strong nearby.

Here is the group of kings, one of the bureaucrats who are about to step into the power of Qiu Ming, but whoever is so dominating, directly killing in the group of kings, killing a group of Qiu Ming!

"It's going to be a big deal!"

The monks in the city shuddered, and anyone can find out that the killing of the secrets of Qiu Ming’s official residence, a ruthless king who is swallowing the vast field, is about to run through the mighty Qiu Ming, a pair of indifferent pupils to shoot and kill!

He shot and stopped the strong, but Su Yan has disappeared without a trace!

The incident caused huge waves in the city, causing the monks of various ethnic groups to talk in the back.

"The person who shot, suspected to be related to the old department of Su Shi!"

The impact of this matter is huge, the monks in the city are discolored, although the pulse of Su Yan is now being collapsed, but the strongest of this vein is still ferocious, and only one death can be confirmed!

"When the king of the group shot, who is it, don't you die?"

"Budget, if my family Qiu Ming wars retreat, the people who can't escape can't escape, the old department of Su Yan still wants to make trouble, wait, my family Qiu Ming war **** once they step into the field of power, they will die!"

The city resounded with roaring sounds, and the strong people in the Tiantian domain were so angry that they did not know that the city belonged to Qiu Ming, and even the rushing grand event was about to open, so who would dare to use it here!

It is a pity that the person who has shot has already traveled far and can't catch any traces. I don't know who is shooting.

But some people think that the storm is coming.

The three sons shot, and captured Luo Huaqing, to force the old department of Su Yan, to go to the chaotic dojo to lead people!

Some people think that the old department of Su Yan is afraid that it will kill the chaotic dojo. Is this the beginning of the big battle?


Inside the giant city, a figure that rushed out was like a bathing in the sky, and a pair of pupils coldly separated the void.

"I didn't dare to continue to shoot at me, but now against my brother, I also suppressed Huaqing!"

"I want to kill the killing, kill all of you, and prove my way to the king!"

Su Yan was full of hair and danced, and the whole fierceness was emitted. He moved his anger, and the silent anger was boiling, roaring, and blasting the entire prosperous age.

"What three sons, what Qiu Ming, any enemy must kill!"

Su Yan’s spirit is released, and he is terrible. He wants to kill and kill all the enemies, and he is invincible!

(To point to the invincible monthly ticket, for Su Yan to help.

Everyone came to the Chinese network for Su Yan to vote for the monthly vote, today's explosion more)

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