Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1157: Chaotic dojo

Su Yan's nephew is like a torch, glaring and glaring, as if piercing the vast space and time, seeing the entire chaotic dojo!


His figure swooped over the earth, accompanied by a burst of energy hurricanes, rolling mountains and rivers shaking, energy fluctuations are too intense!

"Who? The movements of the trip are amazing."

The passing monks were shocked and saw someone crossing the space and let them scream: "Is this a top king?"

They looked at this terrible figure. The surface of Su Yan’s body ran across the process, the earth was cracked, the smoke was over the sky, and a blurred figure sprinted, and it had already crossed the horizon!

The crowds are stunned, this energy storm is more and more terrible, they all feel that this is a peerless king!

Su Yan’s murderousness runs through the nine heavens and goes straight to the end of the earth. It’s hard for Zhu Qiang to catch Su Yan’s figure. Even the gods who caught Su Yan blew up. Some old kings have hairs, and they are shocked: "This is a peerless murderer. The breath is too wild. I haven't seen such a terrible strongman for many years!"

"Yeah, even the chaotic three sons, there is no such amazing murderousness. Who is this person, and the murderous scent that makes me fall into the hail!"

This land reverberates with exclamation. After all, many people believe that even the three sons are not so terrible murderous, how many strong people he killed, in order to breed such a ferocious killing power!

"What is that picture, not true, too unreal, how can there be such a metamorphosis master!"

However, a monk who was super-minded was trembled and sweated, because it was scary to see Su Yan and his simmering picture of the flesh, which made him feel too unreal!

Among them, even the real dragon, the 鲲鹏, the white tiger, these corpses of the heavenly spirit have...

When did this kind of monk appear in the world, and even this kind of anti-natural spirit has been killed? Therefore, he feels too unreal. After all, the supreme creatures such as the real dragon have disappeared in the cultivation world!


When Su Yan’s figure disappeared at the end of the horizon, all the people saw it, the end of the earth, the rapid impact of the forward figure, tearing open the cracks of time and space, the whole turbulent cosmic airflow, heavy as a million mountains Running!

"God, where is he going? He doesn't know how to open a space-time tunnel, will he die and even get lost in the tunnel?"

These people exclaimed constantly, Su Yan tore open a large crack in time and space, suspected to be used to hurry.

This means and magical powers are beyond their imagination!

What kind of person is it? Even with such a superb road, even the big cracks in time and space dare to tear, and even borrowed to cross the space!

Strictly speaking, this is the means that the power is available!

However, Su Yan is different, and he is baptized by the origin of the universe. He has realized the grandeur and mystery of the great universe, and has experienced the supreme road of the universe and even blended with the universe.

Therefore, Su Yan can barely tear open the big crack in the universe, although it is difficult to compare the distance and the power of the cross, but the speed is amazing!

Now, Su Yan has only one goal, which is to rush to the chaotic dojo in a short time!

"He has already gone, I don't know what to do, and I can't see the destination of the time-space tunnel!"

"Who is this person, so eager to leave, it seems to be a big move."

Some people are screaming, and they can't help but feel that the burial place is really a hidden tiger, and there are some hermit strongmen between heaven and earth, which have never been published.

Nowadays chaotic three-child occupying the chaotic dojo and overlooking the world is one of the strongest forces in the burial place.

Since they occupied this peerless dojo, some powerful monks joined their camp, and Chaos Valley has been shocked. There are also many young fierce players in the valley.

The current chaotic dojo, it really has the qualification to look down on the world, but the news from the past few days caused the attention of the major forces, no one thought that the chaos three sons will be Luo Huaqing to live!

This woman is the little princess of the Dala Dynasty.

The Chaos Valley and the Da Luo Emperor headed for the well water without breaking the river, and the South Emperor and the Chaos Sanzi did not have any hatred.

Now chaos three sons in order to force all the old parts of Su Yan, want to kill them all, and even start to capture Luo Huaqing, things are very big, the Daro Dynasty is sure to make a big move.

But the South Emperor will not shoot in the end, the world is not good to conclude, after all, the three sons are now in full swing, and they are eager to get rid of the old department of Su Yan, if you can not find happiness in this section, you will certainly be hated by the three!

The chaotic dojo is the strongest dojo excavated in the present burial place!

The entire dojo covers an area of ​​a million miles, filled with chaotic fluctuations, and even chaotic days and then sputtered out, this kind of energy for the monks, there is a major cultivation help.

Within the chaotic dojo, there are some huge palaces, magnificent roads, the majesty of the weather, the spectacular scenery, and the masters of the dojo. They all respect the chaos three sons.

Only now the chaotic dojo outside, killing and rolling, straight into the Han!

"Let people ...."

The outsiders shouted the horses, the swords and swords, the Daluo dynasty, a group of old gods, Wang Panyu, and the big killer, glaring and round, and wished to tear the entire chaos valley, they caught Luo Huaqing, did not put the Da Luo Dynasty in the eyes!

"Chaos three sons, let me release!"

Luo Tiandu whispered, holding a royal war gun, the whole swaying out of the tens of thousands of heavy emperors, there is a king of the gods of the mighty out, his nephews are standing up, bloodshot, this is the flame of anger Luo Huaqing is his sister!

"Ha ha ha, are you ants, dare to come to my chaotic dojo and make trouble, are you tired?"

The seventh son of Chaos screamed in the sky: "A small Daluo dynasty, dare to attack the territory of my chaotic valley, I see you in the Da Luo dynasty this is to want to destroy the family!"

Chaos Valley will not be jealous of a group of hegemonic people in the outer universe. As long as they are group members without taboos, they are not afraid. Moreover, when a small Luo Huaqing catches it, he still needs to give it to the Da Luo Dynasty!

"Brother, leave me alone, you are going!"

There was a crying sound in the chaotic dojo. Luo Huaqing knew that it was impossible for them to save her with their power. Once they attacked the chaotic dojo, they would also lose their lives. This is what Luo Huaqing would never want to see.

"Chaotic Valley, don't deceive too much!"

Luo Tiandu Yang Tianqi, the momentum broke out to the extreme, the eyes are red, the eyes are staring at the big chaos, the body's murder can not stop roaring!

"A very touching scene."

The eighth son of Chaos pinches a woman's throat, standing on top of chaos, indifferent as a fairy, faintly said: "To blame, blame Su Yan this shrinking turtle, do not dare to go out in the regional hall, before I warned him and provoked me to go to the Valley of Chaos. I want everyone who is related to him to die!"

"You bastard."

Luo Huaqing struggled desperately, and a pair of beautiful eyes, she was not afraid, she yelled: "You have the ability to kill me, what kind of man is this, you are still a descendant of Chaos Valley, what kind of man you are!"

"Do you really think that I dare not pinch you?" Chaos eighth son was cold and cold, his palms forced, almost crushed Luo Huaqing's throat.

However, Luo Huaqing was not afraid at all. He laughed and said: "You can’t beat Su Yan at all. I want to find some comfort in his old department. I tell you, Su Yan will come back. If one day he knows that I am dead in your hands, you have no Good end, he will revenge for me, will definitely!"

"Bick, I have lived you!"

Eight sons are furious, raise their palms, and smash the cover of Luo Huaqing!

It is also at this critical juncture, in the distant land, a blazing ray of light, a short time of great prosperity, splitting the void, this is a humanoid bow tire suddenly opened, so that the territory of the scorpion is booming!


A ray of light was born, and the arrow forged by the town of Tianshi was out, like a dark dragon, scratching the sky, breaking the chaos, lightning to the head of the eighth son of Chaos!


Luo Tiandu, their angrily, accompanied by the figure of Yuan Yuan, began to rush to Chaos Valley!

"I thought it was him."

Luo Huaqing, who was bruised and bruised, spilled blood at the corner of her mouth. She saw that the coming person was Yu Yuan, and her attitude was somewhat lost.

But soon she cheered up, holding her fists, a pair of eyes filled with hatred and hope, she believed that Dayong would come, and one day when she knew her own experience, she would definitely be for herself, sure!

"Very good, there has been a shrinking tortoise. I have to look at the old department of Su Yan. I will estimate that there will be others. They will stand up one after another. No matter how many people are killed today, in short, you will all die here!"

The eighth son of Chaos is cold and open, and the wheel is slamming, killing forward, and resisting the arrow forging into a town of Tianshi!

Mars sputtered between heaven and earth, and the two great soldiers collided, and a series of loud noises occurred!

The eight sons will Luo Huaqing suppress on the spot. He smiles coldly: "Hey, don't kill you first, I let you see with your own eyes, the old department of Su Yan is killed by us, even I will keep your life, let you witness the future. How bad is Su Yan in the end!"

"You will regret even more when you arrive, and I have not killed me today!" Luo Huaqing reluctantly responded.

"Still, kill me!"

Chaos eighth son roared: "Give me kill them, one does not stay, let them know who this prosperous life belongs to, who is the age of this, who's the world, tell them the cruelty and truth of the times!"

Eight sons feel that they don’t kill them, they don’t get rid of Su Yan, and some people’s dreams can’t wake up!

The entire chaotic dojo field exudes murderousness of ice and cold.

The war has already started!

"Is it worth it to save one?"

"In this case, not everyone is a cold-blooded animal."

There are many onlookers in the distance. They are all shocked. This group of people rushed in like this, and maybe they will not come out again. The Guangsanzi is enough to kill the audience. Most of the Dalu dynasty is going to lose weight!

(Four brothers, there are still in the evening!)

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