Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1165: The road to power

Three days later, within the chaotic dojo, rushed to the king to fluctuate!

Luo Dali is like a very ancient animal, strong and powerful, his strength is thorough, his natural power, the meat shell is overwhelming, the power of the king of the gods is peerless, and you can break the Wanshan and shake the anime.

Luo vigorously qi and blood like a dragon, rolling in a mighty, shocked Taoist monks in the dojo trembled, feeling that a Taikoo savage dragon recovered from the slumber, the blood of the meat shell spread like a **** sea!


When the power of Yu Yuan broke out, the world was unbelievable. This former name was not very famous. Since the immortal burial ground has become increasingly fierce and violent, it has been suppressed by the Chaos Sanzi, so Yu’s reputation is not high.

Now they see Yan Yuan, it is really a slap in the face, this is the king of the martial arts, the bronze body is as strong as a giant pillar, the body swaying out of the sky and enlighten the sky, intertwined with the sky, sketching out a terrible God of War!

Su Yan moved, looking at Yuan Yuan.

He has significant gains on the wilder hills. He feels that the limit of Yuan Yuan has not yet arrived. He feels that he will not be afraid of taboo blood for a year and a half after retreating!

"Taiyin Holy Body!"

Immediately, they saw one person swaying, and the gods were peerless. Miaoman’s body was filled with the mighty power. This is an ancient and mysterious power. As if she turned into a female saint, she swallowed the stars. Extraordinarily amazing!

"Actually, these three great kings are already scary enough!"

Many people screamed, 羿 Yuan, vigorously, Yin Yisi, the three kings of the gods stood tall, full of the king of the gods, and the three of them are not mortals, all have the same generation of shocking power.

"Of course, if you count Su Yan, this combination is too powerful. I didn't expect the Taiyin sacred body of Dao Dian to go with them. It is really unbelievable!"

Who can believe that the most outstanding disciple of Daodian will stand with Su Yan!

After all, the Taoist Temple did not ask about the battle between the disciples. Yin Yisi and the funeral family stood together, and the Taoist temple would not ask.

Nowadays, the three kings are in the air. At this time, all the strong men are looking forward. A man who is almost fabulous, his body is full of terrible oppression, and suddenly there is no king pressure, but there is a peerless style that is under the pressure of the universe!

Su Yan, a legend of the next generation, is even more brilliant than the most brilliant moment!

"What are they going to do?"

The monks who were retreating in the dojos were all surprised. Su Yan left them. What are they going to do?

"I want to go too." Luo Huaqing whispered, wanted to go, want to fight with them, even if he knows his own strength is weak, but still want to help.

Wen Yan, Luo Tiandu smiled bitterly: "I also want to go, but this is the grievance between Su Yan and Feng Tianyu. Moreover, we can't intervene, and we are not qualified to intervene inside. I hope Su Yan can return with triumph. ”

Luo Huaqing naturally understands that, next, they are prepared to stay here to cultivate, of course, will not last long practice.

The fourth son of Chaos has escaped, and most of them will come back, but time is not the present, so they have a lot of time to stay in the dojo to sneak out and strive to grow themselves.

"Bad, Su Yan, this devil has left the chaotic dojo, what he wants to do!"

"Oh, we were trapped by Su Shi people, unable to go out, and could not pass on his news. I don't know where this monk is going, who is going to liquidate?"

"In short, they are equal to the nest, are they going to target Qiu Ming!"

This voice came, letting the monk of the Tiantian domain who came to inquire about the information whispered: "Su Yan, he is thinking about it, my family, Qiu Ming, the **** of war, will soon step into the realm of power, Su Yan if dare to destroy Qiu Chongchong. Guan, it is bound to die without a place of burial!"

Although his words are like this, but the heart is also playing drums for a while, there is a kind of cold spread in the body!

Su Yan is now hiding in the dark. If he is really a cracker, even if it can't destroy Qiu Mingchong, it is enough to make the Tiantian domain suffer a lot. The top ten kings at that time were not alive.


When they were four people, they left here one after another.

A group of people trapped by Su Yan struggled desperately and wanted to escape and send the information out.

But they are useless at all. They simply can't go out. They are worried about this. The outside world simply doesn't know the power of the Su Shi people. They don't even know that he is killing the chaos. It is all over the way!

The three kings together with Su Yan, broke away!

Yin Yisi, Yan Yuan, Su Yan, all of them are the people of the funeral domain.

Luo vigorously followed Su Yan for another 20 or 20 years. He is a life and death brother who can truly meet his life.

Nowadays, they are four, rushing to the huge city where Qiu Ming is sitting, and the eyes are cold and cold. This battle is not only for the former grudges, but also for the treasure, for the tensor!


The four strong and empty, the speed is fast to the extreme, the void that has been torn apart is broken, and the space is disordered.

Wherever they passed, the heavens and the earth were trembled, and there was an icy murderous leak. The disturbed passing souls trembled with trepidation. They felt that the four invincible gods were empty and did not know what to do.

"It seems to be the direction of the chaotic dojo. You said, will it be the chaos three sons?"

"I was fascinated by the three peerless kings, should they be three sons? It is said that they suppressed Luo Huaqing, and they did not know that they would eliminate the old department of Su Yan."

"Who knows, people all over the world are paying attention to Qiu Ming. He is increasingly rushing, and his success has been infinitely close. I can see that it will take half a month to rush to the realm of power!"

In the present burial place, many Tianjiao gather in the giant city, stay here to observe the feats of Qiu Mingchong, and also want to take a look at the power of breakthrough in this era, how much stronger than the outside world!

On the road, vigorously geared up and asked Su Yan: "Big brother, go directly into it? Is it right to go to war, kill Qiu Ming?"

Wen Yan, Su Yan smiled and said: "A strong man who is sprinting power, even if we suppress him, he can give up some of the details, rushing into the realm of power ahead, you know what is power?"

Vigorously they shook their heads, and then they were amazed. Su Yan also touched the field!

They didn't know Su Yan's experience in the local temple, but in just five years, Su Yan's spirit of God changed so much, certainly bitter, and experienced many difficulties and setbacks.

"Power, how big is the heart, how strong is the power!"

Su Yan whispered: "It is not so much a powerful energy, but a **** of the universe. Qiu Ming wants to accumulate a strong enough king of the gods. In the future, it will be stronger in the future, and the foundation will be even stronger. Oh!"

"In the past, the road to repair was like a broad road base. The king is a field of extreme sublimation, but there is a broader world and land in this field."

Su Yan said it is easy. In fact, how difficult is the road to power, too many strong people trapped in the half-step power, and can not break through the field of power in their lifetime.

Not so much a breakthrough, for example, the power of the universe!

To do this, you must fight against the universe!

The universe is so grand, so broad that it will suffocate all beings, so every strong who breaks through to the mighty has great courage and great courage.

Of course, the stronger the foundation, the stronger the test will be. When the time comes, Qiu Mingchong’s powerful thunder will be extremely abnormal.

"Do you want to arrange a battle? With the world's general trend, suppress Qiu Ming?" Yin Yisi asked, Qi Pinfeng peak strange, can not be underestimated, Su Yan may really do.

"With this idea, we want to take a look at it, and now Qiu Ming has accumulated to what extent."

Su Yan said faintly: "If he has accumulated the most important level, he does not need to take this step. He will directly kill the past. When he stepped into the power, he will inevitably suffer damage. It will definitely take a long time to retreat!"

Yuan Yuan nodded, they must trap Qiu Ming, blocking his way out of the world!

"The dragon totem in the burial place is afraid that it will be restricted. If it is not needed, it will not be used."

Su Yan’s pair of pupils radiated cold light, like looking through the earth, and gazing at the picture in the giant city. In short, this battle cannot be lost!

Within the giant city, the group gathers and the heroes gather together.

Qiu Ming wants to break through. This is a stunning feat. Many great teachers have come from people and bring gifts. They will congratulate Qiu Ming on the success.

After all, the first big energy in the new era is too big. Perhaps because of Qiu Ming’s breakthrough, the environment of the burial place is loose, and the outside world will enter the market.

In short, Qiu Ming once rushed to the realm of power, the burial place is not his world! ,

When the time is full of the world, the endless treasures will fall into his hands, so his breakthrough progress is too important!

"Have you heard that?"

In the city, there is a small message spread: "Su Yan has returned and went to the chaotic dojo."

Originally just a message came, but in a short night, spread throughout the city!

"What a joke, Su Yan is back!"

The strong men in the city are stunned, and a person who enters the death of the Jedi can still live out?

"The news does not know the true and false, I don't know if there is any credibility."

"If this guy really returns, maybe there will be some storms. After all, it’s the Su Shi people who are in the world. You can't be underestimated."

"It's hard to prove, if it's true, it's estimated that it won't take long to get the news."

In the huge city, some Tianjiao talks are numerous, this thing is amazing and extremely sudden, but they are hard to believe, and there is no specific news spread!


Suddenly, within the huge city where there is a lot of discussion, there is a great glory and horror, and the horror of the monks in the city will be smashed down to worship!

This breath is infinitely strong, surging, sweeping across the vast rivers and mountains, spread thousands of miles away.

In the vagueness, people saw a terrible figure, swallowed the vast field, blood like the sea, like the legendary supreme god, overlooking the vast land, the sun and moon stars around him, all seem a little small!

"Qiu Ming!"

The whole audience was boiling, and the Wanjiao monks were all trembled. They felt that Qiu Ming was almost successful. This kind of vast blood leaked enough to cover the entire large area. It really is the embodiment of Tianweidi!

"Qiu Ming is too strong, the first great power of the new era, such glory will be famous!"

"Some people say that Su Yan came out of the local temple, but when he saw Qiu Ming in the realm of power, he would probably be desperate."

Some Tianjiao are in a daze, thinking that Qiu Mingru is a nine-day dragon, strong enough to think of the agenda, has developed the power of the infinite power, Megatron, even if he failed, it is enough to shock the world, it will be Megatron The celestial patriot of the celestial burial!

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