Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1166: Sealing plan

The cemetery of the giant city, over time, is called by people, the universe city!

The city is more magnificent than the Avenue City, and the interior contains a complete cosmic Taoism, as if it were an independent time and space.

Long-term practice in the city can reflect the charm of the new era environment, which has great benefits for people's practice.

It is like a universe, floating between the heavens and the sky, filled with the ancient and desolate momentum. The age of architecture is really difficult to estimate. It has witnessed the changes of the years, the transformation of time and space, and the transformation of the times.

Inside the giant city, there is a flaming figure sitting in the center of the city.

When he awakened, the moment of recovery, when it was really the gods, the vastness of the blood erupted from the body, stirred up, and ran through the Shuhan, and then radiated out, sweeping thousands of miles away.

At this moment, Qiu Ming, swallowing the universe, breathing a vast space between the ups and downs, the infinite **** can be drawn by him, running through his flaming battle body, accumulating the spurt power.

However, Qiu Ming's absorption speed is fierce. This burial place contains a rich aura. It can supply the power to cultivate more and more. Even now, Qiu Ming breaks through and absorbs the heaven and earth in the universe for several months.

However, the aura of this city has always been rich, and there is no decline. I have to say that the practice environment of the burial place is particularly amazing!

"He is going to succeed!"

A group of four people came to the universe city, and Yuan looked at the figure of Qiu Ming. He said coldly: "With this kind of foundation, now I can start to rush to the power. I loomed it, and it originated from the depth of the universe. , you have to drop the penalty!"

"Do not exceed ten days, he should be rushed."

Su Yan patrols all directions, whispered: "The environment of the new era needs constant adaptation. The higher the realm, the more it needs to adapt. Now Qiu Ming is exploring the mystery of the universe and accumulating the strongest foundation. Once this step is completed, he Just rush off!"

Speaking of adapting to the environment, Luo vigorously said: "When we first came to the burial place, the power of suppression by the big environment was greatly damaged. It took a few months to adapt slowly. When I broke through to the realm of the king, I still Thanks to the **** Wang Dan who practiced the alchemy master!"

Wen Yan, who covered the cheek with a veil, stared at Su Yan’s strange saying: “How did you get acquainted with Ya’an? She is the close disciple of Vice President Shang Liang. Her rumor in Dandao is very strong. The system of seven products is the peak of the medicinal herbs, and alchemy is approaching the ranks of eight products!"

From the woman's intuition, Yin Yisi felt that Liang Ya'an and Su Yan had a deep friendship directly, but there was no legend in the universe. Su Yan met Liang Ya'an, otherwise the target of Chaos Sanzi was not afraid of Luo Huaqing!

When the chaotic three sons were stabbed by the glazed eyes, if they wanted to smash the old department of Su Yan, they would definitely start Liang Ya'an!

"It's very early, I didn't expect her achievements to be so high, but with Ya'an's temperament, she really suits Dan Dao, I hope she can shine in this field."

Su Yan’s palm was slightly gripped, and Liang Ya’an had a life-saving grace for him. Even when the bipolar star had asked for medicine, he now helps his friends at any cost, and the friendship is visible.

"Well, Su Yan, even her temperament is so clear." Yin Yisi's eyes narrowed and snorted: "The relationship is really different. When the Holy God of War was afraid of you because of Liang Ya'an? Now it is good, Liang Ya'an became the close disciple of Vice President Shang Liu, and this holy **** of war can only blink!"

羿 Yuan and Luo vigorously looked at each other, the two laughed, how do you think Yin Yisi’s words are a bit sour, although the understanding of Yin Yisi is limited, but Yuan Yuan is too clear, Yin Yisi paid for his life, but he paid the price of life!

When Su Yan was so eager to go to the earth, it was also because Yin Yisi was brought back to life. When he was shaking the star, Yin Yisi was taken by the great elders of Ziwei, and was early introduced to Ziwei.

Yan Yuan thinks that if it is not because of that incident, perhaps Su Yan has even children.

Su Yan was helpless and said: "Who has few friends."


Yin Yisi glanced at Su Yan, she could not believe that the relationship between the two was limited to friends.

"The big brother Liang Ya'an is in the Universe City, do you want to see it in the past?" Luo vigorously snorted.

"This......." Su

Yan felt that there was a coldness behind him. He quickly said: "There are many enemies now. We have to do something big in the Universe City. Let's go to the city to buy some goods!"


Yin Yisi's clothes fluttered, and the black light was shining, and the waist was lowered. Although the veil covered the shocking face, the temperament was really a genius. I looked deeply at Luo and asked: "You said, I and Liang Ya'an are two of us. Who is better?"

Yu Yuan was stupid, and he took advantage of Luo.

Luo vigorously groaned, and suddenly there was an ominous sign. He scratched his head and said with a sigh of relief: "Liang Ya'an is a good-hearted person, and you are even more beautiful. They are very good."

Yan Yuan took a strong shoulder, which is really hard for him.......

Yin Yisi snorted and saw Su Yan running away without a shadow. She thought that there was no ghost in her heart and she ran so quickly.

Yu Yuan followed behind them and looked at the defense market. It was very lively.

"Dragon meat buns, guests passing by will come and see."

"A prehistoric celestial power, you can practice all the way to the peak of the king of God, and you need to hurry up and start, this one."

"Exploring the prehistoric secret house, excavating a lot of antiquities, only the remaining six, and now selling tears, miss this village, there is no such store."

There are hawkers who are eager to sell goods, and some stores have quit new dishes. The street has a bargaining voice and a dispute with the store.

Here, the crowds of people coming and going are endless, and they are so busy.

"In fact, to be an ordinary person, life is also very exciting."

Yuan Yuan suddenly felt a sigh of emotion, watching some of the Taoist couples come in pairs, and seeing a pair of new people smiling, this is really full of life.

These people and things touched Yuan Yuan very much. Before the end of the earth, he was also such a person. For the sake of the group, in order to survive, he shouldered too many tasks and carried too many heavy responsibilities.

On the streets, there are also some gossips circulating, and a name that disappeared for five or six years was passed down by them.

"The Su Shi people are alive? Unbelievable!"

They just shook a little and shook their heads. For them, that person was too stalwart, far away, and wrote too many myths and legends. Just by his name, it was enough to suppress the world and swallow the world!

In the universe city, because of the return of this name, there is a repressive atmosphere.

Of course, this is for the strong, especially for the largest area of ​​the universe in the universe city, many discerning people have noticed that even if it is impossible to confirm that Su Yan really came out of the regional temple, their site has a lot more patrols. By.

Now that Qiu Ming’s breakthrough is imminent, at this juncture, there can be no dangerous factors that can damage Qiu Mingchong!

Only this dangerous factor has been in the universe city, large and small shops trading goods.

The trip to the regional temple, Su Yan is really poor, there is no left, five years of blood war, exhausted the value of Su Yan massive, if it is not because of killing the chaos two sons, and overturned the entire chaotic dojo, Su Yanzhen Shy in the bag.

“The burial place is really rich, and many treasures that cannot be found outside are frequently unearthed here.”

Su Yan Street began to search for a street, originally he did not have much hope for the materials needed, but did not expect to buy so much here.

"Guest, this is a time and space, with amazing time and space energy. If you are rude, this is the treasure of the peak group. You can use it to seal yourself, even practicing it into time and space, you can continue life! ”

Su Yan met his hot treasure in a large shop, but the price is too amazing, and there is no 80,000 kilograms of chaotic treasures.

Although Luo Dali did not know what Su Yan wanted to do, but he spent a lot of money in the inside and outside of the Chaos treasure, it is already a huge fortune.

Su Yan reluctantly bought it. He still needs a part of the nine-day star river sand. This thing is very expensive. Su Yan has been wandering around in the universe for a day before he has gathered a gourd nine-star river sand. Every galaxy sand is heavy like a star.

This gourd is enough to make a rough embryo. When you buy these things, Su Yan is once again on the poverty line.

However, in his field, money is a thing outside of his body.


At night, the universe is full of light, and there is no doubt that Qiu Ming has once again recovered. With the divine power and the magnificent universe, he deeply understands the mystery of the universe and appreciates the pressure of the big environment.

"I think Qiu Ming has broken through!"

The world has become accustomed to this, but after a day and a day, they can understand that Qiu Ming is growing stronger!

Even this process is very fast and extremely amazing.

"Qiu Mingzhen is a genius against the sky, directly stepping out of the half-step powerful state, and sprinting into the mighty world!"

"He is going to be successful. I have been here for so many days and I am finally seeing the day he is about to break through."

Anyone can catch it, and the vastness of the release of Qiu Ming’s official residence spreads in the vast territory, and the light of the horror of the road flows. With his breathing, the world is flickering and faint. The country of Qiu Ming.

The gods are shaking, it is really scary!

“Is it really strong in this environment?”

Some old gods have hairs: "I have to influence Qiu, I am a **** king. Is this universe time and space really created?

The strong spirits of the major churches are complicated. Once Qiu Mingchong is successful, on that day, who will fight for it!

I am afraid that most of the burial sites will become the back garden of Qiu Ming. He can take the opportunity to move higher and go further.

"Good times and people!"

Some people whispered: "The Fengtian domain is really transshipped. This is the time when the time is running, and the taboos that have not been destroyed by the taboos will be under the leadership of Qiu Ming, and they will rise in an all-round way and seek for the glory of the future. !"

Su Yan looks at Cangyu, and when Qiu’s breath is completely blended with the universe, it is the day of his enlightenment!

"That was so good that it sealed the day and made him lose hope."

Su Yan is like a lightning bolt, as if looking through the roots of Qiu Ming.

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