Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1167: Su Yan shot

Before Su Yan’s estimation of Qiu Ming was wrong, it seems that Qiu Ming has already reached the extreme of the king of God and began to realize the supremacy of the universe.

Then the time will never exceed three days, and Qiu Minghui will be successful!

"He is going to succeed!"

In the cosmic city, the wind is rising, and everyone can see that Qiu Ming’s rushing has reached an extremely important juncture. This place is full of tremors. This breath has already disturbed Wanjiao and sensationalized the world.

The first power of the new era!

This component is too heavy, and the peak group is closely watched.

A grand event also heralded the opening.

In the outside world, at the entrance to the burial place, the news came, causing a group of big people to be shocked.

Even if there is a great power, he said: "Qiu Ming has already blended with the universe, comprehending the mysteriousness of the universe, and comprehending the pattern of the big environment. Once it is formed, it will be the most horrible powerhouse in this million years!"

The whole audience was sensational. This evaluation is too scary. The strongest powerhouse in the past million years has come from a big power and has to let Wan teaches.

There are even some great hopes that once Qiu Chongchong is closed, time will not be used for too long, then the rules of the burial place will be further unblocked. The coming of this day is the time when they entered the burial place!

This is too important. For them, if they can be baptized in the big environment, they will go deeper in the field of power.

"You said, will the road to taboo start again?"

Some people speak with some tremors, and the heartbeats of the various ethnic groups gathered here are accelerating. This is very probable. In the future, most of these young people will only go through a legendary field.

A realm that once disappeared may be born in the big environment!


Everything is full of cold, and if this realm really can still appear, what will the universe look like? I don't know how many ancient Taoists will withdraw from the stage, and a new era will open!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Feng Tianyu’s powerful laughs constantly, the heart is full of joy, the new era is coming, but the first breakthrough of Qiu Ming’s family is very important. He will definitely harvest the endless treasures of heaven and earth in the burial place. Let him go further on the path of power.

Since Qiu Minghui will become the first power in the new era, it may become the first taboo!

Taboos are the ones that the peak group should take into account. Now the news from the Universe City has forced them to pay attention. Some of the large group of people in power are constantly close to the Tiantian domain, claiming that the family has a brilliant beauty, hope Feng Tianyu considered it and let her follow Qiu Ming.

"Ha ha ha, everyone!"

Feng Tianyu has the power to stand up directly, and the old face is full of smiles: "My family Qiu Ming, once begged my strong family to carry a gift, go to Tianzhu and send a kiss, about Qiu Xiaodao, I I don’t want to mention you anymore. The children have the children’s ideas. If we are adults, we will not interfere!”

"Tianzhu one pulse!"

The strengths of the various teachers are deep, and the celestial bodies have been in full swing in recent years. They have laid a peerless dojo in the burial place. According to the internal information, it is said that the celestial body is also close to the mighty power!

If the celestial body stepped into the power afterwards, then the two great energies of the new era will gather together, which is amazing!

"Not bad, Zhuyue, although we are negligent in discipline, I believe she will choose it seriously!"

Zhu Yuanqing, a pulse of Tianzhu, made a big laugh, and made some of the powerful strongmen in the vicinity stunned. Before the closure of Tianyu’s relatives, Tianzhu’s pulse did not respond positively, but now Zhu Yuanqing is here in front of the world. It is equal to responding, their group has no opinion!

This signal is very important. Zhu Yuanqing also understands that once Qiu Ming breaks through, it will rewrite the pattern of the burial place!

"I feel that it is necessary to awaken Tianzhu's power and tell him that this matter is very important. This matter should not be delayed, so as not to let Qiu Ming be dissatisfied!"

The veteran of Tianzhu has a low tone: "Now Qiu Ming is not the former Qiu Ming. Once we break through, we must respect a predecessor, and even the first great power of the new era, the experience of the heavens. Also important!"

"My family, it is enough to have a young supreme. Now the bamboo moon is also pressed by the young supreme of my family in the dojo. It seems that the bamboo moon is not as good as the celestial body."

Another yuan has a low tone: "After all, it is a woman. I can't do anything from her temper. It is said that she has repeatedly helped the old department of Su Yan. The practice of Zhuyue has violated the interests of my family. Let her come from the temper, and the interests of the group are important!"

"Do you think Qiu Ming, who is stepping into the mighty power, can't convince the bamboo moon?" Zhu Yuanqing laughed: "Wait a minute, Qiu Ming has a breakthrough, and certainly can get a lot of good news."

The breakthrough of Qiu Ming has spread all over the avenues!

Now the Universe City, the winds and clouds gather, the leaders of all ethnic groups come frequently, carry heavy gifts, visible attitude!

The universe has gathered in the wind, and Qiu Ming’s breath has been in its peak since the beginning of yesterday.

Even the tens of thousands of strong people have discovered that Qiu Ming’s breath is constantly increasing!


The bureaucrat he sat on the plate, steamed with the blood of the sea like a sea, the vast space between the time and space.

In particular, the blood of his body is more and more intense and grand, just like Wanlong goes out to sea, and the great power can spread out and shake the ocean!

Almost all day and night, Qiu Ming is increasingly swallowing the aura of the burial place, making his battle body increasingly flaming, like a 10,000-day-old day, blooming Ruixia, glaring the horrible light of the road!

"I think he is breaking through!"

A part of the cultivation area closer to the official residence of Qiu Ming, Luo’s fist is clenched. Nowadays, Qiu Ming is too strong, and the power of the light is suffocating, and it is hard to imagine facing him. What a cruel blow will be encountered!

"Su Yan has not yet gone out, time is running out!" Yuan Yuan has a worry.

It’s too hard to block Qiu Mingchong!

Just by the great power of Qiu Ming, the kings of the heavens are bleak.

"Since Su Yan is here, there must be a measure."

Yin Yisi’s bright openness seemed to be very quiet. She looked at the secret room of Su Yan’s retreat and said, “We must be prepared. There must be a fierce battle at that time, it must be very cruel!”

"This is the struggle for you to live and die!"

Yan Yuan said: "No matter what, you can't let Qiu Ming stand in the realm of power. As a result, the burial place will have no place for us to stand!"

After all, this realm is too strong, and all of them are ants. This is not empty talk. Moreover, the breakthrough is now Qiu Ming, not an ordinary monk. If his heritage really crosses up, it will change greatly. day.

When the second day came, the Universe City was enriched with a supreme pressure. All the people saw that the figure sitting in the bureaucracy was so majestic that it looked completely different, such as a supreme **** manifested!

"too horrible!"

Millions of creatures shudder, they must worship Qiu Ming!

Because someone saw it, the vastness of the transpiration of Qiu Ming's body, one after another, the thick and fuzzy order of light manifestation!

The light of every order flows with terrible avenues, and the vastness of the galaxy, like the ocean, is as magnificent as the sea!

Every order is released, like the resurrection of the dragon, Megatron!

"God, he is rushing off, the body is beginning to breed the energy of the universe, giving birth to the order of the universe!"

The audience is mad, the whole city is going crazy, the meaning is completely different, he is about to complete the sprint, and cross the legendary field of power!

The news came out that the bombarded Wanjiaqiang was stunned.

Because the nails on this board can be successfully rushed, when the news broke to the outside world, the strong tyrants of the Tianyu field laughed one after another, and there was a big energy to sigh: "Give me orders, GF invitations, I will finish at Qiu Mingchong." One day, the most powerful feast!"

This is a big talk, GF invitation, to set the feast of the highest specifications!

Does anyone think it is too early? Qiu Ming is not yet powerful. Is it ready to issue invitations now?

But is this still suspense?

Qiu Ming can almost complete the rushing off tomorrow, just one day earlier, can also let the world of the group, experience the most powerful deterrent of the new era!

"I heard the gossip yesterday. It is said that Su Yan has returned from the regional hall?"

The news spread here, let a group of big people smash, they are almost forgotten Su Yan, because the opening of the burial place, the people of the world are paying attention to the burial place, really forgot the Su Shi people who once smashed the world !

"How about he coming back alive? It is estimated that he will only look at Qiu Ming's power and can only go to despair!"

"After failing to keep up with the times, the young overlord is the saddest."

Many big people are lamenting, how can Su Yan live? Can he still interrupt Qiu Ming’s mythical path? Of course, no one thinks that Su Yan can catch up with Qiu Ming before breaking into the realm of power!


The night of this day is very ten thousand miles, and it looks terrible!

The world is covered with golden light, a terrible figure, proud of the nine days and ten places, the light of the order that transpires in the body, awkwardly, and even began to increase rapidly with a massive amount!

Even eclipsed, the stars are changing!

If the starry sky becomes a huge melting pot, it will flash thousands of stars. It will be small at first, and finally become a cosmic star. It will be rumbling and turning, and the sky will be horrible to the extreme, covering a million miles!

People are eclipsed, and Qiu Mingchong has affected the world.

Some even found that within the starry sky, a supreme **** was born, as if the law of Qiu Ming appeared, filled with vast stars!

"It's getting stronger!"

"I saw that the corner of the universe is shaking, to be crushed, to be integrated with Qiu Ming!"

"Qiu Ming is standing here, the world, who dares to respect, who dares!"

The strong man with the celestial domain whispered: "Unfortunately, the Su Shi people died in the local temple. He is destined to be unable to observe the supreme power of Qiu Ming, and he will not see his future glory. He will never Know what is the real king!"

Su Shiren has always been the pain and hate in the heart of Feng Tianyu!

They deplore, the heart is like a knife, I feel that no one can be lacking this day, but Su Shi can not be absent!

"Then I will witness the testimony, how Qiu Ming claims to respect the world!"

In the starry sky, a shadow is strolling, step by step, igniting a corner of the universe, and the world is pulsating. His momentum is infinitely strong and it is almost integrated with the universe!

(The outbreak broke out!

Seeking a monthly ticket seal Qiu Ming! )

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