Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1178: Bombing Qiu Ming

Wild land, blood spatter!

Qiu Ming, who once dominated the world and is known as the top figure of the younger generation, is even the first man of great power in the new era. He is now stepping on his feet by Su Yan, and the picture is quite **** and cruel!

Once Qiu Ming overlooked Su Yan, now Su Yan is overlooking Qiu Ming!

The onlookers outside the wild land are all raging, and there are too many young Tianjiao, various ethnic hegemons, and even young gods. At this moment, they are trembled!

There is no gap between the two, and there is no unfair battle.

However, the ending is Qiu Ming's fiasco. He can't stop Su Yan at all. Everyone knows that Su Yan is a latecomer. His growth history is obvious to all. For this man who has created miracles, this moment is true. The pressure of them suffocated and trembled!

This is a manifestation of invincibility in the world. It is as strong as Qiu Ming is stepping on the soles of his feet. This is enough to make them fear. Many people will surrender to worship in the presence of his arrogant majesty.

"He is Qiu Ming!" Some people's words trembled. These days, Qiu Ming, the **** of war, turned out to be defeated. Who dared to believe the present Qiu Ming's experience!

"Su Shi people, invincible in the world!"

Some people are screaming and screaming, and their minds are difficult to control. Because this is too shocking, is it a premature person who is born invincible, and he still has an enemy? Does he want to be respected by the world?

"Good one is just that!"

Qiu Ming gave a sly groan, and the ruined flesh glowed with blazing light. Su Yan’s words were unbearable, and the onlookers said that he was invincible and made Qiu Ming unbearable.

His fist clenched and made a roar!


In the eyes of the nearby scared skin, I directly see Qiu Ming bathing the vast essence of life, accompanied by a kind of immortal material in the transpiration, and the momentum suddenly surges from decay!

"It’s a fairy material, and Qiu Ming hasn’t lost it yet!”

There is an old strong man who is very scared and at the same time not surprised. Feng Tianyu, a life-forbidden zone, heard news of taboos sitting many years ago, so it is strange that the family can take out the fairy material.

Now the rich fairy material blooms in Qiu Ming's body, causing his warfare to erupt with the horror energy ripples. Soon, the energy frenzy has evolved, and the earthquake has shivered!

"I won't lose!"

Qiu Ming's eyes burst into anger, emitting a low-pitched voice, and because of the nourishing material of the immortal material, his fighting power increased sharply, and suddenly Su Yan's soles were shaken, and the body also vacated!

The vast expanse of the land was violently roaring, because Qiu Ming’s breath and the immortal material merged, and his fighting power began to soar, which was particularly surprising at one time.

However, Su Yan was not afraid, standing in the void, watching Qiu Ming faintly said: "You have lost, and what is the meaning of these, the immortal material can give you strength, but this power does not belong to you!"

"Su Yan, I will not lose to you!"

Qiu Ming made a loud noise, and the mountains of the earthquake were all cracked. Here is the Jedi of life, but Qiu of this moment is extraordinarily strong, such as an immortal warrior, offering a golden battle flag and killing it!

He once again evolved the ten days of the seal, but this time with the gold battle flag and the urging, the entire flag quickly zoomed in, covering the sky, seems to cover this world!

In the moment when the flag is hit, it is really everything!

Although Qiu Ming was defeated just now, but he was super-excessive enough to crush the nine-nine-year-old **** of the same generation. This big flag spurred the ten days of the sky, and it was the hegemony to the extreme!

"Then I will suppress you for the second time, let you lose!"

Su Yan’s eyes are big, and he is walking in this wild land, step by step, space disillusionment, and the power of the universe spreads.

Facing the overwhelming open flag, Su Yan’s move was simple and hegemonic.

The cosmic soldiers came out and fell in the hands of Su Yan. The power of the king's soldiers and the physical resonance of Su Yan, he turned into an immortal soldier.

"You see it clearly, a trick!"

Su Yan made a long scream, and the shell of the meat broke out with a sly wild dragon, which penetrated into the cosmic corps. It was resurrected in an instant, and a chaotic smashing spurt, spreading its wings, and hiding the sky, seemed to dominate the whole sky!

In the horror of the audience, Zeng Peng crushed the seal of the heavens, and the huge flag of the impact collapsed a big crack!

Then, all the people saw that a figure was swaying, domineering, and holding the cosmic army into a slap in the face, and suddenly broke the flagpole!

Even the great peers and peerless peers have split Qiu Ming’s entire arm!

This kind of ferocity and hegemonic means, how scared the monks in the field, such as falling ice, how strong is Su Yan? Qiu Ming’s characters all played the fairy material, but they couldn’t stop Su Yan and were directly crushed!

Even his arrogant blade is too overbearing, and cut off Qiu Ming’s golden battle flag. What kind of material does his cosmic soldier smelt in the end, how can he have such a strong killing power!

"You are not satisfied?"

Su Yan's one-armed arm was in charge of the big man, pointing to the blood-stained figure that fell from the sky, and said a cold words: "I don't accept, I am killing you for the third time!"


Qiu Ming’s sorrow and sorrow, there is a powerlessness. Looking down at him in front of him is not like a person, but like a king of the universe, the kind of irony and domineering, so that Qiu Ming will lose his fighting spirit!

"How can I lose!"

Qiu Mingxi, the face is directly distorted, he is also considered to be powerful, and has become invincible, but he has almost broken through the power. Now it’s hard to survive, and the volatility of the fairy material is once again swayed in the debris. His wreck!

"Su Yan, I will not lose to you!"

Qiu Ming shouts, burns the king of the gods, and releases the strongest potential. Even if the potential of fighting is gone, it becomes a waste person, and he can't lose to Su Yan!


He rushed up, the body sprayed with immortal light, exuding the power beyond the limit!

Su Yan stands in the heavens and the earth. In the human body, there are huge cosmic fluctuations, and the vast kings breathe. The people around the next four are stupid. I really think Qiu Ming is too poor!

Because Su Yan broke through, from the king of the gods to the heavens, directly to the double heaven, his momentum soared a lot, and crossed forward, a fist banged up, brave and invincible!


His majestic stalwart, the fist-printing of the world, and the sudden bombardment of Qiu Ming once again flew, the whole body began to be torn apart because of the power of Su Yan metamorphosis, and made a desperate voice!

There is no doubt that he is once again smashed and continues, he will be wiped out again by Su Yan!

Su Yan’s power is too savage, and he knows the material of the immortality very much. This blow has scattered Qiu’s mass of immortal material, but the people around him are shocked, because Qiu Ming once again burned the new fairy material!


He made a long shout, the blood of the blood burned, he really desperate, once and for all, he could not stop Su Yan!

Even he found that Su Yan continued to break through. After all, he had just completed the robbery and had not had time to release his potential. The King of Heaven will never stop because of this. His accumulation in the gods is too scary.

Moreover, Su Yan’s Taoist method stands on the king of the gods. If it is really rushing, the lowest is also the king of heaven.

After all, before Su Yan was in the local temple, the suppression was too embarrassing, and now it will definitely enter a period of high-level explosion. Su Yan also wants to know whether he can sprint into the four kingdoms of God.

"Qiu Ming wants to escape, Su Shi people can't let him go!"

The monk in the distance sighed, he could not stop Su Yan, a cruel fact, and now Qiu Ming had to accept.

If you escape, you still have hope to survive, and you will be able to climb the power one day.

But in the fight, Qiu Ming’s death is undoubted, and if he dies, nothing can be done.


The blood-stained figure sprinted quickly and plunged deep into the land of life and death.

But it is a pity that he can escape from Qiu Ming and escape the scope of Su Yan's momentum!


A loud blast exploded, and the world in the distance collapsed with a big crack. It was a figure that leaped from the inside, and the body of Qiu Ming, who was slap in the palm of his hand, flew out of the space!


Qiu Ming had a big mouth hemoptysis, and the cracked body once again glowed. He once again ignited the fairy material, and wanted to repair the wounded body, and he continued to flee in the process!

"It’s gone!"

Su Yan’s eyes are killing the light, and the unspeakable fluctuations are released in the flesh, which makes the heavens and the earth gloomy!

As if the king of the universe was born, the whole world would disappear, and it would be replaced by a grand figure. An incomparable **** would leak out and suppress the universe.

"Do not!"

Qiu Ming is completely desperate. Is this the most powerful force of Su Yan?

He seems to see that Su Yan has replaced the universe and turned into an invincible cosmic mark, exuding the world's edge and exploding everything!


This fist slammed up and directly blew up Qiu Ming, letting him master the material effects of Xiandao in the sky, and lost value at this moment, because Qiu Ming was defeated by Su Yan’s fist!

His whole person collapsed, and it was blown into blood, even destroying his soul and smashing everything!

In the face of this killing, even if Qiu Ming masters a pot of fairy material, it is impossible to return to life. Under the cosmic fist, Qiu Ming’s spiritual imprint has been evaporated, and he has completely disappeared from time!

Su Yan's fist is too fierce, and the cows are swallowing, and they will all be wild, and they will burst into a deep crack!

This black and big crack, I don't know what land has spread to it. It seems that the bombardment is deep in the wild land. At the end of the Jedi, there is a billion-dollar real dragon breath that is awakened by Su Yan's boxing.

Su Yan is amazed, what is hidden in the depths of the Jedi? The cracks in his time and space broke through to the deepest part of the Jedi, and he caught a particularly great energy fluctuation.

Even the next moment, the dragon totem on Su Yan's arm revived autonomously, it seems to take off!

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