Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1179: Punch

Dragon Totem, from the beginning of Su Yan's entry into the cultivation world, has been growing with him.

In the past few decades, the Dragon Totem has solved too many crises for Su Yan, and it has played a vital role in the growth history of Su Yan.

And the dragon totem has become stronger from the sleep again and again, and the dragon totem is also the deepest secret of Su Yan.

After all, the dragon totem is related to the snow mountain dragonfly!

It is difficult to guess what is the origin of the Dragon Totem. Is it a weapon? Or is it a peculiar treasure, or is it the soul of a real dragon?

Su Yan can't figure out the specific origin of the dragon totem now, but now the dragon totem is resurrected on its own, and it has to take off!

Su Yan was amazed. He saw the dragon totem for the first time. Is this the depth of the death of the Jedi, and some substances related to the real dragon, it is difficult for the dragon totem to control itself?

Su Yan’s fist was clenched, and a pair of deep pupils looked at the depths of the wild land.

This death Jedi, many powerful people came to explore, and always could not find out the specific secrets. It was enough to suppress the special environment of the road, and perhaps the power would be forcibly suppressed!

Nowadays, in the depths of the wild land, a space has collapsed into a deep crack. I don’t know what boundary it runs through. In the depths of this big crack, if there is no diffuse, an ancient true dragon weather. !

"Is it..."

Su Yan was amazed. He had wanted to completely destroy Qiu Ming before, so he played the cosmic boxing and destroyed the form of his bombardment.

In the same way, this punch was too cracked, and it overturned the spirit of Su Yan’s body. It broke out with the strongest means. This is the peak of his five years of **** battles in the regional temple. He once hit four major hits. Supreme soul.

Is it now because of the cosmic boxing that it created, which opens the secret of the death of the Jedi?

His heart stirred a surprise, and once Yuan Yuan came to explore many times, he could not find Baocai. Perhaps Baocai fell into a certain time and space node, but now this time and space node has been blown away by itself!

"Qiu is dead!"

However, the onlookers of the outside world, from the head to the feet one by one, accurately said that Qiu Ming was destroyed by the Su Shi people's fist!

The whole scene was a sensation, this is a terrible storm. Once it is released, it will sweep the entire cultivation world!

Qiu Ming, who is about to become the first power of the new era, is now smashed by the Su Shi people. Many people’s scalp has exploded. Even the outside world has also smashed some of the strongest people in the Tianyu area. I almost fell to the ground!

Qiu Ming died. For Feng Tianyu, it is equal to the collapse of myth. It is equal to the hope of being thrived in the future!

The world is full of chaos, many onlookers are scattered, and the news is to be spread out. This incident is bound to be shocking to the world. One after another, a legendary figure, was repeatedly killed by Su Yan, then whether he is really respected now!

"Qiu Ming!"

Su Yan looked at the blood of his blast, couldn't talk about excitement, all the grievances and grievances, accompanied by his blood, went with the wind.

Similarly, Su Yan also knows that Qiu Ming is now dead. He will face the **** revenge of the entire Tiantian domain. Nowadays, there is a strong pressure on the burial ground, and it is forbidden to enter the country.

But once the environment is slowly suppressed, it is the moment of danger.

Su Yan’s body reveals a stronger fighting spirit. He is not a target for him. His goal is taboo. Only when he enters this level can he cope with the scourge of the future!

"The Vietnam War is more and more brave..."

The onlookers who have stayed outside have been screaming. The Susie’s beliefs are so amazing. He killed Qiu Ming and even killed four chaotic sons. However, Su Yan did not succumb to this, but it was even more terrible. Faith!

"Also let people not live?"

The Iron King sighed, Su Yan has grown to the point where they suffocated, but the latter did not slack off, but a stronger fighting spirit emerged!

This is going to be higher!

"This is a prosperous life, but it is really a sacred life, such as paper, the ages of the past, and did not go out of this metamorphosis."

More young gods have a complicated mood. The power of Su Yan really makes them desperate. In the new age, the new era, they really feel that they are no longer able to catch up.


The outside world, the cosmic bridge presents a blurred picture, now belongs to Pingjin.

It is very quiet here. The teachers and the big men are in a complicated mood. Is the Su Shi people falling into the Jedi?

As for Feng Tianyi, it is a smile. He said: "They are all friends, Su Shi people are mostly in the middle of the law. I can see the power of my family Qiu Ming, and it will continue. It seems that the feast of our family is going to be After a few days of pushing!"

"I can see the first power of the new era, let alone a few days after the push, even if it is a year and a half, what can't be done?"

"Yeah, I really want to see and see, the power of the new era, in what field!"

There was a compliment from all around, no one was happy from the bottom of my heart, and my heart was heavy. Once he succeeded in Qiu Ming, what other young people in the Catholic Church had? Destined to be a foil.


After a long time, in the vast land of the wild, the sitting figure began to blaze, the radiance of the body, the reflection of the heavens and the mountains and the mountains are dazzling.

Su Yan resumed the loss and started the road!

“The energy here is very special!”

Su Yan’s spewing volume is amazing. He violently swallows the power of the heavens and the earth in this land. He has insight into a particularly amazing power of the wild, like a terrible dragon force, drilling into the shell of Su Yan!

Although it was suppressed here, it did not prevent Su Yan from closing.

He is like a universe, and the breath of exhalation is amazing every day. The veritable cosmic oven is burning, and the vastness of the universe can be erupted. With the king's divine power, it is growing stronger!

"The energy here is too overbearing. I don't know how the Su Shi people refining it?"

Seeing Su Yanpan sitting here to rush off, some people can't sit still, rushing into the wild land, squirting the exuberant power of this, but it is a pity that the energy inside is extremely fissile, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to absorb. .

Even if they are Yu Yuan, they can only refine their refining. They have to say that Su Yan’s body is too fierce, can swallow all kinds of energy and strengthen his body!

"Su Yan's breath is getting stronger and stronger, and he can sprint into the kingdom of God!"

"In fact, the foundation of Su Yan is too strong. I can't see what state he is now, but the energy of the leak is getting stronger and stronger. The speed of this upgrade is too scary!"

Su Yan's breath is packed with this land of hunger, there is horrible oppression, he is like a dragon here, and his potential is released, the realm of the realm has entered a full-scale sublimation!

After three consecutive days, Su Yan broke into the three kingdoms of the king of heaven, but he can continue to enhance the realm.


Su Yan is like a concentrated cosmic light, in the process of growing the universe, and his growing power, his momentum is infinitely high, and instantly realizes the grandeur of the universe. This majestic life is powerful enough to suffocate the billions of lives.

"What energy is this!"

Luo Dali is here to protect the road for Su Yan, but at this moment they are all being an amazing energy field. The body of the earthquake is tumbling and the footsteps are back.

At this moment, Su Yan, if the universe is relaxing, and because of the blending of itself and the cosmic environment, there is a kind of stalwart momentum, just as the supreme **** between heaven and earth is released here!

"This is the power of power!"

Yin Yisi moved, surprised eyes looked at Su Yan, she smiled: "He just broke through the realm of the king of the king, you can feel the life of the universe, if he is now realm enough, perhaps in the process of blending with the universe, tearing big Can check the level!"

"It seems that Big Brother will soon be able to enter the field of power, and this day must be very close!"

Vigorously excited, if Su Yanchong shuts down this area, and Su Yan has a hatred of the peak group, most of them will face green directly.

For the current Su Yan, he repaired the road, perfected the Tao, and now the realm has followed, and has begun to capture the life of the universe.

After all, Su Yan got the baptism of the origin of the universe. He could understand the grandeur and vastness of the universe. Even in this process, his body was blazing to the extreme, and there was a shocking gesture of piercing the shackles and the universe.


When this momentum leaked out, Su Yan’s ears banged, and loomingly saw hundreds of thousands of thunders slaying and letting Su Yan’s body tremble!


His pupils screamed, and instantly broke the connection between himself and the universe, and stabilized his own breath. A pair of gods looked like electricity, faintly said: "The time is not yet broken!"

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Su Yan's mouth, his breath faintly faded some, rushing to the life of the universe, will certainly encounter the trial of heavenly punishment.

"Genergy, how high the realm is, then take a look and see how big the world is!"

Su Yan whispered: "What is the strongest power? Is it difficult to have a definition, what is the strongest road?"

Su Yan is speculating on this road. If he is told by foreigners that he must be scared to death, the strongest who just stepped into the king of God is speculating on the strongest road. Have to say too crazy!

Su Yan's decaying breath quickly recovered, and he had an amazing swallow.

Five days and five nights passed, this vast world of heaven and earth, dim to the extreme!

The infinite amount of heaven and earth power penetrates into the body of Su Yan and accumulates his king.

Until this day, the world is swaying, the sun and the moon are dull!

The vastness of the divine power came out, swept across a million miles of rivers and mountains, and the crowds of people shivered. They felt that in the face of a great power, it was really grand to the extreme. In his world, the sun and the moon were always silent. He is the most brilliant life!

At this moment they only know what is the ultimate king!

This day, it can be said that it is the ultimate!

This is an extremely sacred picture, and the realm of Su Yan almost runs through the Five Kingdoms of God.

Nowadays, Su Yan, who is standing in the realm of the four heavens, is extremely powerful. He has a huge figure behind his back, filled with stars and sky!

"The breakthrough road of my family Qiu Ming, I am afraid that it will be reopened!"

The bridge of the universe reflects the changes of the wild land, so that all the big men are very scared. The figure erupts from the silence, and the light is shining. It is necessary to reflect the long rivers, overlooking the major eras and dominate the world.

And the blurred picture of the cosmic bridge is quickly filled with a stalwart figure!

The familiar figure is not Qiu Ming. When the time is fixed in their eyes, the fierce discussion outside is abruptly stopped. Instead, it is a slap in the face.

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