Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1195: Emperor!

"This kind of majesty, see the emperor must bow down?"

Strongly demon, whispered, want to worship immediately, because this idea is too stalwart, it is difficult to imagine how amazing it is, it is difficult to try to figure out this level of power!

He walked step by step toward the land of Diwei, and he was going to pray.

Su Yan grabbed the tensor of the arm and gave a tribute to the sound of the road, screaming at Luo, and awakened him.

Vigorously, the spirits shuddered and woke up.

Just now, I was so quiet that I couldn’t extricate myself. I even went to worship, and the influence of Diwei was too terrible. Even the King of God could not keep his heart.

Su Yan has a clear-cut look and a solid heart, and will not be affected by the six gods.

Nowadays they are standing in the imprint of the prehistoric big brother. He feels that if this imprint does not isolate a lot of Shenwei, then Su Yan will probably worship the emperor.

"The impact is really terrible. What is the dojo of the characters here?"

Su Yan is also thinking, the prehistoric big brother and the legendary emperor, who is strong and who is weak?

No one can say this well. No one knows how strong the prehistoric big brother is, but the mark he left behind can last for a long time, which is enough to show the strength of Big Brother!


Su Yan’s pupil was suddenly stunned. In the world of the gods in front of it, Su Yan’s golden eyes shined and saw a stalwart figure!

At this moment, Su Yan’s Taoist heart has a tendency to collapse, and he realized that a kind of grandiose to the ultimate divine power, like the dominance of the universe, flowing with the infinite emperor, driving between the heavens and the earth, seems to be overlooking the ancient and modern future!

"too horrible!"

Su Yan’s words are trembled. Is this the emperor? This is too scary.

At this moment, Su Yan felt that the universe is him, and even his figure runs through the ancient and modern future. Looking down on the long river, the gods are irreversible and they die!

Time is slow and it seems to be very long.

When the figure was blurred and even dissipated, Su Yan felt that time had passed, and his heart was tortured in the process, but he resisted and withstood the shock of the Emperor!

However, Su Yan does not think it is enough. He also needs to improve his own Taoism and practice his own avenue.

Because if the time is longer, he is likely to really bow down!

Su Yan also finds his own shortcomings, but also needs to become more powerful. Even this kind of existence is difficult to look up, but what about chasing it?


Su Yan gasped and gasped, and his expression returned to the Qingming moment. When he once again looked at the road ahead, there was a wave of turbulence in the front, and they would destroy their spirits!

"An artifact!"

Yin Yisi screamed and her eyes were wide. She saw a utensil and floated in front!

Is the momentum just now, is this artifact released?

"Is it the object of the Emperor's tempering?"

Su Yan’s eyes stared at the past, and soon he saw it. In the front, it can also be said to be the entrance to the sacred pure land, floating with the golden ruler infecting the blood!

"Is it a broken emperor!"

Then they were out of order, the golden ruler was broken, and the three rulers, if combined, should be the finished emperor!

What kind of treasure can it be, can you break the emperor?

These three gold rulers, although they are incomplete, can still be steamed with horror, and they think this should be the weapon of the emperor, so it can be called the emperor!

However, even the strongest cockroaches in the series can be broken, so the broken device is not worth the exception.

The three-section gold ruler, flowing with the emperor, swaying the unpredictable energy fluctuations, floating in front, full of the fuzzy emperor that shocked the gods!


Su Yan’s eyes are getting hotter and hotter. He looks at the three-pointed gold ruler and pays attention to the sacred land of the sacred land.

Soon Su Yan had an amazing discovery, that is, this sacred pure land, has been in a sealed state, but these three gold feet, collapsed the seal here.

This is no different, it used to be a sacred treasure in a sealed state. Since the broken emperor collapsed the entrance, it also shows that this emperor is not a sacred land.

So what is the reason? And this sacred pure land, in the end what kind of hidden feelings.

Su Yan suddenly smiled, and the incomplete dynasty floated at the entrance to the sacred pure land, which was equivalent to ruining his hope of entering the inside. It was destined to be overwhelmed with the big creation, which is too ridiculous.

So since the prehistoric big brother came, did he enter this?

"Look, big brother, look at you!"

Excited and screaming, the tiger's eyes are round and full of tears. He sees a burly figure floating below the three gold feet!

Mainly three gold feet are too embarrassing, making it difficult for them to see the specific picture inside.

Su Yan’s nephew suddenly shrank, and the light of Kun Kun’s eyes blossomed. He saw it in a moment, a burly figure floating at the entrance to the sacred pure land.


Su Yan exclaimed, this is definitely a tensor, they will not admit mistakes!

"The tensor is still alive, hahaha!"

羿Yuan Yangtian laughed, this is the good news of Tianda, and even the tensor has entered the sacred pure land, this is his opportunity!

"This is really a break from the iron shoes, it takes no effort!"

"The tensor is still alive!"

Su Yan laughed and waved with the Yuanshen, calling for tensor.

He found that the tensor was in a state of slumber, and his injury seemed to be particularly serious. Now the incompleteness absorbs the energy of the sacred pure land, like he is here to heal.

A burst of sound came, and his burly body began to tremble.

Soon, his nephew broke open, some confused, and an illusion.

He was embarrassed, when he heard the sound of the outside call, the tens of thousands of fierce trembled, trembled: "Is it you? Is it you?"

When the response was heard in their ears, Su Yan was pleasantly surprised, laughing, and Zhang was still alive!

"Really you, hahaha!"

Zhang Liang is also excited and laughed: "I didn't expect you to find it here. Fortunately, I am still alive, I am still alive..."

The brothers reunited, they were too surprised, but they were struggling and wanted to go out. They wanted to meet with Su Yan, but he was very difficult to act. He whispered: "I can’t seem to get out, these three rulers are pressing. I, I am very difficult to go out!"

"What? The Emperor is suppressing you?" Su Yan was amazed and said: "Are you in danger of being inside? Can you get into it?"

"Not in danger!"

Zhang screamed and said: "It is very strange to say that I thought I would die in the abyss, but when I fell into the abyss, there were three rulers flying in succession, carrying me across the death universe!"

Yan Yuan, they are dumbfounded, the legendary emperor, this is guarding the tensor!

"This this!"

I am so stunned that this is a bit of a slap in the face, but how can it attract the attention of the Emperor? It was the Emperor who sheltered him and even brought him here to heal!

Su Yan has a look of a ghost. The original opportunity to think of Baocai is amazing enough, but the opportunity of tensor is called against the sky. This shows that the emperor is sheltering him, and maybe the future tensor can master the emperor!

And this sacred pure land, it is obvious that it has just been unsealed, is it that the emperor has been sleeping in the abyss? Is this emperor somewhat related to the former heaven?

"Zhangjia Village is not simple!"

Su Yan suddenly felt that the village was very unusual. First came out two great bodies, and the East Devils mysterious speculation. Although Su Yan had encountered with the East Devil, but did not detect the East Devil's general combat power!

A village has come out of two great bodies.

Even this village is still near the Tianshan Mountains in the Nine Mountains. Is this a coincidence? Or is Zhangjiacun very unusual?

"You are careful!"

The tensor suddenly eagerly said: "Before, there was a particularly powerful monster that came here. The monster wanted to rush in. He was particularly powerful, but because of the special mark on the door, he was forced to retreat!"

"That man was killed by us, it is a taboo strong!"

The vigorously screaming opening, scared the tens of thousands of jumps, he stuttered, and then painfully said: "How long has the time passed, is it hundreds of years passed, Su Yan, you should not step into the realm of power Is it still? Is Baocai found?"

Vigorously scratching their heads, their brothers are separated by the emperor, it is very difficult.

"My injury is too serious, it seems to be in a deep sleep." Zhang Zai's words are somewhat weak, saying: "It is very extraordinary here, there is a special energy between heaven and earth, and it has a miraculous effect on my injury."

"Zhangliang, is there any other creature in it?" Su Yan asked, screaming that the tensor is still awake, and quickly figure out the situation here, maybe there is hope to enter.

"I don't know, I think it's a wicked place. I have seen several real phoenixes before. They are too strong to live in the depths of the treasures, but they don't seem to take my outsider seriously!"

His response, let Su Yan daze, is there a group of fairy medicine?

"Unfortunately I was suppressed by three rulers, I can't go inside to explore." Zhang Zai said: "For Su Yan, you still remember, which gold woman of the bipolar star? Once with Yangshuo and even the King of Lightning ......."

After his words were not finished, Su Yan’s face was shocked and said: “I certainly remember, you saw her? Is she from here?”

"No, she has been here a few days ago!" Zhang was a little scared and said: "I even happened to meet the monster, but the monster seems to be jealous of the woman, and there is no embarrassment!"

Su Yan is stunned, the golden woman’s head is so big, and the taboos are not embarrassing!

Even Su Yan often remembers a bronze weapon tree that he encountered in the bipolar star that year, nourishing a sacred soldier.

And her origins must be particularly amazing, even taboos are taboo?

It’s really unbelievable. Su Yan and her still have a cause and effect, because of a mysterious seed.

"I am going to die, I am going to sleep!"

The tensor issued the last voice: "You don't want to be strong here, it's too dangerous, and the golden woman said when she left, to explore the emperor road, you can take care all the way, don't worry about my safety!"

Su Yan was amazed, and some people even rushed to explore the emperor road before them.

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