Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1196: Imperial City?

The tensor fell into a deep sleep, tried to call a few times, and did not receive any response.

"It seems that we can't get into the dojo. It's really not curious. How did it form here? It was able to breed the legendary fairy medicine."

Yu Yuan marveled, the sacred pole of the dojo, flowing immortal material, simmering Xianhui, smashing to the extreme.

If this scene is bound to cause a big sensation, they all feel that this place should be the strongest heaven and earth, and perhaps there is hope for achievement taboos!

Even the fairy medicine can be bred, what else can not be born?

It is a pity that the three incomplete emperors, floating in the front, blocked the door, causing Su Yan to enter.

I have to say that this is a pity, but since the tensor is in it, maybe he can get a big chance.

"At the moment, the emperor is important!"

Su Yan regained his gaze and said: "Our time is running out. Which gold woman is coming a lot, I think she may not be the strong in our world!"

For this mysterious golden woman, they did not know about it, and they did not know that there was such a character in the cultivation world, but it was inevitable that the name of Su Yan would be jealous.

In the past, Su Yan and Zhang Liang and Bao Cai explored the bipolar star in a Jedi. In the middle, they encountered a weapon tree. The pattern was unforgettable. Even a sleeping golden woman was awakened. I don’t know what time it originated.

After that, Su Yan took away a mysterious seed, and the golden woman must have been worried.

Now recalling this seed, Su Yan has not figured out what it is. This thing has been collected by him. Now Su Yan can't see any clues, and he has to say it is quite mysterious.

Then it is enough to explain the importance of this thing!

Maybe the power is hard to use, then this thing is too high-end, and he is also looking forward to seeing the mysterious seeds one day.

"The entrance to the emperor's road is in our world. I really don't know what secrets are hidden." Yuan Yuan was shocked and said: "You said, if the emperor road is open, then the strong of the outer universe will enter us. This world!"

Su Yan’s heart is awkward. This is very probable. Then this matter is too important. It must be the first time to rush to find out what the emperor road is. Even the strongest creation in history should be with the emperor. close relationship.


Su Yan, their figure cut through the sky, disappeared into this sacred pure land, just Zhang Jianmian's juncture, telling Su Yan gold women's long-distance direction.

Now they are following this road and crossing all the way.

However, what makes Su Yan regret is that there is no footprint of the prehistoric big brother here.

This shows that the prehistoric big brother, only went to the sacred Taoist field, did not take the opportunity to go to the emperor road.

This makes Su Yan suspicious, is it important for the big brother to be more important than the emperor? Or the big brother is not interested in the road.

Su Yan shook his head and thought about it. Now I don’t think it is useful. He thinks that the road is not far from here, and the people are on the road, crossing the vast death universe.

Time went by and day after day, for three days and three nights, there was no stop on the way.

This death universe is too vast, and God knows how vast it is. They have no coordinates along the way, and they can only cross along a road.

This is equal to the needle in a haystack. Fortunately, their spiritual practice is extremely high and they are not lost.

"There are some buildings in front!"

Su Yan's eyes are translucent, the golden eyes are shining, and I look through a long distance. A pair of pupils have seen the face of the distant world.

He saw some buildings floating in the universe, very dense, into pieces, here should be a group of habitats.

"The guardian of the Dragon City, the entrance to the emperor road is in charge of our world, and the expression is very proud. So the entrance area of ​​the emperor road, some buildings, it is not strange."

Yin Yisi chuckled: "Maybe now, we are close to the destination, very close to the source!"

Su Yan also thought so, and they crossed the road and came to the ancient buildings.

And they began to explore all the way to the depths, found that buildings are more and more dense, and even saw a lot of magnificent palaces, the preservation is very complete!

"No, how many times have passed, these buildings have not collapsed, is it a taboo to live in the Grand Palace?" Grinning, I want to move away from the giant palace, these immortal buildings can be placed in the outside world. Sell ​​a big price.

"It seems to stand above the sky and come to the mythical legendary Temple of Heaven."

Yan Yuan marveled, they looked around in all directions, the area covered by the buildings was vast, floating above nine days.

Although most of them are cracked or damaged, they always float above the sky.

It really looks like the world of Tiangong. If it is in prehistoric times, what is the shocking picture of this Tiangong pattern?

The run-down palace of the heavens still has a little history in the past!

Like coming to the ruined mythological kingdom, Su Yan found that the architectural pattern here is somewhat like the ruins of the ruins of the mountain. For the burial of the mountain, Su Yan is remembered, mostly because of the six treasures!

I still haven't figured out what level of the six great treasures? If Su Yan runs through to the field of power one day, I will go to the mountain of burial and see if I can take away the six treasures.

They did not stay here for a long time, crossed the building complex, as for the picture in front of them, Su Yan they all came from the depths of the soul!

"There is a city in front!"

A group of people are stunned, because the city is too big, they think that Avenue City is very small in front of this city!

Even the sky and the stars in the sky, in front of the city, are very small, the city is as spectacular as the universe, deep, filled with a repressed atmosphere. .

“The first time I saw such a big city, building such a city, I don’t know how long it will take, how much money is needed to build it!”

Su Yan’s fist slammed and looked at the city, wondering how brilliant it was in history. How brilliant and prosperous is the emperor road!

The city is huge, but it is really lacking in spirit. After all, the years have changed, the city has been infinitely no one to live in, but when they see the gate of the city, a moment of the ancient age traces, a group of people tremble.

Strong as Su Yan has a feeling of five thunder, a font, filled with a grand and extreme supreme power, like a kind of emperor, difficult to understand, bitter and difficult to understand.

But this font, like a sleeping emperor, is just a font, but it has a treacherous place, and orders the magical fluctuations of the gods!

Su Yan's spirit was shocked. A pair of scorpions didn't stare at the font for a moment. He contained a kind of strange magic, which prompted Su Yan to want to see what he meant.

The deeper it is, Su Yan feels more and more, this font exudes an inviolable power.

It is not like a word, but it is like a person!

The existence of a latitude and longitude, the horrible avenue of Xianwei, filled with the ultimate power of the Tao, floating in the heavens and the earth, the pressure of Su Yan is suffocating and shaking.


Immediately afterwards, Su Yan was coughing up blood, his breath suddenly flickered, and his knees squatted on the ground. His long black hair was scattered and covered his face.

"Big brother!"

Vigorously they are eclipsed, what is this? Su Yan only pays attention to this font for a moment, he can't bear it, and the spirit is disillusioned.

Su Yan’s flesh is shaking, and it’s really being crushed into pieces by this font. Su Yan also made a low-pitched voice: “Emperor, this name can be called, emperor!”

A word of shock!

It is hard to imagine that what is inscribed in the end is too incredible. The meaning of it is bitter and difficult to understand. Su Yan only feels something, and he thinks this word can be called the emperor!


Yin Yisi's flower is eclipsed. Did they come to their destination? Should it be the emperor road ahead?

"Since the meaning of the font is the emperor, then this city should be called, the emperor!"

Yuan Yuan, they screamed, this city is called the Imperial City, what a terrible city, in the name of the emperor, can be seen that the prosperity of the past, will be brilliant to the extreme!

"Imperial City!"

Su Yan slowly stood up, and the spirit was extremely tired, but a pair of blind eyes looked at the emperor, and trembled: "Here, is the heavenly army, the last city to leave?"

Now that they have arrived at their destination, will this city be at the edge of the universe? Or the last city to guard the border of the universe!

Su Yan took a deep breath and pressed down the inner shock, then whispered: "Go, let's go in and have a look, don't know what's inside the emperor!"

A group of four people, starting at the same time, to the city.

Guangchengmen, the grand ones are like the ocean and the sea, the huge gates, the traces of the years, and in a state of confinement.

Su Yan can feel the amazingness of the city gate, can not be opened with a strong force, harder than the gate of the Dragon City!

When they are approaching the gates of the city........


A thunder giant blasted open, and the emperor revived autonomously, flowing out of the ancient texture, spreading down the void, and soon radiating on the body of Su Yan.

For a moment, they felt that the body was broken.

Yan Yuan, Yin Yisi, Luo Dali, the three kings of the body are bright and clear, and the recovery has reached the limit.

Under the reflection of the emperor, the blood in their bodies is flowing, and even they have to be stripped out of the body!


They whispered and felt that all the blood was drained and even purified. Under the reflection of the emperor, the blood was completely burned.

And their eyebrows, quickly sketched a special imprint of blood and blood, powerful and horrible!

As for Su Yan, it is amazing. After all, his bloodline is very special. It is a kind of nine-color blood, very vague, and it is extremely difficult to activate the hidden energy in the bloodline.

Everyone knows that the blood, also contains inheritance, contains the gods, if the blood is returned to the ancestors, there may be some changes, and even evolved to the strongest generation of their ancestors!

Originally, Su Yan’s bloodline could not be revived.

Now in the image of the emperor, his blood is boiling and boiling in the polar!

The sound of blood flowing out of the sound is louder than the surging sound of Wang Yang!

Unbelievable, this is the sound of blood flowing, soaring, like the blue sea is rolling, turned into a huge wave!


Su Yan’s overall momentum soared and he made a loud noise. His body fluttered nine colors of fairy tales, like the nine immortal **** rings, which swayed around his flesh and set off, such as the emperor of one person. Deterrent days!

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