Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1311: Immortal golden body!

Su Yan's entire meat shell is pale gold, which is not caused by the body's divine power, just like a metamorphosis of the flesh!

The pale gold body is filled with the power of the vague supreme treasure, and it is full of the pressure of the earthquake, so that Su Yan is shocked, the body is too sudden, and even he feels that the body is changing, and it is too strong.

It should be a mysterious mother, but because of the immortality, the nature of life has changed. That is to say, the current physical condition is also the mysterious mother, but an extremely amazing change has taken place, thus forming a kind of Nothing treasure, it is also equivalent to a special secret!

Su Yan Shen Wei Hao, suddenly screamed: "Evil dog!"

The words are like thunder, the scary tyrants of the tyrants are fierce, and the immortal are really afraid. Only after experiencing the prehistoric hegemony, can they know the immortal golden body, how strong it is, although Su Yancai initially has the immortal golden body However, it is enough to push the invincible ninety-nine strong!


Su Yan burst into a fist, domineering the sky, the light golden body glows, the power of the **** treasure, the horror!

This punch is unstoppable, and the powerful Feng Tianba master has a cold in his heart, but he also has to explode the strongest immortal force to stop Su Yan.

His entire palm glows, and he has evolved his power to resist the fists of Su Yan!


Extremely **** pictures, the world can't believe their eyes.

The palms of the tyrants of the tyrants have been beaten, and the flaming golden fists of Su Yan contain unrivaled power. This is the supreme treasure, the courage of the world, even if it is the first sight, it is also the same as the body!


Feng Tianba master coughs blood, the whole arm is shattered!

"Really the legendary supreme treasure!"

In his heart, he was horrified. If he was in the heyday, he was not afraid of the immortal body that Su Yangang had made, but for an immortal who suffered a serious loss, it was impossible to compete with Su Yan!


The Lord of the Heavenly Crown is extremely decisive to sacrifice the map of the sky, and it is overwhelming to Su Yan.

At the same time, Feng Tianba has escaped, and at the same time, he is not willing to stay here more, how far can he escape!

"Look at you, this evil dog ran away and was scared away by Su Yan!"

"If this is the case, Su Yan has stepped into the taboo field, and he can succumb to the dog, and he can suppress the dog. It is a powerful peerless!"

"God, we are saved!"

The whole scene was sensational, and the endless monks excitedly shouted. The Su Shi people actually rushed into the taboo field. The world is unbelievable. How did he do it? Now this man is tyrannical enough to let them suffocate!

"You can't escape!"

In the face of the rushing map, Su Yan’s move is simple and hegemonic. He directly lifts his big hand and presses it toward the seal.

This scene shocked the world. You must know that this is an immortal treasure. Now that Su Yan is fighting against the physical force, isn’t he afraid of shattering his palm?

However, the result has smothered all the people, and Feng Tiantu was screamed by Su Yan’s slap in the palm of his hand. Although this picture also surging a terrible amount of town pressure, Su Yan’s pale golden body is flowing with supreme power. Terrible!

Really think that the supreme treasure is paper paste? Even if it is first sight, then it is also a peerless arrogance in prehistoric times, the overlord of the immortal!


Su Yan succeeded in shooting, and the original plot of the seal of the sky was greatly damaged, and the whole picture was also caught by Su Yan's palm!

Letting Feng Tiantu struggle, he can't escape Su Yan's palm.

His body is too strong. If the legendary golden body is cultivated, the body can be called the smashing weapon, and it is invincible, but this kind of physique is too rare. The treasure of Dacheng is the most prosperous era in prehistoric times, and it also pushes the immortal hegemon of the world!

"Is this obstacle, whether it relies on its own breakthrough, it is really so powerful, and his road is just beginning. This is not going to be removed. It is really endless."

The Fengtian tyrant who escaped far away was desperate. Su Yan actually suppressed the immortal treasure by hand. Did he really cultivate the immortal golden body in the Supreme Treasure series!

Immortal golden body, but the rare supreme battle body in the Supreme Treasure series, peerless powerful!

Now, Su Yan just touched, his body is pale gold, then once the body is golden, this shows that Su Yan has completely cultivated into an immortal golden body, enough to become the world's top immortal hegemon, even in the face of the most powerful. It is enough to pass on people!

This is the supreme treasure, there is also a title, called King Kong is not bad body, once it is completed, the body is almost indestructible, suddenly Shou Yuan dry, the body will never decline!

Feng Tianba did not dare to think about it. Su Yan just broke through the immortality and touched the immortal golden body. How could he be so abnormal!

Su Yan is now a monster, so that the Feng Tian overlord has lost his fighting spirit. When he fights, he will be killed by Su Yan!

In the distant world, Su Yan was calm and standing. A sword was floating on top of his head. A golden rope wraps around Su Yan, and the sky that is struggling in his palm is smooth!

A picture, crystal clear, in a gold color, on the catalogue on the dense and immortal text, exudes the atmosphere of the heavens!


Su Yan's big hand slammed a wave, and the sky was frozen, and it quickly expanded, flowing and immortal, completely covering hundreds of miles away!

And the golden catalogue, overwhelming, began to swoop toward the escaping tyrants!


Feng Tianba must be spurting blood, his life is treasured by Su Yan refining, and his spiritual mark is cut off, completely attributed to Su Yan, and even now used to target himself!

This scene makes the entire Feng Tianyu ups and downs, what is his mother's? The Fengtian map was taken away by the Su Shi people, and even the first ancestor of the family was fleeing!

"Well, my family is completely over, and the Susie people have entered the taboo field. Isn't it impossible? It is impossible to be possible. What a terrible thing!"

The protector squatted directly on the ground, shivering, who could think of this ending.

The arrival of this day was the most glorious moment of their group, but now, the myth collapsed, the ancestors were defeated, or they lost to Su Yan, and they lost to a Su Shi who had not been a monk for more than a hundred years!

"A bad dog, you can't escape!"

Su Yan's overall Jinhui Dasheng, strolling in time and space, stepping out every step, can cross hundreds of domains, his speed is too fast, the mighty and infinite gods, shaking the earth.


Many people are not subject to control and worship, shouting the emperor, this is the world's supreme evaluation of him, endless monks reverence!

On this day, Su Yan was too strong. Looking down on the vast land, the taboos in the world were fiasco and even fled.

"Who said there is no miracle in the world!"

Some people whispered, Su Shi people created too many miracles, this day to taboo the hegemony of the world, he once again rushed to the sky, stepping into the immortal, shocking the immortal strong, is equal to breaking the disaster.

In the same way, he broke through the road's sadness, pain, and the world saw it clearly, and killed with an immortal, and finally forced out the potential of Su Yanqiang!

The Fengtian tyrant is still fleeing, and eventually he fled to Fengtian!


Su Yan's footsteps spread a golden avenue and stretched to the closed sky!

He came, let the entire Fengtian domain tremble, the strong inside the family was full of fear, when Su Yan was in the mighty realm, forced to seal the Tianyu bow, spending a huge price to calm the anger of Su Yan.

Now that he is here again, he is standing in a brand new field, and let the entire family of Tianyu feel that everything is finished!

"Ha ha ha, this bad dog is finally over!"

"He killed too many people and must kill him!"

"Go, let's take a look at it, help the Emperor, and see how bad the end of the bad dog is."

"The bad dog will be in vain, and he will not be enough to sin for a hundred deaths."

Chaos ruins surging storms, too many strong people crossed the void and sprinted toward Fengtian.

They want to take a look at the ending of the tyrant's hegemony, and want to see how it is going to kill the whole world.

However, when they are about to arrive in Fengtian, the more **** incidents are once again distributed!

"What is he doing?"

Countless people are scalp and can't believe their eyes.

Even Su Yan, who is as strong as iron, frowned, too embarrassed, and overlord, it is indeed too poisonous!


The entire Fengtian domain, in the time of the return of the hegemony, seems to indicate that the fate of their group has a major turning point.

However, this turning point has stunned the people of the world, and all the people who came to watch the audience were sweating and squatting.

Because the entire Fengtian domain continued to collapse, and countless ethnic groups turned into mud, flowing out the most essential life blood.

Sealing the Tianyu is like a huge cave.

Tens of thousands of creatures are tragically dying, and the gas of life is leaking out, gathering together in the main body of the Feng Tianba standing in the upper part.

Even the powerful gods and kings, the flesh is broken, they can't figure out before they die, why do they admire the ancestors, kill them!

"Do not!"

Even one after another, the power is screaming, madly struggling, but can't escape the fate of the fate, the flesh has disintegrated, turned into the essence of the divine power, and the Pu has gone to the shell of the Tian Tian overlord!

The atmosphere of the demise of the tyrannical overlord is arrogant at the speed of terror!

"Why, why is the ancestor!"

The protector is roaring, his eyes are red, and the ninety-nine people are fallen, and there are not many who survive.

Their pulse is about to destroy the genus, but why the ancestors want to kill them, why!

They are all fearful, desperate, and even blame!

Because there are too many of their children, even their elders, these are their blood relatives, and now all are for sacrifice!


Feng Tianba is indifferent: "Your family, because of my glory, millions of years have passed, you have been brilliant for a million years, this is the cause, and I am now taking away everything that is given to you, that is fruit!"

Cruel reality, **** events.

The Guardians are all sluggish.

The monks who survived the entire Tiantian domain were also sluggish and could not believe what they had heard.

It turns out that they are not the descendants of the ancestor's blood, but a great teacher that he created at his own discretion. The hegemony of the heavens can also take everything away!

The blood of the endless souls burns, giving the world the ultimate power of the hegemony!

His breath is extremely terrifying, and he is very close to the heyday. He is indifferent: "It’s all over, Su Yan is strong, but in my heyday, you can’t stop it, let alone your immortal golden body, the first leak. It is impossible to continue to maintain the status of Supreme Treasure. What do you fight with me now?"

He said yes, Su Yan's pale golden body is degenerating, and will soon return to its original appearance, and the breath will also be greatly degraded.

The Supreme Treasure is too special, and Su Yan now has a hard time understanding the variation of the flesh.

However, he is extremely calm, standing outside the bounded celestial domain, black hair shawl, scorpion deep, calmly watching it all!

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