Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1312: Bloody universe

The vast exposing celestial domain, between a few breaths, the creatures are coated with charcoal, and there are thousands of souls that have exhausted the roots of life and the body is dry.

There are too many lives in the entire celestial domain. Now that the ninety-nine percent of the extinctions and the renewed vitality of life are attributed to the body of the tyrants, it is conceivable how cruel the result is!

The whole big area is a dead field, and the blame of poison is straightforward, and it is terrible.

The world is silent, the reality is too cruel!

Su Yan stood calmly and stood outside the bounded celestial domain. He said coldly: "What are the foreigners who talk about the creatures in our world as human beings, but the servants who serve him, and the same is true for Feng Tianyu. !"

Su Yan reveals the cruelest truth, the words spoken, the guardians who are screaming at their hearts, screaming and screaming, can't wait to kill them, why should they let them suffer, he began to envy Qiu Ming.

It’s better to die than to be on the road now in grief and indignation.

Although this protector is a great power, he can only be sacrificed now. His heart is unwilling and remorseful, but what is the use? Their veins have been destroyed and destroyed. Now!

"Su Su people!"

Before the death of the strongest protector, a voice of sorrow and anger was issued: "My family has collapsed, and the past grievances can be over. I only hope that this old dog can be killed....."

His words were not finished, and the leader of the heavenly tyrant smashed the fire of life, and the body collapsed!

The vitality of the arrogant power surged out, it was amazing, and it helped the recovery of the hegemony, which made his breath more horrible.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"A ridiculous, a group of waste, and Su Yan, is very powerful, forcing me to use the strongest card, forcing me to spend a million years of drugstore exhaustion, the most reward, I will tear down the immortal golden body, Let life be better than death!"

The words of the tyrants of the heavens are cold to the extreme, and they have strong self-confidence. Now Su Yan’s combat power is greatly damaged, and it is degenerate from the supreme treasure state!

A strong person who has just stepped into immortality? The foundation must be extremely weak, and it is impossible to fight with oneself.

Countless spectators are silent, this is the forbidden zone of life, a million years of glory, proud of the world, and the pride in the bones.

However, a generation of taboo hegemons, the ancestor of the family, will compare the Tianyu domain to the drugstore and let it pick. This is what cruel remarks!

In the end, they are not as good as pigs and dogs, sad, sigh!

After all, they cultivated the law of the patrimony of the tyrants. Therefore, the tyrants of the tyrants are very smooth, and even the essence of the life of the celestial beings is also very suitable for the body of the heavenly hegemon!

Nowadays, all the life of Fengtianyu has turned into a life-like fire, which has penetrated into the body of Fengtian Overlord, causing his strength to soar, and it is almost necessary to return to the heyday.

People all over the world are silent. There is no sympathy for Feng Tianyu. There is only one kind of emotion in the heart. They are outsiders, common enemies, and should be universally opposed. They should unite the whole universe against them.

Or is it that the owner of the Valley of the Chaos Valley, the lord of the ancestral temple, the taboo of the Yin family, is it also an outsider? If it is, then the disaster of the universe is afraid that only the Su Shi people in front of him can resolve.

However, Su Yan has been degraded from the state of immortality. Is there still a possibility to fight with the hegemony?

At this moment, the lord of the heavens, such as a generation of lords, swallowed the stars, releasing the power of immortality, overlooking the heavens and the earth, and suppressing the universe, is simply the invincible giant of the universe, and it is incredible to an incredible degree.

"I also want to take a look at how strong the immortal strong in the heyday era is."

Su Yan calmly stands, tied the fairy rope, seals the sky map, the cosmic soldier, the three great treasures are floating above his head, although Su Yan is very declining compared with before, but he is absolutely beautiful, heroic!


People, all swaying terrible powers, let this vast universe resonate with it, and set Su Yan as the king of the universe.

"I will let my wish, but also the witness, I will let my own eyes see, the peak of the immortal, how strong."

Feng Tianba is a gloomy smile, the ancient body is filled with immortal Tianwei, the mighty blood of the sea, and the entire Tiantian domain collapsed in an instant. From then on, Fengtianyu will be completely removed from the cultivation world!

What even shocked them was that the collapsed Fengtian domain suddenly turned into an energy vortex, and then was overwhelmed by the heavens and swallowed into the body!

From this moment on, the Fengtian hegemon released the extreme horror of the horror, illuminating the entire chaos ruins, and even spread to the outer universe, the mighty immortal Tianwei, shocked the universe!


In the faraway zone, a large number of external universe powers came to the chaos of ruins, to come here to escape the disaster, now the outer universe, filled with catastrophe, the three giants smashed the slash, and quickly destroyed the universe.

However, they just rushed into the ruins of chaos and looked forward to the safe zone. The result was all fearful. The situation of chaotic ruins was more serious than that of the outer universe. A terrible hegemon was resurrected, and the blood sacrificed the entire Tiantian domain and returned to full prosperity. status.

"No, how could this be!"

The powers are desperate. They rushed to the chaotic ruins to escape the disaster. They saw a similar **** picture, and even the overlord in the world!

"There is also a disaster in the ruins of chaos. Is the universe going to be extinct? Can no one stop them?"

"The return of the big environment, the coming of a beautiful era, hateful, why do you believe in the slogan of the celestial domain, is the Su Shi people still alive? Can the universe be sealed again!"

"A new era is coming, and practice can enter the taboo field, but these are all deceptive. We have integrated all the elements of the Jiuyang religion, and we want our ancestors to step into the ultimate power, and the result is disastrous, and the ethnic group is almost Exhausted!"

The universe is in chaos, this is **** and disaster day!

Too many stars have collapsed, endless life has fallen, and even one piece of the sea of ​​stars has dried up. This is the exhaustion of energy and the death of the vast domain.

Everything in this heaven and earth has become a sacrifice for the restoration of the immortal!

A terrible disaster, many people think of Su Shi people, some people want to cry, once they roared Su Yan fear of death, the result now seems to be right or wrong is obvious, when taboos are born, but also **** and catastrophic coming!

Especially the **** land, the most tragic!

After all, the corpse of blood in the blood of the earth, it is a nest of taboos of the Yin family!

One day after the **** sea riots, the entire **** area collapsed, and the top ten peaks of the universe also declared its end. The billions of souls fell, and were swallowed up by a **** murderer, which was more violent than the means of the heavenly hegemony. cruel!

Even the outer universe has emerged as an immortal contender. Once they fight, they will die more, and there will be one and then a weak immortal who will be killed and sacrificed!

"If it is not Su Yan, my family is not as good as a pig!"

The Wu family group has long moved away from the **** land to escape the disaster. The new environment comes, the corpse blood will inevitably riot, and no one will know what will happen. Su Yan has long been rumored to be a martial artist, so they can be cautious. Remove the land from the bleeding area to avoid encountering a disaster.

"Su Yan, is he still alive? I hope to be alive. Nowadays, the universe is full of spirits, pigs and dogs are not as good. If you are still alive, hope to step into the taboo field and let our universe have a dignity!"

Wu Heng is in a complicated mood. They avoid the disaster from the edge of the distant universe. From here, the universe is cruel, the blood is flowing, and the best times are coming. Now the whole world will collapse!

Three taboo giants, the world is in trouble!

Too many groups are destroyed, and the mighty strongmen are sacrificed, even a piece of galaxies, the energy is dry, and it is to die!

The restoration of the immortal, the energy required is too vast, and now the Xuanhuang universe, although the environment returns, but it takes some time to recover, so the current universe, it is difficult to meet the immortal cultivation.

Now they can only plunder, and the picture is the Milky Way, the fastest way to attack the Milky Way!

"The self-styled universe for millions of years, what is the use, but it is the Chinese meal!"

The cold voice blew, like the clock of the universe, echoing in the vast universe. The ancestral temple master opened the cold scorpion and looked at the galaxy. It was cold and secluded: "Million years have passed, and I have to wait for the task. ended!"

The Xuanhuang universe riots are miserable.

The three immortal strongmen approached the Milky Way, destroying the land along the way, leaving only blood and grief.

"How can these animals not die, don't they be afraid of being condemned?"

Many old people are embarrassed, and they are hard to let go. They want to die immediately. After all, they have no contention with the world. As a result, they have suffered great disasters. The ancient stars of life that have been ancestors have been ruined, and only a group of old people who have survived are alive.

The once prosperous universe is now full of blood, and the peaks and groups have collapsed successively, and the **** land and Jiuyangjiao have been completely removed.

"Who can save us, who can!"

Many people are desperate, unable to escape, can only watch the three immortal giants in the world, which allows them to kill like this, the Xuanhuang universe will be completely reduced to the death universe, their fate will be buried in the chaotic ruins of the chaotic universe It is the same?

All sentient beings could not help but start to tremble, the boundless robbery is still brewing, the battlefield is constantly expanding, in fact, it has already affected the whole universe!

At this time, the chaotic ruins swelled with immortal airflow, and they all dive into the outer universe, which made them desperate, and the same is true of chaotic ruins, which shows that there are not only three immortal giants.

"Really, the fifth breath has appeared!"

They are really desperate, there is a fifth, and it is likely that other immortal giants will climb out from the ground, and blood will sacrifice the universe to restore them.

Suddenly, the huge chaotic ruins trembled fiercely!

As if, the entire chaos ruins will be blasted, the world can not imagine, what happened in the chaotic ruins!

When the sleepy series of sorcerer resurrection, and the moment of blending with Su Yan, endowed him with endless fighting power, the mighty power of the gods and the gods, the horror!


Like the ancient gods and gods, they fought across time and space and stood between heaven and earth.


Feng Tianba's main face is ugly to the extreme, how can Su Yan have such a strong fighting power, how did he do it?

Su Yan and 傀儡 fusion, he is filled with the supreme magic of the gods, as the lost gods and gods resurrected, and instantly waved the punches, hit the Fengtian overlord!

Su Yanli Road is unparalleled, swooping up, the whole piece of the land has been ups and downs, endless power to kill the hegemony.

"How strong is it...."

Feng Tianba is furious and runs the strongest force in the body against Su Yan.

Su Yan’s fighting stance was so amazing that the magical storm that was pushed out and the attacking hegemony were almost unstable!

"Is it the immortal in the series of ghosts!"

The tyrants of the tyrants are eclipsed, how can they not know the name of this cockroach, and now the strongness of Su Yan, let him associate with such treasures for the first time, which makes the eyes of the tyrants of the heavens red, this is the treasure that is hard to find. Xianzhen!

"A bad dog, come to die!"

Su Yan's black hair flutters, and the scorpion is killing the sky. His moves are wide open and big, and he is suppressing the Fengtian overlord.

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