Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1313: Tubing taboos!

What a braveness is Su Yan, a fusion of human form, such as a tiger, and a huge increase in combat power!

At this moment, Su Yan, like the inferior hegemonic powerhouse, smashed the starry sky, the sky is golden and bloody, and the whole piece of chaotic ruins began to tremble with the airflow released by Su Yan.


The strong man in the distant world is terrified. The golden figure is unattainable. For example, the emperor who dominates the world is so powerful that it is more powerful than the three immortal hegemons in the world.

"The two taboo giants are killing!"

The strongmen who rushed from the outer universe to the chaotic ruins to avoid disasters were chilling. Although the battlefield was extremely far away from them, anyone could see that a top-ranking man revived and broke out of strong airflow, suppressing the sky. overlord!

The powerful Feng Tian overlord, the energy that has been stirred up by the Su Yan human body, has been suppressed for a short time!


When the whistling sound came, you can see that the figure of the billion-dollar golden glory, exuding the majestic and vastness of the gods, must cover the entire chaos ruins, the area of ​​the attack, and the **** bloom of the rolling!

"Someone is hurt, who is in the process of blocking the taboo giant!"

They are unbelievable and unbelievable. Of course, they are also excited. Now that the giants are in trouble, since someone can stand up and stop this kind of life, it is enough to show that the disaster has hope for recovery!

"It’s Su Shi!"

The native soul roar with chaotic ruins responded: "It’s the Susie who is reviled by the world, fighting with the taboo giants!"

As soon as this statement came out, the creatures that arrived in the outer universe were all dead, a Susie who had been reviled for several years before, and a person who blocked the return of the universe, carrying the nickname for several years, can be said to be notorious.

As it turns out, they are all wrong. Once the cosmic environment returns, the first person to suffer from the world!

But now, who can think of it, the Su Shi people rushed into the taboo field.


In the land of the war, the energy ripples, and the entire chaotic ruins hit the sky.

The battlefield is full of stars, the battlefield of the immortal confrontation is shocking, and there is constant blood spattering, and the blood in pieces is enough to tear the stars!


The roar of the roaring blasts, so that all sentient beings must burn all the way. The monks in the distance are coughing up blood. They are trembled and scared. They are far away from the battlefield. This battle is really fierce to the extreme, and the power is not. May watch the war at close range!

The main tyrants of the Tian tyrants released the most terrible power and attacked Su Yan, who continued to suppress himself.

However, his strength is strong, and it is extremely difficult to shake off Su Yan!

After a long time, he really has some panic, and the series of sorrows and sorrows, but the invincible treasure, if it really continues to fight, he will definitely suffer big losses!


The main face of Feng Tianba is witnessed, and the pores are sprayed with immortal light. The massive immortal material diffuses out, one after the other, each of which shows a huge creature.

For a moment, like the regeneration of three thousand gods, around the main battle of the heavens, while reading the scriptures!

The terrible power of the heavens, come out!

Heaven and earth have been in a static state for a moment, even if it is a powerful Suyan, it has been sealed for a short time. This kind of seal power consumes a lot of immortal material, and it can seal even time, let alone all things are born, it is an immortal school. .

Su Yan is struggling fiercely, and it is necessary to break open the heavenly technique. As the world that struggles with the whole seal is distorted, it is like a huge cosmic prisoner, and it will be directly crushed by Su Yan!

"Go to death!"

The atmosphere of Feng Tianba’s lord was declining and paid a heavy price, just to seal Su Yan’s moment.

If he was really successful, he rushed forward with lightning, waving his big hand and screaming at Su Yan’s body!

Along the way, the destruction storm was born and the death threat approached.

Su Yan’s treasure was struggling wildly, and eventually he made a big noise, the horror of the atmosphere, and the whole world of seals burst in the trembling!


However, the big handprint of the tyrant of the tyrants is still photographed in the chest of Su Yan. For a moment, the body of Su Yan will be blasted, and the body is covered with big cracks. He was almost smashed by a slap!

"Su Su people!"

Countless people screamed and feared that Su Yan would lose.

His injury is too serious, his hair is scattered, his body is blood-stained, and it is very close to collapse!

But he is extremely calm, and the pupil is full of madness!

"Ha ha ha, what can you do, but unfortunately you have no immortal mystery!"

Feng Tianba regained his fighting spirit and once again swooped up, and he wanted to kill Su Yan.


However, Su Yan's wounded body is blazing, and the moment of the Tianshi operation, this healing sacred sacred spurs the energy that is difficult to gather in Su Yan's body. It suddenly boils and rushes out of the body, running around him!


The body of Su Yan's blood-stained body blooms, the vigorous blood runs, and the powerful seal power in the flesh is also completely broken.

Tiantian is amazing. It not only helps Su Yan to tide over the difficulties, but also the wounds begin to reorganize. The blood that has been decayed in the body quickly grows up and quickly flows out. The billions of golden glows contain the power of the gods!

"Impossible, how can you master this level of healing sacred!"

The face of Feng Tianba’s master has changed dramatically. What is this secret technique? After a short period of time, Su Yan recovered. After all, unlike before, Su Yan is now an immortal!

And Su Yan's whole person's breath is extraordinarily strong, his eyes bloom and kill, the breath is too crazy and wild, and the pupil is filled with terrible killing!

Su Yan’s belief is too strong, no matter what kind of enemy, it must be crushed!


Su Yan Daxie, the overall release of billions of qi and blood, banging forward, playing the Feng Tianba main body trembling, mouth and nose blood stasis, standing unstable.

Su Yan seized the fighters, smothered them up, and the moves were wide open, and each hit was heavy and fierce. Even the two supreme treasures of the silence were filled with immortal light, and the town’s main tyrant Sputum is counter-blood, and the footsteps are back.

"Still, I can't believe you can't stop you!"

Feng Tianba is extremely angry, and his heart is full of humiliation, not to smash Su Yan, it is difficult to shame!

After all, from the beginning, Su Yan used himself as a sharpening stone.

From the very beginning, Su Yan had the power to suppress himself. After all, Su Yan’s Yuanshen breakthrough, barely control the human form!

However, he did not. Su Yan relied on his own combat power to rush through the adversity, forcing the strongest human treasures and stepping into the ranks of immortality.

"You don't believe, you have to believe!"

Su Yan’s words are extremely cold, and the whole person is full of cold and chilling anger, cross-hitting forward, inciting the punches, punching one punch and punching, slamming the defeated tyrants!

The giant who is in trouble with the world continues to cough up blood.

It is difficult for him to stop Su Yan, let him be inscrutable, and the threats to him from both of them are extremely amazing!

In the end, the sacred rope was wrapped around the legs of the tyrant, and the town of Fengtian was above his head.

Under the peerless suppression, the tyrants of the heavens screamed and screamed, trying to escape from the battlefield.

However, Su Yan’s breath is too fierce, such as a surviving emperor to the world, in the trial of the hegemony!


The magical atmosphere of the gods permeated, Su Yan fell from the sky, swaying his fists, blasting like a rain, and smashing to the heavenly hegemon!

"A bad dog, you are finished!"

Su Yan screamed, endless punches, bombardment on the main body of Feng Tianba.

Allowing his body to be hard and strong, it is also difficult to hold back Su Yan's punch and punch!

"kill him!"

The whole universe is crazy, and from the outer universe to the chaotic ruins, the strong who came to take refuge are crazy, and said: "Kill him, kill this evil dog, strengthen my mysterious yellow!"

Endless people, the soul is roaring!

They are like ghosts in purgatory, and they really hate the ultimate overlord in these worlds.

These giants are high, destroying their homes, ruining their hopes, and even blood sacrifices to the universe, just to let them recover in a short time!

The dignity of the entire universe is trampled by them!

Life is like paper, pigs and dogs are not as good!

They can't wait to let these giants live and die. Now the Su Shi people are invincible, and they are pushing the heavens to dominate. The whole person who is playing the hegemony is in the mud, rolling thick blood, sputtering out, and dyeing the whole starry sky. !

The shocking picture makes the people shout.

This is the wrath of the living beings of the universe. It is too embarrassing and spectacular. It is full of chaotic ruins and rumbling!

"I don't accept it. When I survive, you will all die. The Xuanhuang universe will not be in the grass, and the dogs will not stay!"

Feng Tianba is resentful, face-to-face, burning immortal origin, and countering the strongest fighting power. He is dying and fighting back, and his cross-slashing suppression of his Su Yan is extremely difficult to control and must be shaken back!

"One can't live!"

The Lord of the Heavenly Lord snarls, in order to survive, he can give everything, even if it is a big loss, he will live, let the life of the entire universe shut up!

"Kill him, Susie killed him!"

The snoring of a sentence is still snarling, containing anger, burning with anger, burning the entire chaotic ruins, and a bright red!

Endless killing, echoing in the universe, shaking away the darkness and blood, let them see the light and hope again!

The expectation of the endless people prompted Su Yan’s battle to burn, and the whole body surging the terrible power of the gods.

A pair of fists dyed red blood, and lived in the heavens, terrible!

"Do not!"

Feng Tianba is desperate, this punch is too brave, unstoppable, the boulevard has collapsed, and the sky is full of avenue fragments, and this day has collapsed!

This punch carries the hope of too many people, almost carrying the mysterious yellow, carrying hundreds of millions of creatures, so the horror is endless!

"Kill it..."

Su Yan roared, raised his fists and thundered, and blasted the power of the sky, and squatted on the body of Feng Tianba!


In the end, this behemoth cracked, and Su Yanyi boxed through the body, and the heart was blasting!

For a moment, the scene is terrible, and the picture of the fallen of the immortal is quite scary.

The entire chaotic ruins have been dyed into blood, really like the end of the universe, shocking people!


In the end, Su Yan took out a sleek sword, and Hula slammed up and cut off the head of the tyrant!

Su Yan did not give him any time, even the opportunity to speak, directly smashed his head.

Poor this overlord, just recovered to the heyday of the era, was killed by Su Yan, the head was cut off, and even the gods were slammed by Su Yan smashed into looting!

The entire chaotic ruins are boiling, echoing the roaring sound!

They saw hope, although the darkness was short, but the cost was too heavy and full of compassion.

Now Su Yan uses a flesh and blood fist to kill an immortal giant, let the endless souls cheer, the powerful strong are all convinced, there are Su Shi people sitting in the town of Xuan Huang, who dares to commit.

Some people directly kneel down, tears in full of tears, and screamed at Su Yan: "The outer universe, the three giants are in turmoil in the world, and they are also invited to shoot the people, calm down the disaster, strengthen my mysterious yellow, kill the enemy!"

"Human Su Su!"

"Strong my mysterious yellow, killing foreign enemies!"

"Human Su Su!"

"Strong my mysterious yellow, killing foreign enemies!"

Countless people kneel on the ground, praying to Su Yan, shouting, they all escaped from the outer universe, and now the entire outer universe is human purgatory, terrible!

Su Yan, should be born.

"I want to kill the hegemony of the world and prove my eternal avenue."

Su Yan is full of radiance, such as a master who is the only one who respects me. This is his belief, too strong and terrible.

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