Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1365: White fog change

A group of white mist, blazing, the interior gradually appeared, the picture of the flow of time ....

The years are like a reversal!

Su Yan saw a long-awaited world through white mist, which made him horrified and excited. He felt that the human body had hidden treasures and finally had to unblock it. As long as you can figure out the white mist, you might find it. The means to refine it.

This thing is wrapped around the Suyan Yuanshen, always a hidden danger.

However, Su Yan has some doubts, why is it related to the Emperor?

After all, it is the emperor's list, and the stimulating white mist begins to awaken!

No matter what the reason, he has no time to think now, and his heart falls directly into the mysterious world of white mist evolution.


Su Yan’s ears seem to have heard the sound of reincarnation, his heart broke into a run-down world, and the sky is full of time and light, and the fragments of the years are amazingly difficult to elaborate.

If Su Yan saw that the world was destroyed, like the entire world, it began to be destroyed and eventually turned into nothingness.

Next, his eyes can't see anything, and nothing can be seen clearly. This is the time and space of white fog, chaos...

The time passed, a long, long time passed.

Su Yan found out that the broken world, but soon surging out terrible vitality, it seems to be chaotic, creating a new world!

If the heavens and the earth are reorganized, the birth of the spirit, the birth of life, the outstanding people, restore the sacred weather of the cultivation world.

"what is this?"

Su Yan’s heart is confused, but I really don’t understand it. What is the white mist that is evolving? Is the world he sees now immortal?

After all, it is too sacred and magnificent, and even the earth is filled with immortal matter.

It seems that this is a kind of material that can make people live forever. The immortal substances that are smashed into pieces are beginning to converge toward a certain boundary.

Heiner and the rivers, this land is bounded by the heavens and the earth, as if in the birthplace of the heavens and the earth.

Su Yan saw the picture, everything is due to the white mist, but this source direction, but it is particularly terrifying.

Everyday is blood, too tragic, and the dead are hard to estimate.

"This is the picture that I have seen in my memory!"

Su Yan felt shocked and incredible. He once saw the same picture in his memory. Now he sees it again through the white mist!

Is this the destination of the ultimate battle? Is this the source of his white fog?

Su Yan has scalp tingling. It seems that the origin of white mist is even more amazing and ancient than his own imagination. It is related to heaven and has a great connection with the ultimate battle.

Even if it is traced back, it is far older and older than the end of the war, but the record of time and space is simply not clear.

He has wide eyes and wants to remember the world. He will definitely look for it in the future!

Only when Su Yan concentrated on watching and watching, he was shocked and stunned. It was so extraordinary, and the peerless treasures followed one after another. He had never heard of it and couldn’t say anything.

However, Su Yan Jing Tong Qi Men secret surgery, naturally can generally see how uncommon they are, can definitely nourish the dragon and phoenix, the overlord is not to mention.

In this broken world, I have experienced a terrible battle, and the sky is killing the waves, the emperor spreads, and the giants breathe into pieces!

The pervasive storm here is really destroying the earth and destroying the earth.

Only some terrible treasures are still barely retained, and the disaster is not directly collapsed.

But the disaster is still going on, it is cruel and scary, one is comparable to the existence of the ancestors of the immortals, all in despair and mourning, even Su Yan sees the supremacy of the steaming emperor, they are drinking, the emperor Blasted!

"Is the emperor dead?"

Su Yan’s face is white, what kind of war is this, the emperor is dead? Is it the existence of the ancient Emperor?

Undoubtedly, the destination of the ultimate World War I is not in the Xuanhuang universe, 19:89 in the immortal Tianyu, and even Su Yan seriously suspected, in the emperor road!

Will it be at the end of the emperor road?

After all, the white mist was activated by the Emperor, and Su Yan saw these bizarre and quirky pictures.

"Dark, I seem to see the darkness!"

Su Yan’s look was awkward. He felt that he had caught the dark matter, but he couldn’t see anything clearly. Is this his own eye? Still in other special reasons?

After all, what Su Yan saw was a white mist.

In short, the ultimate battle, the destruction of the earth and the destruction of the earth, the emperor are dying, the fairy giants have fallen successively, the whole world is like a weeping blood, many terrible treasures have been beaten and no longer exist.

"Is the Emperor in the Chamber?"

Su Yan’s thoughts are like electricity. I want to find the figure of the ancient Emperor and see what place the founder of Heaven is in.

But unfortunately, these pictures are only the corner of the battlefield of the ultimate battle. For Su Yan, everything in the eyes is too strange to see any familiar substances.

However, at this time, Su Yan’s heart trembled!

"It is, how is it possible!"

He was eclipsed, and he saw a **** scorpio, and broke open a strong treasure, and rose up!

How can Su Yan forget this thing? He used to sleep in it.

The **** scorpio is still floating in the fairy mountain of the ancestral star, and Su Yan named it Xueshan Longyan.

"What is this thing?"

Su Yan couldn’t think of it. In the battlefield that ended World War I, I saw this **** Scorpio.

The moment when the **** scorpio emerged, the world trembled, just like it exploded!

In the spirit of Su Yan, it is difficult to bear, to see the next picture, he strives to release the light of the gods, to see all this!


He saw that at the moment when the **** scorpion broke out, a big hand with horror and boundlessness covered it, enriching the ancient emperor, like the emperor who lived in mythology, and took the blood. Scorpio.

Su Yan is screaming, how valuable is this thing?

Once upon a time, the ancestral hall was also searching for its traces. Until today, even the ancestral temple master did not know that this **** scorpio was not in the ancestral star, and it has been lost.

The origin of this thing Su Yan does not know, now he sees these terrible giants, is competing for the **** sky, you can imagine that it must be particularly valuable!

An old big hand, flowing the emperor, directly grabbed the corner of the body, to take it away.

This coffin is also extremely hard, and the emperor is making a loud noise in the process of scrambling, as if to break.

However, this day is too evil, and it is difficult for the Emperor to break the carcass. I don’t know what material it is made of.

They competed with each other, almost fighting, making the entire battlefield more violent, completely a group of supreme giants are killing, in the shopping, inciting the reincarnation of the years!


Suddenly, at the end of the heavens and the earth, there is a breath, the scent of sizzling is too horrible, the mountains and seas are dry, and the battlefield is trembling.

He seems to have crossed thousands of times, and his figure is between the fields, and the atmosphere is supreme!


Su Yan's blood was boiling, and finally saw the Emperor of Heaven, the founder of Ancient Heaven, standing on top of the Scarlet Sky!

The moment he came, the end of the battlefield passed more than a dozen buzz, one followed by a terrible existence, against the ancient heavenly emperor!


An ancient tripod emerged from behind his back, flowing through the light of the world, the moment it turned, the whole time and space exploded, and then reorganized in accordance with its rules!

One by one, the big hands of the ancient Emperor, are twisting, shuddering, and even bleeding!


The whole battlefield is violent, too many people start, kill it!

The ancient heavenly emperor is majestic, overlooking the entire starry sky, domineering!

The descent that floated in the heavens and the earth directly turned into a giant axe and fell on the palm of his hand!


The axe smashed down, the heavens and the earth were divided, and the strong killing and slashing, the sky was like a weeping blood, and the arms of one and the other emperor were cut off!

What is this god?

Jane is unstoppable, the emperor must temporarily avoid the edge, and he is standing on top of the **** scorpio, waving a giant axe, and squatting for nine days.

Then, the whole battlefield roared, and one after another, the presence of a smoldering continent, the breath seemed to be one, which covered the entire battlefield and shot at the Emperor.

It seems that their goal is to be a **** scorpio, to take it away!

In this battle, we must destroy the entire time and space, and bury the entire history of blood-stained!

Su Yan can't see anything, and the white mist is hard to record this kind of confrontation. In short, the Weiwei, the pressure of Su Yan's soul is stiff, difficult to move, and can't see any world.


In the end, Su Yan saw this **** scorpio and was opened.

From this moment on, Su Yan’s soul was swallowed in. He felt that the world was very quiet and seemed to be buried in the middle!

"Nothing? Why didn't you?"

Su Yan was shocked, was it white mist, was swallowed into the sky?

Therefore, the picture was interrupted. After all, Su Yan glanced at his evolving picture through white mist, so all of this experience has a very important connection with white fog!

Although in the middle of the shackles, there is also a vague blast!

"I want to let the world have no emperor........"

Like the snoring from Senlu Purgatory, it shocked the entire battlefield.

Su Yan was awkward. Didn’t all the participants die in that battle? Didn't any one survive?

But what about yourself? What role did you play in it?

Su Yan’s heart was difficult, and even everything began to move away from the battlefield. The **** Scorpio was sent out of the battlefield. Over time, it came to the Xuanhuang universe.

In any case, Su Yan and the **** scorpio, even the white mist, the three of them are closely related, and the ultimate battle, has a very important relationship!

Soon, Su Yan’s spirit returned.

He is still standing on the platform of the emperor's road. The experience just now is as good as the blink of an eye.

The white mist is still the same, and it is still the same.

Very bizarre experience, Su Yan suddenly, eyes once again look at the emperor.

The emperor's list is empty, reflecting Su Yan, sprinkling down the sacred light, and finally shining on his body!


Su Yan made a low-pitched voice, and the metamorphosis broke out!

In his body, his blood is boiling!

Even under the stimulation of the Emperor's List, the human body has a more horrible and ancient potential in eruption!

This feeling is like the moment when the most horrible potential of the human body was activated in the wild, the critical moment of Su Yan’s **** battle.

"This potential, in my body, there is still more ancient potential!"

"If you can dig it out, you can't!"

Su Yan Yang Tian shouts, a long black hair dancing!

Under the reflection of the Emperor's List, the most ancient and primitive potential resonance in the human body is also followed by unsealing!

Originally it was very exciting, but when the ancient potential opened, it made Su Yan hungry.


Su Yan’s eyes suddenly reddened, like many years have not eaten, too hungry!

Hungry, he wants to eat everything, even wants to eat the entire platform and fill his stomach.

In the end, Su Yan's eyes were on the body of Xian Hongde, and there was still a large amount of immortal material.

He captures the energy and replenishes the flesh. Once he is not nourished and can't satisfy the empty potential supply, he is likely to die.

what is this?

Or, on the road to the transformation of life, to complete an awakening?

Even the white mist changed again!

It pressed over and let Su Yan's soul tremble. What a mysterious and magnificent mist, such as carrying an ancient history, directly into the soul of Su Yan.

"not good......"

Su Yan’s face changed dramatically, and the Yuanshen swallowed a real dragon, and they all spurred Su Yan, and even his life imprint that was suppressed for a short time was dull.

The flesh and the gods have changed dramatically at the same time.

Su Yan felt that she had a big problem, and she couldn’t help but the consequences were serious. After all, it was a double crisis.

(big chapter)

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