Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1366: Ancient potential

"Strange, why is it that the emperor's list is not finished?"

"Is his potential very strong, in the emperor's list, touched a stronger potential?"

Outside the time and space, the sturdy immortal strong face is cloudy and uncertain, and the results are somewhat beyond their expectations. The Su Yandi nomination is already difficult to stop. Even if the Xianzu once again has a young strongman, it will not stop it. !

They completed Su Yan for no reason, and also lost a young overlord, and his heart was smoldering.

But now, the Emperor's List is still shining!

The immortal inheritance is ancient and has a certain understanding of the nature of the emperor.

Nominee for the list, you can get an opportunity!

In the process of the Emperor's list, there is no doubt that some deficiencies in cultivation can be explored!

For the young overlord, this opportunity is of course the most important thing.

Therefore, the nomination of the emperor is a desire of all the monks, so every time the emperor road is opened, the shopping on the emperor's road is extremely scary. It will attract the young hegemons of the world to participate in the war, only to cross the emperor. Taiwan, qualified for the Nobel Laureate!

However, it’s really rare for such a long time to be shown.

Perhaps Su Yan's potential is stronger and can be tapped.

Naturally, it is not a good thing for the immortals, and there are cruel rules on the emperor's battle platform. There is only one place for each battle platform. They have no hope for the treasure. If they are in the future, they can be on the other emperor's road. Go to the front and get qualified!

"This stuff is what he is doing!"

At this moment, the immortals are really angry. Su Yan is extracting the immortal material in Xian Hongde's human body. He is a young overlord. The immortal material in the body is very strong and terrible!

In fact, in the immortal sky, there are some auctions, there will be auction auctions of the bodies of the immortal!

After all, if you have enough immortal material, you will be able to rely on external forces to familiarize yourself with the warfare and step into immortality.

Only when you step into immortality will you be qualified to dig deeper into the essence of life. Shouyuan will also skyrocket and be qualified to touch the path of Xian! 1

The mortal body of the immortal is of high natural value, and the more immortal materials are sealed, the price is exceptionally striking.

But the bodies of young overlords, how many auction houses dare to bid?

Even the body of the immortal hegemon is even more amazing, and now Su Yan directly extracts the immortal material in it, to nourish the flesh, which completely angered the elites!

"Sucking and sucking..."

Su Yan’s eyes are red and low, and he is madly absorbing the immortal material in Xian Hongde’s human body.

Massive immortal material nourishes the body of Su Yan, visible to the naked eye, his body is blazing, the process is amazing, the transpiration of blood rushes out of the body, such as a strip of dragons around the body of Su Yan, turning it off !

"Pervert, this metamorphosis has improved!"

Zhang squatting, full of excitement and joy.

Nanhuang, they shrugged, and they have become accustomed to it.

Su Yan got a big opportunity to dig out the shortcomings of the human body. Now, with the immortal material in the body of Xian Hongde, it is crazy to nourish the flesh!

However, these are not enough, not enough.

Su Yan is too hungry, like hunger and thirst for 10,000 years, his eyes are red, the energy in Xian Hongde is strong, but for Su Yan, not enough, not enough!


In the end, he opened the emptiness treasure of Xian Hongde, the treasure house of the young hegemony of the immortals. When you think about it, you will know how spectacular it is. There are more than 30 treasures in the light of the immortal material.

There are even many immortal Golden Dans, and there are not a few.

No matter what, as long as it helps to nourish the physical potential of the cavity, Su Yan absorbs and fills the ancient potential of the human body.

Su Yan’s approach is extremely crazy!

Because he feels that, like a new step into the cultivation world, in the restoration of the initial situation, if the energy is insufficient during the awakening process, Su Yan is likely to face death!

"No, some are wrong!"

The old leader’s face changed slightly and said: “Su Yan’s state is not right. He is crazy and somewhat frantic. What happened?”

"It is estimated that the upgrade is too strong, and the excitement is overdone!" Baocai erected his big ears and responded.

"Su Yan is awakening!"

At this time, outside the emperor's battle platform, the sound of Long Jiu rushed: "Fast, providing energy with a lot of immortal material, ancient history is loaded, some metamorphosis in the study of immortal evolution, it will be terrible The change, Su Yan should open up the ancient potential, need a lot of immortal material to nourish!"

"This is a golden opportunity. Once the nourishing is completed, Su Yan will be rebuilt. Even if he is standing in the five heavens, then the immortal material in his body can also skyrocket. This is too important!"

The Kowloon City has been shaken, the body has been strengthened, and the immortal material that has been bred in Su Yan will climb again. It is likely that the five-day sky will have six days or even seven days!

The West Buddha **** in the cool air, and Su Yan is equivalent to experiencing the initial situation. He is equal to entering the second layer of awakening.

This is very important for Su Yan, but also a deadly threat!


When Yuan Meng’s spit and the chest undulating, the human body tilted a lot of immortal material and rushed to Su Yan’s shell.

When his energy just touched here, Su Yan’s meat shell glowed, swallowed, and swallowed it all at once.


Yu Yuan’s surprise, his body constantly reversed the immortal material and helped Su Yan wake up.

"Work hard together to help Su Yan wake up!"

Iron **** all activate the immortal material in the body, along the time and space, drifting into the body of Su Yan.

Such a huge amount of immortal material makes Su Yan's body more brilliant!

The place where he practiced sitting on the plate, the spirit is rolling like the sea, the energy runs through the Han, the sky!

Even, one after the other, the dragon of immortality prance, pierced the Scorpio!

The whole universe is sensation, what is the situation?

Eight great immortal strong, leaking the power of the body, almost do not want to release, as in the work.

After all, they are eight, relying on their own potential, so the immortal material spit out is amazing, just like Wan Long started, and then into the body of Su Yan, to provide him with strong support!

"The Emperor, it is estimated that in the breakthrough, get a big opportunity!"

There are old people, the picture of the battle table makes many people tears, the strongest group in the universe join hands, the total suffering, the picture touch their soul!

Xuanhuang, the strongest of the nine strong advances and retreats, a total of difficulties, this is a love, infected them.

"What are they doing?"

The changes in the emperor's battle platform made the faces of the elites of the immortals dark and uncertain. After all, there was a layer of seals. They could hardly see everything in their eyes. They just saw the eight immortal strongmen leaking energy in the body. Help Su Yan evolve.

"I have a bad feeling!"

Xian Huiyu said coldly and coldly: "I personally went to crush him, he is not dead, I am not at ease!"

She wants the lower bound and kills Su Yan.

Although I can't see the specific picture, but the emperor's list is empty, reflecting Su Yan.

The eight immortals joined forces to vent their energy and help Su Yan wake up. God knows how strong it is.

Once the evolution is complete, Su Yan will inevitably become stronger, and the future of the Xuanhuang universe will really come out of a supreme supremacy!


The two ancestors of the Xian family shook their heads at the same time. One of them said: "I will immediately pass on the family, open the cross-domain transmission array, summon the strong family of the family Shouyuan, and enter the Xuanhuang universe, as long as you can send a fairy. Strong, everything is not a problem."

A group of immortal strong people are silent, and their group has a lot of strong roads that the Shouyuan has dried up, and the big limit is coming.

The great master of the immortal family also said that the hope of storming the Xuanhuang universe is there, but only two or three percent, and we must not let Xianhuiyu take risks.

A group of strong people with near-life life will be degraded, but even if they kill one or two, it is enough to suppress the entire Xuanhuang universe!

"How much does it need!"

Time passed slowly, and the South Emperor couldn’t stop it. The remaining immortal material in the body was really limited.

He is distressed. They lack resources in the Xuanhuang universe, and they consume a lot of immortal substances. It takes a long time to recover!

"God knows, fight!"

The amount of roaring, fiercely said: "I hope that Su Yan can step into the fairyland with a bang, we have nothing to lose, as long as the time is enough to recover, but Su Yan's chance is too rare, suddenly survived, it is difficult to get The second chance."

The old leader did not say a word, tried his best to vent the power of the body, and even included the massive source of life of the human body, and also penetrated into the body of Su Yan!

"The water of the West Lake, my tears!"

Baocai issued a pig-like sound. After all, it is the most amazing. Its vitality is as strong as the dragon. The power of the pandas that flow out of the body of the pandas can not be met. A drop of blood is a treasure.

Such a huge amount of energy, the energy needed to continuously nourish the sulphate, the loss is particularly serious.

Time passed slowly, and a fragrant time passed...

The South Emperor, they can't stop, want to receive the moment!

Suddenly, their flesh is somewhat uncontrolled, the body's thin and immortal material, madly leaked out, even with their flesh and blood, and also madly leaked!


Yuan Yuan is trembling, and the massive amount of life is leaking. They all look aging!

"Su Yan, what are you doing!"

The blacksmith was frightened. They were eight immortal strong, uncontrolled, **** and outflowing, and life began to drain. If this continues, they will die!

Long Jiu was all frightened. He had seen the second awakening, but he had never seen such a sudden awakening, and the eight strong men were not controlled, and the blood leaked out through the body of Su Yan!

If you continue, the eight great immortals will face death!

Suddenly, Su Yan, who was sitting under the Emperor's list, changed his face, indifference, calmness, and a pair of eyes, like the bottom of the sea.

He changed, cold and ruthless, like the emperor on the high, although he did not distribute any powerful air, but his posture is condescending, as if the whole world, he is at his feet!

This gesture, let the old leader blast their scalp!

Su Yan at the moment has completely changed, like becoming another person!

Treasures are scared, is this still Su Yan? It’s as cold as the emperor of the palm of your hand, it’s unattainable, and it’s hard to look straight!

"I am dying!"

The South Emperor is as big as a bucket, what happened to Su Yan? It seems like a person has changed.

Eight great immortal strong, blood leaking, life is quickly exhausted, really is going to die!

This painful voice rushed into Su Yan's ear and made his soul tremble!

"Do not!"

His life imprint is roaring and fighting wildly!

His faint mark of life erupted, and he renewed his spiritual will in the gods, and he had to control the gods!

Because of the white mist and the combination of Su Yan Yuan Shen, it is necessary to wipe out his spiritual will!

Su Yan lost control of the flesh in a short time, his life imprint was dimmed, if it continues, then the old leader will die!

It seems that the white mist will use Su Yan's body as a station, and it seems that because Su Yan's body is strong enough, white mist wants to occupy!

Su Yan’s facial expressions show his state, sometimes painful, and sometimes calm!


Baocai whispered: "The big thing is not good, his body is a big problem!"

The South Emperor wants to cry without tears, they are really dying, and the blood is about to dry up.

In fact, if they rely on their own breakthroughs, then they will really die. After all, they lose their immortal material and are destined to die.

“Quickly think, what should we do?”

The eyes of the old leader are all red. It doesn't matter if he dies. But once Su Yan has a big problem, everything will be abandoned.

"One sand, one world, one leaf, one bodhi........"

Suddenly, the wonderful sound of Buddhism sounded, and the old Buddha of the West Buddha was like an old man, sitting on the battle platform, kindly and kindly.

His double palms are in one, and the mouth is full of Buddhist scriptures.

Even behind the West Buddha, there is a big Buddha, the future of the mouth, the vast scriptures floating out, like metal pouring, full of texture.

The long river of the scriptures runs through the frontal bones of Su Yan.

This is the whole story of the future, and it is heard in the soul of Su Yan, such as a big bell of Buddhism, roaring!

Lost Su Yan, like a sputum, his life imprint shines in the gloom...

(big chapter)

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