Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1369: Imperial blood

In the past, a treasure trove of ancient heavenly courts has been handed over to the Cosmos.

Su Yan was only known in the past few years. What kind of Su Yan is in this treasure house is not clear. Although the purple family masters the position of the treasure house, they can't open it. Only the disabled can open the secret treasure.

Since Baocai returns from trial and trial, the universe has reached the critical moment of life and death. At this time, do not open the treasure house to take out the things inside, and wait for it!

Seeing Su Yan’s absent-mindedness, Baocai stunned, and the moment of the coming of the war, Su Yanlai’s purple home made it?

"Farewell to a woman, warm and warm feelings?"

Baocai suddenly treacherously smiled and thought of Zi Xiu Ning, a charming woman.

Su Yan knocked on Bao Cai’s big head and shook his head. “The purple family has a secret treasure. It has been sealed for a long time. I don’t know what it is. The purple family has a strong person and says this is the universe. A treasure house left before the seal, perhaps some strategic resources inside, can help us resist the disaster!"

"The treasure trove, the ancient heaven left?" Bao Cai was taken aback, it will not be the killing weapon left by the ancient heavens?

Su Yan is also eager, Tianting can leave a group of strategic treasures, which can help the Xuanhuang universe to tide over the difficulties.

"When you go, you will know."

Nowadays, Su Yan is close to the life star of the purple family. The two strong men have never covered their own air. Just came to this ancient star of life, and the purple home has already exploded!

"Welcome to the Emperor!"

The Zijia ancestral gate opened, and Zihong led a group of purple strongmen to come out to greet them. The scene was very lively. Many people in the purple family felt a lot of feelings. After a hundred years passed, Su Yan became the strongest hegemon in the universe!

No one knows the battle of the Imperial Road.

Now Su Yan is driving the Purple House, Zihong has already understood that Su Yan is estimated to be directed at the secret treasure.

"Su Yan, you are here."

The voice of laughter came, Zi Xianning also walked out of the ancestral land. This kind of woman, bright and enchanting, she wore a red dress, which perfectly outlined her plump and white body. .

Now Zi Xiu Ning, glamorous and dazzling, with a confident smile on his cheeks, a pair of narrow eyes swaying, and a smile is trepidation.

"Xiu Ning, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Su Yan smiled and accompanied by a group of purple strongmen, entered the Zijia ancestral land.

Su Yan is still the first time to come to the Purple House. After all, the family is a group of people who are in charge of the cosmopolitan business alliance. The foundation is prosperous. However, in the past ten years, the foundation of the purple family has been consumed very much. Su Yan has been submerged in Chaos Tower. I have done some of the strongest treasures in the Purple House.

"Su Yan, are you coming for the treasure?"

Su Yan and Zi Xiu Ning walked in front, talking and laughing, looking relaxed, but the hearts are heavy, the enemy outside the field gathered, the Xuanhuang universe is really at stake.

Seeing Su Yan nodded, Zi Xingning’s nephew sighed and sighed softly: “The cosmic catastrophe, how much you have, you can hold the Xuanhuang universe.”

"Do you want to hear the truth?" Su Yan asked.

"Crap, it must be the truth." Zi Xianning turned a blind eye, and now the universe is living, everyone wants to know, this disaster, in the end can not stand.

But who dares to ask.

"With me, no one is attacking."

Su Yan smiled awkwardly, but his fist was already clenched. His heart was really bottomless. Once the seal was really torn by the immortals, they simply don’t know how strong the immortals are and how strong they can be. The storm is against the mysterious universe.

Zi Xiu Ning ate a smile, although she did not believe it, but Su Yan stood here, let her feel a safe, and immediately said: "The accumulation of the universe of business alliance for many years, there are many treasures, if you need, you take away Let's go."

"When I open the secret treasure, take a look at it, what's the matter?"

The group walked in the Zijia ancestral land, crossed an ancient land, and soon the destination pointed to an ancient transmission array.

They set foot on the transmission array, and they were transferred several times in succession.

"I am very careful." Baochai is very different, and his heart is increasingly expecting the secret treasures. Maybe he will seal up a group of treasures left by the ancient heaven.

"That is natural, although I don't know what is in the secret treasures, but all the ancestors have passed down the ancestors. We can't be scornful. How many times, my family has been guarding the secret treasures and guarding this secret!"

Just then, they came to the final transmission array, which was close to the destination.

Something unexpected about Su Yan is that a black and white altar is located in the sky and even drifts aimlessly.

This is a mobile type of transmission array, extremely rare, and even saved for such a long time, showing how mysterious this altar is.

"Su Yan, this is the location of the treasure house. You can enter the treasure house world by opening the altar."

Zihong pointed to the altar and said: "I have discovered in the past few years that the altar is faintly shocked, and it must have reached the time when it can be opened!"

In fact, even if you have a strong master who has mastered the Ding Ding before, you want to open the altar, but you have not been able to open the altar space and get the mysterious treasure stored in it!

In general, the means of preservation of the treasure house in the past was very perfect, and it would not be possessed by the strong speculators.

"let me do it!"

Baocai can't wait to throw the broken Ding in the past and land on the ancient black altar!


The ancient black altar was quiet for a long time, and as the dying fell on the altar, it suddenly gave off a faint glow of energy.

The atmosphere of the Ding Ding and the altars blended together, and began to oscillate, even affecting the fluctuations of the rolling energy, and they reached Su Yan on their bodies!

"Need an initial pass."

Su Yan was amazed, let go of the flesh, and swayed the initial mysterious fluctuations of everything, and went through the altar.

The initial image is the password to open the altar, and the black altar is accompanied by the dying light. As the vast scriptures are scattered on the altar, the altar trembles with violent screams.

"To open it!"

Zihong is excited, but also wants to take a look, their purple home guards the altar of the endless years, what is hidden in the end.

Baocai also has wide eyes and excited fangs.

In the process of illuminating the ancient black altar, the altar was smelt as a whole, and it turned into a black space-time vortex, with the vast and ultimate cosmic energy of the universe being released!

“Is it the gateway to the origin of the universe?”

"That is, once the universe returns, you can open the treasure house in the altar."

Su Yan’s nephew was radiant, and the treasures on the side couldn’t stand it. He urged: “Hurry up and go, so as to avoid the occurrence of moths. This entrance is estimated to go in once, and our chances are only once!”

"Go, let's go in and have a look!"

Su Yan nodded, and the breath wrapped around Zihong and Zi Xianning, and swayed into the whirlpool.

Zihong naturally looks forward to being incomparable, guarding the treasure house of the long years, always has amazing value, and may also be of great help to the present universe.


As soon as the pedestrians stepped into the whirlpool, they turned around.

Powerful, such as Su Yan's god, has been affected, but he still keeps clear, can see that space is jumping, like jumping to the other end of the universe, another world of the universe!

Immediately, the time and space in front of us stopped turning, and they came, a world in which there is a vast universe!

Zihong is in a daze, the whole world is grand to the extreme, the purple gas is transpiration, the universe is in full bloom, there is a kind of river flowing along the river, and the pre-historic atmosphere is surging!

Suddenly, they gave birth to a kind of induction, in this grand and extreme space and time, as small as dust.

Even Su Yan and Bao Cai are the same, have this feeling!

They were shocked, and Su Yan was eclipsed. It is reasonable to say that the current Xuanhuang universe is quite serious and cannot be called a complete universe. Why is the universe's origin and time so vast?

“Does the original world of the universe still retain the potential of the immortal world?”

Su Yan was shocked and stunned. Is it true that the future of the Xuanhuang universe will be restored to the prosperous era and restored to the time and space of Xuanhuang Tianyu?

If this is the case, then the future of the Xuanhuang universe, the potential must be terrible to the extreme.

Powerful, such as Su Yan, can not see the entire time and space, he feels that he is extraordinarily small, really like dust, in this vast world of origin, it seems so insignificant.

“Where is it made?”

Baocai is eager to see the source of time and space, eager to get opportunities.

Su Yan quickly converges and starts a search, looking forward to discovering some treasures.

But no, he has been looking for a long time, and he has not found it. It is not even possible to explore the entire time and space during these times.


Zihong is a little scared, the source of time and space, there seems to be no substance!

"Perhaps, what special methods can be used to open the treasures of the time and space storage." Zi Xiu Ning said.

"A special way?"

Su Yan slightly frowned, he tried to find out whether the initial period can be excavated, but unfortunately, there is no reaction in the source time and space, even if the Ding Ding did not lead to a hidden treasure house.


At this time, Su Yan's pupils were blazing and shining, as if they were wearing the original time and space, Shen Sheng said: "The treasure, hidden in the source of time and space!"

"Don't sell off, just say." Bao Cai urged.

Su Yan sits cross-legged, the whole person is solemn, with the moment of the full-scale fluctuation of the Yuanshen in the frontal bone, the corner of the source of time and space is presented in the eyes of Su Yan!

From this moment on, Su Yan’s heart is splitting!

He seems to have seen one after another a chain of gods drilled out, as if falling down from the sacred scorpion, each one is as thick as life, and the weather is horrible.

This is a myriad of orders, criss-crossing, just like the formation of the supreme life of the dense map, filled with the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, difficult to understand, because it is too deep, seems to involve the strongest essence of the essence of life evolution!

Su Yan feels subconsciously, and seems to be connected with Qimen.

What is the treasure left by the ancient heavens?

"what is that?"

Zi Xiu Ning exclaimed, Su Yan spurred the origin of time and space, but also ushered in a great change, there is a mysterious glow, rendering this time and space, brilliant!

Suddenly, they saw a drop of gold blood, some fuzzy, but flow down the time and space!

A drop of blood, infinite, thorny, their eyes are difficult to open, the atmosphere contained in it is hard to imagine.

"The blood of the emperor!"

Baocai, this is the blood of the emperor, you can meet the unsuccessful creation, is it the most powerful secret treasure seal seal, is this drop of imperial blood?


This blood, violently turned up, banging, the whole source of time and space are shaking, ups and downs, like the once Xuanhuang Tianyu, it is boiling!

The blood of the emperor turned into a figure, which looked very far, but he stepped across the rivers of the years, from far and near, peerless and powerful, and came to the original space.

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