Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1370: The secret of the evolution of the universe!

Su Yan is catching it, the breath of the ancient Emperor, this is the blood of the Emperor!

His heart was tidal, and the blood of the Emperor in the Treasury was emptied, and the blood of the Emperor turned, and he became a figure and descended into the original space.

"The treasure here is bound to be a big deal!"

Su Yan’s double fists are tight, and since it is related to the blood of the emperor, it shows that the secrets hidden in this source and time are of vital importance and must have a great relationship with the crisis of the universe.

The value of the blood of the Emperor is unimaginable.

Any monk who gets the blood of the emperor is an opportunity to go against the sky. If you are born out of the game, your talents will become extremely strong. You will be close to the avenue, and most of the future roads will be smooth.

The whole source of time and space, dazzling, Su Yan, they look at the figure here, the heart is revered.

“It seems to be the young age of the Emperor!”

Su Yan whispered, but unfortunately he could hardly see the appearance of the Emperor, and he couldn’t remember his appearance. Is this Diwei? Hard to describe.

Did the Emperor leave the inheritance? Teach them in the source space?


A loud bang exploded, shaking the soul.

The figure of the emperor's blood was turned, his hands slammed, and the whole source of time and space turned with it. The movement was too shocking, and the heavens and the earth turned, creating a horrible vision.

Su Yan seems to see that the hands of the Emperor of Heaven are pushing, and the whole piece of time and space is like a huge yin and yang fish!

At this moment, the source of time and space is loud and loud, and there is an endless chain of order, and every chain of order is like the supreme road!

It seems that with the hands of the ancient Emperor of Heaven, the heavens began to shift and rearrange. He is here, creating the reincarnation of the heavens.

This weather, this gesture, if it promoted the former Xuanhuang Tianyu, it is really terrible!

"A drop of imperial blood, to promote the source of time and space, this is to evolve some kind of inheritance, what is this inheritance?"

Zihong was horrified, he couldn't understand it at all, and even the soul of the earthquake had to faint, even if it was a treasure, it was staggered by the mighty atmosphere of the source space, and the eyes of the pressure were constantly blackened.

Baocai tried to open his eyes, wanted insight, and wanted to learn this kind of school, but it was really difficult to do.

"What is the inheritance of this, even need a drop of imperial blood to promote!"

Baocai is in a hurry and wants to know. He wants to see the inheritance and want to learn.

When Baocai saw Su Yan in silence, it did not dare to ask, for fear of affecting Su Yan.

This kind of movement, the duration is not long, just a fragrant time, slowly restored calm.

"I think that the energy of the blood of the emperor seems to have disappeared a lot. The evolution just now has a great loss for the blood of the emperor." Zi Xianning is slightly frowning. Once the blood of the emperor is exhausted, will the inheritance be ruined?

"The magical power of the evolution of the emperor?" As for Zihong, they are sluggish. What is the end? It is necessary to promote the blood of the emperor to promote it. In the end, what is the unreceived inheritance? Is it the supreme master of the ancient heavenly emperor!

Su Yan was still sitting cross-legged, and the figure did not move, but in his pupil, there was a flash of sky and order, and others could not understand, but he could understand it.

It is really horrible to rewrite the space and space and recreate the mysterious yellow.

In fact, this is equivalent to the alternative Qimen Avenue, but the Taoist method of the evolution of the ancient Emperor is not the Qimen Avenue, there is the supremacy of the righteousness, he can use the initial interpretation.

In order to learn the fruits of the imperial blood, the initial is essential!

"What is the evolution of the ancient Emperor?"

Su Yan studied for a long time, he was a little confused, he could not understand, because it was too deep!

If you say that it is extremely difficult to build a martial art, this is the way to kill, and it is very difficult to get started. You can always find a way to get started.

But now the evolution of the ancient Emperor of Heaven, but Su Yan is confused, it is difficult to see what it is, or even what the ancient Emperor is expressing.

However, Su Yan feels that something evolved from the blood of the emperor is likely to have some major connection with the supreme life of the universe!

"Is it?"

Su Yan’s fierce tongue, in his heart, said: “Don’t, the things promoted by the blood of the emperor are the secret of the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe!”

"God, the secret of the evolution of the universe, is not the strongest nature of life has evolved!"

Su Yan’s eyes are instantly red, the universe evolves, who can intervene!

Many powerful people are hard to do for their own life evolution and life exploration, but what is the extent of the evolution of the universe driven by the blood?

These forces of the Xian nationality attacked what the Xuanhuang universe is plotting. It is not the evolutionary mystery of the Xuanhuang universe.

But now, the secret of this evolution is directly in your own eyes, which makes Su Yan's heart tide, this is an opportunity against the sky!

To understand the secret of the evolution of the universe, will it be difficult for its own evolutionary path?

Strictly speaking, the Taoist method promoted by the imperial blood is not a school of extinction, but it is not a supernatural power. It is the process of evolution of the universe that is presented to Su Yan, which evolved in the form of Tao.

"What exactly is it?" Bao Cai blinked and saw Su Yan's eyes red, excited and trembling, which made Bao Cai anxious.


Su Yan's body is blazing and splendid, flowing with the initial supremacy of all things. Since it is the path of the universe, then if you can get the secret of the evolution of the universe and prove your own immortal road, it is really amazing!

"You are crying, how do you cry and laugh?"

Baocai looked at Su Yan with his panda eyes. He was very happy, but now he is very embarrassed.


Su Yan sighed and glanced at Tiebaocai.

Bao Cai’s heart was stunned and caught the threat. Then Su Yanteng’s sudden standing up and grabbing Baocai was a beating.

"Are you doing it, being a ghost?"

The source of time and space echoed the screams of killing pigs. Suddenly, Baocai was a copper-reinforced iron bone, and it was also swollen by Su Yan.

Zihong and Zi Xiu Ning look at each other, what is the situation?

"Don't fight, don't fight!" Baocai took out a white flag and waved it. It looked too bad, and his face swollen into a pig's head.

"I really want to bake you."

Su Yan's stomach is mad, if Baocai goes out early, if you open the treasure house again, the situation is quite different from the present!

If Suyan has enough time to understand the secret of the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe, he is sure to repair the incomplete Xuanhuang universe!

He believes that the former Xuanhuang Tianyu suddenly fell off the position, but it is not comparable to the general universe. If Suyan repairs the universe before the immortals come, then the immortals want to come in, the difficulty will be Bigger!

Even if you master the secret of the evolution of the universe, you may be able to control the energy of the entire Xuanhuang universe!

However, it is too late to say anything now. Although I got the secret of the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe, even Su Yan can dare to realize before the immortals come in, but I want to repair the broken universe at this stage. very long.

"How do I know there is a treasure house here..."

Bao Cai’s body was cleaned up, and he heard Su Yan’s saying that he also knew the importance of the matter.

Once the immortals come in, they have no bottom, and the Xuanhuang universe is likely to sink.

The contrast between the two is too great, which makes Baocai bitter face, knowing that there is such a thing, and then handed over the disabled to Su Yan.

"Don't say it, I want to retreat with all my strength!" Su Yan Shen said: "The change of the Xuanhuang universe, if I can get it, the future battle will also be of great help, enough for me to add wings!"

"Su Yan." Zi Xiuning said: "If you stay here for retreat, the military is afraid that it is unstable. You are now the pinnacle of the Xuanhuang universe. It is reasonable to play against the strong people."

"Reassured, my two incarnations, you can go out and sit in the town."

Su Yan closed his eyes and said: "Next, I will try my best to observe the evolution of the blood of the emperor. Can you understand the luck before the coming of the catastrophe?"

At the same time, the two major Suyan stood out.

"One gasification Sanqing, you mastered the complete article!" Tiebaocai was shocked. When he left, he turned his face and hurt his head and took out a Baodan.

"I count your kid, there is still."

Su Yan’s eyes lit up and pinned Bao Dan.

"This is Wu Dao Jin Dan, a prehistoric medicinal herb, which is said to be an eight-pin phoenix remedy." Baocai shook his head: "I got the last two of the Dragon City collection, I used to eat one, now The rest of this one, this medicinal effect is amazing, there is Enlightenment Jindan help, your enlightenment speed has skyrocketed dozens of times, even hundreds of times, it is said that this medicinal medicine is too difficult to refine, the value is not inferior Jiu Pin Dan medicine!"

What kind of medicine is Jiupin? Is the emperor, the supreme medicine, who can refine it?

Su Yan was shocked. In the past, he absorbed nine turns and returned to Shen Dan, and he saved the mark of the gods. This kind of medicinal medicine is so hard to cultivate.

"Enlighten Jin Dan."

Su Yan swallowed the medicinal herbs, and the medicinal properties directly penetrated into his gods. The true spirit of Su Yan was blazing, and the insight was more than ten times more violent.

This medicinal medicine is quite outrageous, and it is worthy of the eight-product phoenix.

"In this way, I also have certainty!"

Su Yan’s first incarnation retreats, ignites the blood of the emperor, and wholeheartedly pays attention to the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe.

At the same time, his two incarnations left, and a large number of chaotic treasures were taken from the Zijiabao library before the departure. At the time when Su Yan returned to the emperor's battle platform, many family powers had returned and they were handed over to Su Yan. A variety of treasures.

He waited here for a long time, and the treasures he had mastered climbed at a horrible speed.

The amount of tens of thousands of pounds of various kinds of treasures is quite scary, which is a great fortune.

"The South Emperor is here."

Su Yan’s gaze looked over, and the Nanhuang was also rushing to the fire, bringing out the town’s treasures from the Dala Dynasty.

A road map, the moment of opening, the enlargement of the catalogue, is enough to cover the sea.

This is the Dalu dynasty that has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years. The top dynasty masters of the dynasty have been painstakingly studied, but only one or two of them can be arranged.

"Su Yan, how?"

The South Emperor looks forward to the hope of a great help to the disaster of the universe.

Su Yan Yuanshen's power is scattered and spreads over the killing map. If he breaks into the ancient world, there are thousands of illusions. He feels that his powerful spiritual power is imprisoned and locked in it.


Suddenly, Su Yan saw a real dragon, vacated in the wild world, but still could not hold back the power of prisoners, was locked.

The world in which the killing map evolved is like a cosmic prisoner, and the world is closed. Even the real dragons are locked.

"Prisoner locks the dragon array!"

Su Yan looked surprised, a prisoner locks the dragon array, and the powerful dragon is locked!

Seeing the appearance of Su Yan, the South Emperor is very determined.

"A very strong kill!"

Su Yan stared at the South Emperor and said: "No wonder that your group is only one or two of the two. This method is extremely deep, and the hidden scene of the Qimen terrain is so wonderful that you must take the shot of the Master of the Gates before you can arrange it!" ”

"Can you trap the immortal strong?" asked the South Emperor.

Su Yan shook his head and said: "I am afraid that it is impossible. If it is said that this is an immortal celestial domain, I will run out of endless treasures and can arrange the array of trapped Xiandao strongmen, but in our universe, the terrain is weak, and Incomplete, so it's hard!"

"of course!"

Su Yan’s confidence is full: “Even if they are immortals, they really kill the immortal, but this seal is not so good, so I believe that we can balance and reinvent the powerful ones!”

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