Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1371: Prison lock

"There is not much time. I want to refine this big squad as soon as possible. I hope it can help a lot."

Su Yan's two incarnations were shot at the same time, and began to refine the prisoner's lock.

Even he summoned a large number of martial arts masters in the Xuanhuang universe. If this big squad is produced, it will take several months for Su Yan to rely on Su Yan himself. Even if there are two incarnations, it will take several months to complete.

Such a vast array of large-scale, paved help type arrays, can be handed over to some of the masters to complete.

Su Yan has summoned more than 300 masters of the martial arts. As long as he can give him three or five days, he should be able to refine the prisoner's lock.

"You said, will the catastrophe come? If there is a seal in our universe, if the Xianzu is a strong attack, can they come in?"

"Whether they come or not, the Emperor has already prepared, summoned the best masters of the world, ready to refine a set of stunning killings, hoping to stand up to the footsteps of the immortals."

"I can't wait for it, I have the resources available in the family as soon as possible, and I will give it to the Emperor!"

"Yes, the catastrophe is coming, it is all of us, if we can't stand it, the immortal is coming, it will engulf our entire Xuanhuang universe!"

Everyone can realize the seriousness of the situation. Once the seal of the Xuanhuang universe breaks open, the nine immortal strongmen are the ultimate defense. Once they fall, the consequences are unimaginable!

A batch of chaotic treasures were thrown into a large canyon.

In the canyon, Baoguang goes straight to the Han Dynasty, and thousands of pounds of chaotic treasures are piled up together. It is conceivable how spectacular it is.

"What are they doing?"

Outside the time and space, the faces of the immortals in the outside world are very cold, and they have an insight into the changes in the Xuanhuang universe.

Although they are extremely ugly and clear about the specific picture, but some of the big masters caught it, and suddenly sneered: "The intention is to guard the Xuanhuang universe with a big array. It’s really ridiculous, the little Xuanhuang universe, what kind of big master can come out. ?"

The sects of the immortals who came from the immortals, in the vast and immortal world, are highly respected, and each has the ability to arrange the Dalai Dao!

What kind of big arrays can be arranged in the current conditions and resources of the Xuanhuang universe? It’s totally crazy to say a dream!

"Don't worry about them, it's the ultimate madness."

Xian Huiyu shook his head slightly and said: "If you count the time, the strong people of my family should be on the way. When I really hope, the treasure of this universe, don't let us down."

In the emptiness of the sky, the two great ancestors have a calm atmosphere, but even if they are calm, with their strength, it is also the emptiness of oppression and emptiness.

The two ancestors of the immortals, the ultimate strength is too strong, and this piece of emptiness in the breath is tremble!

Similarly, the atmosphere of the two great ancestors leaked out, and this piece of imaginary time and space was isolated, reducing the influence of nothingness on Xian Huiyu!

"Xuanhuang treasure, not the same!"

Among them, a black robe old man stood up, his face was like a deep pool, he couldn't see any expression, and the breath was slightly shaken. The heavens and the earth were dull.

"Tairan ancestors."

A strong strongman respectfully said: "It is said that the Xuanhuang universe still contains a priceless treasure. A million years ago, my family attacked the Xuanhuang universe, but there is no clue. I don't know what this treasure is?"

Xian Tairan is the ancestor of the immortals. It can be called the ancestors. The strengths are very different. The living years of these people are very long, and there are many ancestors of the immortals. I don't know, even the strong ones of the dead fairy are not very clear.

After all, no one will leak out the home. In the past few years, the three ancestors of the Xian family came to Xuanhuang, but they fell directly.

And he is the only one who survived. The reason why Xianhuiyu survived, as long as she is the descendant of Xiantailan, and also the child he is proud of, the practice is fast into the realm of the peak!

"I don't know what a special treasure is."

Xian Tairan shook his head: "A million years ago, since the end of World War I, the Xuanhuang universe has also fallen from the state of immortality. In that year, it was not only my family, but also other groups attacking the mysterious universe!"

"However, the strong black universe of the year was born, and there was the power left by the heavens. The battle lasted for a long time, and the black universe that was playing would collapse, and the universe's origin would be broken at any time!"

"Ultimately, Xuanhuang has sealed the universe and moved the universe to jump in the void of time. From then on, it is difficult for us to lock the coordinates of the Xuanhuang universe."

Xian Tairan sighed, and it was not clear what the treasure was about. Perhaps this treasure had been taken away by the other group of strong people as early as a million years ago. This is still a mystery.

According to the news he got, it was a **** scorpio, and it was suspected that it had a major connection with the end of the war!

Even the Scarlet Scorpio was brought from the end of the World War I battlefield, and was brought to the Xuanhuang universe by the ancient heavenly powerhouse.

This is one of the evils, but until now, the Scarlet Scorpio is still missing.

Xian Tairan did not know that this thing is still not in the Xuanhuang universe. He thinks that the possibility is very low. Such an important thing may not be long gone.

At the other end of nothingness...

The strongest of the returning family of the Tianzhu Yimai returned, bringing the things of the ancestors!

Seals have also been placed here to isolate the void.

Tianzhu is very careful to do things, so as not to be perceived by the elites.

"Miss Zhu Yao has come!"

The emptiness of the time and space of the seal, gathered here more than a dozen strong people quickly got up and greeted, look very respectful.

Returning to the ancestors of the group's ancestors, not only returned, but also followed a silver woman.

Her exquisite beauty, graceful and beautiful, is very beautiful.

Zhuyao's skin is white and white, and she is bright and shining. She is the pearl of Tianzhu, and it is far-reaching. Among the descendants of the gate of Xianmen Road, it belongs to the man of the wind.

Zhuyao looks beautiful and moving, but in reality, the human body is looming and arrogant!

Her body is blazing like a heaven and earth furnace, and her vitality is strong and the end is strong!

We must know that this person is relying on self-excavation of potential, stepping into the immortal arrogant woman, and even the body is exceptionally amazing. It is not comparable to the general hegemony. In the status of Tianzhu, it is enough to rank in the top ten.

Dignified Tianzhu, but once the world's **** Xianmen Road system, enough to rank in the top five Zhuyao, identity and status is more transcendent than Xian Hongde, the strength need not say more, but a generation of celestial bodies.

"The ancestors of the ancestors, can be so good to take away." One of the ancestors of Tianzhu Xiaomao said: "Zhuyao, after all, is an outstanding disciple of my family, barely able to take the things of the ancestors."

"Here is the mysterious yellow universe?"

Zhu Yao’s eyes looked at the Xuanhuang universe, and he frowned slightly. “The former Xuanhuang Tianyu actually fell to this level and was said to have been polluted by the darkness!”

She shook her head slightly, and her face was disgusted and disgusted. It is said that the ancestor of the family, who was still following the strongest of Xuanhuang Tianyu?

This is a bit ridiculous, and it’s not a laughing stock to pass them out.

"The majority of the immortals have to storm, and we should not worry about it for the time being."

At this moment, a strong person from Tianzhu said: "Although the ancestor can penetrate the seal and **** us into the Xuanhuang universe, it will inevitably cause a series of fluctuations. As long as the Xian attack is over, we can also enter the Xuanhuang universe. ""

At this moment, Zhuyao Emei said: "The bamboo that the ancestors sat down, in this incomplete universe, is also very powerful, is it really helpful to us?"

"In any case, you have to give it a try. Maybe you can really confirm the fallen land of the ancestors!" The ancestors of Tianzhu said: "This matter is of great importance to my family, even if there is a chance, Can not give up!"

Zhu Yao’s slight decapitation is indeed very big. Once you find the land where the ancestors fell, it is likely to get a chance!

Time passed slowly, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the city of the dragon, one after another, the ancient 傀儡 傀儡, the immortal level of the series of ghosts, one after another, like the nine chaotic gods, filled with the power of the heavens!

The West Buddha was shocked, and the nine great scorpions were all immortal.

It is a pity that only the immortality can exert its strength. Now they have mastered the embarrassment, the momentum is violent, and the realm is climbing fast!


They are excited and shouting, they have the help of the prime minister, and the fighting power is soaring, just like the eight great immortal peaks are born.

But what is regrettable is that you need immortal material to support the battle, so even if they are mastered, it is difficult to maintain a long battle.

In any case, on the day of the crisis, you can master the shackles. This is equal to the snow in the universe.

At the same time, in the Grand Canyon, two days and two nights, all the masters of the line did not sleep, engraving 100,000 units for Su Yanming!

This is really a shocking number, of course, there are also damaged materials, but now I can't take care of it, how fast the refining speed is, and how many times it has made a huge array of two days!

As for the two incarnations of Su Yan, quietly engraved the core array.

Fortunately, there are eight products to help each other. If this is not the case, Su Yan is also extremely difficult to complete in a short time.

In the entire Grand Canyon, the formations of the turbulence, hundreds of millions of people began to bloom, burning the light of killing.

In these few days, the Xuanhuang universe has also undergone great changes. The countless stars have become unmanned stars. This is a big migration!

Once the immortal strongman comes, the war opens and I don’t know how many stars will be destroyed.

Another day passed, the atmosphere of the universe has been suppressed to the extreme.


Su Yan’s nephew was cold and clear, and the outer universe came with a group of fairy powers!

Seven consecutive Shouyuan fast-drying Xiandao strongmen came to the emptiness of time and space, staring at the Xuanhuang universe with cold eyes.

The death of Xian Hongde, they have received.

The whole fairy was furious and up, and the appearance of a man's emperor appeared. The stimulating immortal family exuded the flames of fury and anger, all because of the fall of Xian Hongde and the completion of Su Yan.

A person's emperor's list has caused a big storm, but this is exclusive to Su Yan, and has nothing to do with their immortals!


Xian Tairan’s tone is very cold, and the seven great immortals are in harmony: “I have seen the ancestors of Tairan, we have already prepared, I want to see, the seal of the Xuanhuang universe, how strong it is, the seven people join hands. Can't you tear a hole?"

The seven great immortals are strong, the blood is dry, and there are not many longevity.

But their strength is here, once they fight, they can also shoot in the heyday in a short time!


The voice of Xian Tairan has just fallen, the world has changed dramatically, and nothing has been trembled!

A loud bang followed with a blast, which was heard throughout the Xuanhuang universe.

This is the lower bound of the seven immortals, the scorpion is cold, to kill the Xuanhuang vein, blood wash Xian Hongde's shameful shame!

(also in the evening)

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