Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1372: Remnant fairy

The seven great immortals, along the space guide of the emperor's battle platform, crossed the emperor's battle platform.

Just as they were about to land on the stage, the atmosphere broke out.

This is a whole seven imperial powers. For the Xuanhuang universe, it is equal to the Seven Great Supreme Giants, and the breath is more than a horror!


The seven great immortals screamed and swayed, like a demon who broke the shackles, and the power was shaken!


For a moment, they broke free of the emperor's road and began to sprint toward the Xuanhuang universe. The momentum was followed by a complete unblocking, and the atmosphere became more and more horrible.

Time and space are twisting, and the world is extremely difficult to carry their successive outbreaks!

The entire universe is sensational, even if there is a seal across the door, they still feel the terrible of these people, the world is amazing, people have not yet arrived, the vast expanse of the momentum has been bleak.

"They are coming!"

Countless people, their hands and feet are also cold, although they say that they are prepared, but the true strength of the witness to the power of the immortal, they are also horrified, the strong in the field of immortals, after all, is still amazing!

I don't know how many people's fists are clenched. I hope that the seal can block them. As long as they can withstand the temptations of the seven strong men, the immortals will never rashly attack again, and they can fight for more calm periods.


For a moment, the seals outside the Xuanhuang universe roared, and the terrorist airflow was derived. One after another, a hundred million weights broke out in an instant.

The entire seal, led by the power of the Emperor's flag, instantly unblocked, and suddenly, the spirit of the Xuanhuang universe, as if to see the return of millions of troops who have been enlisted for millions of years, sit in the town of Xuanhuang, Megatron!

The mighty power of killing is surging, and the law of the heavens is filled with breath, enough to kill the energy of the fairy road!

The emptiness of time and space has collapsed, and the big cracks have been one after another, spreading continuously toward the distant world, and the movement is too great.

At the crucial moment, Xian Tairan shot, trying to suppress the air machine that seals the awakening!

Their immortals don't want the second person to know the coordinates of the Xuanhuang universe. Now there are many ancient Taoist systems, all searching for the whereabouts of the Xuanhuang universe in the empty space.

"This seal is really strong!"

Xian Tairan is cold and open: "The stronger the person, the stronger the repression will be. The fairyland has a certain chance to rush in. If I rush in, I am afraid that the energy of the whole seal will be directed against me. ”

What is the identity of the ancestors of the immortals, it is impossible to be in danger, and once they fall into the seal, the blow to the immortals is too heavy.

The entire seal, like a giant battle flag, was held in the shadow of a vague figure, to wave up and blow up the power of the Seven Great Downers.

But this is not the strongest state of the seal!

This seal is strong and strong, and the seven great immortals follow the lower bound of the space-time tunnel excavated by the emperor's battle platform. Therefore, they are now in the center of the seal and have great hopes to rush down!

"Crash in!"

The seven great immortals are roaring, the dry blood is rapidly rising, and the depleted body functions are erupted, and one behind them is followed by a path of immortality!

Every fairy road is intertwined with the law of endless immortality, the order of rules, and each road begins to turn as they erupt, and it is full of luxuriant Xianwei, and wants to break this line of defense!

The seven powerful, Megatron days, suddenly life is not much, once violent, the momentum is also ridiculously outrageous, with the seven major fairy road resonance moments, the seal seems to have collapsed, forced to force a way out!


The fairy tales of the immortal squad are stunned, and the eyes are not blinking at the seal. The seven strong men have a tendency to run through the past. As long as they can tear a trace of seal, there is bound to be a hope to rush into the mysterious universe!

"Don't they rush in?"

Many people are desperate, all over the body, and they feel that the seal no longer exists. The energy of the seven powerful people is unreserved, and will be crushed into the mysterious yellow universe. If they break into the mysterious yellow in this state, who can match!


Some people exclaimed, seeing the seal land that is about to collapse, suddenly awakened out of the stalwart waves of the ancient dragons, the original vague figure of the prehistoric big brother, fiercely ignited, it is just like the ontology!

For a moment, the shadow of the prehistoric big brother, holding the flag of the Emperor of Heaven, swaying fiercely, the entire Emperor's battle flag banged and danced, and the mighty army of hundreds of thousands of troops killed!

"Do not......"

The seven great immortals are trepidation, this power is too overbearing, they must evaporate their souls and collapse their meat shells!

"The key moment is coming!"

The immortal sect of the immortal line is nervously watched, and the seal is very strong. It is dominated by the Emperor's battle flag, but it is not difficult to crack. The real variable is the energy split left by the prehistoric big brother. Once he is in charge of the Emperor's battle flag, it is equal to revitalizing. The entire domain!

"It is the energy left by my eldest brother."

Su Yan also rushed to see the prehistoric big brother swaying the Xinghai, dancing the power of hundreds of millions of troops, overwhelmingly against the strong seven elites.

Of course, these seven strong men naturally made complete preparations, and the killing of the sky was about to feed on the flesh. They also sacrificed the armor at the same time.

There are black, there are cyan, there are gold, there are five colors.......

Seven sets of armor, lightning-like resurrection, such as the sleeping master of the awakening, the armor is filled with the power of the immortal, the powerful set of seven against them!

However, despite the guardianship of the seven priceless armor, the moment when the Emperor’s flag was hit, one after another, the immortal, issued a near-desperate embarrassment, and the armor collapsed, it is difficult to resist the battle flag. Power!

The power of hundreds of millions of troops has been crushed, and God has stopped killing God.

There is hardly anything that can be stopped. There is a strong power of the immortal and the armor collapsed, and it is blown up into a blood.

It seems that the most splendid fireworks and firecrackers in history, the picture is magnificent to the extreme, this is the picture of the fallen giants, but not just one, two people blasted the flesh, and even the other five are tremble, the power of hundreds of millions of troops Coming soon!


Xian Tairan is stunned, his eyes are red, and the strong ones of the longevity of the Shouyuan, but he and the strongmen of his contemporaries, now killed two in succession, and even lost two sets of armor.

They are really worried that the seven powers are directly destroyed!

"Play well, play well!"

In the Xuanhuang universe, the excitement of the call is constant, too many people roar and shout, tears in full bloom.

With such a tyrannical seal breaking, who can tear a hole down to Xuan Huang?

Most of the seven great immortals will be destroyed here.

However, just in the power of hundreds of millions of troops, it is about to sweep into the remaining five strong moments with a wild attitude!

A sparsely-stricken old man rushed forward and sacrificed a golden decree to fight the power of the billionaires that the big brother waved.

The purpose of the law is crystal clear, but the atmosphere is quite simple, the years are difficult to measure, just in the burning of the law, and the moment of enlargement, time and space have been smelt into a **** hole, the power of horrible breaking out is born!

"Breaking the Ground!"

In the distance, Zhu Yao, who was watching the war, was shocked and said: "The immortal is a big handwriting. This is the decree of the law. It is the power of the immortal material to condense and crack. This thing can break through the emptiness of time and space, and cross the vastness of nothingness!"


The ancestors of Tianzhu Yimai are shocked and flirtatious. This thing is extremely valuable. Since the immortals have come to the seven powerful, they must be completely prepared. There are seven sets of armor guards, and the precious demolition law is also prepared!

This thing is too expensive, the Xianmen Road system is very limited, and there are terrible time and space energy, you must cultivate the time and space of the immortal to the ultimate strong, in order to refine it, these characters can be all powerful superpowers!

"Zhuyao, prepare it, the movements of the law of breaking the border will be very big, this is our chance to enter the mysterious universe!"

When the voice just fell, Zhuyao had already taken out a bamboo strip, and the pale green bamboo strips looked plain and unremarkable. In fact, at the moment of recovery, a green and green glow bloomed, and every shrine was filled with the supreme law order!

This is the ancestor of Tianzhu. It is absolutely possible to open a road. This thing is more expensive than the law of breaking the border. I don’t know **** it. The price is higher than the sky!

Just in the resurrection of bamboo strips, stabbing at the moment of seal.

On the other hand, the demolition law broke out and turned into a golden hand, hitting the power of hundreds of millions of troops.

It seems that the golden hand and the power of the billions of troops are extremely difficult to compete, but the decree of the law has spurred the power of destroying time and space, and it is hard to kill in the hundreds of thousands of troops to open an ancient tunnel!

"Fast lower bound, only one breath time!"

The five strong men, one after another, a strong strongman burned the battle, resurrected the ancient armor, they are like a fairy star, the roar suddenly shocked down.

The five strongest people began to follow the tunnel and rushed to Xuanhuang!

"It is!"

Xian Huiyu was full of flowers, and Yan Rong was full of surprises.

However, the smile on their faces did not last long, and the cracks in the time and space opened by the decree were suddenly blown up!

One breath? Half a breath of time can't hold on!


The endless horror of the killing order blooms, like hundreds of millions of swords, rushing to the five strong!

Five strong fears, why is it so strong?

Who is the geek who is in charge of the flag of the Emperor, and the power is too overbearing!

"No chance, you sacrifice, help us succeed!"

The sparse old man is roaring with red eyes. This is the only chance. The decree has been wasted. If it fails, their lives will stay here!

The two immortal strongmen stood up and did not hesitate to burn the road of the fairy road!


The land of killing, the birth of a storm, the roaring roar, the sky.

The two great immortals sacrificed themselves, but they only resisted the short-lived time of the killing force, and then their bodies collapsed.

Countless killing forces once again sank and rushed to the three great powers.

However, they are very close to the Xuanhuang universe, and half of their feet have stepped out of the seal zone. When the terrible killing power is hit, the top three are smashing, one after another, and the mouth is vomiting!

At the crucial moment, the armor of the armor burns, the most powerful force, guarding their bodies.

The sky is full of killing, and it’s fierce.

The three great immortals, the strong men's heads are scattered, the flesh and blood are blurred, and they are almost unfamiliar.

But they survived, the armor broke and fell.

Their blood-stained body rushed out of the seal and succeeded in the mysterious universe!

"Three Remnants!"

Su Yan’s eyes burned with raging fire, and shouted: “I also want to enslave my mysterious yellow veins, come, kill me with me, kill them!”

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