Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1374: Reincarnation

Su Yan’s chest glows, and the spit rounds echo, swaying down and hitting Fairy Jin!

The fairy screams, this is a **** picture, the world is unbelievable.

The geniuses of the immortals have all been vented, and they almost screamed. We are here watching you show your strength and sweeping the veins of Xuanhuang.

The result was just shot, the fairy Jin was almost killed, and the screams continued, which made them really doubt the life.

Even Xian Tairan was too angry, and he was shocked. What method did Su Yan use, affecting a disabled fairy?

It should be known that Su Yan’s reincarnation mystery has once again evolved. In the process of prehistoric big brothers reincarnation of the reincarnation, Su Yan’s life-threatening spirit absorbed some of the medicine of the reincarnation medicine, which led to the evolution of the life-threatening power.

This round of fruit is the ultimate treasure medicine, although the big brother was only ripened to six or seven percent, but it is already an invaluable treasure medicine, and its medicinal properties make Su Yan's reincarnation secret surgery evolve again!

Nowadays, Su Yan just shot, and directly broke out the means of extinction at the bottom of his pressure box!


Su Yan Daxie, the chest also shines, drilled out the symbol of the day, all over Su Yan's palm!

This slap has a roaring thunder of the sound of the blast in the void, his palms blazing, lingering six reincarnations of light, smashing to the head of the fairy Jin!

The peerless crisis has come, and the fairy has made a scream of screaming. If it is killed by Su Yan, it can really be stinking for thousands of years!

"Little beast!"

The fairy snarls and screams, the weak body that is affected by the reincarnation shines, and the flaming fairytale order blends in the human body, which produces an abnormally overbearing energy substance, which suppresses the aging of the human body and stabilizes the physical injury!

His entire body was densely ordered by the immortality, but Su Yan’s slap was also hit down and slammed into the brain of the fairy.


The fairy shudders, the brain melons rumbling and screaming, and the sound of the iron is made. His skull collapses and cracks, spilling blood and reddening the face.

Fairy Jin looks like a sly ghost, looks too bad, but he also solved the biggest crisis and countered the invasion of reincarnation.

"Hey? Your skull is too strong, it won't break. It seems that it is rare to kill you."

Su Yan screamed, I thought I could take advantage of the fairy gold, and I really thought more!

The true immortal is the true immortal. The strongman who stepped into the path of immortality is too strong. His fairy Jin actually can wipe out the power of reincarnation. Of course, the reason is that Su Yan’s reincarnation is still not in the state of the immortal field.

If it is really the power of the reincarnation of the immortal, I am afraid that it will be directly damaged by a fairy face, and even kill him directly!

"You ants, still want to kill me? I want to ride on my head, something that I miss!"

Fairy Jin was almost mad by Su Yan. He was angered, his eyes were red, and the broken body broke out the symbol of the immortal order, and he suppressed it against Su Yan!

I have to say that the strong in this field is amazing.

Su Yan This is the first time to face the strong man of Xiandao. Although it is a remnant, but the order of the immortality of the activation, the heavy like a million stars fall, let the powerful Su Yan have some suffocation!


The order of the fairy tales is shining, and there are forces that turn the tide of the river, resulting in a raging storm, rushing to Su Yan!

Su Yan's human body is blazing, the initial force of all things blooms, the body is invaded into the universe, and the momentum of the whole person has also changed. The grandeur is burning like a furnace, stirring up the weather!


Su Yan's palms pinch the fists and hit the order of the fairy tales. Although there is a realm of suppression, the immortality is suppressed.

Can a sinister Su Yan fear, a fist to blow through the light of the order of the immortal, killing the fairy before Jin Jinjin.

Along the way, many people were shocked and stunned. The order of the immortality was like a knives. The skin of Su Yan was cut, and his fists were bleeding. However, Su Yan’s gas was long and the fists were fierce and killed!


A thunder bang blew open, and the light was rolling, and it was straightforward!

Su Yan’s fist, on the palm of the fairy waving, is like hammering on the iron of the immortal god, letting Su Yan’s body tremble, the whole person is struck by lightning, the blood in the body is unstable, in the chaos .

He is eclipsed, and he is the strongest of the immortal world. In this state, Su Yan is extremely difficult to play!


Fairy Jin’s palm was also numb, and he was shocked by the physical strength of Su Yan. The palm of his hand slammed forward and tried to suppress Su Yan.

However, at this moment, the vast world, falling down a piece of film, white, a dense inch, time and space, rushed to the body of the fairy Jin, and even turned into a chain of avenues in the process, locked the legs of the fairy !

The power of the prisoner's lock dragon array is being released. This set of big killings has exhausted thousands of pounds of chaotic treasures, and the value is amazing. The power is naturally extremely strong.

The action of Fairy Jin was slow, especially the big hand that hit Su Yan, and it was almost stiff!


Su Yan’s nephews are all up, the flesh is burning, the breath is full, and how strong it is!

Fairy Jin's face was blue and green, and the declining flesh glowed, and suddenly it broke the pattern that bound him.

However, this pattern continues to flow, no matter how much it breaks, there are still new patterns falling down, locking the fairy Jin!

Fairy Jin is really angry, and his eyes are big, this is a double-field, not only can lock them, but also the power of the prisoner, they can hold them.

This leads to their extremely slow movements, which is equivalent to the abolition of part of the combat power!

Su Yan killed, and the fairy was killed together!

Su Yan is completely fighting, recruiting and seeing the blood, the starry sky is destroyed, and the deafening loud noise is transmitted, shaking the soul!

"He can actually fight with the dead!"

The outside of the strong strong face is ugly, the emperor's list reflects, it seems that Su Yan's body is stronger!

If one, the power of the remnant, one face can hit Su Yan, after all, there is the suppression of the immortality, it is difficult to make up for the battle.

"The main reason is that the killing is very strong, and some of the strengths of the three strong players have been abolished. I really didn't think that there are such talents in the Xuanhuang universe!"

There is a fairy tales who are cold-minded: "We must get the inheritance of Qimen, which is very important to our group!"

The three major sacred priests were trapped in the prison of the heavens, and the nine immortals attacked the three scums!

In the whole killing, the gods are rolling and killing!

This is almost a fight to kill, although there is killing and isolation, but the terrible breath continues to infiltrate, spread throughout the Xuanhuang universe, and stunned the world!

"They are too strong, strong like Su Shiren, they are extremely difficult to fight and hurt their flesh!"

Wanling is also frightened. Is this the strongest in the field of immortals? The three major immortals have been hurt to this point, and they can still block the strongest means of the Xuanhuang universe. If it is the true immortal in the heyday, the consequences are unimaginable!

"I see how long you can live!"

The fairy is cold and open, and continues to fight with Su Yan, although it is extremely difficult to find Su Yan.

However, for a long time of fighting, Su Yan was trapped in the fairy furnace, and then was trained. The light of the fairy road in the sky would pierce his body and make him a gang of ash!


Su Yan's incarnation blood, like a dense sword mark, to be crushed by the immortal order, he screamed in the sky, the overall momentum is violent!

For almost an instant, he rushed up and grabbed the arms of Fairy Jin with both hands.

"you wanna die!"

The fairy is low-pitched, the blood-stained body glows, the force of the remnant is surging, and the arms are like the evil dragons in the resurrection. The shocking Su Yansuyan's flesh and blood are blurred, and even his entire body must be torn!


Suddenly, the distant world, the avenue of the avenue.

The pieces of beads sprinkled down, and the crystals were brilliant, and 36 beads were flying.

Along the way, the avenues of the celestial radiance glow, and soon the momentum is rolling, crushing the world of mountains and rivers!


The light of the avenues of the thirty-six avenues of the fairy boules blooms fiercely together, as if a fairy road has evolved, revealing a sacred fairy.

Su Yan's second incarnation decisively shot, pushing 36 avenues of fairy beads, attacking the fairy prince.

"Sindao to treasure!"

Fairy Jin’s face was so heavy that when the crisis hit, his arms shook and screamed with horror, running a fairy sorcerer, the whole arms were huge, the fairy radiant, the inner strength was extremely overbearing, and suddenly Su Yan’s first incarnation flew out.

But the thirty-six avenues of fairy tales have already covered, falling from the sky, the screaming fairy screams, the flesh of the heavy body is shaking, the wounds are magnifying, the cracking, the blood is rolling, like a waterfall!

"Dare to count me, you are looking for death!"

The fairy was angered and angered. He was so badly wounded that he was injured and was counted.

If he is not strong, he will be crushed by the thirty-six avenues. He will open his mouth and spurt a light of the fairy tales, which will enshrine the universe and lead to the 36 avenues.

However, the first incarnation of the fairy **** Jin Zhenfei swooped and once again killed him.


The fairy is not clear, he is not afraid of death?

It should be noted that these two are the incarnations of Su Yan, and suddenly it is a war dead, why not, as long as you can kill the fairy Jin, everything is worth it!

"Reincarnation, bloom!"

Su Yan Daxie, the chest once again shines, the light of the reincarnation covers the battle of Fairy Jin!

"This battle will definitely win!"

Tianzhu's powerful fists clenched, three major battlefields, and isolated the three disability.

Baocai dominates the Kowloon Seal, and the West Buddha dominates the Devil!

The other two disability were trapped, and they relied on killing space to check and balance them.

Of course, the most important thing in this battle is Su Yan. The two incarnations are all out, one is in charge of the series of martial arts, and the other is in charge of 36 avenues!

This battle is unpredictable by the immortals. Xian Huiyu’s faces are gloomy. I really didn’t think of the nine immortals, and I can resist the attack of the three disability!

The most important thing is that they rely on the treasures of the Dragon City, and their combat power has soared to the six or seven heavens, and they have the ability to resurrect the resurrection and killing the harvester.

As for the weapons of the three major remnants, they are all destroyed on the road of seals!

Su Yan issued a long shout, and the power of reincarnation broke out as long as his fairy Jin failed to a certain extent, Su Yan must be sure to kill him!

The light of the reincarnation of the sky covered the flesh of the fairy, and his breath was once again greatly reduced!


The ruined madness, the starry sky, the decaying flesh began to surge the horrible soul!

"Let them be strong, and they can't hold back the suppression of the power of the gods!"

Xianhui Yu’s jade hand is tight, this is the soul energy of the immortal level. Since the fairy Jin resurrected the Yuanshen, it is sure to suppress Su Yan.

Only she was worried that the fairy couldn’t control it, accidentally wiped out the soul of Su Yan, and when she brought back a corpse, it would have little value.


Fairy Jin’s forehead glows, and the fairy scent of the gods blooms, rushing to Su Yan’s knowledge of the sea!

This is the killing of the gods, the power is extremely difficult to defend, and it is aimed at the imprint of human life!

The strong confrontation, perhaps for a moment, the multi-party is directly killed by the gods, the death of people!

"Not surrender, only one dead road!"

Fairy Jin cold drink, he does not want to launch the soul power, once hurting Su Yan's knowledge of the sea, it is likely to make his memory blank!

"You just think too much!"

Su Yan’s nephew blooms cold, his forehead is blazing, and the soul is leaking!

The vastness of the Buddha's light, impacting the entire time and space, accompanied by the grand Buddha's voice, deafening, enough to penetrate the human soul, as if to promote the fairy to the super.

(There is still at night!)

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