Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1375: 斩 仙 仙!

Fairy Jin was shocked, Su Yan's god, almost possesses the fighting power of the immortal level, and even masters the ultimate **** of heaven, the future!

"How can his gods suddenly become so powerful?"

"He just entered the immortal world for a few years, but the strength of this god...."

Outside the time and space, the strong face of the fairy squad is amazed. I remember that before the emperor's road, Su Yan was confronted with Xian Hongde, and did not show such outstanding Yuanshen power.

However, this is only a short time, the energy of the Yuanshen that Su Yan blooms is no less inferior to the level of the fairy.

This is too outrageous, right?

Even if the entire young generation of the immortal is outstanding, with the strength of these gods, one hand counts!

And this kind of person, which one is not the eternal Tianjiao of Megatron's immortal Tianyu, they are depleting rare resources on the road of Yuanshen's growth, but can be a resource-poor Xuanhuang universe, how can the Su Yan's gods be promoted To this field?

This variable is too big, is it related to the Emperor? However, the Emperor's List is not likely to give the resources of Su Yan Zhuang Yuanshen!


The bang blasted like a thunder in the void, and shot the soul!

Although the fairy **** of the fairy **** is powerful, but he is strong in the seal of the black and yellow, the vitality is greatly damaged, and the gods have also suffered serious losses. It is not a heyday.

"I don't believe in the **** of a little thing!"

Fairy Jin is low, even if the Yuanshen is not as good as the heyday, he does not believe that Su Yan can block the gods of the immortal.

The rolling souls of the vastness of the soul suddenly burst into one another, one after another, drowning in the sky, screaming the horrible soul light!

However, letting the Yuanshen storm surge in the tyrannical, it is impossible to touch the soul of Su Yan.

It’s as long as it’s been separated by an era, and it’s hard to reach!

This is the future, just like sitting in the future time and space, the law is not invading!


Fairy Jin’s eyes are red, how can this be? He ran the strongest metaphysical killing, and he could not hurt Su Yan's god. This result made him panic!

Yes, he panicked, because his body continued to decline, the power of reincarnation invaded his blood and bones, and his blood and blood in his body quickly dried up. The whole person was crumbling and had to fall to the ground!

"Hurry up!"

In the other two battlefields, the crisis encountered by Fairy Jin made the two remnants also do their best to resurrect the energy of the gods, with the intention of breaking through their blockade. Once the three remnants gather together, let alone the nine immortals. Even this killing will collapse and collapse!

"I want to pass, it is impossible!"

Baocai issued a ferocious roar, and must not let the remnants tear the blockade!

Even from the beginning of the battle to the present, Yan Yuan did not have a close encounter with the two major sins. It is clear that with their state of the gods, they have the means to erase them.

Moreover, even if they have a strong enough god, they want to collide with a mortal body, which is difficult unless they have Su Yan's physical strength.

After the konjac and the Kowloon Seal, the two treasures glowed, sprinkled down and polished, and arranged a layer of seals to isolate the souls of the two major sacred eruptions, blocking the entire time and space.

Similarly, they are also affected and their eyes are black.

"The old monster's gods are too strong, so they must not be blocked by them, or our gods will be broken!"

The old leader is eclipsed, and once they break open the defense, the consequences are unimaginable!

In the Prison Locks, the battle is more intense. The energy fluctuations are like the waves of the waves. The impact of the killing field is shaking. In fact, if the killing power is not isolated, the damage to the Xuanhuang universe will be very serious!

"Old things, I see what else you have!"

Su Yan killed himself and chose to fight with him.

Su Yan’s other body is responsible for thirty-six celestial beads, and they are also killed!

"The bastard, no one has ever pushed me to this step."

The flesh-stricken fairy is resentful, and the blood-stained body glows, passing out the chanting sounds, and the vastness of the verses, like the scriptures passed down from the heavens, all evolved the true immortal style, which can suppress the universe!

The fairy was mad, and he ran the fairy tales and blessed his own combat power. He shocked him and killed him with Su Yan!

Su Yan knows that such a character is not so good to kill, and he will not take it. He believes that for a long time, Fairy Jin can't hold back his own decline. Moreover, Su Yan continues to influence him with his reincarnation!

In the Prison Locks, the battle became more and more fierce, and all the people began to fight!

This scene made Xian Huiyu's face gloomy. She said, "I want to go down. These elders are not long, and their blood is also dry. Nowadays it is a few remnants. I am afraid that it will not be a big event!"

Now they have to accept this cruel reality, Su Yan they are likely to turn over!

Some immortals are bleeding in their hearts, paying such a large price, they have been blocked by the nine immortals. It is a shame and shame to pass it out. After all, the seven great immortals have been killed. Now there are only three remnants who have survived. !

Hearing the words, Xian Tairan was silent for a while, then he was cold and secluded: "Wait a minute, the strong people of the sects of the sects are desperate to fight back, there is great hope to suppress them, and now it is not time to take risks again!"

Xian Huiyu is so sullen, she is sure to rush into Xuanhuang, although it will be hit hard, but it is definitely more powerful than the fairies.

Throughout the Xuanhuang universe, all sentient beings are paying close attention to it. The war has reached its most critical moment, and the three major sins have begun to fight!


The eight immortal people were violent, and they urged two great treasures to suppress the two major sins.

They can't be chaotic. Once they are chaotic, the consequences are very serious. This battle is also related to the survival of the entire Xuanhuang universe, and they can't go backwards!

"Kill, block them, can't go back..."

Throughout the battlefield, the energy frenzy was stirred up, and the eight powerful men burned the prosperous source of life and contend with the two disability.

As for the other end of the battlefield, the two major Su Yan teamed up, and pushed the anime days to mark the attack on the fairy Jin!

The declining fairy is like a wounded beast, and the head is scattered. The remnant ignites the light of the fairy, and the force of the tyrannical tyrannical power blooms, and the earth can change the sky, crushing the sky and rushing to Su Yan!


Su Yan angered, the two major Su Yan broke out at the same time, the body crossed the sky, attacking the fairy Jin.

Su Yan's two incarnations were violent, and thirty-six cents Zhu Zhen lived in his remnant. Su Yan hit a fist on his chest and made a loud noise.

Originally, Su Yan really had a hard time hurting the body of Fairy Jin, but his body was affected by the reincarnation, and his body of the remnant was declining. This fist banged his chest bones and blood spattered!

The second avatar waved his palm and patted him on the shoulder of Fairy Jin, almost unloading one of his arms!


Fairy Jinci, the remnant of the scent of Xianhui, also hit on the body of Su Yan, but his energy loss is getting more and more serious, Su Yan has thirty-six avenues of fairy beads, he is difficult to tear this Set the defense of the fairy treasure.

"What is the ghost? Peace of mind!"

Su Yan cold drink, Fairy Jin's physical loss is almost the same, energy is almost exhausted, it is difficult to threaten Su Yan.

"I have the means to get rid of you!"

The fairy was angered, and the blood-stained remnant glowed. In the fleshy shell, the sound of my flowing ocean was heard. This is his blood flowing in the whole shell, and the burning moment, the whole body rushed out of the horror Hui!

"Imperial blood is not extinguished!"

Fairy Jin evolved an earth-shattering supernatural power, burning blood energy, and reversing the flesh, which led to his crucifixion rolling, and even promoted the blood of decay, wanting to erupt in the heyday!

Su Yan’s face is serious, and the two avatars stand in the void!

Thirty-six avenues of fairy beads are also arranged around Su Yan, the light of the boulevard, when the 36 major roads of energy blending moments, the order of the immortality is derived, as if opening a Dengxian Road!


This immortal treasure is strong and a big section, thirty-six avenues are intertwined, and the unity has evolved a fairy road!


Su Yandeng Linxian Road, screaming in the sky, the whole fairy swells, such as a generation of immortals, Su Yan feels that they have the power of true immortality, raise their hands and lift their feet, mana!

"This is a treasure.... How is it possible?"

"Thirty-six avenues, is it the thirty-six sects of the Immortal Immortal?"

Xian Tairan is eclipsed. What kind of treasure is this, how can it be so special?

His words made Xian Huiyu red-eyed, and smashed thirty-six true immortals, and extracted the fairy tales and hammered them into thirty-six beads.

If this is the case, the original face of the 36-Fair Pearl is definitely not so strong, but Su Yan has limited strength and cannot play its strongest state!

Su Yan seems to have really the fighting power of the immortality. Every move is surging with the supreme power, accompanied by the power of the fairy!

Successive thirty-sixth of the power of the fairy road broke out, and immediately hit the fairy gold!

The original fairy scent is really stronger and stronger, but Su Yan suddenly awakened, playing the fairy sorrow and tremble, the body's exuberant atmosphere instantly evaporated, like a dead dog flying out!


Fairy Jin spurted a large blood, and his eyes were full of horror. What is this treasure? Can let Su Yan get a supreme battle for a short time!


Su Yan is a big man, and he raises his fist to kill him.

Because there is not much time in Suyan, once you enter this state, you will threaten your own life. It is equivalent to forcibly guiding the path of the fairy through the body. If it is not the second time of physical awakening, it is impossible for Su Yan to lead the way into the body!

"Can't I still stop you?"

The fairy is screaming and screaming, and the blood in the shell is burning again, and the body is swept away, stimulating the dry blood again and again!

When Su Yan descends from the sky, he raises his fist and kills the future!

Once again, the fairy Jin was hit hard, and the whole body was shaking, and there was a big crack, and the blood fell like a waterfall.

He didn't want to live, he couldn't help it, he couldn't help it!

"go to hell!"

Su Yan rushed forward and pulled out the cosmic soldiers and went forward!

A sword smashes the immortal bloom, runs the strongest force of Su Yan, kills the sword and pierces the time and space, is coming to the extreme!

From this moment, the fairy Jin Jin understands what Xian Hongde is facing. The sword is immortal, the sword is not here, and his remnant soul is shaking, mourning, as if he is imprisoned in purgatory, he does not want to live!


There was a big fear in his pupil, and he recognized the origin of Su Yan’s martial arts.

But he didn't have a chance to say it. Su Yan pierced his eyebrows, the soul was smashed, and the whole head was cut in half!

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