Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1379: Zulong mystery!

The initial process is to follow the path of the universe.

This verse has been passed down from ancient times and is profound and profound.

In the past, Su Yan achieved the avenue of success, and dreamed back to prehistoric years. He merged prehistoric fruit with the ancestral sacred fruit of the present world and broke into the realm of the avenue. In the future, he could evolve into a posture like the universe.

This verse is accompanied by Su Yan’s growth, and it is natural to say no to him.

Now Su Yan found that immortality, a new life begins!

It is the road of immortality.

Even a road that can make the essence of life change, this is the strongest road to the original treasure!

The body is like the universe, it is too difficult to understand, no one dares to say, really understand the universe.

Who can say that his body can really compete with the vital signs of the universe?

But now, in the supreme uprising promoted by the blood, he saw the evolution of the Xuanhuang universe and saw the evolution of life. It is known that this is the life of the universe.

If you realize it, this pair of people’s practice is very natural!

Immortality, the essence of life can be transformed. Nowadays, the universe's dense-grained map that he realized is covered on the human body. The stimulating Su Yan meat shell shines, and the initial force of all things flows directly into the state of the universe like the universe!

"I am the universe!"

Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, his flesh and blood are shining, the flesh and body sprinkle a piece of Shenhui, this picture is like a galaxy falling for nine days, extraordinarily spectacular!

For a time, Su Yan's temperament is too sacred, like the king of the king sitting in the nine heavens, the most powerful life!

He is equated with the implementation of a small evolution of the universe, aimed at his own body.

Su Yan's entire flesh is splendid. He sees through the essence of his life, can evolve, and can complete the previous deficiencies!

"I want to be stronger again!"

Su Yan is excited, the body is evolving, shining, and the process is hard to burn, but he knows that this treasure excavates deeper energy matter, which is equal to the essence of evolutionary life.

What a terrible opportunity this is!

Are there any immortals that have passed through hundreds of millions of years? Su Yan believes that he will take this road to the depths, and he will inevitably dig out extremely horrible physical treasures. Even in the practice of immortality, it will naturally be even more terrible!


Su Yan’s flesh roared, and the pores blew out the blood, one after another, as if Wang Yang was breaking the bank.

The rolling waves crashed into the air, and the endless explosion began. During the process, his flesh and blood glowed, the blood screamed, and the sound of the flutter in the flesh!

This picture is somewhat similar to the reincarnation. The flesh begins to mutate, and the soul of Su Yan is excited to tremble. This is the evolution of the essence of life.

For example, a broken can, which has been remodeled by a master, will be perfect!

And Su Yan is in an immortal world. No one has pointed out that he has practiced himself. Everything depends on himself to explore. Now he has the secret of the evolution of Xuanhuang, and he has begun to perfect the flesh. Every breath has passed, his breath has enhanced!


In the original source space, it also began to fall down, one after another, the source energy of the universe, running through the body of Su Yan, nourishing the evolutionary energy he needed!

Su Yan's qi and blood is booming, and the vitality is exalted. Like the magnificent mountains and rivers, it is enough to swallow the sun and the moon!

His blood is too strong, you can say metamorphosis!

The pores are all drilled into the blood and the dragon, and the head rushes to the top of the sky, and the full length of the nine hundred and ninety-one is full of dragons.

"Break again!"

Su Yan is a big man, the body is full of light, just like the universe is turning, the violent blood and light curtains, drowning the whole time and space!

Powerful, so abnormal.

His life is too strong, such as the ancient dragon, proud of the heavens and the earth, the oppressed space is distorted, it is difficult to carry his explosive level!

However, this is only the beginning. His body is full of the original meaning of the things, growing up, nourishing all things, nourishing the immortal material!

Su Yan, like a dragon, swallows and absorbs the source energy of the world, prompting the treasure to begin to produce more immortal matter!

Mature the battle body and develop immortal material!

The stronger the battle, the more immortal substances you develop. Su Yan is now entering this state, and all this is a matter of course!

"How come this kid hasn't come yet...."

In the battlefield, the four strong players joined forces to resist Xian Huiyu.

Baocai screams, the blood-stained body passes the dragon's voice, and the fierce light rolls.

It couldn't hold it anymore, and the skin that was hit was open, and the huge head had a palm print, almost crushing its head!

The state of the West Buddha is also not good. There are many palm prints on the body of Zhang Liujin. The golden body is bombarded with bangs. His mouth and nose are bleeding, and the body will collapse at any time!

Fortunately, the meat of the four Buddhas is hard and hard to survive, otherwise it will be directly blown by Xian Huiyu!


The old lord roared, the iron skeleton, pushed the 36 avenues of the fairy tales, and evolved Dengxian Road. In this short period of time, he had the power of true fairy and attacked Xianhuiyu!


The four strong, when the East Devil's fighting posture is the most violent, black and black smashing, the edge of the vent, the smashing can crack the time and space, 劈斩仙惠宇.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, the East Devil has been in a state of full prosperity, and its fighting power is superb. They have burned a powerful source of life and attacked Xiang Huiyu!

"Four miscellaneous fish, I see how long you can hold!"

Xian Huiyu was so angry that she did not expect that they could stop herself for so long. Her jade palm hit the black scorpion, and the shock trembled, and the Eastern konjac retreated!

But they are four, not afraid of life and death, completely used to fill major defects!

The top four battles were blood-stained, the blood of the blood broke out, and the unyielding screams were made. They all fought to aging, and they must not step back half a step!


Between the crashes, Xian Huiyu is cold and cold, and her palms are glowing, and a real phoenix is ​​drilled out.

A true phoenix, like the living supreme creature, the roots and feathers are glaring, the human soul must be cut, and the old leader is rushed to it!


The void was blasted, and Xian Huiyu was mad, and the mystery of the fairy tales broke out.

Really like the birth of the true lord, the haunting of the immortal order, burning with fire, swooping, the vision is too horrible, just like to swallow an immortal!

The old lord used the strongest force to block the true phoenix that came from the cull. The whole person was integrated with the thirty-six celestial beads that evolved into the fairy road!


A loud bang exploded, the void was broken, and the blood was red.


The old leader had a big mouth hemoptysis, his body was crushed, and thirty-six avenues were scattered.

His hair was scattered, and there were two scars on his chest. The internal organs could be seen clearly, and even the terrible power eroded his body. The secret technique left a terrible wound on his body.

Just a blow, almost the old leader will be shocked to death, the true state of the state is smashed, the breath is greatly reduced!

"This treasure is tough, but can you play a little bit of strength?!"

Xian Huiyu sneered, once again transforming the power of true phoenix and killing the old leader.

No one can stop her from targeting the old leader. Even though they are strong in the East Devil, they are not the immortals, they can only block her footsteps, but they can't stop the evolutionary sacredness that she evolved!

The real phoenix is ​​empty, the wings are soaring, a pounce, the pressure of the people can’t breathe, and they must live and tear the old leader!

Between the crashes, no fierce eruption, the Scorpio has been torn!


Baocai issued a fierce giant, like a dragon roaring, shaking the world!

Baoji's blood-stained body, in an instant golden sky, it rushed in the void, swooping.

In the process, the atmosphere of Baocai is constantly changing and growing, so that its claws are like the resurrection of dragon claws, cracking the sky, fierce and ten thousand feet!


Baocai eventually rushed, and the exquisite spirits were combined into a dragon, accompanied by a strong prehistoric atmosphere, crushed!

Xian Tairan was shocked, and saw a treasure of a treasure, like an eagle catching a chicken, holding down the real phoenix!

This is the gap, the gap above the magical powers. Although Baocai is immortal, it has the release of Jiulong energy in its body, and the real dragon claws evolved, which contains a vaguely fabulous fairy!

They are full of tears in Kowloon, this is one of the nine old masters!

Baocai 闯 闯 龙 龙 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九

"The most powerful supernatural power in prehistoric times, the real dragon in the mystery of Zulong!"

The words of Xian Tairan are somewhat trembled. This is the secret of killing and cutting the secrets. After nine major studies, integration, it can be called Zulong secret!

The real dragon is not terrible. The amazing thing is that Xian Tairan finds out that the state of Baocai seems to be somewhat similar to the complete Zulong mystery.

Only its state, it is impossible to erupt the strongest real dragon secret!

Just a trick, almost exhausted the power of the treasure of Kowloon, but it also successfully broke the killing of the great Hui Yu.


Xian Huiyu was also shocked, is it the most powerful magical power in history!

The initial force, one gasification Sanqing, Zulong secret technique, three great magical powers, this is already the super treasure of the Xuanhuang universe!


The next moment she screamed, because the black magic of the East Devil, lying on her back!

Let her body of the immortality be tenacious, and even have the order of the immortal order, and it was also smashed by a **** mark. She almost fell to the ground!

"You guys have mixed things, and you still want to let you die. It seems that now you are pushing me to pull the weeds!"

Xianhui was angered, and the whole rushed out of the heavenly fairy, and evolved out of the glory of the glory, sweeping the four strong!

The West Buddha and the East Devil can barely survive.

However, the old leader and Baocai were hit hard. At the moment when Xianhui did not wipe out the light, the two strong screams, and felt that they were going to burn, and they became ruined, and they did not want to live!

"It hurts too!"

Baocai screams and will die. Under the madness of the immortals, they are hard to match. After all, the power of Xianhui is not comparable to the three major ones.

The sound of pain echoed between heaven and earth, as if it had spread to the roots of the source.

In this grand space and time, the infinite source of energy hangs down and runs through a figure.

Massive source energy into the body, Su Yan's breath is more and more vast, and his back is a heavy and then immortal light.

Every light that is immortal is like a cloud of heaven.

Five consecutive explosions, drowning the entire time and space!

"Break again!"

Su Yan screamed, flesh and blood, suddenly broke out the sixth heavy immortal tide, prompting his breath to horrify a lot!

Even the six immortal light has a degree of bombardment against the immortal seven heavens!

Now Su Yan’s cultivation realm is the perfection of the six-year-old world!

His combat power has risen too much, and even the massive amount of immortal material in the body has exceeded Xian Hongde.

What is the concept? The essence of this life is perfect, and it is the foundation for Su Yan!

(Today's plus, will be updated at noon and evening

In addition, I went out to buy food in the morning, and the update was late, sorry everyone. )

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